How funny, Kate and Leopold is showing on TNT right now... and I think it was exactly 5 years ago when I saw it in the theater. 5 years?! Oh my gosh... But it was GO WEST. I was watching it with Kathy just to kill time before going back and spending the night at the Glendale YMCA. Oh my gosh, it WAS exactly years ago to this day because the next day we were off to Pasadena where we made puppets with Beth at the community center, spent a freezing night with the rest of CKI (I think this is the 2nd year where Joe and I swore we would NEVER camp out again) and then it was NEW YEARS!! If I recall correctly, later New Year's day, that night, a bunch of us drove to Vegas and spent the night in Mondo's van at the Caesar's Palace parking structure.
This was also the New Years with yellow pants guy and the flowers which as awkward as it was, still ranks high on my "Most Romantic Moments". I don't know if that's really sad or really cute. Its funny because I remember thinking after I watched the movie "Why doesn't anything romantic like that happen to me!" and then it happened and I was mortified. Silly silly girl. :)
Ahhh memories. Those were some good times.
Thanks TNT for giving me the warm fuzzies!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
You've made an impression on me...
Posted by
11:30 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
How do you face your problem when your problem is yo face?
Has anyone seen that commerical? I think its for like Proactive or some other skin care treatment, but Sonny and I were watching TV the other day and we heard that line and thought "OUCH!" That would totally suck if that was a problem...
Which in a way is sorta because I'm breaking out skin-wise. I also have a slight abdominal pain on my left side (not my right which is good because according to WebMD, that would be an appendicitis! Thank you WebMD and your ability to quell my fears of sudden death) which I'm attributing to stress. Stupid stress. I think its because of work... but I'm not loosing hair just yet so I'm saying my level is at a 4 which is completley do-able.
On the bright side, today is my weekend. This single, lonely, day. One, uno, day. And since I haven't slept a lot, I did sleep in this morning and now this single day isn't as long because I didn't claim it throughly. Boo. It could be worse though. I could have a chain saw murderer right outside my door waiting to hack me up. That's TOTALLY worse.
Anyways, 2 am on Wednesday night, I was at the gas station and had the following conversation with a random trucker. Ok. Before you scold me on 1) getting gas by myself at 2 am 2) talking to random strangers 3) talking to random strangers at a gas station at 2am... wait a second. I'm sorry. That really was stupid of me to do. For all we know, he COULD be a chain saw murderer and have to admit, just a little creepy.
Creepy Possible Chainsaw Murdering Trucker: Hi there.
Me: Hi
CPCMT: How are you doing tonight?
Me: I'm ok.
CPCMT: That's good. As for me I'm really tired. Its been a long day and I'm eager to get home...
Me: Me too....
*gas is done pumping*
CPCMT: You're done huh.
Me: Yeep. Have a good night!
CPCMT: You too! Nice seeing you...
*Gasp!* What? Huh? Nice seeing me? Scary.
Perhaps I just need to get get over myself . :)
Posted by
1:06 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Love me love me... Say that you love me.
It was a long day today and once again... the bed is beckoning. But I'm defying it and staying up a little bit more and enjoying some cider. Sweet delicious cider... you're just like apple juice. Just warmer.
When I got home just now, I found a Christmas card on the table addressed to me. Oooey gooey goodness filled my heart and I teared into the envelope. It was from Philly. Phil is probaby one of those people whom I can honesty say is kindred spirit and whom I completely love. :) But seeing the card made me miss him even more so than ever... its funny because when someone is out of your life you don't really think about them except for the occasional few moments where you think "Oh... ____ would really enjoy that" or "I totally remember that one time and we just laughed and laughed" but when you hear from them, you realize how much you DO miss them and how perhaps you took those everyday encounters for granted. Or you miss the fact that that person used to be just a phone call away. Or an IM. Or down the hill, down the street, and up the hill. Easy stuff like that.
Then you grow up. Possibly grow apart. The phrase "grow apart" depresses me because it sounds cold. In a way it is. Somtimes you stop making the effort to stay together. To keep that friendship going. And no matter what the cause of it is... sometimes its just meant to be and it's a little bit more than sad. Its pretty heartbreaking.
I do consider myself blessed because while I have "grown up" and in some cases "grown apart" from people, I have aquired a good group of friends throughout the years. And while we're all "adults" now, somehow we all make time for each other, and when we do see each other, it's like time never passed. And funny enough, minus the school and worries of grades... its all the same issues and dramas. You think that when you get older, things will be better. That's so cute.
Anyways, where am I going with this? Nowhere really. Just that I am super grateful for everyone in my life. We're nearing the end of the year usually its a time of reflection. 2006 has had its ups and downs and I can honestly say that I'm a bit stronger than I was last year. And I couldn't have gotten by without my friends and my family.
On completely unrelated topic, I've had a lot of sugar today. Holiday time in the office means everyone brings candy and cookies and cakes and fudge... which makes everyone just a bit more hyper and spazzier. And we still have a lot of stuff here at home. Baklava, cheesecake and pie (oh my!). So if you want some (sweets... perve.) Come on over. Its all a bit obscene.
Posted by
1:48 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Baby... you sure did treat me nice.
Great thing about the holidays... Music on the radio. I'm not talking about the Christmas songs, I'm talking about the mixes. Currently Power 106 is having their Merry Mix-mas and let me tell you, everytime I get into my car its like a club. I'm dancing, I'm thrashing my hair around, I'm happy and I'm really REALLY enjoying the Ying Yang Twins and loud obnoxious booty gansta music. And it's for the next couple of days! Merry Christmas indeed!
*Bend over girl show me what you're working with*
Nothing has been this good since the Cali-caliente mix of '99.
You know you remember it.
Anyways, hope everyone's Christmas has been lovely. Sure I'm slightly sleep deprived, but in the end, its been worth it. ;)
Posted by
11:24 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
In your face FLAY!!! IN YOUR FACE!!
I recorded the Iron Chef America tonight because 1) The battle is between Rachel Ray and Giada De Laurentiis 2) Assisting them is Bobby Flay and Mr Shants, Mario Batali 3) Hilarity will ensue. I'm not a big fan of Rachel Ray... but I'm cheering her on because she has Mr. Shants Batali on her side and lets face it, Flay is still an asshat. The secret ingredient tonight is cranberry... and can I tell you that my heart fluttered a bit when the judge looked at his cranberry tamale and called it "stuffing".
Little things make me happy.
OoOoo Ewan McGregor is on Conan. Now I'm SUPER happy because he's deliciously dreamy.
Posted by
11:52 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
And then…and then suddenly she’s not your ho no mo’
Its offical. I am running out of time to Christmas shop. I don't know if its just that I'm busy with work... or nevermind. It's work. It's always work. :) I'm not complaining, but when I try to get away from it, it seems to suck me back in.
It could be worse. I could be a crack whore. Then work would REALLY REALLY suck because really, what does a crack whore do? I don't want to know. It's probably bad and/or involve needles.
