Monday, February 18, 2002

I dont get it...but thought it was a cute graphic. :)...

You are like a rockstar...only in Dutch.

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

What is YOUR Highschool label?

Yep... more quizzes. Its very addicting... and it makes you feel good. Sure all the answers are sugar coated and are extremely positive... but really, why would you want to take a quiz to find out if you are an evil person that nobody likes? Yeah yeah, I know that people are looking at these results and saying.. "um yeah.. uh huh whore... you WISH that were true." and yeah I do wish that it were true... but at least its like a hint of what my potential could be? Something to strive for? Yep. I think so too.

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