Friday, December 17, 2004

K. Can anyone help?

This Christmas I have a family party to go to and the "kids" (who are all now between the ages of 16-27) are going to participate in the usual white elephant christmas gift madness.

The minimum is $50.

I need ideas folks. I don't want to end up throwing a gift certificate in the mix because where's the fun and creativity in that? Last year, the bummy gift was a garage door sensor... and it went to one of the two kids who actually couldn't drive. Now, I don't want to contribute anything so sucky that you feel bad when somebody actually gets it... rather something that people will fight over. Something that will make people go "wow... that's cool! forget the pile of wrapped gifts... I WANT THAT!!" But I just can't think of anything...

I may just buy $50 worth of porn. Kids like porn right?