Today was a great day.. despite being awoken at 5am by mom who thought that sunrise Easter mass was at 6... but in reality it was at 7:30. Carlene and I were at our utmost geekiest today at mass because they choir started singing "Pan De Vida" and the both of us under our breaths cheered an obnoxious "YES!" because 1) this song was sung at EVERY Lucy's mass and it brought back the warm fuzzies and 2) we KNEW the words and the tune of the song. We've come to the conclusion that singing at Church is definitely the high point of going on Sundays and pogi points are ALWAYS given out to the choirs that sing songs that we know, like "Servant Song" or "On Eagle's Wings" and other old school songs. I really don't like it when I go to mass and I have NO idea what the song is and I can't sing along. It like the choir is being incredibly snobby and selfish and just don't want to share the gift of song with everyone else... ok... maybe THATS a bit harsh... This is all probably incredibly retarded to whoever is reading this and have no inkling what I'm talking about... but if you do... oh my gosh... you just might be a soulmate! ;)
After mass, ran some errands, took a quickie nap and woke up just when people started to arrive. :) Pretty much spent the day downstairs, watching basketball and reminincing with Mark, Myles, and Carlene. Our moms used to plan these crazy adventures for us along with the other Barkada kids... going trout fishing on a trout farm, cherry picking, picnics at the lake... but not anymore. I think that we're all pretty freaked out that we're *gasp* old. Well not OLD OLD... but finally at our ages. When we were younger, we really didn't have very deep conversations... it was your typical chatting about video games, childish banter, and of course late nights playing "dark spot." And now that we're older... I think we've reached a level in which we can talk about... well US and our own lives. Its nice to know that these friendships that started before birth will probably keep on going for a long time.
Mom is glowing. She said that her friends are happy for her and the house. She feels accomplished and successful for being able to get the house, decorating it, etc... Tita Fe said that the house was "warm" and I guess it means a lot for her to know that people can feel that warmth. :)
Sunday, March 31, 2002
Posted by
8:29 PM
Saturday, March 30, 2002
Owwie... I'm offically a CLUTZ. I managed to butcher my finger my rubbing it against the sharp, jagged edge of the seran wrap box. :( since the sight of any minor injury causes my mom to get incredibly naucious and since there aren't any bandaids in the house... I had to wrap a piece of gauze around my finger and secure it with some tape to stop the bleeding. Ouch!
Spring break is pretty much over... *sigh* back to school... *double sigh* but it was fun while it lasted. :) Paradise banquet on Wednesday, driving to Carlsbad afterwards were it was FREAKING cold... driving to Beth and crashing on her floor... waking up to Beth describing her dream of not being able to get the "district board discout" when shopping... coming back here with intensions to clean but instead watch a whole lot of TLC and Moulin Rouge! And you can't forget ET!! *Elliot*
Kathy left yesterday to go back to Berkeley :( but then Joe came over with Moulin Rouge! *yes... again* Now I'm deeply in love with Ewan McGregor... he can sing to me anyday... ;)
Spent the majority of today cleaning for tomorrow... as well driving over to Mike's so that I can pick up a pot that I had left there 4 months ago and into the oh so crazy and crowded walmart where there was a frenzy to grab some last minute Easter items. Mom invited some family friends over here for Easter lunch and it has somewhat become a quasi-house warming party. :) YAY!! So we've been bustling to make sure that the house is "just right." :) Still gotta hang some more pictures... but I think we may be there.
Posted by
10:01 PM
Friday, March 29, 2002
Responses that you would hear from ET the moment he got back on the ship....
"Did you NOT see my freaking GLOWING heart running towards the space ship!!"
"Couldn't you have waited 5 more seconds?"
"I almost FUCKING DIED down there!"
"Did earths atmosphere make you temporarily STUPID!"
"Could you NOT hear me SCREECHING like a banchee!"
"I had to attach myself to a FREAKING kid for a week cause you retards left my ASS down there!!"
Aliens reactions:
"FUCKING ET!! We were HALFWAY home and we had to pick up your SORRY ASS!!"
"I said be back at the ship at 9pm!! NOT 9:05... 9:10... 9PM!"
"Last time we make a pit stop on earth!"
"I didn't say walk out to the edge and look at the view... I said go out 10 yards, pick up a tree and get back on the ship!"
"You could have at least brought the dog with you so we could have had something eat on the way home... not this dinky PLANT!!"
Kathy's scenario if ET's girlfriend left him...
ET's girlfriend: You know ET.. since you were gone... I had an affair with your brother... we call him BT. Better Terrestrial.
ET and pals 20 years later...
ET's buddies: HAHAH!! Remember that time we left ET on earth!!
ET: ha ha. So funny guys... soo funny. bastards.... that was 20 YEARS ago...
Kathy: Instead of the Darwin awards.. they have the ET awards on his planet...
Yep.. as you can guess, I went to go see ET last night with Kathy, Carlene, and Michael... hence the plethora of smartass comments about the movie. It was really good though... even though mondo doesn't understand why I would pay to see this instead of renting it for $3 :p ... it was awesome to see it on the BIG SCREEN and all. It sounded like the orchestra was in the room... good times. :) Awwwwwww... ET was so cute!!
Posted by
2:36 PM
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Well.... here I am at Beth's waiting for her to get ready so that we can drive down to San Diego for the Paradise banquet.... so since I'm here and waiting... why not blog? Exactly!!
It was a happy day yesterday when I went to the hospital to get a follow-up x-ray on my arm... the break is still there... but its healing... so the doctor said that I didn't need to use the sling or splint anymore! :) YAY! So its still a bit achy but at least it isnt as annoying to have those contraptions on it.
Yesterday night during dinner, I got interrogated by mom on what exactly I write on this blogger. She's slightly freaked that I may be revealing all the family secrets... blah blah blah or something like that... but really I don't think there's anything remotely juicy to write about... and if it is... there's NO WAY I'm going to tell you. Carlene said that perhaps what is OUR norm probably is perciveved as quirky and weird to those not living in our house... thats true. And vice versa. So don't fret mom... if you actually do find this and read it... I pinky swear that I'm not going to slander or humiliate you in any way.... ;) Its the least I can do since you DID give birth to me...
Posted by
4:03 PM
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
weirdness... its spring break and I was up at 7am... I have no idea why. Normally if that were to happen, I'd just lie there and wait for sleep to come again... but it just didn't happen this morning. I guess in a way I might have a lot of things on my mind... the dream was plesant... nothing extremely scary, weird, or remarkable for me to remember though... anyways...
