Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Baby... you sure did treat me nice.

Great thing about the holidays... Music on the radio. I'm not talking about the Christmas songs, I'm talking about the mixes. Currently Power 106 is having their Merry Mix-mas and let me tell you, everytime I get into my car its like a club. I'm dancing, I'm thrashing my hair around, I'm happy and I'm really REALLY enjoying the Ying Yang Twins and loud obnoxious booty gansta music. And it's for the next couple of days! Merry Christmas indeed!

*Bend over girl show me what you're working with*

Nothing has been this good since the Cali-caliente mix of '99.

You know you remember it.

Anyways, hope everyone's Christmas has been lovely. Sure I'm slightly sleep deprived, but in the end, its been worth it. ;)

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