Happy New Years eve!! :) Tonight I plan on ringing in the New Year either 1) driving in my car on the way home from work or 2) at work with my brand new co-workers seeing that I get off at 11:30pm. All I know is that during some part of the day, I'm going to get me a candy apple and go BUCK WILD. (I'm going to get it sliced too... ANIMAL!)
Ok. I'm just having some random blog at the moment because... I WANT TO. ;)
-Christmas was deliciously wonderful. We opened our gifts on Christmas morning (all of which I absolutely LOVED!!), went to church, had lunch at Downtown Disney (since we knew it was open for sure), then it was off to Moreno Valley for the annual Barkada Christmas party. Unfortunantly my oh so "brilliant" gift of a $50 karaoke machine didn't recieve much of a warm reception from Adrian... so I felt bad and gave him the cash and took back the karaoke and returned it. :) Ok.. next year its BEST BUY GIFT CARDS ALL THE WAY!
-I'm breathing through one nostril. But luckily my voice is still in tack and I'm just in that "COLD" stage. NO need for "FLU" medicines. Rock on!
-I really don't want to blog about work... but in a way, its the only thing thats really "major" in my life right now. But yeah, I love it despite the fact that I'm super nervous about my final performance test on Saturday. I feel like a newly adopted kid. If I do something wrong, they might send me back to the orphanage... or just back to MONSTER.com.
-I got a new digi cam. My old one "broke" and so I was able to replace it with a spiffy canon. :) Thank you warranty!
-The Cruz family is here. Actually, they're not here HERE, they're in Vegas at the moment probably going blind and having seizures from all the lights and SIN. But yesterday, we went to Disneyland and I nearly laughed my ass off (as if that's actually possible... laughing an ass off. I wish.) sitting next to Mom on Tower of Terror. I think its been more than 10 years since I've seen her on some kind of "thriller" ride and boy did she scream like a banchee. Even AFTER the ride was over. Anyways, lucky for us that despite the weather forecast, it didn't rain hard in Anaheim. It was actually quite pleasant like there was a bubble of protection over the happiest place on earth. :)
-I have yet been able to send out my Christmas/New Years postcards. CURSES!!
Anyways, so hope everyone's New Year is AWESOME!! Be good. Stay safe. And avoid making out with random strangers... you just might end up with LIP HERPES. Eww.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Posted by
1:49 AM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Why am I still awake? Santa isn't going to come anymore... or is he!?!
Well its been a pretty eventful couple of days. I've been working my tail off in this interesting "grown up world" and actually wearing sensible shoes to work everyday. And when I mean "sensible", I mean DOWN RIGHT UGLY. I really need to find a pair of "cute and yet so comfy I can sleep standing up" shoes because what I have now isn't happening.
Oh... speaking of work, on the way the other day, the car in front of me had a license plate frame that stated:
If there was ever a license plate frame that gave you too much information, that was the winner.
Anyways, Jean came back from Taiwan on Wednesday and since she was all jet-lagged and I needed to tell her about all the gorgeous hot men in my life (none... or are there!?), we met up at Disneyland to dish and cry over the holiday fireworks and snow. Oh Disney, I pay you to toy with my emotions... and you do it so well. ;) Since Jean and I chatted late about trips, hello kitty, feeble suicide attempts and gorgeous hot men (no... really!), when we met up at Ryan and Beth's 8th annual Christmas Party (but actually my 1st.... and possibly last if they decide that they don't want me next year for the 9th or my 2nd annual Christmas party), we really didn't have anything to talk about. But luckily there was some great action in the white elephant game as well as some good joking (jean's heart is breaking), good gossip, good food, good booze (or so I smelled)... and of course GORGEOUS HOT MEN. (yeah yeah.. let the joke die.)
This week, Sonny (the Canadian's) family is visiting and we're all spending the holidays together. YAY! Carlene, Sonny, and I went over to my Dad's side earlier this evening and had intentions of driving back home to open the rest of the gifts with Mom and the Cruz's... but when we walked through the door, the house was quiet (not even a mouse ha ha) and everyone was sleeping. Awww... but JUST WAIT MORNING! Those gifts will be conquered. ;)
Oh yeah... I wasn't able to send out my Christmas postcards. So just stay tuned for Happy New Year's postcards. ;) Thats the goal for now.
Ok lovlies... I hope you all get what you asked for. :) Merry Christmas!
Posted by
12:12 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Thank you to Keri for calling me while standing in front of the last copy of "WHITE CHRISTMAS" on DVD at Office Depot. :) Its nice to know that they actually do exist. Luckily for me, the night before, I got to watch it on TV... with lots of commericals. But hey, beggers can't be choosy and that should take care of my Bing fix for the rest of the holidays. Horray!
Today was my off day... and unfortunantly, it was spent in a very foul mood that was set off last night. At least the day is done, the feeling of "foul-ness" is gone and I'm left just depressed. I shouldn't let things get to me sometimes, but its hard when you feel like have no one on your side. I came to the realiziation the other night that I'm just lonely. Not lonely in the "oh woe is me, I don't have a boyfriend" type... just lonely. In a house full of people, its hard to imagine that I can even feel this way, but in the end, I exist and that's pretty much about it. I really hate feeling this way and I'm angry at myself for doing so because its pathetic and everyone hates those "I'm so sad" bullshit because shit, just get over it already. There are worse things out there that you being sad... and I know that. I only write this down because Lord knows I'd never be able to talk to someone this "deep" in real life. I'm much to chickenshit to show that I'm vulernable and too freakin sensitive sometimes... and goodness knows I don't want to be a downer to anyone. So here goes this nonsense into the mass void and with that, I'm done with it.
On a brighter note...
After a week of classes and the stress of needing to get a 100% on my computer knowledge test for work on my shoulders, I passed and I'm moving forward to my "on the job" training this week. Actually, I missed one question and competely freaked out once the test was over. After the test, I went to the break room with some of the girls and started talking about how easy it was. Then one remarked on how the question with the F14 was tricky for her... to which I replied... "oh... I had F3!". Then everyone nodded in agreement that it was actually f14 and I was screwed. Then I started tearing up, walked back to the classroom, and babbled in front of my trainers for a bit...
My trainers: Go sit down Nicole...
Then we went to lunch and with my emotions running rampant, I really wanted to eat everything in sight... but I didn't. One of the older ladies kept on saying the sweetest things to me and my desk homie Dennis kept me sane by stating that "STUPID PEOPLE GET JOBS EVERYDAY." That made me feel better... sorta. :) In the end, like I said earlier, I "passed" although I need to retake the test tomorrow and get 100% (F14 BITCH!!), but at least I keep the job. So yay for that. Actually, yesterday afternoon I got to meet and shadow my "on the job trainer", who was very friendly and took me on a tour of the hotel's swanky suites... Cribs style. Oh to be rich... Everyone in the department is super sweet, and even when I'm just walking around the grounds, EVERYONE IS FRIENDLY AND SMILING. It's like they're all on crack or something... but it's a lovely atmosphere to work at and I think I'll really love it there.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004
K. Can anyone help?
This Christmas I have a family party to go to and the "kids" (who are all now between the ages of 16-27) are going to participate in the usual white elephant christmas gift madness.
The minimum is $50.
I need ideas folks. I don't want to end up throwing a gift certificate in the mix because where's the fun and creativity in that? Last year, the bummy gift was a garage door sensor... and it went to one of the two kids who actually couldn't drive. Now, I don't want to contribute anything so sucky that you feel bad when somebody actually gets it... rather something that people will fight over. Something that will make people go "wow... that's cool! forget the pile of wrapped gifts... I WANT THAT!!" But I just can't think of anything...
I may just buy $50 worth of porn. Kids like porn right?
Posted by
8:01 PM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I'm running out of creative juice when it comes to my Christmas shopping! But luckily I'm like 60% done... unless I forgot someone, then in that case I'm screwed.
Anyways, yesterday as I was driving back home, I passed by a store to see a little boy around the age of 6 years old licking the doors to the shop. It was the cutest and most disgusting thing... but then it reminded me of the day when I was younger and enjoyed the taste of the stone fireplace. I used to lick that wall like it was ice cream and the thought of it is making my mouth water. Eww.. what the hell...
Borders didn't have "White Christmas" either. Is this a conspiracy!?!
I forgot to mention, but in my training class, I was talking to the guy next to me and it turned out that he lives in my old town, went to my high school's brother school, and he's family friends with my second grade teacher. What are the odds huh? Yes Jean, he's cute... but totally not my type. That is if you like those white, blond, handsome, nice dressing metrosexual types. Um.. yeah. What was my type again?
I need some help.
Posted by
11:55 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Curse you Target! Curse you for not having "WHITE CHRISTMAS" on DVD!!
Anyways, despite not having my dosage of HOT CHRISTMAS PORN ("Nicole... don't write that. Auntie Nene reads your blog!"- Carlene) life is pretty... good. :) I started the new job this week and although its just training at the moment, everyone so far is super duper nice and they aren't psychotic... nor do they want to kill me. So everyone's happy! :) Hurrah! But yeah, I'm really loving everyone and everything. Really, I'm just a big ball of lovin. Just watch though, in a couple of months I'll be very jaded and be very "anti-job" but we'll take it one step at a time. :)
Posted by
11:55 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
Oh boogers...
Last night, I had it all planned out. I was going write out my Christmas postcards while watching "White Christmas". It was going to be a perfectly cozy afternoon. Maybe have some cocoa... light the fire... and just feast my eyes and ears on Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney while working on perfecting my penmanship. But!!
My "White Christmas" video had gone missing!
Ok. So then I thought... I can still do this. I already had planned to go out and get the DVD for $14.99 at Target so at least NOW I had good reason to do it later on... so now I was just going to write out my postcards, watch some TV, and be merry. But!!
I couldn't find my address book!
Crap. My adorable pink address book had gone missing. And without it, I couldn't write postcards because if I didn't have an adress, there would be no point in putting on a stamp! And that SUCKS!