But I'd bet crack whores would get Christmas off. Crack whores would get to go to midnight mass with their crack whore families and open crack whore gifts and sing some crack whore christmas carols...
Anyways, life hasn't been all work. I've been sick too! HA! But seriously folks (seriously), it's been a good past couple of days and I predict a good holiday despite that whole *work* thing. This past weekend a couple of my coworkers and myself had good reason to get dolled up because our darling Diana had gotten married. :) She was gorgeous and though it rained a little, everything was perfect. Comedic highlight of the night was when she threw her bouquet into the chandelier... in all the weddings I have gone to, that was definitely a first. :) Also I was lucky to have Mondo with me who didn't ditch me on the dancefloor to watch Fantasmic. :) THANKS MONDO! (BTW. We went clubbing in Florida too if you don't remember. Told you. You're a liar.)
Not to mention, I got to enjoy the tailend of a little holiday party here at the house (extremely tailend... everyone was leaving!) and had a little shopping night with Carlene and Sonny before the wedding where to be honest, I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done. (Yay for discounts!) And really, who can beat a morning where you get to have the most delicious cheese apple danish AND play hide and go seek with an adorable cutie inside a Target like I did this morning.
What more can a girl ask for!?!
Other than crack whore working hours and world peace of course...
Posted by
12:58 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
"Brett Brett... Brett Brett..."
Once again, I ought to be sleeping... but I'm not. Addiction or sheer madness? Don't answer that... more than likely I won't like the outcome.
I was shopping today and at one point I got extremely frustrated because 1) I was in line 2) I had 8 dozen roses in my car needing to get in water 3) I needed extra floral tape and ribbon and figured Michael's would be the best place to go... but they didn't have a lot of things I needed 4) the woman in front of me was EXTREMELY slow. I kid you not. She proceeded to show the clerk every item she was getting and explained to him what she was going to do with it.. as well as pondered if the icing she was getting would have a tip small enough to be perfect for Rudolph's nose, but in the end it was too big. She also inquired how much the gift wrapping paper cutter was... and as I mentally rolled my eyes at that question, I looked to my left and noticed that it sitting right in the aisle corner and was $1. AAACCCKKK! AND SHE PAID WITH A CHECK!! Who pays with a check!?! They still make checks?
:) Happy place. I truly am in my happy place.
Actually there was one moment while in the Michael's that made me smile... a little girl as tall as my thigh screaming into a toy cellphone "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING!?!" If that isn't adorable and terrifying at the same time... I don't know what is.
I then went to Sephora and got makeup advice from a straight man who worked there. A straight man who was awfully attractive... I couldn't concentrate and when he said that he liked my lips... I blushed a little. I hate it when the hot straight men make me nervous.
Story of my life...
Posted by
2:30 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I need an old priest and a young priest...
"If you were a chip... you'd be sour cream and onion... I'd be cool ranch."
"Aw, I don't want to be sour cream and onion!"
"Its one of my favorites... that's why its you."
Did you hear that? That was the sound of my heart "thump-thumping..." And since I'm already asking you questions... do you ever feel that when you have a cold it's like the endless task of trying to expell demons out of your chest? Because goodness knows that's how I'm feeling right now...
See. Demons.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Africa ain't just a place that gave us Bob Marley
Let me tell you there's nothing better than driving at night, in the rain, with some good music accompanying you. The car's all cozy and warm, the lights just reflects off the ground and the whole world is shiny... and there you are with Getz and everything just seems perfect. Actually, there's a lot of things better than that... but when you're in the moment, nothing beats that...
Like nothing beats fireworks...
There's nothing better than dancing provocatively in a doorway with your best girlfriends...
Nothing better than chocolate fondue.
Ok... I lie... There's seriously nothing better than chocolate fondue. I cry when I think about it.... I also salivate a little...
A lot of things make me happy I guess... :)
Posted by
9:26 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
One day we'll find it, the ainbow-ray onnection-cay.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Today since I was feeling a whole lot better, I was able to get out of bed and into the courthouse so that I can turn in my traffic school papers. But while at the window, there was a man next to me who I assume was having problem with whatever his felony was and started getting more and more agitated by the minute. Let me tell you, people getting yell-y and piss-y makes me nervous. I get nervous at work whenever I have to talk to an angry guest because I always imagine that they'll get really violent and hit me. Or bust out with a gun and kill me. Or just yell really really loud and some of their spit will get on me. Ew. I don't like yellers.
Anyways, so the guy was yelling and punching counters and I sure didn't want to be a victim of being in the "wrong place at the wrong time" so I shoved the certificate under the window and screamed "DISSMISS IT ALREADY!!" and ran. Then I went shopping. Nothing like shoes to make me forget the trauma almost getting shot (if it got to that point). Yay!!
Hold up a sec. I'm watching last friday's Battlestar and can we say that their form of dancing isn't futuristic at all? Really. But it does seem that in most Sci-fi shows, dancing in the future always seems like some sort of square dance or dancing in circles with skipping and a country folk itune. You'd think that with the trend of how dancing is now, it would be 10 times more raunchy and fracky. Just a thought.
Oh crap. I didn't see that happening. Poor Apollo.
You can do better buddy. You can totally do better. Cept I'm not feeling that Dee chick very much.
Oh what.... this is confusing...
And now I'm coughing. Look at what all this excitment has done to me.
Tama na. :)
Posted by
8:19 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Could you coo... could you care?
"Hi! How are you doing today?"
"I'm spiffy... thanks!"
"Oh wow... 'spiffy'. I haven't heard that in a long time..."
"Oh yeah? I'm bringing it back...""You're bringing 'spiffy' back?"
I'm in love I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! :) Actually I'm not, though my heart does quicken to clever word play.
Its funny, but for the first time in a while I'm "crushless." Granted I'm 26 years old and crushes seem to be synonymous with schoolgirls, but what can you do. I guess you can say I'm always learning. A part of me really thinks "Good for you." It's the proactive feminist shoulder angel that cheers when I open my own doors and constantly reminds me that I have a lot on my plate at the moment and that I certainly don't need any more complications. But the girly, romantic, abudantly silly shoulder angel makes me miss the ecstasy and the agony of the "crush". The eagerness you have to see someone if only for 2 minutes... and later replaying the entire encounter in your mind and hoping you didn't reveal too much or even too little. Calling your girlfriends and giggling because he said "hi" and wondering if that "hi" meant "hi" or "hi... take me."
See. Silly. The thing I miss is the optimism you have when you have a crush. One interaction can chage your day and sometimes, you really can't help but smile from that simple "hi".
I guess deep down inside I miss being "lame." :)
Last night was the holiday party and can I tell you that the best part of the night was Joe and I reveling in the fact that we had cheap churros?
"$2 churros? Oh my gosh!"
"I can eat BOTH ends!"
If that isn't sheer happiness....
Who needs crushes when you can have cheap churros. :)
Posted by
1:26 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Crazy. Crazy for feeling so lonley....