Anyways, in an effort to make sure that Convention never ends, went out to dinner with Beth, Ryan, Mondo, Manny, Jean, and later Sukhyung last night over at Downtown Disney. :) It feels like I just graduated from HS all over again... like how you never wanted that *first summer before everyone went off to college* to end and just cherishing every moment before it was time to go... Although I'm definitely sure we'll all see each other again, its just a question when, where, who's going to make an effort in keeping in touch, etc.
Things I missed here at home while I was up in Visalia...
1) The house blessing. :( Mom had the house blessed on Friday by Fr. Maher cause I guess it was the only free time he had before the Easter weekend... So I really feel bad for missing it. At least mom decided to have a little house warming party with some family friends this Easter so at least that didn't happen on Friday and I would miss that too.
2) Mom buying a Geroge Forman grill. Its not really a spectacular event to note for 2002... but I found it odd to see it chillin on the kitchen counter as if it had always been there and decided to make its appearance to me right then and there.
Well I better go and get this freaking arm X-rayed... :) *cross your fingers and hope that its getting better!*
Posted by
9:25 AM
Monday, March 25, 2002
Convention was absolutely AWESOME.... :) And I'm not just saying that because Beth is my friend.... but it was TERRIFFIC... Lets break it down shall we?
Thursday: Jean came and we left LA around 10pm... and arrived in Vivacious "a bit stinky" Visalia around 12:45ish. A bit late for the preboard meeting but at least we made it. :) Afterwards, unloaded the car, checked in, and catched up with everyone... approx. sleep time: 3hrs.
Friday: Woke up expecting to see the sunshine outside my window, but instead it was the glow of the indoor pool outside. I had a bit of a hard time sleeping due to my arm, and so when the alarm accidently went off at 7:30 instead ot 8:30, i was more than eager to get up. Took a shower, pathetically blow-dried my hair, got ready... and by then it was time to wake up my roomies!! Had our final board meeting... :( and then helped where I could with the backdrop... got artsy with Kathy while decorating her superhero t-shirt...hotel room mix-up... downstairs rehearsal... found new hotel room. (yay!) back upstairs to dress up into my costume, back downstairs for opening session. That was so great... all the schools and their costumes... it was just a sight to see. Sorta kinda messed up with the patriotic song... but oh wells. :) Caucus session one (with some really good pizza... but still not sure about the "goodness" of the pizza... was it good because it was good? or was it good cause we were all incredibly hungry?) Back to the room, helped Carrie count out some money... chit chatted with her and Jean, and Beth for a long time. approx sleep time: 3 hrs.
Saturday: Wokeup to sunshine!! showered and got ready... Caucus session 2, dinner rehearsal, talent show audition, lunch (where I opted not to go in order to get a good nap.) The CRAZY House of Delegates, made it into the Ice Breaker workshop and was "SOOOO GRATEFUL" that Joe was there and saved it all... back upstairs to get dolled up, downstairs for the VIP reception, Awards dinner, *got to perform in the talent show with Lorraine... :) YAY!* dance/casino/karaoke *oh my gosh... those boys from Cal Maritime singing "you've lose that loving feeling" in their uniforms... and loud obnoxious group singing Jumper with "instrumental breeeaaaakkkk," PTP pieing... THAT WAS MADNESS... poor everyone who got pied... clean up, back to room to help carrie with more stuff, listened to Manny snore, watched Jimmy's "waking up" tatics, and tried out a new one to wake up Jean. *groan.... mmmm tiger.* approx sleep time: 4 hrs. (includes 1hr lunch nap)
Sunday: Woke up to hear Beth screaming because Miss Witch and Pic has made their appearance, downstairs for rehearsal, closing session. Oh my gosh, complete sadness for me... I dunno, but I couldn't stop crying. I guess it was because it was the offical end of something that has been so special in my life this past year. Yeah, I'll still be in the organization, but there will be people I won't be seeing at the events anymore because they'll be graduating or maybe will just want to leave it, or just find new things to be a part of. Actually, I said at the thursday night meeting that the whole thing was bittersweet... i think I was lying... it's more bitter than sweet for me. I kinda didn't want it to end. Sure there are people out there who probably want to slap me for saying something so stupid... hahahah... those 2years who are just tired of it... but my one little year was such an experience. *sigh* I'm so going to miss the board so much... as much as there was DRAMA... Convention just made all that go away and as Beth would say... "it was a utopia." And the fact that I probably won't see some of those people again breaks my heart. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Anyways, enough with all the mush... we finally left Visalia but since we were all LACKING sleep and neither Beth, Sakura, or I could stay awake in the car to accompany Jean... I made Jean pull over so that we can power-nap in a park for 45 minutes. Finally got back to LA. YaAAAyYY!
So that was the weekend. Its done. :( OH no.. I think I'm going to start crying again... ugh.
Lets wrap it up. Total sleep time: Approx 10 hours.
OH! Got third place for talent show!
Big thank-yous to Jean, Kathy, Pic, Joe, Carrie, and Sukhyung for being my left arm at during times when i needed it.
Beth... it was soooo GREAT! :) Absolutely perfect... it kindamakes me wanna kidnap all 270 attendees and lock them up in Visilia so that we stay in this happy bubble forever...
And thank you to EVERYONE for allowing me to be part of this... thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) Please don't forget me... KIT! ;) Have a "bitchin" summer...
Posted by
1:48 PM
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
*awwww.. i love Joe!! He's adorable!
EclipseJMR: we're entertaining
EclipseJMR: i make people laugh just cuz i'm stupid
EclipseJMR: i'm stupidly funny
EclipseJMR: and you're stupidly entertaining
EclipseJMR: stupid - good
spaznik: hahahahah... riiight.
EclipseJMR: you so stupid nicole!
EclipseJMR: word to your mother
spaznik: right back at you joe!!
Well, worked out the kinks to our "act" today... its coming out really well and I'm excited to perform it. hehehe... actually I'm really excited for convention this weekend. I was so close to not going because mom was scared that i might damage my elbow even more and therefore putting me in high risk of surgery... but I pinky swore to be extra careful and to pack clothes that are easy to get in and out of. Now its just a matter of organizing my things and getting them packed... *note to self... make a check list!* And Jean, Beth, and Kathy said they would help me out when I would need it ... you know trying to eat saturday night's cornish game hen with one hand! OH not to mention safeguard me from that creepy guy.. *eek!*
Well since Beth did it for me during FTC... here is the predicted TOP 5 MOMENTS OF CONVENTION. :)
1) PTP pieing. Wow. Wasn't THAT hilarious!! hahahaha.