I know I know... tragic huh. Anyways, I'm currently in works of collecting addresses (email me your addresses pretty pretty please!)... so hopefully soon I will be able to send out the CUTEST Christmas postcards that Sonny (the Canadian) and Carlene made of Sonny (the dog) and Penelope. :) Really... its adorable.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Ahhhh... mini vacation. Too bad its too damn cold, not to mention that I don't have much money, to do anything really worthwhile before I venture off into the real world, but having quality time with Oprah, Bob Barker, Baba Wawa and the other girls of The View the is good enough.
"I'm on the View... I'm totally nude... I'm on the View... this is my birthday suit."
Sorry. Random crap coming out of my head I tell you.
Posted by
11:43 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Nicole and Carlene: (singing) You say po-tay-to... I say po-tay-to...
Mom: No. You guys are singing it all wrong. You're supposed to say "po-tat-to."
Nicole and Carlene: Ok! (singing) You say po-tat-to, I say po-tat-to... You say to-may-to, I say to-may-to...
Mom: No! You're supposed to say it different. To-mat-to.
Nicole and Carlene: Alright. (singing) To-mat-to, to-mat-to, po-tat-to po-tat-to... let's call the whole thing off.
Mom: You guys are stupid.
Sometimes life imitates art... or just a SNL opening with Christopher Walken and Jimmy Fallon. :) Carlene and I love this skit and we were in giggles over the fact that Mom wasn't getting it. Hilarious.
Anyways, if I were to stay up for another 2 hours, I'd be up for 24 hours. My bosses weren't lying when they said that they'd be working me to the VERY END. Good gracious...
Nicole's last day rundown:
3:00 am: Alarm goes off.
3:30 am: Alarm goes off.
3:45 am: Alarm goes off.
3:50 am: Get out of bed to find that breaker had gone off and there is no electricty in room. Grope around for clothes.
4:15 am: Pick up Sarah and start drive to Pechanga... its dark.
5:00 am: Get gas and coffee...
5:15 am: Arrive at Pechanga. Its still dark and its COLD.
5:15-11:30 am: Work work work. It's a HUGE company Christmas party,,, ho ho ho!
11:40 am: Sarah and I leave Pechanga
12:15 pm: See sign for Tom's Farm and decide to go to the deli. Also see WINE TASTING... so had a few samples of almond champange. Yum!
1:00 pm: Leave for La Mirada
1:42pm: Arrive at La Mirada
1:42pm: Sleep in the car.
1:55pm: Alarm goes off.
2:00pm: Wake up and get out of car.
2:00-6:00pm: Work work work!
7:00 pm: Arrive home
7:30-9:00pm: Dinner with family
9:00pm: Try to nap... but wait they're showing FOOTLOOSE on tv! What a town with no dancing?? Have you see them dance... totally makes sense now huh.
10:00pm: Nap time!
10:45pm: Alarm goes off.
10:55pm: Alarm goes off.
11:00pm: Alarm goes off.
11:15pm: Sarah picks me up and go to back to La Mirada for teardown.
12:25am: Done! :)
1am: I'm home. I'm sleepy. But hyper... talking to Jean now and blogging at the moment.
So I'm done and I'm a little sad. All during the day, everyone was making jokes such as "Nicole, if you drop that bouquet, you're fired." or "I don't know about this... I QUIT!" When I was saying my goodbyes, I waved at Doug and said "Oh no! I might never see you again!" to which Sarah replied, "Whatever. She'll come to you when she gets married..."
I might never see them again!
Nah. I'm gonna work events if I have the time on the side. You can't separate a girl from her twinkle lights and flowers. :)
Argh! My fingers are cold and I'm getting dizzy! Bed time! :)
Posted by
1:22 AM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
If you want to bump it... BUMP IT WITH A TRUMPET!!
Can it BE any colder!? Good gracious... this morning there was frost on the grass. If this were a farm, the crop would be GONE and we would starve this winter!! I gave in and I'm typing with my mittens on. And it's still nippy. Eek!
Yesterday had to be the worse though. To make a long story short... Sonny's car got broken into the day after Thanksgiving so the driver's side window is all smashed in... Carlene's radiator blew up... so Sonny took my mom's car while Carlene took mine since Corona is much closer for me to take Sonny's windowless car. So it was me, in my ski jacket and gloves, driving down the 91. But since it was going to be freezing, my mom had taped up the window with a piece of blue plastic tarp... so although it wasn't AS cold and windy as it could be, I just had one giant eye monstrosity blocking my vision... so as you can imagine, making righthand turns were DANGEROUS. I made it to work, but on the way back, I got ansy (see: annoyed at f*ck) and took down whatever pieces of the tarp that I can. Unfortunantly not all of it came down and so driving home was windy, cold, and LOUD seeing that the leftover plastic was flapping madly in the breeze, slapping me every chance it had.
Brr. I get chills just thinking about it.
Anyways, so this week is my last week at the wedding place. I think that by Friday, I'll be tearing up quite a bit seeing that I've been pretty emotional so far the last 2 days. Today, I made my last buttonieres and corsages... yesterday was my last flower shipment... tomorrow, my last centerpieces... but as much as I'm going to miss the work (CHAIRCOVERS CAN GO TO HELL!! BURN BITCHES BURN!), I'm going to miss my bosses and coworkers a whole lot more. I'm scared, what if my new bosses and coworkers at D aren't plesant to work with? What if they're mean and horrid and secretly want to kill me? I dunno... but I really am going to miss Doug, Brandy and sarah. Where else will I be able hear weekly recaps on reality tv and talk smack about the crazies on THE AMAZING RACE and who we love in the SURREAL LIFE? Who will I get to learn the newest country music fact from? Who's going to make fun of random people and come up (and act out) bizarre situations with me? No one is going to quiz me on classic rock anymore. Who's going to rap the "REVENGE OF THE NERDS" rap whenever the electronic Christmas music comes on? Who's going to get creeped out with me whenever we hear Rod Stewart and Dolly Parton's version of "Baby its cold outside" because it sounds like Rod Stewart is a sexual predator and he wants to rape Dolly Parton (You know!) Who's going to huff paint/toxins while working and then burst into giggles when I think about waffles with me? Awww... but then again... NO MORE CHAIRCOVERS!! GOODBYE LARGE WHITE IVORY LIGHT GOLD SASHES!!
Exciting stuff. :)
Posted by
11:54 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
Oh the weather outside is frightful...
...and the inside is pretty gosh darn cold too. I'm contemplating typing with mittens on but I'm feeling lazy so my desk lamp is as close as it can be to the keyboard and I'm sure that in no time, things will heat up... or something. I dunno, wishful thinking. :)
Anyways, the other day while at the produce section of the Ralphs eyeing pears, Sonny cried out "What the hell?!" I looked at him and he showed me his find. It was an apple that was supposed to taste like a grape. A GRAPPLE if you will. "What the hell!?" I said, "That must have been made by the devil!"
We yelled for Carlene and inspected the grapple. It looked like an apple, it wasn't purple, but it smelled like grapes. Or at least grape flavored koolaid. It piqued our interest and it was thrown into the cart. We had to see what kind of freak fruit this thing was, even though $3.00 for 4 grapples is pretty extreme. Curiosity has no price tag... unless its really really obscene, then I'll wait. Really.
So while in the car, Carlene was hungry and she had the first bite. Then the second and third while we all waited for her reaction. Then she offered it to me and I took a nibble. "Do you want to say it?" she asked.
"It tastes like an apple."
I was expecting some soft fleshy fruit, but it has the same apple texture and still has the same apple taste, but with a slight hint of grape. It actually was just a grape flavored apple. It was different, but not "gross" different. Weird though... I mean who came up with that? Why an apple/grape combination? I think it would be interesting to find an actual kiwi-strawberry. That would totally be cute! Anyways, look out for it. I'm still waiting for the square watermelon.
Posted by
1:58 AM
Friday, November 26, 2004
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. :) Mine was quite nice and pretty amazing since we managed to make everything from scratch. Actually, not EVERYTHING, cranberry sauce was still from the can, but nothing really beats that huh. Normally, we'd grab a box of Mrs. Cubbison's Stuffing mix, but this year, we decided to think out of the box (ha ha) and try out this low cal/low fat/but still lots of fun recipie. Although the prep time on the recipie said 30 minutes... liars I tell you. Or maybe they meant 30 minutes if you have some sort of super chopper or something. Yeah, that would totally make sense then huh...
Anyways, so while I have many things and people to be grateful for, my mom and sister are the 2 right now that if I didn't have them in my life, I would truly be missing out. :) Oh how I do love them so...
Sonny too. He's like the brother I never had. :)
And I really do love my friends. :) As well as a good majority of my family....
Life has been a roller coster lately. While it has been exciting with the new job (I had my orientation yesterday, next week is my last week at the Wedding design, and then after a week of "free time", I start my training... but I still have the opportunity to go to the CHRISTMAS PARTY beforehand! OoOoo), I sure have had some upsetting and mellow moments this past week.. from being extremely pissed off and hurt by someone's actions to sitting in a waiting room at the hospital. Nothing serious, but now I know that hospital cafeteria food isn't THAT bad as well my daytime tv schedule like the back of my hand. "Hi, I'm from AMBUSH MAKEOVER and I think you're ugly." No, they don't really say that, but they might as well if they're just picking random people off the street.
Speaking of TV, one day I'd like to go on DANCE 360 somday and do the lawnmower/sprinkler. Then I'd go to the backstage and die of embarassment.
Posted by
1:13 AM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Its just a little hotel desk job, but hey... its a good company (so I hear) and I get benifits (which I need), so I'm one happy camperette. Plus theres plenty of opportunity to move up and grow... so I'm definitely excited for it.
Yay! :)
Posted by
4:10 PM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Another weird guy story for today. And this one was REALLY weird. Actually yesterday's wasn't weird... it was more like "gross". This one was "weird."
Ok. Today, I was at my most favorite place in the whole wide world... the Norco Laundromat! (Actually, its gotten a lot better since the decrepit old lady retired from being the laundry nazi.) My boss and I were folding away when this grizzly old man walks in. He was tall, wearing shorts, a plaid shirt, had a LONG gray beard... and he smelled. Bad. Really bad. Like the guy walked in... but his scent lingered and our eyes watered. At first I thought it was just me, not ME smelling myself, but me smelling raunchiness because I was the only one who caught it... but my boss turned and said "Oh wow. That guy smells."