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I dreamt that I was at my old house in San Dimas and playing Patsy Cline's "Crazy" on the piano... when Willie Nelson comes along and plays and asks me to sing the song. So after each verse he scrambles around the room and accompanies me with a different instrument... first the piano, then the citar (who remembers that thing!!), then the conga drum, then he goes to the guitar case and strums along with the acoustic guitar.
... and all the while I'm completely amazed cause I'm thinking "I can't believe he knows his way around here. He has really GREAT senses for a blind guy..."
... then I realize that its Willie Nelson and he isn't blind.
I really do hate it when I'm stupid in my dreams.
Posted by
11:41 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I hate you so much it makes my heart flutter.
"I'm tired! I was ready to go an hour and a half ago but you didn't want to go! You wanted to watch your DVD..."
"But now we're going. Just come!"
"UGH! You're so irritating! I'm sleepy!"
"Just come on already! We're going now."
"Go already!""Come on. Come!"
I don't know how I lost this fight... I relive it in my mind, but somehow it doesn't make sense.
But in the end, it isn't such a bad thing to lose.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Thursday, November 30, 2006
To the left. To the left.
"I had a french dip. Its a dip and its french."
"The dip! I put your hand up on my hip. When you dip I dip we dip?"
"Yes. But its french."
"So its with tongue?"
"No. That's the tootsie roll."
If you get it... I just might love you.
Well, it's my off day and I'm spending it in front of the computer (hence all the writing). I have traffic school I need to complete and thanks to the wonders of technology, I can do it online. Yipee skippy kids. Yippee skippy. I'm assuming that whoever came up with the idea kept in mind that while online traffic school is pretty convenient, it's gosh darn boring and every so often I'll come accross some tidbit of information that seems not too "professional" if you will. For example...
Parking can be as dangerous as driving if you're not careful. For example, if you're parked improperly on a hill, and your brakes give out, your car could drive off by itself, becoming a runaway missile on an unmanned mission of destruction.
If you can't avoid an accident, do your best to protect yourself. Did you know the Author's eye color is green.
No I didn't! Do you know that I think you're mentally attractive and possibly even dreamy depending on the fact that you may or may not be a creepy/scary/fugly/perverted/murdering/old man? Its like I'm having a friend is helping me out. THANKS HOMIE!
I'm just grateful I don't have to watch "Red Asphault 2". That would definitely put a damper on my day.
*Update: I finished in 4 hours. Kick ass! God bless the Kirk. God bless the internet... sorta. I mean, there are some questionable stuff I have issues with. But overall... yeah. Bless it good. :)
Posted by
11:27 PM
Its funny how you can look back at your horoscope and go "oh crap. That did happen." Because in my case it does quite often.
For example, yesterday's reading:
Your crackling energy takes a turn for the mellow and sweet early on in the day. Enjoy it to the fullest. Later on, you find an unexpected reservoir of power that propels you into tackling the next big thing.
Can I get a "AN HOW" to the power? Its funny when you think about it, everything changes your life. Waking up at 9am as opposed to 10am- your day could have been different already but you don't realize it. Flashback to yesterday, something happened that caused my heart to stop and my stomach to drop. I won't divulge into the dirty details because airing dirty laundry is tacky and well... I don't do tacky. But this really changed my life. It changed my mentality on how I look at things and made me realize that it happening right now was probably the best timing I could ask for.
Cryptic enough for you?
:) Don't fret my darlings. Life is good. Plus my horoscope for today is very promising because most of it makes sense already.
The main thing you need to do today, nicole, is just relax and enjoy your day! You may have a trip coming up that doesn't exactly thrill you, because you may be feeling a bit under the weather. Stay alert, for you may be receiving an important message today via fax, email or telephone from someone far away. You may also have a visitor arriving from out of town.
I know the visitor already. I'm chatting with Petey at the moment, so maybe he'll tell me that I need to save the cheerleader in order to save the world. And while I'm not quite too sure as to what the trip will be, goodness knows I need to get away so... so be it.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hi love. I'm still alive.
Its not that I've forgotten you. Though I really have no "offical" reason why I haven't been here in a while. It's a culimation of stuff I guess... the feeling of "I have no idea what to write" to "There's no need to be bitchy in such a public forum" to "No one wants to hear your sob story" to "Eh. I'm lazy and my fingers don't feel like typing".
I pinky swear I'll be better.
I know I know. A possible empty promise, but I'll try. Honest.
Posted by
9:17 AM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Going to the chapel...
So today, there was a couple out front who was asking for me, and from the sound of it, they made the impression that they actually KNEW who I was. Odd thing was that when I looked up the name, I had no clue whatsoever who they were.
Of course, I'm hesitant to go out. What if they're crazy stalkers finally making their move? What if they're friends of crazy stalkers who are having them finally make their move? What if they were bought by crazy stalkers and paid to finally make their move?
Either situation, it doesn't sound all too pleasant in my book.
Anyways, so I go out and immediately, the husband grabs my hand and says "I'm so glad to finally meet you!"
I smile and respond sweetly "Its nice to meet you too" but secretly thinking "are you gonna make your move now stalker??"
The wife then hands me a card with "NICOLE" prettily written on the cover with flowers and hearts and says "Here you go... congratulations on getting married!!"
Oh. Woah. Married?
(cue in Long Duck Dong yelling "MAARRRIIIIEEEED?)*
I looked down at my hand. No ring. Just silent awkwardness.
"Oh... I think you got the wrong Nicole" I replied. "Although I would like to get married some day... I'm not quite there yet... ha ha"
What's funny was that in my mind I was thinking "RUB IT IN B*TCHES!! RUB IT IN!!*
So yeah. In the end, they were looking for the Nicole who booked their trip (Not me) and whom they totally fell in love with (Once again not me) and who herself is in love and had gotten married (Yep. Definitely not me.) But I was able to make myself somewhat loveable and tracked down the real Nicole for them and of course... they all lived happily ever after.
Isn't that totally great?
**if you got the Long Duck Dong joke... I just might love you. Wanna get married? Actually no. My mom would kill me. But she's all for living in sin. *wink wink*
Posted by
1:42 AM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Cleaning out my heart
Last night after dinner, I recieved a frantic call from my sister saying that the upstairs bathroom had flooded somehow and now the entire upstairs was wet as well as the garage underneath it since everything had seeped through. So I raced upstairs and while the damage was minimal, there was a lot of cleaning ahead.