2) OH those KOOKY antics at the House of Delegates... I can't believe that happened!! Remember??
3) Joe and I looking incredibly "stupid" during our Icebreaker workshop... suuurrre we know what we're doing!
4) That one chick who sang the patriotic song... wow... I was in tears.. weren't you?!?!
5) Everyone realizes that Convention totally kicked ass... and crowns Beth with a "pretty tiara" and proclaims her queen of vivacious Visalia. She then gets to beat her nay-sayers down with the walkie-talkie. *photo op* ;)
Posted by
2:30 AM
Monday, March 18, 2002
This morning... i woke up and my arm was still hurting... but i decided to go to class and maybe afterwards, go to the hospital so that someone can check it... so then i took a shower and got really scared because my left hand was now a horrible shade of blue/purple. So i called mom and left a message on my professor's voicemail and rushed over to Queens. Luckily mom was able to pull some strings over at radiology so i didnt have to wait long for an x-ray... unfortunantly we discovered a fracture on the elbow. :( soo... yup... its BROKEN!!! at least i didn't have to get a cast and avoided getting a splint by promising the doctor that i would a good, non-rambunctiuos girl... but it is in a sling. UGH. this sucks.
Mom feels really guilty though since she initally thought that it was bruised. Her co-workers were giving her a hard time too...hahahaha.. they kept on asking me if mom pushed me down the stairs or had gone too far with her beatings when i was waiting for my results in the nurses lounge... :) And when i replied that i had tripped on a staircase... they told me to stick to the "mom beats me story" cause its more interesting and not as dorky as being clumsy... nah... i love mom... she added this makeshift cushion to the sling so i wouldn't irk my neck... sucky sucky elbow...
Posted by
2:12 PM
Wow... just watched "WHAT DREAMS MAY COME" just now and its a pretty awesome movie...Carlene has been pretty insistant that I watch this movie and rented it today... it really makes you believe in soulmates. i was crying throughout the whole thing... yeah.. everyone should watch it... its a beautiful and stunning picture to look at.
Anyways, arm still HURTS. I didn't go to the ER today since mom checked it this morning and said that nothing is swollen... so its probably just bruised and sprained. At least its a bit more moblie that it was last night but still pretty painful. Pretty much spent the day resting with some kind of frozen food on it. This morning, I was aching, so stayed at home and watched 3 GLORIOUS episodes of TRADING SPACES on TLC. :) I LOOOOOVEE TLC! Eating lunch and dinner was a pain cause I had to have mom cut my food and well eating with your opposite hand makes one feel pretty retarded. And it doesnt help that everytime Carlene looks at me in my cripped state... she busts up laughing and has an illustrated reenactment of my tragic fall in her mind... brat.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Sunday, March 17, 2002
in pain... ;( kinda sorta typing with one hand... so bare with me.
my day was going really well... got to clean the yard with my mom... and then we went to Brea where I got a really cute pair of shoes for convention. I had plans to meet up with Joe later in the afternoon so that we can talk about our workshop...
So on the way to Glendale... traffic was HORRIBLE. I took me an hour and a half to get there and I felt really bad because Joe's phone is non-existent... and I really don't like being late. Anyhoo.. so I finally get to the mall and I park at Nordstroms. Joe calls me from a pay phone and I'm feeling HORRIBLE... and so I'm rushing.
The parking garage has this cement staircase before you enter the store... and halfway down I lost my balance and I remember thinking... I'M SOOO GOING TO FALL.. and I did.... hard.
So there I am, on the ground, shocked, and dazed... for some reason my SHOES have flown off my feet and are off to the side... my purse is somewhere... and there are people rushing to my aid. They helped me up.. got my shoes... and asked me if I was ok and if they should call someone... I was a little bit shaken and my legs weren't broken or anything... my arm was a bit sore... and when I started walking around, my mind was fading in and out... it was weird... so I sad down for like 5 minutes and it stopped. So I figured I was alright.
Anyways, I meet up with Joe... cluthing my left arm... its aching really bad... and an hour into our "peruse the mall" night... I think I should go home...
The left arm is completely USELSS as I'm driving because everytime I tried to move.. it HURTS LIKE FUCK! SO I'm driving down the 134 contemplating if I should exit and go to the nearest hospital because what if its broken?? But then what if its just sprained or bruised... might as well come home and have mom check it and see.
Finally I'm home and I probably look like hell ran over because Carlene is looking pretty shocked. Mom looks at my arm and says.. ITS BRUISED. WHOOOO! So I take the drugs she gives me... and since we DONT have ice... I alternate between a bag of Sio-pow and cold cuts and put that on my arm. Also I find that theres a gash on my leg thats bleeding... ouch.
Anyways, so Carlene has to help me change and while helping me.. shes LAUGHING HER ASS OFF. I understand... its pretty funny if you think about it...I mean at least I wasn't more seriously hurt. *thank my lucky stars!* I attempted to sleep, but woke up around 1 cause mom wants to check up on the arm. I can't straighten it out competely and mom thinks that there might be something wrong with my elbow... So we decide that in the morning.. we're going to the ER... its just WAY too crowded now. PLEASE LET IT BE OK!! I don't know how I'll be able to write or survive considering that I'm left handed and well.. thats the one thats in pain. Hmmmmmmm......hopefully it won't be so bad in the morning....
Posted by
3:08 AM
Saturday, March 16, 2002
ok.. I'm convinced that the house is built on an fault because
1. I SWEAR I feel the house shaking. Like one night, I was sitting here at my desk and I felt a little shaking. So I took my hand off of the desk and sat still... my desk lamp was wobbling a little bit and I could hear the rattling of the closet doors. It was going on for a while and I got a bit freaked. I IMed Beth and asked her if she felt anything over on her side of town and she basically said... "Nicole... you're weird." or words to that extent.
2. There's a lot of houses for sale in the neighborhood... especially on my street... on the side where my house is on. At first I just figured that maybe everyone is getting bigger houses and booming over to the newly built and bigger houses over in Chino or Butterfiled Ranch... but maybe... they're getting sick of the earthquakes...