So there we were, holding our breath everytime the guy would walk by... and he did. A lot. It was like he forgot everything in his car so he kept on going back and forth, scent wafting to and fro, and everytime he made his move, my boss would give me the simple warning of "BREATH" so that I can hold it and hopefully when I ran out and inhaled again, the "bad" would be gone and freshness would enter my lungs. It didn't help though.
So, in addition to being smelly... he was CRAZY. Literally CRAZY. How crazy you ask? Well first he was just mumbling to himself, which made me think that maybe inside his beard he had some kind of handsfree mic that folks have with their cellphones. But then he started talking lounder and lounder... to SOMEONE I COULDN'T SEE. Then he started crying... not little sniffles or whimpers, but huge loud sobs. When he was done... he went out side and picked a fight... that same SOMEONE I COULDN'T SEE!
Anyways, afraid that he just might do something COMPLETELY INSANE, we left. Shoved everything in a bag and ran to the car and clean air.
Crazy indeed.
Anyways, on a completely different topic, I got my cross stitch kit from subversive cross stitch yesterday and with determination and lack of a life, I finished it last night. See!
Bunnies.. YAY!
The saying reminds me of Melissa... isn't it the cutest!! :)
Posted by
5:41 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
the guy on the treadmill in front of me at the gym was really sweating it up. Really. His tank top was drenched, there was sweat drippings on the keypad, the emergency handlebars, AND onto the treadmills that were surrounding him, as well as PUDDLES of it on the track itself.
When he was done... he just walked away.
He didn't wipe it off or anything, in fact he didn't have a towel. It was the 4th treadmill from the wall and I made sure to take note of it because I never want to use it.
Granted, I'm sure people get all sweaty on the machines and actually the thought of it makes me want to yak, but seeing the guy shower his own man juice on it made me want to run out, buy some disinfecting wipes and hand it over to the fella while saying "While I admire your stamina... please clean up your sweat. Someone is going to have to put their finger in your perspiration droplet just to turn it on."
The guy needs a towel anyways. Can you imagine just walking down a street and here comes Mr. Sweaty accidently brushing up to you and leaves his workout secretions on you?
Makes you want to take a shower huh.
Posted by
5:10 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
"I talked to James. He told me that he was your ex."
"I'm sorry. Did he tell you that I was a stripper too?"
Oh late night Cinemax... you are too funny sometimes.
Speaking of "off" tv, the other night I started watching an A&E biography of St. Francis of Assisi where they had medieval and religious experts, as well as the beloved St. Wendy, give their testimonials on what they knew of the saint. Well, while yes, St. Francis was a normal, young, rich man before he got his calling and had his fair share of " sinful nightlife", I highly doubt he went to actual BARS with NEON LIGHTS in the backround, and really, did the strippers have to be girls on POLES AND GO GO CAGES? Hmmm... or maybe the medieval era was really beyond its time?
Posted by
1:50 PM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Light truth peace our lovely alma mater
though we leave we hold you in our hearts
Its me... oh so long ago!
Earlier today, I went with Lisa, Melissa, and Tammy back to good ole St. Lucy's for the Christmas boutique. Boutique is the annual fundrasier where they basically turn the school into a mini shopping mall of Christmas goods, gift baskets, plants, Regent wear, and dolls... as well as pictures of Santa and face painting for the kids. Oh... AND they have students sell pizza, pies, cookies, and balloons too. Its a must. Back in 97, Melissa and I rapped for pies as Juniors. "YO! This one's for my sisters... Sister Monica and Sister Helen!"
Anyways, It's probably been 6 years since we all last visited the campus and we were all in SHOCK over the changes, not to mention the stuff that didn't change. For instance, the vending machines still sell SHOCK TARTS for 75 cents. Lisa and I used to buy this candy all the freaking time and never have I see it some place else other than Lucy's.
These stairs still suck...
Right when we entered the driveway, Tam, Melissa, and I started singing the Alma Mater... followed by "WHOOOOOO." Just like the old days. :)
Unfortunantly, we had to park at the gym, which meant we had to go down THE STAIRS.. which really never is a problem when you have to go down them. Going up on the other hand...
When we got to the main building, the PA went off and we heard our old Principal Sr. Monica's voice. Then the bell rang. Then we all freaked out because it was as if we had never left!
But we did in 1998, just when they added PANTS onto our uniforms. Sucks huh. We climbed all those stairs, in the cold, while raining, in SKIRTS!
We used to sit at this same place our Junior year in knee high socks and skirts... we're freezing in our jeans!
One of my "happy moments" was seeing my dear second grade teacher Mrs. B, who later transferred to Lucy's and became my world history teacher freshman year. Aw, really, she was THE teacher for me, who in second grade guided me through my first communnion and once when I had a bloody nose, she wouldn't let me go to the nurse's office because I still hadn't mastered cursive O's and I needed to continue watching the cursive writing video. I was hoping on seeing her today... and I did! Thank you Mrs. B for without you, my cursive O's would look like odd A's.
Anyways, I had a terriffic time with my girlies although I think we were all in shock as we realized that yeah, we've known each other for 10 years (Melissa since the WOMB!), but oh my goodness, we were 10 years older than the freshmen that were there now. Good gracious. Talk about feeling old.
Its funny, after 10 years, you still know the other quirks. While getting ready this morning, I was running around looking for my socks because I knew that I was going to Lisa's... and like every asain household, you take off your shoes once you enter the house. I also had a feeling that if Lisa were to see my foot come out of my shoe sockless, she'd say something about it... but I couldn't find any clean ones, so I was off without my socks.
So I arrived at Lisa's.
I take off my shoes as discreetly as I could.
"You don't have socks?"
"I couldn't find any..."
"Want to borrow some socks?"
Oh how I love Lisa. :)
But yeah, going back sent a wave of nostalgia over me and it made me grateful for my parents who decided to send me there, grateful for the friendships I've been gifted with there , and most of all, grateful for those days, memories, and experiences I had. I think we're all the beautiful, smart, independent, and yet still slightly dorky females because of it.
Posted by
11:22 PM
I was watching SNL's "Best of" episode with Tom Hanks tonight and I think I just fell in love with the guy. Actually, there has always been a soft spot in my heart for Tom Hanks because really, the guy is just too adorable and normal and everytime I see him I want to give him a hug. :)
Anyways, along with the "Wayne's World" skit here he plays an Aerosmith roadie, (because of which whenever my sister and I come into contact with a microphone, we mic check by saying "Syphilis" over and over into it...) they had another old skit where he played Mr. Short-Term Memory...
Mr. Short-Term Memory: Hey, Poached Salmon! I love it! [ starts eating ]
His date: Jeff, have you ever seen anybody about your.. condition?
Mr. Short-Term Memory: [ grows uncomfortable as he chews ] There's something in my mouth! There's something in my mouth! [ spits out his Poached Salmon onto his napkin ] There was food in my mouth!
Date: It's just your Poached Salmon!
Mr. Short-Term Memory: Oh. I love Poached Salmon! [ pierces the chewed food with his fork ]
Date: Don't eat it!
Mr. Short-Term Memory: [ notices the chewed food in his napkin ] Wait a minute, I'm not going to eat this! This has already been in somebody's mouth! Oh, this is a great restaurant! Serves already-been-chewed food!
Posted by
1:20 AM
Friday, November 05, 2004
What the hell... I'm still voiceless! Can I tell you how much this sucks?
ok. I will.
I get annoyed when I get asked a question and I reply with a pathetic whisper... and then the person will turn to me and say "WHAT!?!"
Please. Don't make me strain my throat! Just LISTEN TO THE WHISPER!!
For example, the other day, I was watching PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (Yay Colin Firth!) with my Mom. Although my mom probably has watched it before, she insists on asking me about EVERYTHING!
"Oh.. he ran off with her sister right?"
"Wait, why doesn't she like Darcy?"
"What did he say?"
"And that one is her sister... and who is that again?!"
Oh my goodness, and everytime I'd answer, she'd say "Huh?" then I'd scream "Watch!!" and become incredibly annoyed. Yes, I was acting bratty, but really, come on... can we just watch the movie in silence and listen to the storyline!?!
I can't talk on the phone (sad) and in a way, I just don't want to talk in general because in a way its useless because no one can hear me... and when I do try to speak in something above a whisper, I feel like I'm making it worse.
Also you try ordering Tea while sounding like a pre-pubescent boy.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Argh. I hate calling in sick. I feel like I'm a let down to the business because I know that they need me. I've been up for a while, trying to figure out a way to say "Hi.. I can't come into work today because my throat is hurting, I'm coughing up phlem like a freaking fountain, and when I do, my whole body aches..." because even saying that I'm ill sort of makes me feel guilty. I think maybe they think I'm faking the frog voice or disappointed in the fact that my immune system isn't up to parr and by golly, wouldn't it be easier if we just hire someone who is bionic?
I know its silly, and I even think its silly as I type it out, but still it racks my brain. I'll be resting, while someone is working hardER because I'm not there.
Hmmm... I probably just really need to get over myself huh.
Anyways, I'll probably put on a sweatshirt soon and go vote.
Or else P. Diddy is gonna kill me.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Monday, November 01, 2004
Has anyone seen my voice because I seem to have lost it...
Halloween was great though. Carlene, Sonny, (dressed as Spartan Cheerleaders) and I (Trekkie baby!) went over to my boss's mom's house because they're hardcore Halloween fanatics and used their "weddings goods" for evil. Actually, the past week, we had bodies, heads, hands, and tombstones all over the shop as well as testing sessions of stobe lights and fog machines. Anyways, so when we went, I didn't see the street sign, but when I looked to the right, we encountered a house completely washed in red light with a blacktent on the driveway, and spooky music blaring from it. Oh my goodness, it was absolutely insane. There was a group of kids at the entrance, mustering up the nerves to go in... and rightly so. We got a perfect Halloween scare! People were hiding in every corner and with all the props covered in glow in the dark paint in the blacklight, it was eerie eye candy.
