Friday, September 10, 2004

Today, although I felt like I'm being stalked by Biggie's "One More Chance" (really, do you know how many times I've heard this song within the last couple of days? Its so old... and very random.... and they'll play it on KIIS!) , I've been walking around with Petey Pablo's "Freek-A-Leek" in my head. And the thing is that I've been singing it to myself over and over again... which in a way is a bit "pervy" and "sick"... to a danceable beat of course.

"How you like it daddy"

Ugh. Make it stop.

Anyways, lets talk about some good TV.

THE AMAZING RACE: Chip and Kim need to win. Really they do. I love them. I want to hug them and invite them over for dinner. Then maybe afterwards, we can all go hiking together in my backyard and be as happy as apple pie. See, if I were to go with Colin and Christie... Colin might kill me. He's crazy like that.

THE APPRENTICE: New season. New folks. Right now I'm feeling the Real Estate agent, Jennifer C. because I love her lipstick color. I'm about to friendster her to find out what it is exactly.

THE PLAYER: Not necessarily good. Just funny. "Don't hate the player. Hate the game. " Even as I write it down, it still sounds retarded. "Play on playa." Yeah. Even player with an A sounds lame.

THE REAL WORLD: Gay guy #1 looks familiar.... He was on GHOSTWRITER!! Rally H Hector!

THE SURREAL LIFE: Are you kids watching this trainwreck!?! Oh my gosh, this is GOOD. Charo is adorable, even if I don't understand her. Although I get that she want to name the dog "CUCHI." Supposedly the ghetto Flava flave and she-man Brigitte Neilson are going to get it on. Did you see when Brigitte went topless and danced with the Thunder from Down Under guys? When I think about it... I giggle then puke a bit inside.

K. I got some laundry to finish. Its a big weekend, next weeekend will be the same... and I need some clean clothes. :)