3. Theres a giant crack in the cement on the floor of the garage... I didn't notice it until my mom pointed it out and wondered how it got there. HOW DID IT GET THERE?? Maybe because the house is built on a fault?? Maaaybe...
Posted by
1:49 PM
its almost 5am and I can't sleep so....
one hundred pieces of randomness running through my head at this moment.
1. listening to Roselle Nava; Bakit Nga Ba Mahal Kita
2. wishing I could completely understand this song... i mean I get parts and pieces and sure I can sing it... but I don't get the entire thing.
3. my desk is cluttered
4. I got a new webcam
5. spent a majority of the day playing with it... aka making funny faces.
6. its weird cause the other night i was at Best Buy looking at webcams... but decided to hold off on getting it... but lo and behold it... it was on my front doorstep this morning.
7. it was on the doorstep this morning because i got it free from Verizon for getting my DSL with them
8. i have donuts downstairs...
9. just got back from a 2 hour stay at 24 hour walmart with Beth
10. Walmart is the bomb diggity.
11. They should make a dorky teeniebopper shirt that says WALMART IS THE BOMB DIGGITY in glitter.
12. I wonder why I'mnot so sleepy.
13. They have an Olsen Twin makeup brand at Walmart.
14. Sick huh.
15. Now listening to Joey Gian- What If I Loved You
16. Pretty song... from the Return To Me soundtrack...
17. Was supposed to watch I AM SAM earlier tonight.. but Mondo got lost...
18. Instead had Chili fries with Beth at Johnny Rockets while we waited for Mondo.
19. Got some Krispy Kreme.
20. Don't you think that Krispy Kreme is insanely sweet?
21. Its like diabetes in a box...
22. Like tampico... Nick used to call that diabetes in a bottle...
23. Krispy Kremes... they're cute to watch when they make them
24. Now listening to Diana Krall- Peel Me a Grape
25. Going through this jazz/classical music phrase
26. Downloaded some songs yesterday by Charlotte Church...
27. Did you know she has a book out on her life story?
28. The girl is like 15 years old.. how could she have a biography?
29. But she's really good... kinda makes you wish you can sing like her
30. But I can't.
31. But its fun pretending that I can.
32. There's this one song "The Laughing Song" that she sings... its so charming.
33. I think I'm going to take the Diana Krall and ABBA cds out of my mom's car.
34. I was listening to the ABBA gold cd while at Walmart today.
35. I love ABBA.
36. My sister used to cringe whenever I would play "Fernando" or any other ABBA song while driving.
37. OH and she cringes everytime an A-Teen song would come up on my winamp.
38. But when she came over one day and had her mp3s to listen to... lo and behold... A-Teen's Mama Mia came on.
39. I think she doesn't like ABBA because of the movie "Muriel's Wedding."
40. She thinks the main character is so unattractive that you can't sympathize with her.
41. Its a good movie.. I think.
42. Now listening to Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson's Where You Are.
43. Nick Lachey... 98*.. what happened to them?
44. Nah.. they have a new single out... "WHY".
45. It actually is a really pretty song.. Kinda depressing. Like their first single "Invisible Man."
46. I remember listening to that song back in high school and getting teary eyed cause it was so sad.
47. HAha.. I remember listening to it in Maria's car while driving down the 57.. and we got to the part where Brea turns into Diamond Bar... that mountain area... where you loose reception on the radio... and so we lost the song.. and Maria and I were screaming at the radio to come back to us.
48. I actually saw 98* twice. Once at Wango Tango back in 99 and the other time while at a Howie Mandel show taping.
50. I went to Wango Tango with Carlene, Chelle, and Tina... it was my first concert.
51. It was really cool cause they actually had really good acts... like 98*, Ricky Martin, Will Smith, Dru Hill, UB40, Shaggy *shudder*, Britney Spears, Blonde and Enrique...
52. They had Nancy Sinatra... and everyone was like.. "WHO THE HELL IS SHE" during her set.
53. She sang "these Boots are Made for Walking."
54. That was the only song that people knew.
55. I went to the Howie Mandel show taping with Emily, Melissa, Tina, and Carlene...
56. Tina, Carlene, and Emily got shown to TV for a split second after Nick Lachey talks about his job as a chinese food delivery man.
57. I have the tape...
58. If you listen closely while 98* is performing, you'll hear a high pitch scream every 5 seconds... THATS ME!
59. Now listening to Martin Nievera's Just Once.
60. Filipino artists have this thing about remaking old hits from the states. Like Regine Velasquez, her last 2 albums have been straight up remakes.
61. They're pretty though.. especially the acoustic ones.
62. OH! I'm happy cause Michael burned me a copy of Roselle Nava's new cd!
63. but Its downstairs in a package for Carlene...
64. And its rude to open other people's packages.
65. Hmmmm...
66. Now listening to Edwin McCain's I'll Be... acoustic star lounge version.
67. I love this song... its so pretty.
68. Don't you wish you had someone who would be your greatest fan of you life...
69. This would make a good wedding song... well if the groom would bust out with a guitar and sing it to his bride.. that would be so romantic.
70. Ooo.. 70.. only 30 more to go.
71. "I'll be you're crying shoulder"... I want a crying shoulder
72. For some odd reason, my favorite part of this song is the "The rain falls... angry on the tin roof as we lie awake on my bed"... Its just a colorful and beautiful line.
73. Now listening to Lisa Loeb's I Do... acoustic version of course.
74. I read "The Hottest State" by Ethan Hawke a while ago... apparently its about him and Lisa Loeb's relationship...
75. it didn't end happily ever after.... but still a good read.
76. I remember singing this song for Tita Cecil
77. She liked the song and thought it was a good I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR song.
78. I thought she was being overly dramatic.
79. Tita Cecil was the bestest voice teacher ever...
80. She scared the shit out of me.
81. But she was good.
82. I wish I could still take voice lessons... but really where would it all go to?
83. Its not like in high school when there was a competition for the good parts in the musical.
84. But then again.. Mrs. Lee already had her favorites and of course gave them the GOOD parts.
85. Bitch.
86. I'm not bitter or anything.
87. Bitch.
88. Yeah.. don't even get me started.
89. Now listening to Toni Braxton's You're Making Me High
90. I remember Keri telling me that this song had NOTHING good about it. Like its completely evil.. or something like that.