Afterwards, I raced to Torrance to Jean's (schoolgirl), then it was off to pick up Benji (Pamploian runner with the bulls), and head over to Hermosa to meet up with Beth (Snow White) and Ryan (scientist). There weren't any zombies roaming the streets last night... more like a whole lot of hootchies. Halloween... the excuse for girls over the age of 16 to dress up like a ho. Anyways, we got into some bar, drank (a little... did I dare mix alcohol with theraflu?) and danced amid the costumes. Actually some of my favorite costumes that I saw was a big burly guy dressed up as a tooth fairy, Ben Stiller's zipper scene from "Something About Mary", and Mr. Garrison from South Park complete with Mr. Hat. :) Actually that Mr. Hat was a damn hot piece of handfelt... I wouldn't have minded dancing with him. ;)
Posted by
6:29 PM
Thursday, October 28, 2004
I like it when you vote bitch
shake them t**** when you vote bitch
I was watching South Park last night, and I swear, the entire day today I've had P. Diddy rapping "Vote Or Die, mutha F***, mutha f***, Vote Or Die!" in my head. I really must stop because I'll sing it to myself, and well, its not very ladylike to do so.
Anyways, yesterday we said farewell to the adorable Charlotte, who we sent off to live with my crazy Uncle Sonny. Poor thing... she doesn't know what she has coming to her. Run puppy... run!!
The house seems quieter though. Instead of 12 pitterpattering paws on the hardwood... there are only 8. 2 dogs who I went halloween costume shopping for for 2 hours. Do you know how stupid you feel asking people if they have "halloween costumes for dogs?" Yeah... you feel pretty lame especially after you see employees choke back their laughter and see them get on their hands and knees digging for matching devil puppy ears to go with the matching red puppy cape you found in the bottom of the bin. But hey, we got them, and we got them for FREE since the guy at Petco said that if we couldn't find the original packinging, there was nothing to scan, and well, it was ours to take. WHOOHOO. :) Who's the crazy one now?!
Posted by
11:41 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Tonight we celebrated my Dad's birthday... which actually was on Thursday, but he celebrated the day with his friends and co-workers at a strip club. Eww. My dad at a strip club. He later informed me that no one was allowed to drink because it was an "ALL NUDE" club, and drinking isn't allowed there. Its only allowed at "topless bars." Thank you Dad. The more you know...
Anyways, so tonight we went over to the Pacific Palms and had dinner over there, which sorry to say was pretty shoddy. But still, it was nice to get out and actually have the resturant to ourselves... having the waitors at our fingertips and constantly filling my waterglass. Yay for slow nights.
Its funny because my dad will start off his stories by also saying "Its funny..." but continue with "he lost his father 3 months ago and is living here on his visitors visa.." He'll call us his "step-children" because he's too young to be having daughters our age... and he tells us stories of him downing Jonny Walkers with his homies and getting numbers of nurses for co-workers who need the hookup.
He's completely different from the person I grew up knowing as a "father". It's a good thing I think. :)
Posted by
10:32 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I have 6 minutes to blog.
I have to work tonight.
Work sucked today. Everything bad that could happen... happened.
Really. It was very weird. Actually this whole week "work wise" has been weird. Like a big ole sign that this event was going to be "weird." Weird huh.
I'm tired.
But on the bright side, I'm having a "morning session" tomorrow morning...
And I have a job interview... yeah its practically in a month... but at least I'm in the book.
Oh and my roots are gone. Yay for Feria #60.
And I'm not sick anymore. Just a bit sniffly. But thats it.
I don't have a calender. But the office has new wooden floors and a new desk. My computer is still out of comission though... damn you wireless adapter.
So I still get to use the "sexy" computer. OooOo. Its shiny!
Oh I saw "Shark Tale" last night... at first I walked away thinking "oh... it was ok." But after really thinking about it.... it sucked.
Thats all for now... I gotta go.
Oh hey, what are your plans for Halloween!?!
Posted by
11:40 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Boo. Still sick and living off of soup and gatorade. But I'm not as crappy as before. My throat is icky, my nose is slightly stuffy, and every so often I'll cough up a storm. At least I'm getting better... I think.
Anyways, I'm out of a computer at the moment, seeing that the office is being redecorated. So since there's "no carpet" to put "no desk" on... I'll be using my mom's or Carlene's phatty POWERBOOK to do my online prowling. And let me say that those POWERBOOKS are damn sexy. DAMN SEXY.
Well if you remember, we got the new puppy Sonny (the dog) about a month ago and that we might be giving Sonny (the dog) to my Uncle Sonny (the crazy Uncle). But we did the most stupid thing and fell in complete love with Sonny (the dog). SOOO... in order to keep Sonny (the dog), Carlene and Sonny (the Canadian) decided to get another puppy to give to my Uncle Sonny (the crazy Uncle). So this past weekend, they did just that. They got another doggie.
I know. We're offically in trouble because now we don't want to give away any of the puppies, but 3 is a crowd and dogs are taking over the household.
But really, this one is adorable. She's a 2 month old chihuahua mix, all brown with some light brown marking, and green eyes. We named her "Charlotte", althought at sometime I imagine we might re-name her "Spidy" because she can climb out of the cage... and when she does, its freakin cute. But when we took her over to my Dad's the other night, my Aunties kept on saying "Charlotte is a sexy name" over and over again... I don't think it is exactly, but they' just started watching SEX IN THE CITY and while Charlotte wasn't exactly the slutty one, I'm sure the numerous sex acts on the show has really tarnished their minds.
Oh, but I've caught Sonny (the dog) trying to hump Charlotte many a time. Actually he humps Penny too. Damn you boy dog and your hormones!
But yeah, Charlotte is so cute and loving and furry and hugable...
Dammit. I need to stop gushing because its evidence that I'm in love with this puppy and it's going to be heartbreaking when we give her away...
Hmmm... did anyone see Fear Factor last night with the dude who drank 21 shots of blended maggots, worms, stink beetles, and rotten fisheyes? What the hell? Remember back in the day when the worst thing they had to eat was pigs ear?! Yeah, I almost yacked my dinner (soup and gatorade) after watching that.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
I scanned pictures from the trip!
if needed-
login: coley1716
password: penny
Posted by
1:07 AM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Boo to being sick. :(
Seriously. It sucks. Thursday, I just had the sniffles. Thursday night, I was making hourly trips to the restroom. And Friday, I was afriad to go to sleep because I thought the fever might fry my brain, I'd go into a coma, and well... that would be sad. Today I'm a bit better, despite the fact that when I cough, my head feels like its going to explode, but on the bright side, I'm not throwing up anymore either!! So yay to that.
Ugh. I need some more drugs.
Posted by
6:04 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
"So did you come back with a husband?"
"Ew no. I'm just glad I didn't come back with lip herpes."
So it was back to work today. Boo. The entire time I was gone, I kept on thinking "this is the life. I don't want to go back" But since my bank account took a major beating during the "life", it was my only option. Curses.
At least, now I can start unfolding my "plan", and step one will involve finding a new job. Something with benifits and somewhat normal hours. With good pay too. Oh and maybe something that doesn't involve breaking my back. Something like... hand modeling.
Good luck to that. My nails are looking gnarly.
But I'm crossing my fingers and toes that something "good" will happen soon.
Suprisingly enough, I still have jetlag... but its actually just "normal" sleeping patterns. I go to sleep around 10pm... and I wake up at 8am... and that apparently is jetlag for me. Damn. It isn't too bad huh.
But I can't watch Conan. Err.
By the way, while I was in Italy, I called home and my dear darling sister told me about Conan's big news.
Carlene: Did you hear about Conan?
Nicole: No... what happen?
Carlene: He left his wife and he was found in a hotel room doing LSD. The police arrested him and all...
Nicole: WHAT THE HELL?! Are you serious!?
Carlene: Yeah... it's all over the news. You don't get it there?
Nicole: No... oh my gosh! I can't believe it!
Carlene: Yeeeeaaah... no. He actually got signed to do the Tonight Show in 5 years.
Nicole: Oh... yay for Conan!
My roomie overhearing the conversation: laughs
Whew. :)
Posted by
9:06 PM
Monday, October 11, 2004
gorgeous sorrento!
Ok. Italy now. This is going to be quite long... so bare with me a bit. :)
9/27/04: "Money's on you..."
I arrived Monday afternoon at the Rome airport. The flight from London was only about 2 hours... but the airport itself daunting considering the fact that I don't speak a word of Italian and there was no organization to the place at all. Also, people are just walking around with their dogs. Dogs that aren't drug sniffing. Weird huh. Anyways When I arrived, my first mission was to find the "airport shuttle" desk so that it can take me to the hotel and lucky for me another Contiki girl found me looking confused with documents in hand and pointed me in the right direction.
I made it to my hotel in one piece where I met my roomie, Keila from New York, who told me to get ready cause her and a couple of American girls on the tour were gonna walk to Vatican City because "supposedly" it was a short walk away from the hotel. So when we finally did get settled, Maria (Toronto Canada), Sally (Philly), Lynn (New Jersey), Keila and myself bought bus passes and made our way to the Vatican... which was good because while driving we realized that there was NO WAY IN HELL we would have been able to make the walk because while traffic in London was scary... in Italy its downright dangerous.
By the time we made it to the Vatican, I was seriously in heaven. I kept on screaming "IM IN ITALY" while jumping around and going camera happy. Since we were unsure of our surroundings and the museum was closed so we couldn't go to the Sistine Chapel, we just looked around and got some postcards... and then back to the hotel to meet up with the rest of the group and have dinner.
Our tour manager was Paulie... a metrosexual HOTTIE from New Zealand. :) A good portion of our tour group was single girls... with 4 couples, one of which was on their honeymoon, one single guy, and another guy who was traveling with his sister. About half of the group was American, another half Aussies, and a handful of New Zealanders and Puerto Ricans.