Fast forward to this morning-
I'm in the garage with Carlene and SOnny and we're cleaning and organizing. The thing about "cleaning and organizing" is that you're bound to find something that you haven't seen in ages. And while I feel like we always seems to organize that damn garage every year... there's always rediscovered treasure. For example- I found an old scrapbook that I slaved over in high school which was basically about LOVE. I was silly and idealistic and overly romantic back then and the proof are definitely in the pages. Another find was a box full of tapes that my mom had recorded of Carlene and I just singing and talking to her at ages 2 and 3. Once again, I was silly and idealistic and overly romantic... and the proof is definitely on the tapes. :)
The garage is now clean and now I've started on my room. I'm not finding ancient gold, but I did come one note that I vividly recall my heart fluttering over when I found it on my car. Seeing it made me smile and just a little bit sad but at least I'll always remember that that person made my heart flutter. And you can't regret that. I also found old letters and cards from friends, some of which I still keep in touch with, and of course some of which I have no clue as to where their life has taken them now... but it was lovely to find them none the less because every note represented a stage in my life.
While in the garaged, we joked about different "us." For example- High school Sonny had the long "asain" bangs (if you know what I'm talking about, Whoot there it is.) and we was really into WuTang. Freshman High school Carlene wore extra dark lipliner and can kick your ass. High school Nicole was silly, idealistic and... well you get the picture. She also had a thing for watching Sailor Moon at 7am. Then there was crazy wedding decorator Nicole who would have headaches from the heat and the paint fumes and yet, still enjoy every moment of it because of the folks who surronded her. We're not gonna even start on Disney Nicole because well, that started way before she even started working there.
Just thinking and typing.
All in all, I'm curious as to what this next stage is going to be. I hope she has a great time.
In the meantime, back to cleaning.
Posted by
12:24 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
All I do is dream of you...
The other night, I dreamt that I was taking a shower in a house I've never been into before. The shower itself had a window that went from your shoulders up... so basically you can see the backyard. So am I'm taking this shower, it looks like there's a storm outside and little by little the house starts to fall apart. Like leaves fly off the roof, then the gutter splits away and there's mud and green debris just raining everywhere. And yet, I don't panic. I'm still taking this shower.
Odd don't you think?
It was very vivid and its very rare that I remember what happens, do I decided to look into what it means...
And according to this is what I got on certain keywords
To dream that you are taking a shower in clear, fresh water, denotes spiritual or physical renewal or the need to wash a burden out of your life. It is also symbolic of forgiveness.
To dream of blowing winds, symbolizes your life force, energy, and vigor. It reflects changes in your life.
To dream of strong or gusty winds, represents turmoil and trouble for you. You are experiencing much stress in some waking situation.
To see brown or withered leaves in your dream, signifies fallen hopes, despair, and loss.
To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.
To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance.
Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. Green is also symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence.
So in a nutshell... I'm stressed out, depressed, and yet... hopeful.
I guess it makes sense.
The other night, I recieved an email from a friend and just hearing from him was defined as my "moment of the day." You know how there are certain people who you absolutely need to keep in your life... no matter what? How you're just so grateful to have your paths cross right at this moment in time... and every little sweet, cheesy, cliche about life and love and chapters and pages in books and imprints on hearts can be applied to them? Exactly.
I guess I'm just damn lucky to be surrounded by so many of these damn people.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I went to Life Plaza tonight to gawk at all the cuteness. Nothing makes me happier than tangible cuteness. Puppies. Kitties. Pink japanese notebooks with pictures of smiling waffles and little sayings such as "Dreams are what blessings sing." It all makes me smile. My loot today was star making paper and a box of strawberry pocky. How I heart strawberry pocky.
When I first walked into the store, there was a couple that was blocking the aisle I wanted to go through, so I politely said "Excuse me." The girl took her hand and SHOVED the guy to the side. Like hard. Borderline abusive I'm telling you. It was extremely awkward and for a moment I thought about just walking around them and going another way. But pens and stationary were beckoning... so out of my way sucka. I want my stickers.
Speaking off cute, we also went to Red Mango where I got a mango/peach slush that tasted like I had just licked a Sanrio store... it was sweet and lovely.
Posted by
1:54 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Throwdown bitches
Does anyone else think that the Bobby Flay show "THROWDOWN" on the food network is just a little bit unfair? I mean, there you are a regular chef and here comes Bobby Flay, challenging you to a cook-off. This famous, world renowed chef wants to know if you are better than him. Just a little bit cocky don't you think? Its one thing on Iron Chef when people want to challenge you Bobby Flay, but to go up to people on the street and say "I can make a better sandwich than you" is pretty arrogant. Of course you can... You're Bobby Flay! Mine would have Mayo. Yours would have some lemon, pesto, corn chips, sweet savory onion deal going on.... and if you didn't, I'd be disappointed.
* For some odd reason, I truly dislike Bobby Flay. There's something about him I just don't like. But his food is out of his world. Like really good. Like so good you could cry. Its THAT good. I kid you not. And I hate that I have to admit that. And thats another reason why I don't like him... how can something so good come from something so... annoying. Sure he has good reson to be "cocky" but really... you don't see me challenging anyone to a dance off because really, that would downright criminal.
Oh, if you get the corn chip reference, I just might love you.
Posted by
2:05 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Sometimes, its all that you dream. Then sometimes, you can't seem to breath and you don't exactly know what to do. I know God wouldn't give me anything I can't handle, but sometimes you just want to scream "What the hell... Can we just fast forward to the part where it doesn't hurt so much?"
Posted by
10:48 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
Rainbows and butterflies
Today when I got into my car, a butterfly followed and fluttered around inside. For a moment I thought "Wow, this is something you don't see everything... this is pretty amazing!" and if I had my camera, I would have tried to capture it on film (or memory. Go technology, although I do miss the feeling and sound of film "clicking" in my SLR) but then it got really close to me and I sorta freaked out. Not that I thought it was going to kill me (because really... I don't think it could do that) but more like that it could bite me or I might wave it away and I might break one of its wings and then it will fall to the ground... and since I'm finniky about picking it up (for fear that it may bite me), it will stay on the ground of my car and bake in the heat. And that would truly be tragic.
Luckily it only fluttered around for a minute and exited out my door. I guess it just wanted to see how it was from the inside.
Silly butterfly, the grass is always greener....
Posted by
12:47 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Its *not* Gonna Be Me
Once upon a time... about 6 years ago, there was a silly girl who blogged. She wrote about everything underneath the sun... life, family, friends, her hatred for a 1998 Volkswagen beetle (boo to you!), her dogs, and of course, this seemingly little crush on Lance Bass and the boys of N'SYNC. Given the light of today's news, I'd like to share with you some of that silliness.
December 18 2000
ooooooOO... i got my first christmas gift on friday too.. guess what it was!?!? it was a LANCE puppet doll!! its sooo cute and i took it out of the box and i can make it dance! (somewhat... more like jump up and down and make it walk like a retard!) its soo wickedly cool.. but last night it kinda scared me cause my light was making some weird noise.... and i thought that my puppet came to life and was making the noise... i dunno.. i couldnt sleep for a while.
January 15, 2001
carlene says my Lance puppet is fat and the strings will soon break cause he is so fat. i told her that joey is unpopular... and thats why you can only find a bunch of joey and chris stuff. next thing you know they are going to have "buy one JC, JUSTIN, LANCE product,.. get CHRIS OR JOEY for FREE" sales. she got mad at me for that... but hey... she said lance was fat so she had it coming.