91. I guess it's just its basically about SEX.
92. Still a good song though...
93. Yep, I'm getting sleepy now.
94. I can't wait.. convention is next week!
95. I need to finish my costume and coordinate clothes...
96. OH and get some last minutes stuff...
97. Its going to be so much fun!!
98. *note to self* bring camera and get lots of flim...
99. Will I cry? I dunno...
100. :) Good morning... good morning.. we chat the whole night through... good morning.. good moring to you!!
Posted by
5:17 AM
Friday, March 15, 2002
So I was watching "Andre Rieu Live at the Royal Albert Hall" tonight on PBS... it was really cool because unlike watching other symphonys, all the musicans were wearing suits and ballgowns like they were from the 1800's... and in the end during a medley of Waltzes by Stauss.. the audience got to get up from their seats and waltzed along with the music. It was so romantic... like imagine just sitting there watching this concert and then all of a sudden your date turns to you and asks you for a dance... keep in mind not your *bumb and grind lets get nasty* dance... but a simple and elegant waltz. *sigh* I guess that if you dance a waltz and you wear a pretty dress.. you couldn't help to feel like a princess in the arms of your... prince. Like Sleeping Beauty... or like in Anne of Avonlea when Anne is dancing by herself in the meadow and then Gilbert finds her and asks her to dance and then pretty much confesses his love to her!!! OH NO SO CHEESY!! Can't help it... listening to it just makes me feel so girly and dreamy... yeah guys.. if you wanna get a girl... you should learn how to waltz and pull some romantic stunt like a dance in the park... oh my gosh... *swoon*
hahaha.. Carlene is soooo going to make fun of me when uses my computer because of the crazy amount of Waltzes I just downloaded...
Posted by
1:09 AM
Thursday, March 14, 2002
ok.. so I just got home right now from dinner...and found 42 away messages... :) Thanks so much Mel... hahaha... made my night!
*The Jesus statue saga continues...*
melissa: hey
Auto response from spaznik: oh baby... you know what i like...
melissa: oh whoa
melissa: hmmmm jesus in his bedazzled wife beater?
melissa: hehehehe just checkin to say hi
melissa: i fell asleep last ntie after i got offline
melissa: then i woke up this morning at 8 and somehow wrote 7 pages of bullshit
melissa: it sucks
melissa: well whatever...imma go sleep now
melissa: hahaha take care!
melissa: bye!
melissa: ok sorry to keep talking about this...
melissa: but i think i have this stoopid obsession with those jesus statues
melissa: i think i have a problem
melissa: i keep going to the link and looking at them and laughing
melissa: i'm at the computing center too and its all quiet and u can hella hear me snickering
melissa: i think i have a problem....
melissa: i saw the baseball one....
melissa: and it looks really chessy...
melissa: like jesus is helping the kid bat, but actually...its really just jesus trying to bat and the kid somehow slipped underneath his arms
melissa: what's up with that?
melissa: jesus is shady
melissa: like i said..i wouldn't wanna play with him
melissa: and then it just trips me out cuz looking at these statues is like totally disorienting
melissa: its like jesus totally does not belong
melissa: its like a "where's waldo" u know?
melissa: gosh...he's like totally taken out of context
melissa: placed in modern day society and they can't even change his outfit?
melissa: sheeesh
melissa: can we make him more hip?
melissa: or like...not give him such cheesy biblical looks on his face?
melissa: i picture him in those bibles for kids with all the pictures going about getting his prophesy on u know?
melissa: he just has like the total jesus look on his face while these kids around him are like what...his modern day disciples?
melissa: i think that if i were the kids, i would be like whoa this is weird...
melissa: then again it has its advantages
melissa: like if ur cool with jesus...u could like bring him to show and tell
melissa: and that way u could like spread the word.
melissa: whoa....that was like profound...
melissa: ok i think i'll stop
melissa: i gotta go
melissa: sorry if that was totally random but i couldn't help it
melissa: luv ya bye!
melissa: hahahah "jesus is my friend"
HAHAHAAH.. I LOVE YOU MEL! Can't wait till Spring Break comes... party party!! ;)
Posted by
8:58 PM
Posted by
3:45 PM
oh my gosh!! I got my first blogger fan mail!! :) I'm in cloud nine... when I get paper.. I'm sooo going to print it out and frame it!
Subj: Read your blog
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 2:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: "Melissa"
Recently I came across a article in TIME magazine about "bloggs", something I had never heard of before. I went searching to see what it was all about. I ran across your page and wanted to send a little recognition your way. You are a excellent writer and offer a appreciable perspective on life and all its going ons. Its nice to see there are still 'normal' people out there-its just a matter of finding them.
22-from the Bay Area, CA
awwww... thanks so much! *blush*
Posted by
1:21 AM
once again... more on the statues
melissa: i really like how when jesus is playing hockey with the kids...he's stil wearing his robe...isn't he cold? and he's not wearing sandals...he's wearing skates
melissa: how come he couldn't have blades on his sandals?
nicole: is he!??!
nicole: i didnt notice!!
melissa: man....makes no sense
melissa: dood go look
nicole: hahahahahah...
melissa: its hilarius
melissa: i saw the bball one
melissa: its so funny
melissa: hella shady
melissa: i wouldn't wanna play with jesus
nicole: whatever.. you know if you fall he'd be able to heal you.
melissa: oh yeah
melissa: hahahahha
it really makes you think huh....
Posted by
12:53 AM
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Everytime I hear that song "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw... I ALWAYS end up in tears cause its just so sad... like one time I was driving to LA and browsing the radio... and I heard the song... and BOOM... there I was.. bawling on the 405. And that's what happened to me today while I was drying my hair.. that damn song came on and it was all over. Whats with the country songs that makes you feel like someone is tugging on your heart. During the 4 minutes of cowboy crooning, you get so emotionally involved and by the time its over... you just feel overwhelemed. OR maybe this is all just me. Anyways.. if you don't know what song I'm talking about.. go download it...