At dinner, the 4 American girls whom I went to the Vatican with and myself sat at a table with Kristine, who we learned was Maria's roomie for the duration of the tour. Kristine, Aussie, is a prison warden back home and will later earn the nickname "foghorn" on the trip from our guide... We all go around the table, state where we're from, our occupation, and learn that we're all traveling alone... so I definitely wasn't going to be alone on this trip. :)
9/28/04: "Wakie Wakie... hands off snakie"
Wake up at 6am. Breakfast is pretty decent, but we're determined to get there early because Kristine has this thing about the old folks and their need for eggs... so the earlier you can get to them, well the better your chances are. At 7, we loaded our bags onto the coach and we were off to Florence. Our driver during the duration of the trip is Tonino, an Italian who will later be known for flirting with all the girls. Actually, the night before at dinner, we were making bets on who was going to end up shagging Paulie and Tonino... Money's on who!?
On the way to Florence, we stopped at San Gimignano, a small city known for its ancient towers. On and boars. So of course at a shop, we were able to stop and sample some boar sausage. Tasted like sausage. Who knew! Also while we were there, we had our first scoops gelato... second as well. After climbing a mini tower and hiking around the city... we wanted gelato again... so when in Italy, you eat gelato. :)
Also, when in Italy, you drink wine, which was our second stop after San Gimignano. We toured an ancient castle, went down to the cellar to see how they made the Chianti Classico, and of course tasted it. Tasted several glasses of it actually, and had a little bit of some dessert wine afterwards... needless to say everyone was happy once we got back onto the bus.
Once we reached Florence, we settled into our hotel (which to everyone's relief had an elevator which only fit 3 people at a time... 2 with luggage), and it was off to see the city that night. Here, we learned early that cobblestones and heels don't mix... so once after that experience, all heels were tossed and we learned to accessorize around our flip flops.
After dinner and lots and lots of walking, we found ourselves at a bar by the name of "THE RED GARTER" where there were other touring Contiki groups and a man with his guitar for Karaoke. Kristine sang "I Will Survive." I wasn't drunk enough to get onto the stage just yet...
9/29/04: "Romolo!!!"
8am wakeup and it was off to spend the day in Florence. First we went to a leather shop for a demonstration and shopping... then we took a walking tour of city which ended at the Brunelleschi's Duomo. At that point, we decided, what the hell... let's climb 465 steps to the top because "when in Florence, you climb the Duomo." So we did. And we nearly died. The "funny" thing is that once you start climbing, you can't just turn around and say "Oh you know what, never mind. I didn't think this was gonna suck this much", but you have to keep on trucking and climbing. The first 200 steps weren't TOO bad, but those last ones are a killer cause they get steeper and narrower... and well you're tired as hell. But once at the top, it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. The view was absolutely beautiful and as you can imagine, everyone went picture happy... which sort of sucked for others nearby not in our group because one group picture means that they'll get 10 or so camera's thrown at them asking if they can a shot. OH well, its all worth it.
Then we went down... which now is terrifying because everyone's legs are jelly, there are no railings, and the thought of how many sweaty people have been grasping the walls for their lives before me is making me have fantasies of hand sanatizers.
After the climb, we celebrated with a delicious lunch at this café where they seriously had the best spaghetti carbonara I've ever had... and gelato. :) But because we took so long at lunch, we weren't able to see the statue of David (boo), but we were able to get some good shopping in.
After the day in the city, we went back to the hotel to get prettied up, drove up this hill so that we can take one beautiful group picture with the city behind us right at sunset, then it was off to dinner in the Tuscan countryside, were the vino was flowing like water, and the over zealous man behind the piano was actually sitting with his keyboard "behind the piano". At our table, it was myself, Maria, Sally, Lynn, Keila, Krisitne... along fellow Californians Kris, Erin, Carissa, and Christina. Our darling waiter was an old man by the name of Romolo, kept our wine glasses filled and every time he entered the room, we cheered for him. Oh how we loved Romolo.
Stuff and drunk from dinner, we were off to "SPACE ELECTRONIC DISCO" which was a cheesy club in Florence. More drinking... Italian boys... music... *good times*
9/30/04: "Tu Canta perfavore!"
No good times in the morning, considering that I woke up with a massive hangover and spent a portion of my morning trying to make myself throw up because the thought of being dizzy during the 4 hours on the coach was making me nervous. So from Florence, we were off to Lake Como... but not without a stop at Pisa to see the Leaning Tower of course. :) There were a lot of tourist there and we were told to keep an eye on our bags because pick pockets were notorious for prowling in the area. We were also introduced to the "Carribbean Bros" which were guys who would prey on tourist and try to hawk their goods on you. In Pisa, we all took our cheesy photo shots of us trying to hold up the leaning tower... or pushing it over... or whatever. Then we got gelato.
When we finally got to Como, we were all "Oooohing" and "ahhhhhing" because it is absolutely beautiful! Apparently George Clooney has a house there somewhere, so we were all screaming through the windows for George to come out and play. :) Then it got even better when we arrived at the Hotel Bellevue because a lot of us got windows facing the lake... with BALCONIES!! Oh my gosh... that was the life. Balconies, big bathrooms, and elevators. Oh to be spoiled. Too bad we were there for only one though.
After dinner at the hotel, a group of us went to a bar next door where in one room, they had a pole on a stage, a pool table, and to my excitement... KARAOKE. :) This time Kristine and I went up and sang our songs. Then they wouldn't let us leave! Alain, the Italian karaoke master would grab my hand and keep me on stage and say "Bella... tu canta!" But then the song would be in Italian and I'd scream.. "um... I can't speak Italian!" Then he'd change the song to anything in English and make me sing. So there I was, singing to Bon Jovi. I didn't know any Bon Jovi songs. Now I do. Oh but it was so much fun and later we made one Italian man take off his shirt for us because Paulie earlier had warned us girls about the "stallions" and how "no" means "yes" and "I'm married" means "yes" and "a kick in the balls" means "yes".. so Kristine decided to turn the tables and proceed to harass this poor Italian man. He was hairy, but happy.
10/1/04: "Liqigas!"
This morning, we packed up our bags and said goodbye to Como (Awww), but not without taking a cruise around the lake... of course still screaming for George Clooney to come out. While on the cruise, we saw the house were they filmed parts of STAR WARS EPISODE 2 (oooOO), and made a lunch/shopping stop at Belliago... where they don't have fountains like in Vegas. :) But Sally, Kristine, and I were very excited to find a bathroom where we didn't have to pay. Thats right, anytime there's a public toilet in Italy, you have to pay for the privilege to pee. I must have spent at least 15 euro just going to the bathroom in Italy... and some of the toliets weren't even that nice. At San Gimignano, it was a hole in the ground!! They don't tell you that in the guidebooks.
After Lake Como, we were off to Verona, home of Romeo and Juliette. We found "Juliette's balcony" where in the courtyard are millions of pieces of paper and graffiti of folks stating that they heart someone. Also there, they have a statue of Juliette, and was told that if you rub the right breast of Juliette, you will fall in love... I molested that statue 3 times.
We were looking for the statue of Romeo to see if we had to rub anything on him for good luck... but nothing. Oh wells.
Oh yeah. We got gelato in Verona too. Do you see a patten here?
The drive from Verona to Venice was pretty long and by the time we got to our hotel in Venice, we were excited just to get off of the bus. But then we entered the hotel...
The place looked ok. The rooms were alright... well right up until the bathroom. SO once you walk in, you see a toilet right next to the shower. But then upon further investigation, you realize that it isn't a toilet, but instead it’s a bidet. And since arriving in Europe, all the hotels have been supplied with a bidet and toilet... so where was our toilet here?? Well, pull open the shower curtain and there it was... the TOILET IN THE SHOWER. Well basically that's what everyone was screaming in the hallways of the hotel "THE TOILET IS IN THE SHOWER!" So Keila and I ran to our rooms and found our very own toilet... there. Whoohoo?
Anyways, pretty much every time we get to our hotel, Keila and I were search our tv to see if we can get Italian MTV... and this time along with Italian MTV... we got ITALIAN PORN. Actually they had 2 porn channels.. one in English, one in Italian. So we started screaming "WE HAVE PORN!" and people started running into our rooms to see the it. But then we learned that to watch you had to pay... so yeah. Never mind.
10/2/04: "Pash and dash..."
Wakie wakie to the crappiest breakfast of rolls and jam. But then we were off on the bus to take the motoscaffi to the Island of Venice. Yeah. We weren't ON Venice...we were more in the suburbs. :)
Venice itself was VERY touristy and after going to a glassblowing (a man blew a horse!) and lace making demonstration, we headed to the *gasp* Italian McDonald where I actually tried a Royale with Cheese. More and more and more shopping, then back to Piazza San Marco to feed the pigeons. That was so much fun, even though the thought of having dozens of dirty pigeon fly around me was pretty horrifying. At one point, I had 2 pigeons on my arm and I was happily feeding them each their own kernels. :) Then Kristine, the crazy Aussie, decided to throw pigeon food at me, which caused all the pigeons to fly up and go buck wild around me. OH the terror... at one point, one was attacking my boob and another was attacking my head. But I wasn't Kristine's only target because she started throwing seeds at random tourists who then would start running, flailing their arms. What a crazy girl. :)
At sunset, we took our gondola ride along the canals of Venice. It was perfect, despite the fact that at some parts, the water smelled a bit... err... and our gondolier, Mossimo, didn't sing. But when sailing next to another boat, we asked their gondolier to sing for us, and he did... ACDC Shoot me All Night Long. Adorable huh. :)
Oh let me state right here that these Italian men are wolves! During our stay, all of our waiters were young and flirty. The gondolier who did sing to us was a habitual winker and kept on mouthing words such as "I love you". Really. You do? But I barely know you... Sally, who is your gorgeous blond American girl, was having waiters follow her down the street and asking for kisses. Everyone was getting looks and hollers and while flattering, they were all coming off as lecherous. We were all getting freaked out by it.
Anyways, after the gondola ride, we had dinner at this charming restaurant, then it was back to Piazza San Marco which was simply breathtaking at night. No more attacking pigeons, but a lot of lights and the strings of different orchestras at different corners of the square. At one point, one started playing "St Lucia" and I almost died because this was absolutely perfect and the realization of actually being THERE was exciting in itself. Then a man came up to me and offered me a rose... he actually was selling it to me and then the moment died. But still... it was quite lovely.