July 25, 2001
YEE HAW!! I LOVE NSYNC!! I LOVE LANCE!! He's such a cutie... *sigh* Mrs. Lansten Bass? Mrs. Nicole Bass? Well, its alright... not necessarily better than what it is right now but if I'm happily married, I'll take any name that comes my way.
Well, I'm jotting this on back of an NSYNC ROCKS MY WORLD sign in the parking lot/golf course behind the Rose Bowl because concert just ended and traffic sucks. I think I have spent over 6 hours in Keri's car today and the concert was only 2 hours long! The Rosebowl is an awful venue.. parking SUCKS, exiting the parking lot SUCKS cause theres only ONE main road and 20 thousand cars trying to get out..
July 30, 2001
Had a very interesting conversation with Pic today... damn lucky duck. But I cross my fingers and wish that some day, it will be me.
Pic: i called you on your cell
Me: hmmmm.... weird.. it hasnt rang or anything.. whats up?
Pic: i called you when i was right in front of lance
Me: OH SHUT UP!! oh my gosh..
Pic: i got to shake his hand!!!
At least he thought of me and my crush on Lance to call me when he was near him... :)
January 21, 2002
Oh speaking of geeky... did anyone see the Chili's "BABY BACK RIBS" commerical with Nsync singing?? OK... I was soooo excited to see my baby (Lance) sing AND to actually hear his deep *sexy* voice during his solos... but then... I realized... it was a really GAY commerical and that they totally sold out. So the whole experience was bittersweet I guess... I'll probably be elated to see it again but at the same time I'll bow my head in shame and embarassment.
March 30, 2003
Dear Lance,
I finally watched "ON THE LINE."
Its over.
P.S. Do you think its possible to hook me up with Justin? Thanks.
September 10, 2003
*Oh my broken heart...*
spaznik: im watching some old nsync videos...
spaznik: deep inside... i miss them.
jeanyah: they're coming back!
jeanyah: eventually
jeanyah: lance said so :-)
spaznik: hahahaha i sorta miss lance too.
spaznik: im such a fool jean!!
jeanyah: no.. it's okay
jeanyah: first loves die hard
spaznik: what will i do!?!
jeanyah: are you going to be okay?
spaznik: i think so...
spaznik: one day at a time right?
jeanyah: yes
jeanyah: step by step... just like the 'great ones' said before them
December 11, 2003
There was a time that when I listened to NSYNC's THE ONLY GIFT, I would smile and blush during Lance's solo. I'd imagine he was singing to me... that deep sexy voice was all for me.
What a nerd I was.
Let's flashforward to today...
July 26, 2006
*To Jean this morning*
spaznik: good thing I dumped him...
spaznik: cause then it would TOTALLY be awkward now...
spaznik: totally.
doubleup144: Sorry to break it to you...Lance Bass is Gay
CrAzYmondo: so.....your old crush Lance Bass huh? :-)
spaznik: gee thank mondo.
spaznik: RUB IT IN MY FACE!!
CrAzYmondo: :-D
CrAzYmondo: LOL!
CrAzYmondo: It's so funny!
CrAzYmondo: Just hearing that in the morning
CrAzYmondo: I was like "It's gonna be a good day"
:P to Petey and Mondo. Don't even get me started... I have archives and pictures. We'll save that for another day.
So yeah... its been an interesting day. Probably the best part was on my way to work, I was listening to "THIS I PROMISE YOU" and Jean called... and we just laughed the entire way in the car. I had tears in my eyes. Nothing like an old crush of yours coming out of the closet to make your day complete. :)
Posted by
11:39 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Slightly tense but well rested
Yay! Today is supposed to be my first day back to work after having a long delicious week of vacation... I guess I should go back, how else am I going to support that crack habit?
Anyways, overall Vegas was fun. Although I didn't do any hard drinking or dancing or gambling like what everyone would assume one would do in Vegas for one's birthday, what I did was spend some quality time with my friends, which was all I really wanted to do in the first place. :) So yay for that. Also YAY for probably one of the most delicious dinners I've had in a long time over at Mesa Grill @ Caesar's Palace. I had my hesitations at first because its the Bobby Flay restaurant and we all know that Bobby Flay comes off as a little cocky. I mean he JUMPED ON HIS CUTTING BOARD AFTER AN IRON CHEF BATTLE!?! Carlene and I joked that the main ingredient in his food would be corn chips... because in almost all of his Iron Chef battles, there's some sort of corn chip in it. But suprisingly enough, the food was REALLY good and there weren't any corn chips for be found. CRAZY huh.
OH and there was some really REALLY good shopping done in Prim. And how.
Really quickly, thank you to everyone who sent birthday texts, messages, emails, calls, hugs, and mental molestations. It really was a lovely weekend and to get all those little "somethings" really did mean a lot to me so yeah. I'm feeling all mushy and loved.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Can't stop smiling
I'm so totally smittened right now... its not even funny.
Actually, in a way, it IS funny. But I'm sure you know what I mean.
He makes my heart flutter.
Anyways, its been a GREAT week and this weekend should be lots and lots of fun seeing that its my birthday and I'm heading out to VEGAS BABY!
Of course, there are pros and cons to going to Vegas, but hey, its Vegas and I'll be spending it with a good handful of people whom I love. So YAY!
So how are you??
Posted by
11:23 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006
I didn't forget you
Really. I didn't. And you know, I was doing really well in April about updating this puppy... I promise I'll be better. Or at least try to be better.
But its been a really great couple of days. Really really great.
And that's all I can really say.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Dirty Little Secret
Have you ran into someone and thought to yourself...
It happened to me today and rather than swoon and revert to a 13 year old schoolgirl... I looked at him closely and there it was.
Then instant regret on the time you wasted trying to get to know that person. Then you were just annoyed at yourself because really... were you freaking blind? This guy is a moron!! And the time you DID spent together was mostly him talking about himself! So now when you run into him, you really have no reaction and you don't find him remotely funny or interesting because when you really think about it, he probably didn't possess those qualities in the first place.
Or perhaps, this a new form of ADD?
Posted by
11:08 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
What a crock!
After having it for sometime, we're finally christening the new CROCKPOT. For the entire day its been simmering and sweating up a storm... and let me tell you, my mom has been ansy pants ALL DAY. It started at 10am when I was driving to work and she called me to see if it had been plugged in...
Mom: Did Sonny plug it in?
Me: I don't know... I didn't go into the kitchen..
Mom: OH NO! What if he didn't.
Me: Well, its ok. I'll be home around 3.
Mom: That's not enough... IT NEEDS 8 HOURS!!
Me: 8!? I thought it was only 1!
Well, I got home early and lo and behold... it was plugged in and the house smells like meat. And we're not talking about the glade-plugin.
You'd think this is the first time we've ever used a crock-pot to slow simmer a meal before...
Oh wait. IT IS!
Posted by
7:17 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
Happiness is...