Anyways.. moving on... hmmmm... mom got back yesterday from her weekend adventure and you know what that means.. GIFTS FROM PARIS!! hahah.. just kidding... she had lots of fun though. :) At least she didn't go all "MOMS GONE WILD" in France... but she did end up at a police station there. *its not what you think* She came back with all these stories and was telling me how it was so beautiful and it makes me wish i could have went... oh well maybe next time. Shes planning another trip with her college barkada... so maybe then if its meant to be. But I'm really glad that she went cause she's been working non-stop since moving and well.. she really needed the break. :) She took the day off today and crawled into my bed this morning to embrace me and wake me up... its been so long since she has done that. Sure I'm 21 years old... but it always feels good to be babied once and a while by your mom.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
*talking about the Jesus Playing Sports statues... oh my gosh... this is pretty bad...
nicole: its just weird to see jesus playing the sports..
nicole: like soccer in his robe and sandals...
nicole: or baseball...
nicole: the football one.. a kid is tackling jesus...
melissa: oh geeez
melissa: ew
nicole: its sooo funny..
melissa: why come he gotta be in robe and sanfdals?
melissa: hahahhaah
nicole: ahahah... like it would be better if jesus was in jeans!!!
melissa: yeah
melissa: and a cowboy hat
melissa: or a wife beater!
nicole: with a giant plaid flannel over it.
melissa: EW!
melissa: and sagger jeans
melissa: and cholo socks
melissa: and a shaved head
nicole: HAHAHAHAHA... shhh.. we're going to hell!!
melissa: I KNOW!
melissa: shit
melissa: hehehehehe
nicole: just watch we'll get to heaven and he'll be there chillin in his jeans and tshirt with CHRIST bedazzled on his chest.
melissa: OH SHIT!!!
nicole: and has one of those trendy belts on.
melissa: like he's the 6th N'SYNC member?
nicole: EXACTLY!!!
melissa: backstreet jesus?
Thats bad huh... something tells me I better get my butt into confession fast!!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Monday, March 11, 2002
OH! I forgot to add... last Thursday Lorraine and I were watching Conan... and he was talking about how one of his producers kid's was having their first communion and was sent a catalog with one page dedicated to statues of Jesus playing sports with kids. You can take a look of some of them HERE... I love the Jesus Playing Basketball and the Jesus Playing Football statues (if you look closely, you'll notice that Jesus is getting tackled!!) Funny thing is that in the catalog, it mentioned that Jesus Playing Taekwondo was also available... OH NO!!
Posted by
2:40 AM
This weekend was so much fun! :) I guess it mainly had to do with my Mom being in France and so I was free to do whatever I wanted. So yeah, my mom is in Paris probably sporting a beret and drinking lots of wine as I type. Her and a bunch of her girlfriends found this really kick ass deal to go there for a couple of days and when I dropped her off at best gal-pal Lori's place, they were already getting drunk in the limo that was going to take them to the airport.
Nicole: Carlene, the DJ is coming tonight at 9 right?
Carlene: Yep... hey did you order the kegs??
Mom: HEY! Save some for me...
Lynn: I don't know how to speak french!
Lori: I know how to say "Will you go to bed with me"...Gitchy gitchy ya ya ya ya....
Mom: I'm going to come back with some "wee-wee."
Carlene: Yeah.. well just don't come back with some nasty STD..
Nicole: Yes... *telling all the girlfriends* Make sure my mom doesn't come home pregnant!!
Lori: I don't know if we can bring cameras into the live sex show...
**They're like the Mom's version of "CROSSROADS." Silly mom... I should have more fascinating stories about her when she gets back on tuesday night... so sit tight!
So with my mom being gone... I happily volunteered to host the Foothill DCM Saturday... which I first thought *hmmm... this shouldn't be bad... maybe 10-15 people tops...* but instead got incredibly freaked out to see 30 people just roaming about downstairs. SO I'd say it was a pretty good turnout. :)
After the DCM was over, a bunch of people started working on the convention backdrop and centerpieces while a good majority of the boys became enthralled with the X-Box and had their own little DOA3 tourney that went on for SEVERAL hours... Well, luckily that 30 dwindled down to a smaller intimate group of 12 or so and we pretty much kicked it the whole night being incredibly stupid and childish. :) More DOA3, some karaoke, and a late night romp in the neighborhood playground where Luc, Mikie, Lan, Beth, Lorraine, and myself were going buck wild with the see-saws.
1am rolled around and most people left, with the exception of Luc, Petey, Beth, and Pic... had some good "reminicings" about first encounters and the good old days... and then it was time to go to bed. Luc and Petey slept downstairs where Pic was supposed to sleep in the guest room... but instead fell asleep in MY bed along with Beth. 3 people in a full bed... its not meant to be. I know I complained about sleeping with Carlene... but nothing really compared to this "Pic-wich." *shudder...hahahah... I put up pillows as barrier between me and the SHIRTLESS pic... EWWWWW*... didn't end up sleeping till 6 because I was so uncomfortable and kept on fighting with Beth my pushing Pic towards each other. Woke up to Beth's screaming cause Pic was terrorizing her with his hand puppet... Carlene and Michael came into the room and once again started broadcasting the MADNESS with the webcam... *goodtimes*
Finally, everyone left to go to the Convention meeting and I FINALLY had my bed to myself. :)
After a long nap and shower I cleaned downstairs... had several visits from Beth who dropped off and picked up Pic to take him back to the airport... and went with Carlene to Dielle's 21's birthday party which made me miss Melissa, Tam and Lisa so much. But Lisa made my night when I got to talk to her breifly later on that night... :) I love her!!
I'm on this happy/love high... *goodtimes* yeah...
Posted by
1:59 AM
Saturday, March 09, 2002
Friday, March 08, 2002
Frustrated and pissed at the actions of a lot of people this past week. And since I'm too chicken and weak to confront them, the best I can do to vent my frustrations on to this blog.... Whine, bitch, and moan about how people can be damn childish, insensitive, selfish, and just fucking lame jerks.
Sad thing is, some of these people are my friends… and one is alone in a category entirely of his own.
Yes, I love them unconditionally... well most of them... but sometimes I look and think "what the freak is going through their minds?" I know I'm definitely one who shouldn't speak cause I've done some pretty shitty things in my life and probably hurt people as well... but WHAT THE FUCK!! I've gotten to the point where I'm pissed... and all I can think or say is "I'M SO PISSED!"
The thing is that its not just one person or one instance... its a whole lot of people doing crap-tacular things all the live long day. Maybe people just aren't thinking clearly.... I hear that El Nino is coming back... maybe thats a factor... but dammit... stop it already.