10/3/04: "Feel the rhythm... feel the rhyme!"
Woke up, went to the bathroom in the shower, and we were off to Urbino, a charming little city as well as the birthplace of Raphael.
Once we got to Urbino, we went in search for Raphael's house, so up the hill we climbed. Up up up until we got to the very top and some amazing views and a monument in dedication to the artist... so we just assumed that THAT was where Raphael's mom had popped a squat and delivered her baby. So after picnicking on cheese, crackers and this HORRID drink called "Chino" that everyone told me to buy since it bared the name of my home on the other side of the tracks, we were disappointed to find the actual home of Raphael... on the bottom of the hill. Grreeat. To make ourselves feel better... we got some gelato.
After Urbino, we were off to Assisi for the night. Once we arrived, we had the most adorable tour guide who would call out to us "Contiki... take a picture not a movie" in her high pitched Italian accent. She showed us the basilica of St. Claire, where the tomb of St. Claire is, the home of St. Francis, and the basilica of St. Francis, where St. Francis's remains lie... and while we were there, the town was celebrating the feast of St. Francis, so it was a wonderful experience to really soak in the culture of the city.
Once we got to the hotel, we had dinner, settled in, and it was off to a bar because our driver, Tonino, was a rabid fan for Italian Soccer and needed to see Rome win. So at the bar, there was air hockey where Carissa, my fello Chino chick (what are the odds!?) kicked my ass... 3 times, pool, and many the bonding moments over the skulling of drinks. :)
10/4/04: "'Shut up you whore,' she whispered loudly."
From Assisi, we were off to Sorrento, first of all with a stop at the Umbria markets for some Bacci and shopping. The day was mostly spent on the bus, but we were thoroughly entertained with some crazy relay games. When we finally arrived in Sorrento, we settled in and went downstairs... only to find that Paulie was looking HOTT in a suit. I feel like I need to say this because really... he was HOTT. I smile every time I think about it. :)
We took the coach into the city for some after "siesta" shopping, sampling of lemonchello (35% alcohol... oh my!), and dinner. Oh my gosh, dinner was beautiful because we were right on the cliff, overlooking the ocean, and we seriously had the most delicious mozzarella appetizer. Afterwards, we were drunk on vino, and off to the "American bar." That night, we managed to fit 8 people in a cab... but all fearing for our lives because Kristine, while sitting on 3 people, kept on asking our driver if he was in the Mafia, since while driving through Napoli, we were told that the mafia basically controlled the area. So drunken Kristine and her "bang bang... you mafia!?" were all making us nervous... but no one got killed or arrested and I think the driver got a large tip for having to deal with all of us. Gratzie sir.
10/5/04: "Chino girls know about tossing..."
Today we took a ferry to the island of Capri, wether this is the birthplace of Capri pants, I still don't know. Once on the island, we took a smaller boat to cruise around the island, with a stop to get off the "smaller boat" so that we can climb into a dingy that fits 4 people so that we can enter the famous Blue Grotto. Let me say that I was terrified because 1) I was already nauseous and 2) I didn't want to fall into the ocean because I was wearing a skirt and the thought of me being dragged into the boat ASS UP was scary. To get into the blue grotto you have to get into the bottom of the boat and the "driver" leans back as far as he can and pulls you in via chain. Its pretty insane and for a moment we all thought we were gonna drown... or suffocate. But luckily no one fell in and the Blue Grotto was AMAZING. Even more AMAZING once I took my sunglasses off. :)
After climbing out of the dingy and into the "smaller boat" we continued the cruise around Capri, with stops at the Green Grotto and the White Grotto. The whole island is pretty and I would have LOVED to explore a bit more, but by the time I got off the cruise, my stomach was churning and I was beat. So lunch at a café, some shopping, and Kristine, Keila, Sally, and myself had a siesta on the shore and waited for the ferry to take us back to Sorrento.
Back at Sorrento, we shopped a little more, made our way to the hotel, and had a somewhat "lackluster" dinner of chicken and french fries... oh with some frozen Tiramasu. Boo. The plan for the night was to go take a walk to some Roman Ruins and the possibly hit up a discotech that was near the hotel... but that so didn't happen. When Paulie told us to wear comfortable shoes for this "walk" we didn't realize that he meant that we were going to be hardcore hiking and climbing rocks. Luckily I had a flashlight, but still, it was quite the adventure with the holding on to rocks and jumping over ledges. At one point, a girl started asking if there were rattlesnakes... but by then we were halfway into hell and no one wanted add on the idea of poisonous animals to the thought of "oh my gosh, I'm going to fall off of this mountain." But we finally got there, the view was amazing, and boy where those some Roman ruins. Instead of going to the club afterwards, Sally, Keila and I sat at the bar and guzzled gatorade. Then we went to the pool for some after-hours gossip.
10/6/04: "Because it brings me joy..."
That morning, we said "goodbye" to Sorrento and headed back to Rome... but on the way we stopped at Pompeii where seriously they had the most well-fed stray dogs I have ever seen. (Actually, all the strays in Italy are well fed.) Oh Pompeii, I really wish we could have stayed longer there, but we were on a schedule and 45 minutes is all we had. But at least we saw some plaster body casts of victims and some Pompeii pornography via postcards and calenders. Yay for Pompeii pornography!
After Pompeii, we had a quickie stop at the Monte Cassino war memorial which was pretty eye opening, and then it was our last Autogrill stop, where like the bus, we spent many-a-time in them around the country.
When we finally reached Rome, we settled in, had dinner, then it was off to explore the city. But first, we had to make it on the Metro, which was as hot as an oven. 9 stops later, we finally made it to Spanga, home of the Spanish Steps. WE WERE IN ROME!! From there we made our way to Trevi Fountain so that we can throw our 3 coins in... one for love, another for good luck, and a last one so that we will return to Rome. :) Isn't that the cutestest!?
Once we got to the Pantheon, we were beat. But not beat enough to go buck wild and HUG the ancient building. No reason though... only the fact that it has so much history in it.
Then we got gelato. Possibly the best gelato ever. It was delicious. :)
Afterwards, we dispersed, and Carissa, Christina, Suzie, Natasha, Maria, and myself went in search for the Rome Hard Rock Café for some pins... only to hike for 30 minutes, uphill... and finding the restaurant right next to a metro stop. EEK! But while we were there, they were showing Madonna's Like A Virgin video, which ironically was filmed in Venice... so it was all fate. Or something of the sort.
10/7/04: "Do you like your meat like your men? Young?"
Our last day. :( We woke up and crammed 32 of us into an already crowded subway. We are all family now due to all the personal space violated. Our stop was the coliseum where we had a walking tour of Ancient Rome.
Once we were done with our Tour Guide, I asked her "WHERE IS THE MOUTH OF TRUTH!!?"
She told us that the famous icon from "Roman Holiday" was only a 10 minute walk from where we were... so a group of us went on a mission to find the mouth. After taking pictures and praying that our sinner hands wouldn't get cut off, we went back to the Vatican where we FINALLY got to see the Sistine Chapel... which was AMAZING!! Really... I can't describe it. It was awesome.... even though just getting to it was a hike in the museum... then it was off to St. Peter's to see Michelangelo's Pieta and the largest church in the world.
Our farewell dinner was at this charming restaurant near Vatican City where they had opera singers serenading us and once again, lots and lots of wine. I swear, I have never had so much wine in such a amount of time. But everyone was getting emotional and camera happy and well... it was "good times."
Then it was off to find "Trinity College", a bar in Rome after one more night shot of St. Peter's, the "second marker" and mauling in the Metro. Drinkie drinkie once we FOUND the place, mauling at the bar, a dance off, search for a cab, then back to the hotel. :)
10/8/04: "Good times.."
7am, I said goodbye to my dear roomie Keila. We were both new to having "roomies" and felt that the experience was great. Awww... Now she has to come and visit. Actually, we're planing a "reunion" tour of Italy in May... In Vegas of course. We don't have the funds to do it for real... so we're off to the Venitian and Belliago just for old time sakes.
7-10am: packed, organized, and said goodbye to everyone. My shuttle came at 10 and I was trying my hardest not to cry... but I did tear up a bit, even as my crazy driver weaved in and out of the lanes on the way to the airport. Crying and holding my breath for dear life... I said "Arrivederci" to Italy.
So... all in all, it was a TERRIFFIC experience, and definitely I want to go back because while getting to see a LOT, it just wasn't enough time. There's never enough time!! But yeah, I loved the people who I got to meet, the things and places we did and saw, and... well basically everything.
Every morning, we started our days with this Dean Martin classic. It was the perfect soundtrack for driving and now whenever I hear it, I'll always think of those crazy days in the coach and all the lovely memories of Italy.
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella
When the stars make you drool just like a pasta e fasul
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scusami, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore
Posted by
11:04 PM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Home sweet home... sorta. I don't have my luggage because while in Rome, my flight was delayed 45 minutes... which wouldn't have been a problem except for the fact that I had to catch my plane in London to LAX around 4... so we were really cutting it close. So close in fact that the group of us who had the same flight plan got personally escorted around Heathrow through security and ticketing... OoOoO. So I got on the flight, but my bags didn't. Boo. But I'm happy to be back... but at the same time I didn't want to leave. Its a different story if you're having a miserable time, and mine was far far from from that. Although I'm glad to be sleeping in my own bed... not to mention not having to lug a 50 pound suitcase and goodies up flights of stairs and taking showers only to find your bathroom flooded afterwards... I still totally LOVED the experience.
No pictures yet. I didn't bring my digi so I have 24 rolls (I sold one roll to my awesome roomie Keila in Sorrento for 2 euro) that need to be developed and I imagine I'll be spending many an hour scanning them... so when I have them ready, I'll be sharing.
Oh how I love this city...
The traffic is CRAZY. Oh my first day, I was crossing the street, and in the crosswalk, they had a little red man light lite up... so of course I assumed that meant "stop" but then again the people around me just kept on walking. So I assumed that meant "go" and America was just completely opposite. But nope, it was right before and everyone just doesn't care. So if you have the chance, just RUN.
