Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I'm running out of creative juice when it comes to my Christmas shopping! But luckily I'm like 60% done... unless I forgot someone, then in that case I'm screwed.

Anyways, yesterday as I was driving back home, I passed by a store to see a little boy around the age of 6 years old licking the doors to the shop. It was the cutest and most disgusting thing... but then it reminded me of the day when I was younger and enjoyed the taste of the stone fireplace. I used to lick that wall like it was ice cream and the thought of it is making my mouth water. Eww.. what the hell...

Borders didn't have "White Christmas" either. Is this a conspiracy!?!

I forgot to mention, but in my training class, I was talking to the guy next to me and it turned out that he lives in my old town, went to my high school's brother school, and he's family friends with my second grade teacher. What are the odds huh? Yes Jean, he's cute... but totally not my type. That is if you like those white, blond, handsome, nice dressing metrosexual types. Um.. yeah. What was my type again?

I need some help.