The Circle K year is coming to a close... and probably like a bunch of other people, I'm having mixed emotions. I've thought that maybe I would want to do another position next year... but I don't think I will. I rather be the little member that could... and do whatever I want and have it fit INTO my schedule instead of having my schedule fit into it. Not to mention that this year has been to precious to me and I would be afraid that trying to repeat it might just tarnish it for me. It has all been pretty awesome... I've made some new friends, strengthen already exsisting friendships, learned a thing or two about leadership and my own capacity to lead, saw different sides to people whom I really didn't know in the first place, managed to be able to say that I proved my nay-sayers wrong ;) , and basically had a wicked time in the process. I definitely have no regrets. Just wish I had my camera on me a little bit more. That or had my life taped so that whenever I get sad or have my bouts where I can't remember the detals of a certain day... I could just pop it in my VCR and relive all that silly drama. Except now I would be like an unruly Jerry Springer audience member; cheering for my heros and booing the foes. :)
Posted by
12:00 PM
Thursday, March 07, 2002
:) I love my friends!!
potateYo: Blog about me!!! Some homie for likfe you are!!
I love Kathy...she is the bomb-diggity! Lets take a walk on memory lane shall we?
I remember seeing Kathy at past CKI district events... my first FTC when she was Pinky and at the first convention when she dancing to the Rockafeller Skank along with the other Berkeley peeps during the dance *they stopped the dance to that Berkeley and Cal Poly Pomona could do their acts* But then, at International Convention in San Diego... Laura and I were sitting at her table during the Presidential Dinner, she was stealing the salt and peper shakers and I remember thinking... "oh my gosh!! she's soo cool!" There we named ourselves the "tit-a-lating trio" and we all became "HOMIES FOR LIFE." We saw each other again when she came down for the FTC promotion Road Trip with MJ and the rest of Berkeley and the 3 of us, Laura, Kathy and myself... made plans to dye our hair for that upcoming FTC. *um... I was the only one!! thanks guys!* At that FTC, we made fun of these other trio of presidents by mocking them and saying.. "I'm Nicole... CSUF President, she's Laura... CSULB President, and she's Kathy... UCB President... and we're not RETARDED." Luckily I've been able to spend this past year on Dboard with kathy and she has definitely made it so much fuuun... for some reason... we are always whining about boys and their damn mixed signals. :) She always give me advice on what to do with boys... except I really can't do it cause I don't have the balls to try them... but at least she cares for me! :) She soo rocks!!
Posted by
6:17 PM
Babae112: hey blog about when u met me...cuz i don't remember =) it goes way back
:) Hmmmmm... Ok I lied... I don't remember my first encounters with EVERYONE... especially if they have been in my life for a good majority of it. I don't remember exactly the moment when I first met Melissa (it would be like.. hey remember the day Carlene was born? NO!! I was 15 months OLD!)... but I'm 99.9% sure it was our moms introducing us when we were really really young and taking dance classes at Future Talent together. *I have pictures!* We spent the night at each others houses and went trick or treating at the mall together... where I remember being really jealous cause she had one of those really pretty sequined tiaras... while my princess crown was like a burger king crown *shudder* Middle school, we sorta drifted apart because... I dunno... we just didn't see each other very much... except for the occasional run-ins while shopping at the Ross in Glendora (before it because Sports Chalet)... OH.. but there was that one summer when we were on the San Dimas swim team together making fun of the boys in the tight speedos... *ewww.. the DARK years*. Then came St. Lucy's... :) I remember having on and off conversations during the first week.. but then it all changed when I found myself standing behind her and Lisa getting tickets for the first dance of the year... and then later at the dance when she was making fun of Tony Bestard's "Rough and Stuff with his Afro Puffs" dance.... an awesome friendship grew even stronger. *awwww cheesy!* :) One thing I do really remember though was that Nick (back when we called him Justin!) was ALWAYS in some sort of army gear... and he was SHORTER than us! HAHAHA! I think the things that has kept our friendship so strong is the fact that we still keep in touch *duh*, our GAY ASS humor and constant smart-ass remark challenges... OH and that we kinda have the same taste in people. Like if someone bugs the crap out of me... theres an 99% chance that that person bugs the crap out of Melissa too. WHoooO! Yeah... I totally love her.. and she's going to be a ninang to my kids so that she can teach them how to dance provocatively in doorways too. :)
*Oh Jean?? Sex-a-lot bear is NOT a Carebear option for Convention... hilarious. Who wants to be rescued!? ;)
Posted by
3:47 AM
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?
Whoo hooo!! I'm a C!! :) For a moment there, I thought I was going to end up an H or possibly an I.. but whew.. I'm a C. :)


cause then that would suck....
*note* That was a stupid quiz...
Posted by
2:25 AM
DoDo79: what u up to
spaznik: trying to think of something clever to blog about. :-)
DoDo79: blog about me
DoDo79: :-D
spaznik: hahahahah..
spaznik: and what should i write?
DoDo79: i'm cute and clever and worth $1,861,850.00
I'm frighten by the number of times Luc Do writes my name and the word "whore" over and over in his blog... I dunno if I should be flattered or um... freaked. Sure he's cute and worth $1,861,850.00... but yeah... he could be a PSYCHO STALKER!! :P j/k dodo! Hmmmm... what can I say about Luc... when I first met him, I thought he was a freak cause he was always freaking all the girls at dances. I've know him for like 3-4 years now and he's still the same guy... a freak. :) Actually, I can't pin-point the exact moment when I met him which is weird cause I usually can remember these things... I think it was like a gradual thing where we kept on seeing each other and hanging out at the same places... or wait.. I think maybe Tina introduced us... Yep, I think that might be it. He says he's tired of NSYNC.. but I think he's lying and will always have a place for them in his heart... *awww*.
Laura made my midnight.. :) Laura: i seriously am diggin you picture... if i wasnt straight .. i would be asking for you number.. wait i have it already..nevermind.. i like you picture.. heheheh I love her!! I remember meeting Laura at my first FTC... we were both in this leadership seminar and we realized that we were both in KIWIN'S in high school... and then...
Me: Which club where you from?
Laura: Downey
Me: No way! I was from St. Lucy's!
Laura: No way! Do you know Emily?
Me: Mina!? Yes! I love her!!
Laura: She's my suitemate!
*followed by lots of high pitch screaming and laughing*
good times...
** if there are any request for me to blog about our first time meeting, go ahead and ask me... I probably remember. :)
Posted by
12:22 AM
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
Wasting time and being dorky... :) Found this little survey somewhere and thought it would be fun... kinda?