At the hotel, I've been surrounded by Aussies. My roomies are Aussies,and one night, Lenora explained to me the games of RUGBY and CRICKET... which was competely great because the next night at a Pub with Laura, they had a rugby game showing and I totally knew what was going on. Well sorta. We also a group of Danish men who invaded our table and we all attempted to have a "german-broken english" conversation. Hilarity ensues. Apparently now I have a danish boyfriend...
Breakdown of London:
Thursday: Arrive 7am. Settle in after walking around IN THE RAIN with Elinore and Eric, 2 contiki folks that I met in the shuttle. We decided we needed to eat, so when in London, you go to a pub! Go watch PHANTOM OF THE OPERA with Elinore since we have free tickets and need to stay up as long as we can to avoid jet lag... although during the end of the show, we're nodding away in our very last row/top balcony seats. Still, we declare ourselves AWESOME after figuring out the underground system and successfully taking it to Picadilly Circus and not dying.
Friday: Wake up at 4am. Damn you jetlag. I decided to take my BATH/STONEHENGE tour today which was absoluletly perfect cause the weather was wonderful. While on the coach, I found myself sitting next to couple of folks from California so I didn't feel all too lonley. Our tourguide's name was Trudy... how English is that!? Stonehenge was quite a sight and it was pretty exciting to be standing there in front of it, as opposed to seeing it in pictures. Bath was just adorable. Went to a roman bathouse there... and lucky for me while visiting they were having a Jane Austen festival, so along with seeing some folks in the garb, I went to the Jane Austen house.
Saturday: Wake up to find London freezing cold... so I bundled up in layers for my Open top double decker bus tour! When in England, do the bus. While on it, I meet another contiki girl from Australia, Neyda. Together, we decided to go check out some sights... then around 12, I'd head over to Buckingham Palace to meet up with Laura. Or so that was what we thought.
At the Parliament tour office:
Neyda: So what tour do your reccomend? The Parliament or Westminister abbey?
Ticketguy: Well, here at the Parliament you get a better tour.
Me: What's at Westminister Abbey?
Ticketguy: Dead people.
With that being said, The Parliament tour ran WAAAAY longer than we originally thought but at least we saw where Tony Blair sits in the house of Commons ("Its like that SNL skit!") by the time we made our way to the Palace, it was already 12:45... and I can't find Laura. To make things worse, there are NO PHONES NEAR BUCKINGHAM PALACE. So panicking a bit, not to mention a bit wet because now its raining, we walk another 20 minutes to Trafalgar square to find a phone... and pizza. We were starving! Anyways after another hour of playing phone tag, I go back to the hotel to finally meet up with Laura and her friend Lynn. YAY! That night we went Leister square/Soho to a pub where as mentioned aboved met some crazy Danish men who kept on taking our pictures and calling us their girlfriends in German...
Listening in on the Danish:
Lynn: I think they're speaking German... but I'm not sure.
Danish guy: something something sauerkraut..
Lynn: Yeah.. its german.
...as well as some New Zealanders, one of which, Rodney, was VERY EXCITED to talk to us about American food. Serious. He ranted on and on about how much he loved American "Kentucky Fried Chicken" and you should have seen his face when Laura and I told him about Roscoes... he was in heaven. Aw those New Zealanders are too cute.
Sunday: Woke up early and went with Laura and Lynn on the last day of the Buckingham palace tour. We only got to see the Queen's state rooms, so no William or Harry... boo. But the pidgeons there were seriously the FATTEST PIGDEGONS EVER! Chubby winged things I tell you. How they fly... it makes me wonder. We also saw a portion of the changing of the guards cause it was CROWDED as hell... but at least its better seeing some of it than nothing at least. After the Palace, Laura and Lynn had to go back so Caimbrige, so I decided to take a mini to Cruise on Thames where I got to see London Brige, the Tower Brige, the globe theater, the Tower of London and some other great eye candies. Afterwards, I walked to Wesminister Abbey because I decided that seeing dead people wouldn't be too bad... especially if that dead person was Shakespeare, but couldn't get it since it was a Sunday it no tourist were allowed. Boo. So I just took some pictures and walked to the underground (I'm a pro!) to go back to the hotel and have a goodbye dinner of fish and chips with my dear Aussie roomie Lenora.
Monday: I woke up around 4 to take a cab to Victoria station so that I can catch the first train to Gatwick... then it was off to ITALY!
... more on that later. ;)
All in all, 4 days is definitely not enough for London... but still I loved it. I need to go back and stay longer, thats for sure. The guys there are the cutest... and their teeth aren't all gross. ;)
Posted by
10:28 AM
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Can I tell you how many times I wanted to puke on the way over here? I was sleeping quite nicely 4 hours into my flight from Chicago to Heathrow, until there was quite a bit of turbelance. Actually, a WHOLE FREAKING LOT. I was chewing the heck out of the gum in my mouth because thats my own little secret to not getting sick... but it was bad. I think I had that same piece of gum in my mouth for over 3 hours. Ew.
But it all doesn't matter now because I'm in LONDON! :) I'm just waiting to check into my hotel room so that I can get settled in a bit before heading out and doing I don't know what.
:) How exciting!
Posted by
3:13 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Oh how I love talking with my cousin Angel... who seems to think I'm a whore.
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: be safe
spaznik: i will!!
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: remember especially wit those foreigners
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: no glove no love
spaznik: thank you dear baby cousin.
spaznik: i am now properly freaked out. :P
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: well i was just sayin nicole
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: i dunno what u r going to do on the trip
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: i want to make sure u dont bring anythin back wit u
spaznik: what happens in italy... stays in italy!
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: except those damned stds
D3viLiShAnG3LxXx: they just never seem to want to go away
spaznik: hahahaha ok HO! go to bed!!
How exciting... I'm leaving tomorrow... and yet I'll still be here for the AMAZING RACE FINALE!!
I'm 75% packed and ready to go... just a bit nervous because my travel agent Geri called today to tell me that my direct flight to London was cancelled. So now I'm booked to go to Chicago first then to England where I'll arrive at 7:30am on Thursday. And with my promise to Laura to STAY UP FROM THE MOMENT I ARRIVE UNTIL NIGHTTIME to avoid jetlag... it's going to be quite an experience.
I have 25 rolls of film and 17 days to use them up.
Its going to be pretty darn cool. :)
Posted by
1:02 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
I have a new man in my life..
Who's this puppy??
Meet Sonny. No. Not the Canadian. This is Sonny, one of the cutest puppies in the world. Only 4 months, and completely opposite as Penelope. While Penny is rambunctious and enjoys nibbling, Sonny (the dog) is a bit shy and has a very quiet "vibe" to him.
Sonny (the dog) actually didn't get his name from Sonny (the Canadian). When I went over to my aunt's to pick him up, she already had his name set.
Auntie Espy: You get to bring home Sonny here.
Me: Wait. His name is Sonny?
Auntie Espy: Yeah...
Me: That's Carlene's boyfriend's name!
*everyone laughs*
Actually Sonny (the Canadian) calls Sonny (the dog) Junior... its really cute.
The sad thing is that my Uncle in Seattle wants a dog and it looks like when he comes down to visit in October, he just might take his claim on Sonny (the dog).
Ironically, my Uncle's name is Sonny too.
Its like this dog was destined for the name.
But since my Uncle Sonny might be taking Sonny (the dog), we're trying our hardest not to grow attached... but its hard. Cause he's so gosh darn cute! We might need to find a way to keep him. Even Penelope is friendly with him!
buddy buddy!
They're pretty much the same half Chihuahua half Dachshund combo with the exception that Penny is half brown and white and Sonny (the dog) is beige with cartilage in his ears. Penny's doesn't stick up like that.
What is up with those ears??
Oh puppy love. Aren't they the cutest!
Posted by
2:12 AM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
When I was a freshman in college, I joined a club called Circle K and immediately bonded with the group. Among them, was a girl named Erin... and although she wasn't a freshman, she was also a newbie like me. She had the GREATEST COUCH EVER at her apartment and I spent many a nights on it after CKI events or late night studying. When times were tough, she was probably THE one I vented to and to this day, I am truly grateful for it. She was fun, silly, and overall was and has always been a terrific friend.
This weekend Erin got married.

What a pretty bouquet...
I wonder who made it. ;)
Her walk down the aisle was quite dramatic with her in her gown being perfectly silhouetted with the brightness of the sun behind her. She was gorgeous and I was definitely tearing up. It seemed a bit surreal to see her up at the alter, saying her vows. Maybe it was because it felt like we've been talking and planning for more than a year.... and there it was, the product before our eyes. Or maybe it was because it made me feel old and there I was, in that stage where your friends are getting married and starting their "older" lives... with their husbands and own kids.
Anyways, it was a beautiful wedding. During the reception, I was happily reunited with some of my ex phone operator girls (my first job that actually Erin help me get) as well as Connie, my boss from Telephone Services... and we DANCED. We trained. We YMCAed. We got "Crazy in Love" with Beyonce. It was good times.

Oh my gosh... Erin's married!
So congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Ackerson. May you two have a beautiful "happily ever after."
Posted by
1:54 AM
Friday, September 17, 2004
So every so often, I'll get emails from Divisoria.net which is a filipino website where I can get all the music and dvd goodies I usually can't find at Seafood city. Actually, I only ordered once for a karaoke mulitplex tape, but I guess that one time has put me on the "emails for life" list.
"Sabel" is a compelling story. Judy Ann Santos is Sister Sabel, a nun who counsels prison inmates. Jojo has a crush on the perky nun, and rapes her one moonlit night. A traumatized Sabel leaves the convent and stops visiting the prison.
Anyways, one of the new movies they were advertising on the email went by the title of "Sabel" and had the following tagline:
Her love...
every man's challenge
Her story...
every woman's secret.
It makes you think romantic drama huh. Now read the movie description...
Months later, Jojo is released. With Sabel still on his mind, Jojo begins looking for her. When he finally finds her after months of searching, an unlikely romance ensues. Sabel announces one day that she's pregnant. But before a happy Jojo can propose marriage, Sabel disappears again.