Having the day off, putting your feet up, listening to some good music, and just feeling the sun shine through the windows. Excuse me while I bask in the moment.
Posted by
5:14 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Although I had the day off today, I spent part of it with my co-workers bowling. YAY BOWLING! I had charged my camera up so that I can post pretty pictures of bright bowling balls and the tears of gutter balls... but alas, when I wanted to take a picture of Karen wearing an outfit that MATCHED HER BOWLING SHOES (like seriously, matched it to a tee... and that NEVER HAPPENS), my camera was not inside my purse like I had thought. Nope, it was still on my desk right here. Boo to that. But yay for bowling. :) It was a fun time and I managed to get 1 strike! 1! 1 is an achievement and most importantly, its better than 0! I'm not a pro, but I'm not a complete loser. I'm just somewhat lucky. WHOOHOO!
Anyways, after immersing myself with 6 straight episodes of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (love love love it!!) at Alan's yesterday, I raced home to watch THE AMAZING RACE... only to find that it wasn't on (they actually switched it to Wednesday nights at 8! what the... and how sad am I that the nerdy couple are gone... but I love the hippies. They had me the moment they put on their BOWLING MOM's tshirts.) so I started watching BLOW OUT. And let me tell you, I can't watch this show for less than a minute without screaming "I HATE THIS GUY" because seriously I totally can't stand Jonathan. Yes. He knows hair. He cuts hair. He's damn good at cutting hair. But, perhaps its the editing or maybe it just his real self, but I can't stand the guy. He comes off as a real self centered asshole. So I watch this trainwreck and find myself getting more and more irked by him... and I can't f*cking change the channel! Actually, I managed to change the channel around 8ish because I kept on screaming "I HATE THIS GUY" and Carlene questioned the fact as to why I was still watching him... but when Bravo showed the re-run again at 11... there I was screaming at the TV again and watching the entire episode. You know what makes this a little bit sad... its the fact that I've been screaming at this man for the last 3 seasons!! Argh. MORON!
Posted by
11:50 AM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Nobody puts baby in a corner...
I *heart* Jean.
jeanyah: this dude is like looking to fill the void left by his disneyland geeky ex-gf
jeanyah: sounds like a perfect spot for you
spaznik: are you calling me GEEKY!?!
jeanyah: he "fell out of the disney geek crowd"
jeanyah: ding ding ding!!
jeanyah: jk
spaznik: oh my gosh.. YOU ARE!
jeanyah: arggh!! that ding ding ding wasn't supposed to go with me calling you geeky
spaznik: wow. i see how it is.
jeanyah: the timing is all messed up!!!
spaznik: riiiiiigggghhht..
spaznik: it all comes out
spaznik: you think i'm GEEKY!
jeanyah: no..
jeanyah: not geeky
spaznik: ..
spaznik: ....
jeanyah: nerdy a little, maybe dorky - but in the good way!! you like that.. you wear a shirt that says "i heart nerds!"
jeanyah: doesn't mean a bad thing
jeanyah: i'm dorky
jeanyah: we're not geeky though
spaznik: ok.... tell it to MY TEARS!!!
jeanyah: so what status do you consider yourself among disney ranks
jeanyah: i just want to let this guy know
jeanyah: hahahahah
spaznik: um... i consider myself normal.
spaznik: there are some other HARDCORES out there..
jeanyah: you're not normal
jeanyah: you're at least intermediate hardcore
jeanyah: if not junior advanced hardcore
spaznik: DIG DIG DIG!!
I'm gonna take my GEEKY HARDCORE NERDY ASS to bed now. :P
I still *heart* Jean... and I'll accompany her and her man-friend to Disneyland anytime... Just don't expect me to sexy straddle any of them on the Matterhorn any time soon. :P
Posted by
12:04 AM
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hippity Hop Bunny Jive
Well I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter! Mine was pretty good considering that I had to work... but on the bright side, I got to help out with the egg hunt and let me tell you, while it takes about 30 minutes to "hide" some 400 eggs, those kids were able to clean out the fields in 5 minutes. It was like a scene out of BRAVEHEART. :)
Anyways, a late belated happy birthday blogger shoutout to Sonny (the Canadian) who turned 27 on Friday. WHoohoo! :) We celebrated on Saturday night with a little partay and a whole lot of FAMILY FEUD! Who know it could be so much fun! AND we have a whole lot of greek leftovers!
Posted by
12:11 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Can it get any crazier?
That's how I felt last night. It was a sold out night and I didn't seem to have enough bedding. An angry guest threw a key at one of my cms and we had to call security on him. I was making friends with nearby hotels to see if I can walk guests over there. VIPs who were in house wanted BEER NOW and they didn't want to walk to the bar nor did they want to wait for roomservice to bring it up in 45 minutes because they too were freaking busy. And right around 10pm, the carpet guys came in and it was a game of people and furniture tetris because they were redoing the entire office. The air conditioning got suddenly cold but with all the furniture and boxes in the way, I couldn't get to the control panel. I was just waiting for the carpet guys to start walking back and forth with a huge pane of glass because it was definitely chaotic and I physically and mentally felt like I couldn't get things done.
... and its supposed to be the same situation tonight. Good gracious.
On the bright side, as always, the folks I work with are absolute dreams. I wouldn't trade them for the world.... actually there's a couple of I wouldn't mind trading. But for the most part, they're lovely.
OH, I started listening to the AVENUE Q soundtrack recently. F*CKING-HILARIOUS. Seriously, its some good stuff. DO listen... and then come with me to Vegas so we can watch it. That's your assignment.
Posted by
12:31 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Good Morning. Buenos Dias. Muchos Frias.
Its my "Monday" today. My weekend was pretty relaxing and consisted of shopping, going to Disneyland, ICE AGE 2, sleeping, and watching DVDs. There were some other activites in between, but thats the jist of it.
Oh I also painted my toenails. As if you care. Actually I hope that you don't because really, thats just odd.
Posted by
10:30 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Just a couple of love slugs...
On a similar night like this about a week ago, when I was walking through the front gate, I saw these 2 snails. My first thought was "Damn this must be a journey for them" then I laughed and imagined the first snail, whom I mentally named Hank, getting angry at Betty (the second snail of course) who was taking SOOO DAMN LOONG. "Hurry up woman! Its RAINING!" he hollers. Aren't they the cutest. They must be in love... or maybe they're both single looking for each other and it's just taking a bit of time but they know the other is out there... or maybe they DO know each other but are subconciously waiting for the other to make the first move because they're too shy to do so... or maybe they're both "slow" when it comes to relationships... or maybe I'm just looking too much into things. Nonetheless, seeing the snails made me smile. I wouldn't touch them though... eww. Slimy.
Oh, I forgot to add but last night Kristine and I had the most delicious cheesecake at THE FACTORY for dessert... it had white chocolate and peanut butter truffles... and I'm drooling as I think about it. She had texted me about her craving for it today and tears came to my eyes because it was "THAT GOOD." I'm raving about the cheesecake because sometimes when you go the the factory, you can have one bite of cheesecake and that pretty much satisfies your craving... or you have one bite of one and its too gosh darn sweet that it gives you a headache. No, but this lovely pieces of sin on a plate was delicious and wow... let me tell you... good times.
Anyways, today, traffic was wretched. I arrived at work 25 minutes late with a wet foot. Curse you raging puddles of death!! But at least I didn't have to deal with it on the drive home... muahaha, some of the actual perks of working swing.
Did anyone see American Idol tonight? Was that really Kenny Rogers? The chicken man? Shut up... he doesn't even look the same...
Posted by
2:42 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Oodles of Doodles...
Sonnybear (The dog) wanted to say "Hi." Heartbreaker.
Everytime I sit down at this desk, I start doodling with whatever pieces of paper are in front of me. Actually its not really "doodling", it's more like practicing my handwriting. Its lame and silly, but I like writing my name over and over again... pretending that maybe one day I'll be asked do so and each signature has to be absolutely perfect. And its not like I'm changing my last name to some guy's last name because I'm not in "crush mode" and there doesn't seem to be any fill in for word that's like contestant/ but not really and I'm too lazy to look it up in the thesaurus at the moment but its me just writing. I write random phrases down and wonder "hmmmm... should I make that loop on the T just a bit bigger" or when I write other folks names (not added to my own.. I'm telling you no PROSPECTS... THAT'S THE WORD I WAS THINKING OF!) and think "hmmmm if only I had a name like Lisa because L's are really pretty.""You windshield wipers... they're doing the spread eagle"
Anyways, I had dinner tonight with Kristine and the moment we got out of the restaurant, a HUGE droplet of rain came crashing down on me. It wasn't even like a little sprinkle... it was a waterballoon. Ok. I'm exaggerating, but it was a pretty violent drop because it startled the hell out of me and it took a while for my brain to register the fact that I needed to open the umbrella right then and there because a second droplet careened into me and I nearly tripped out of shock. Just thought I'd share.
Posted by
12:49 AM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Get down girl... go head get down.
Ok. I'm alive. :)
I wonder if folks are still reading this...
Anyways, if so... "HI!" Sorry. I suck. I know.
Some interesting things that has happened...
-I got a new car. Yes. I got a shiny new car. Its red. I call it "Alante" so I can run right up to it, do the Bundy Bounce and scream "The neeeeww Alante." Its all so very exciting. :)
-Last night at work, Sal and I got antsy so we listened to K-BIG and actually faxed a request for "SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY" which I was surprised to find out that Donna Summers sings. For some reason, I always thought it was the Pointer Sisters... but alas it isn't. K-BIG didn't play the song, those bastards, but I'm sure there will be another DISCO SATURDAY NIGHT with Sal where we'll call and give the hotel a shoutout.
-God bless girl scouts cookie time. When I visited my local Henry's there was a troop outside and one girl was dressed up as a THIN MINT. I wanted to freeze her and crush her in vanilla ice cream... but I didn't. That would be murder.
-Last week, I wanted to get my haircut... so I called the salon and asked for a reservation with OOnah, the girl whom I've been going to for the past 2 years. The thing was that she didn't work there anymore AND they didn't know where she had gone. WHAT!?! Can I tell you that right at that very moment, I felt abandoned. WHO DOES THAT!?! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! I TRUSTED YOU!! So I called around and Kristine recommended her hairdresser in Montclair. I went, but it just wasn't the same... Its funny cause when I told Joe this, he said he knew someone that would be good which sounds intriguing. Maybe I'll try her next time...
-I signed up for the "keep the change" program over at Bank Of America. Its pretty awesome. Not really interesting... but thought I share. Perhaps you might be interested.
-I just had a giggle fest on the phone with Jean. Apparently "ass is ass". AND HOW...
-SO I just finished watching Grey's Anatomy... can I say that when they showed Chris O'Donnell coming down the stairs looking all rugged and hot I literally said "Heello." Serious. Oh look I'm salivating just thinking about him.
-While I hope I'm not being too TMI... but I went underwear shopping today. Yay for new undergarments! Can I tell you how disappointed I was to find out that Target no longer sell the cute Hello Kitty panties anymore? They also had like Disney and Pink Panther, and other cute cartoon briefs too. But now they don't. Serious. And you'd think that Target could never do wrong. I guess not. But none the less... it was a good day of shopping.
-I really need to dance. Like "go to a club", "screw guys" (in a "forget guys" kind of way as opposed to the other "screw" connotation that comes into mind), "lets get hot and sweaty to the loud ass music that's vibrating around me and drink a bit" kind of dancing. I have that urge for it. ON the super bright side, this Friday, I actually get off work early and I have a late shift on Saturday night which means that I just may be able to go out, play, and wake up in time for work. *Hmmmm* Anyone game? Actually I've been trying to implement the "dance hour" at work... but it really all depends if there's a good song that gives me the urge to DANCE! I'll make everyone stop what they're doing for a good 30 seconds and DANCE. God bless the 10:52 DANCE HOUR!
- Speaking of work, can I say that while I enjoyed work before, I really do LOVE it now. Yeah, its a lot more stressful and I do get screamers every so often... but its exciting to see how the day goes and I am pleasantly surprised that I can stand somewhat on my own with the new responsibilities. Plus I get to dress up. Yay for dressing up all grown-upy.
OK... that's all I can think of at the moment. :)
Posted by
9:30 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Be Mine Sweet Baboo!
Happy Belated Valentines kids. Or should I say "Happy February 15! You're STILL loved!" because really, you are. Well maybe not that guy next to you... but YOU. You are the real thing babycakes.
Posted by
7:55 PM
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Cough. Cough. Cough.
Story of my life.
Today I went to 3 drug stores... all of which didn't have the form of Tylenol Cold Daytime that I wanted. Boo. But I found that Airborne is waaay cheaper at Target than at the grocery. Horray for Target... but I'm sure everyone knows that already.
So I'm sad tonight because Debbie Gibson and Kurt Browning are off "Skating with Celebrities" because when I was younger, I had a mini crush on Kurt Browning and I'm 100% convinced that Debbie Gibson is WAAAAY more celebrity than Kristy Swanson. Like seriously. Kristy Swanson? When you say "Buffy", I'm sorry, I don't think Kristy Swanson. I think Sarah Michelle Gellar. Then I think of old rich woman with a cardigan wrapped around her shoulders. Than I think that maybe that would be a cute name for a mouse. And come on! Kristy Swanson fell! Michelle Kwan fell and she didn't get the gold... Debbie Gibson stayed on her own 2 feet! They were ROBBED!!
I just don't get it.
Posted by
12:54 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
When it rains... it f*cking POURS!!
Hmmmm... what a week. Actually I take it back, what a couple of days it has been.