While searching for Sabel, a heartbroken Jojo talks to the ex-nun's friends and family, and is shocked by what he discovers. Sabel was apparently fond of casual sex, and given to modd swings and bouts of rage. Jojo then happens on even more disturbing news: Sabel is now reportedly living in the mountains of Benguet, where she is on trial for murder. Could a former nun be capable of such a heinous crime?
Wow. Talk about DRAMA. I was telling Dielle about this movie last week, and as I was describing how the girl who was a nun was raped by an inmate... I couldn't stop laughing. Apparently I am heartless bitch who takes pleasure in one fictional character's misery. And you thought Jane Eyre had some problems with Mr. Rodchester being married to the psycho attic chick and later only having one eye. This story just gets worse and worse... shes raped... shes pregnant... shes in love with her rapist... shes running from the law... all while being a NUN!!
Ahhh, this is something I will need to rent someday.
Posted by
1:15 AM
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
What are the odds... really?
So... my dear sexy friend Robert and I have been sharing a secret love affair. Yes. Its true. We both have a love for Barry Manilow. We declared our love the night of the "Barry Manilow" night on American Idol right before Jennifer Hudson got booted off for singing WEEKEND IN NEW ENGLAND.
From April 28, 2004
Zasher816: when will our eyes meet
Zasher816: when can i touch you
Zasher816: when will i hold you...
Zasher816: agaaaaaaain
spaznik: NOOOO!!!
spaznik: i love that song!
Zasher816: hahahaha
spaznik: makes me think of jennifer hudson!!
Zasher816: oh god
spaznik: hahah great now you make me want to listen...
Zasher816: lol
Zasher816: i'm listening right now
Zasher816: soo good
Oh it hurts my heart to think about it. Poor poor Jennifer Hudson. Anyways....
From May 7. 2004
Zasher816: when will our eyes meet
Zasher816: when can i touch you
spaznik: stop listening to barry!!
Anyways, so yesterday night we had this little conversation.
Zasher816: so i've bene practicing my singing
Zasher816: i'm ready for american idol
spaznik: whoohoooo!!
spaznik: when are auditions?
Zasher816: no idea
Zasher816: but i'm so there
spaznik: what are you gonna sing?
spaznik: brian mcknight?
Zasher816: probably
Zasher816: i'm thinkin maybe "still in love"
spaznik: ahhhh... New Edition?
Zasher816: mase
spaznik: oh... sexy.
Zasher816: wait
Zasher816: no
Zasher816: i got it
Zasher816: one word
Zasher816: BARRY
Zasher816: LMAO
spaznik: OH DADDY!!
spaznik: yeah. mama likes.
Well... looks like Oprah is on a roll with fufilling EVERYONES dream because who do you think was on the show today?!
Today at 4:45pm
spaznik: did you see BARRY?!
Zasher816: what?!
Zasher816: where?!
spaznik: OPRAH!
Zasher816: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
spaznik: i swear... shes giving away cars...
spaznik: now she has BARRY...
spaznik: its like shes READING MY DIARY!!
Zasher816: what are the dang odds
spaznik: I KNOW!!!!
Zasher816: next oprah will bring tons of female strippers and give away millions of dollars
spaznik: write to her and it will come.
Zasher816: interesting...
Zasher816: it's like writing santa claus
Zasher816: she's more RELIABLE that santa claus
Dear Oprah... can I have some lotto numbers? Oh heck, can I just have some lotto winnings please?!?
Posted by
4:51 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
Oprah... can I be your friend!?!
*update* I just watched the show and although I thought I would be a pile of bitterness and jealousy when she gave out the cars... I cried. I mean yeah, sure I want a car too... but its Oprah and she's awesome and wow. OH and I was BALLING when she gave that poor girl a makeover AND college tuition, housing, books... AND $10,000 in EXPRESS clothes. Oh Oprah... you rock. So hard.
Posted by
1:22 PM
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Well, today was Carlene's 23rd Birthday and we celebrated over the weekend by having a get together Saturday night with Carlene's friends, and bunch today with the family at Mission Inn.
Saturday night was a lot of fun. Since redecorating and landscaping the backyard with ideas of "when we have parties..." or "oh we can have dinners here" we finally had an an excellent excuse to go all out do just that. It felt grown up with all the candles and glasses of wine... and talk of "WORK." Oh goodness. The only thing was that at 11pm that evening, we were visited by 2 possums who decided to walk across the back fence. One actually fell off the wall and the other possum decided to skip out on his homie and left him to fend for himself. Useless. It was my first time seeing a possum, and when we heard the crash of the first one, I first thought it was a really ugly cat. A really really ugly cat. Then someone yelled "OH MY GOSH! ITS A POSSUM!"... followed by "TAKE A PICTURE!!"
"I want to see it hanging from its tail..."
The rest of the night went possum-less indoors with lots of old school Nintendo, hookah as well lots and lots of greek leftovers. Joe, Ken, Jean, Sonny, Chelle and myself claimed the table battled it out for chips in probably the most hilarious game of Poker I've ever gotten to participate in... complete with ample smack talking and killing of spirits with the girls managing to knock out all the guys (VAGINA POWER!). Oh and we can't forget Joe the dealer and his obsessive need to organize chips.
Ken: I see pride! I see power! I see a bad-ass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody!
Joe on losing: I'm really good at the begining... its usually during the end that sucks.
20 minutes later.
Jean: Hey joe. Come back! We're starting over! You'll be good again!
All in all, the party was a sucess. In the words of all our SL girlies... *good times* It was good times today also at the Mission Inn for bunch... yay for waffles!
But most of all YAY for Carlene, who's my bestest sister and friend in the whole wide world. :) Love yooouuu!!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Friday, September 10, 2004
Today, although I felt like I'm being stalked by Biggie's "One More Chance" (really, do you know how many times I've heard this song within the last couple of days? Its so old... and very random.... and they'll play it on KIIS!) , I've been walking around with Petey Pablo's "Freek-A-Leek" in my head. And the thing is that I've been singing it to myself over and over again... which in a way is a bit "pervy" and "sick"... to a danceable beat of course.
"How you like it daddy"
Ugh. Make it stop.
Anyways, lets talk about some good TV.
THE AMAZING RACE: Chip and Kim need to win. Really they do. I love them. I want to hug them and invite them over for dinner. Then maybe afterwards, we can all go hiking together in my backyard and be as happy as apple pie. See, if I were to go with Colin and Christie... Colin might kill me. He's crazy like that.
THE APPRENTICE: New season. New folks. Right now I'm feeling the Real Estate agent, Jennifer C. because I love her lipstick color. I'm about to friendster her to find out what it is exactly.
THE PLAYER: Not necessarily good. Just funny. "Don't hate the player. Hate the game. " Even as I write it down, it still sounds retarded. "Play on playa." Yeah. Even player with an A sounds lame.
THE REAL WORLD: Gay guy #1 looks familiar.... He was on GHOSTWRITER!! Rally H Hector!
THE SURREAL LIFE: Are you kids watching this trainwreck!?! Oh my gosh, this is GOOD. Charo is adorable, even if I don't understand her. Although I get that she want to name the dog "CUCHI." Supposedly the ghetto Flava flave and she-man Brigitte Neilson are going to get it on. Did you see when Brigitte went topless and danced with the Thunder from Down Under guys? When I think about it... I giggle then puke a bit inside.
K. I got some laundry to finish. Its a big weekend, next weeekend will be the same... and I need some clean clothes. :)
Posted by
1:06 AM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
I've been hearing this Jojo song on the radio I swear, every other minute. And everytime I hear it, I tend to sing along but with a lot of emotion (see: teenage angst) . And since I don't know the lyrics, I try to make them up.... mostly as the angry girl in the backround who's trying to get the her point across.
Get out (LEAVE!)
Right now (FUUUCCKKK!!)
It's the end of you and me
It's too late (GOOOOO!!!)
And I can't wait for you to be gone
Cause I know, about her (GOSH!)
And I wonder (UUUUGGGHH!!)
How I bought all the lies
You said that you would treat me right
But you was just a waste of time (WASTE OF TTTTIIIIMEEE!!!)
I don't remember being this "pissy" as a teenager. Or maybe I was... Hmmm. I DO remember a lot of door slamming and throwing myself onto the bed out of frustration and anger... but that was yesterday. :P
Posted by
10:42 PM
Monday, September 06, 2004
Since the our relationship with the white carpet downstairs has seen better days (also known as the pre-dog era), we decided to take it all out and put in woodfloors. Well, more like everyone else did and I found out a week before when they came home with 24 cases of wood laminate. so... yeah that's what I was going to do this weekend!
tools. hardcore.
a "before" picture.
sonny scraping concrete. this is "offically" harder than originally thought.
Taking out the carpet wasn't too bad. My mom had enlisted the help of one older filipino gentleman who was a friend of a friend of the family... and man co-worker who we're 90% sure is in love with her. She calls him Pogi, which basically in tagalog means "cute", and in return everytime some heavy duty "work" needs to be done around the house, he comes over and does her bidding. Both guys worked in fobby fipflops.
done! wait... this isn't wood.
under the carpet... theres a blue layer of cushion. thats what makes it so soft! i knew that!
... like in gymnastics! Go Canada!
out of bounds. a 10th of your score. no gold for you shortie!
oOoOO... its all woody!
24 hours later...
Ooo... almost finished...
We pretty much finished with the floor around midnight on Sunday night... then it was just finishing up with the quarter rounds and moving furniture in. Pieces at the door and closet need to be finished, but essentially, its pretty much DONE.
overhead view. we need some sort of rug in the middle now.
come on in! keep your shoes on! no more white carpet!!
the family room... completed!! don't you think a bear-skin rug would look GREAT in there!?
So yeah.. no more white carpet!! Well just downstairs. The upstairs is still white and prone to messyness... but it shouldn't be too bad. It feels a little bit wider downstairs and theres more of an echo too. Its nice. It looks nice. And you can slide around in socks. Did someone say DANCE PARTY USA!?!
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6:53 PM