A brief summary:
Number of times I encountered the Anaheim PD within the last week- 3
Number of power windows I have gotten fixed within the last week- 2
Number of rear tail lights I have replaced within the last week- 1
Number of times I have been asked if I were ok within the past 2 days- a lot
Number of times I have been asked if I were pregnant- 6
OK. So I got my car back on Saturday after getting both power windows and taillight fixed... not to mention a brand new shiny fan belt to replace the one that was cracking.
Sunday and Monday go by...
Tuesday- I have a terrific day at work. I am happy as I'm driving home because its BATTLESTAR GALACTICA night. SO I'm driving and driving and driving and...
For a brief moment, I black out and when I come to I realized that I have been rearended... HARD. I start freaking out.
The white truck that hits me (according to witnesses) backs up a bit and speeds off, and in the process almost hits another car.
Its a hit and run folks.
I'm super freaking out and luckily (or unluckily however you see it) I'm hit right in front of a Shell gas station. There's a gentleman who's walking on the sidewalk and witnesses the entire thing. He comes to the window and asks if I'm alright. Across the street, a woman is screaming that she's calling 911. Another rushes over and helps calm me down as the first gentleman goes behind my car and tries to direct traffic from hitting the car... again.
I call my mom and the woman at my side talks to her because I'm still in freak out mode. I'm ok but I know the whiplash is going to painful the next day.
Ironically, he doesn't hit the brand new taillight. What a thoughtful bastard.
Front of car looks ok. The driver's side rear is another story and there are pieces of it still scattered on Katella I'm pretty sure.
I'm told that the truck that hit me has a broken fender and a flat tire. The cops are looking for him via helicopter.
Oh yeah the cops come. The first one is nice... and the second one on the motorcycle is HOTT. Just something I'd like to point out.
Mom, Carlene, and Sonny come out to pick me up and a tow truck comes to pick up the car and sweep the street from the debris.
Cut to WEDNESDAY- Dad tells me via voicemail that he's coming over. I wake up and feel lightheaded. My neck and back is sore, as expected, and I find a bump on the back of my head. Hurts like a mother.
Dad and I call insurance. I stress out because time with dad usually involves a lot of stress and well this upped the level a WHOLE LOT MORE.
Drive out to the ER. Wear a hospital gown that makes me wonder "does this make me look fat" AND "god, I hope you can't see my nipples through this. This hospital is COLD!" Get a neck X-ray. I'm good. Get out 5 hours later.
Go see Jr to pickup a rental, and my dear cousin has hooked it up quite nicely. Goodness knows how I love my cousin.
Drive home and it's dark, so I turn on the headlights. When I get to the closest major crossstreet to my house, I GET PULLED OVER by a cop.
I freak out when he asks for an ID and registration. I tell him that I HAVE NO CLUE why he is pulling me over. He says its because I don't have the headlights completely on. I tell him that this is a rental and I didn't have the headlights COMPLETELY on because I thought that was HIGHBEAM mode. He tells me no and promptly shows me what real highbeam mode is. Showoff.
Cop takes away Id and goes back to the cop-mobile which makes me freak out and cry even more because that means I'm getting a ticket. Cop comes back with a clipboard and I sob to him that I had gotten into an accident the NIGHT BEFORE, had just gotten out of the ER, and picked up this rental car and now I'm getting a ticket. To prove to him of my pathetic-ness, I show him my left wrist, that still has my hospital ID bracelet on it.
Cop gives me warning.
I heart the cop. Sorta.
I call Dad to tell him I'm home so that he doesn't worry and tell him about being pulled over. Dad tells me that its my fault because I haven't read the car manual.
So that's it. I need to go to church.
Best part of the night though was talking to Jean-
Me: Um, so your CHRISTMAS present was in my car...
Love that girl. Laughing makes my bumped head feel better.
Posted by
11:37 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
10000 Yen = 71American Dollars
That was my lesson yesterday when I checked in 2 hispanic guys with a handfull of Japanese yen. The whole situation seemed a bit odd to me, so I just brushed it off.
Today, when I walked into the office, my coworker screamed at me and pointed at the new security bulletin we had just recieved. The 2 faces on the bulletin where the 2 guys who I had checked in. The YEN guys!! Guess they were under investigation for something...
So, I told my manager, who then called security, explained the situation and hung up. Yay. we told them and that was it. Hurrah!
But while on my break, I think I hear my name being called down the stairs...
John from down the stairs: "oOOOOleee"
Me: Did John call for me or for Paul?
Paul: I think its for you
Me: Yes JOhn?
John: Come down. The Police want to talk to you.
Actually, it wasn't so bad because they really were sweet and kept on calling me "Miss Nicole" over and over again. But lets hope that's the last time I have to get questioned by the police.
So thats my day.
OH wait, I can't forget about being yelled by a guest and had to get security as backup.
Yeah, its been a week. I've been working 9 days straight. But I won't complain because goodness knows there are some funkier schedules out there.
Also I won't complain seeing that I got that promotion that I didn't get before and well, yeah. If you want the things you love, you must stand the showers.
I do need to get a massage though.
And my car's side windows have been a complete bitch to me. BOO TO YOU VW!!!
Ok. Thats it for now.
Posted by
11:31 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Its a new year baby. Rock it hard.
So the other day, I was checking in an elderly filipino couple...
the father: Nicole... mind if I ask, what is your backround?
me: Um.. filipino.
the father: Oh! And how old are you?
me: 25...
the father: ARE YOU SINGLE?
me: Ummmmmyeea...
the father: CAUSE I HAVE A SON!! HE'S 26 AND HE'S A DOCTOR!!
me: (laughing) Oh my goodness
the father: He's right there... let me get him! (Calls to the son)
the mother: He's a very good boy. He's my baby. I spoil him.
the father: (now with the son) Show him where he needs to park. This is Nicole. She's SINGLE.
the father: Don't be embarassed... do you have a calling card?
me: (still laughing) Oh no. Sorry.
the father: Its ok. I'll be back tomorrow.
Crazy crazy crazy. I was more embarassed for the son... but it was sweet in a awkward sort of way.
After telling my mom about the ordeal: YOU NEED TO GO BACK! HE'S A DOCTOR!! THATS YOUR CHANCE!!
me: For all we know, his first name could be doctor. I'm off tomorrow anyways.
Mom: I don't care if you're off. YOU GO BACK!!
Anyways, so how is everyone? I'm doing pretty well though it feels like life has been fairly quiet recently. I had a quiet Christmas eve (worked), a quiet New years eve (worked) and a quiet New Years Day (completely reorganized my closet). I can't complain though seeing that although its been "quiet" I've been surrounding myself with people I enjoy being around... so yay for that!
Can I just say that right at this moment, I'm listening to NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK'S "PLEASE DON'T GO GIRL" and reliving all those old feelings for Joey McIntire. I always knew deep inside, he was singing it for me. OH yes. For me.
OK. I gotta go and clean house... but I pinky swear that I will update more often. I PROMISE. Its a resolution of mine. I've missed you dear blog!!
Posted by
1:53 PM