- clothing: whatever fits my mood...
- music: pretty much EVERYTHING... with the exception of scary "GO TO HELL AND DANCE WITH THE DEVIL" music.
- body art: I have a weird birthmark on my lowerback that people think is a funky tat...
- wearing: Yellow dress
- music: an acoustic version of 112's CUPID....
- thinking of: something clever to put in this spot
- feeling: happy and peaceful
- bought: a dress for convention!! :) its so cute!
- did: i don't get this question...
- read: something for class...
- watched on tv: something on TLC
- club or houseparty: club
- tea or coffee: depending on my mood...
- high achiever or easy-going: i try to aim high but i end up easy going
- cats or dogs: doggies...
- single or taken: single
- pen or pencil: pretty colored pens...
- gloves or mittens: gloves
- cassette or cd: what's a cassette? :) Nah... I love my old school tapes but pretty much converted everything to CD.
- snuff or cigarettes: drugs are bad
- coke or pepsi: always coca cola...
- matches or a lighter: matches!! I'm scared of lighters...
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: It used to be One Life to Live before it got WACK.
- rickie lake or oprah winfrey: Oprah for the bookclub.... Rickie as a guilty pleasure if I have the time.
- kill: i wouldn't say KILL exactly...
- hear from: everyone
- look like: um... myself?
- be like: myself... but better
- food: pad thai... or anything filipino... with the exception of dinuguan and that EGG!!
- drink: lemonade
- color: pink, green
- album: too many to name.... the new Britney one was suprisingly good and has been in my car for almost 3 months now, NSYNC No Strings Attached, Romeo and Juliet soundtrack, Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam's Greatest Hits, ABBA gold, Nelly Furtado Woah Nelly, Janet, Janet's Design of a Decade, Lucy Pearl, Madonna the Immaculate Collection, Hmmmm... there's more. Plus I'll always have a place for COLOR ME BADD in my heart...
- shoes: the ones that are comfy... oh and I have these boots....
- site: blogger, E! online,
- song: oh lordy.. too many to name... anything acoustic and/or good to dance to... and good sing-ablilty.
- last movie you saw: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
- last movie you saw on the big screen: Oh my gosh... I forgot...
- last thing you had to drink: water
- last thing you ate: a couple of sky flakes
- last time you showered: Last night
- last time you cried: Last week
- last time you smiled: still smiling...
- last time you laughed: like 2 minutes ago
- last person you hugged: um... I forget. And if it was anyone out there, don't get all offended and think "didn't I mean anything?!?" cause it WAS special... but... I have NO idea...
- last person you kissed: um....
- last thing you said: Riiigght.
- last person you talked to online: Jean
- last thing you smelled: the scent of hairspray
- smoke: no
- do drugs: never
- sleep with stuffed animals: nope... a lot of pillows yes.
- have a crush: maybe... ;)
- have a boyfriend: yes I do.. his name is George Glass and he's sooo dreamy! *wink*
- have a dream that keeps coming back: walking and then tripping on a crack in the sidewalk
- believe there is life on other planets: yup.. if it happened here...
- read the newspaper: on occasion if I see an interesting headline
- have any gay or lesbian friends: maybe..
- believe in miracles: no doubt about it...
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: yes, I think so
- consider yourself tolerant of others: pretty tolerant
- consider police a friend or foe: friend... except when they give me a ticket... ;P
- like the taste of alcohol: :D
- have a favorite Stooge: The ones that goes WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!
- believe in magic: some.. have you seen DAVID COPPERFIELD!?!?
- pray: when necessary
- go to church: yes
- have any secrets: yeah
- have any pets: nope. :(
- go to or plan to go to college: yes....
- have a degree: Not yet
- talk to strangers who instant message you: depends on what their opening line is...
- wear hats: how bad does my hair look?
- have any piercings: the ones on my ears...
- have any tattoos: nope
- hate yourself: nope, I'm pretty self accepting I think... except on those days when I do something really stupid then its good hour or 2 of self loathing flashbacks.
- have a "hot spot": I'm really ticklish/sensitive on the side of my neck... like where the back, neck, and shoulder meet.
- wish on stars: yeah
- like your handwriting: it depends on the pretty pen....
- believe in witches: oh my gosh.. theres a story here. When I was like 10 years old and in the Philippines, we were over at my dad's old house in Cabugao and there was a party... and my dad and the relatives made me put matches in my pocket because supposedly there was an old woman who was there who was a witch. She was all dressed in black and seemed really creepy and everyone was genuinely afraid of her so YES i believe in witches.
- believe in Satan: HAHAHAHAHAHA.. actually, I do belive there is an evil.
- believe in ghosts: spirits...
- trust others easily: well.. some people
- like sarcasm: nooooooooooooooooo...
- take walks in the rain: only if i have a suitable jacket on that will keep my warm... or if I'm close to home... or if i have extra clothes with me...
- kiss with your eyes closed: yeah
- sing in the shower: oh hell yeah...
Posted by
1:49 PM

Sure... :)
Speaking of princesses, I'm so excited because this Sunday on the Wonderful World of Disney, they're going to be showing CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER... which is based on the same book by Gregory Maguire.. which is one of my FAVORITE books ever... its a twist on the Cinderella story... ( I can already see Carlene mouthing *NERD* as she reads this on her computer) I always get excited whenever I see an adapatation of a book I've read... with the exception of A WALK TO REMEMBER because the book was so special and I don't want it to be tarnished and become something like MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. But ever since I was young and watched ANNE OF GREEN GABLES and fell in love with the whole series... not to mention hottie Johnathan Crombie *swoon* I've become this library groupie. So yeah... if anyone is reading this.. please remind me because I do have a tendency to forget things. And just in case, I'm setting my phone alarm at that time on Sunday... so that I can tape it too! :) I'm just hoping it doesn't suck and the whole experience doesn't get ruined
Posted by
2:00 AM
Monday, March 04, 2002
Ever since FTC finished... my sundays have become this day of rest and relaxation with my family. Mass in the mornings, lunch, and probably most likely some sort of shopping. It could be COSTCO or TJ MAXX, but at least its time for myself, mom and Carlene to be together.
Except when my mom is a psyho... today she was semi-psychotic. The human being sheds approximately 100 strands of hair a day... and my mom is convinced that I am ripping my hair out of my head and throwing it around like confetti in my bathroom. I hate it when I get lectured on something that I have no control over... its not like I can tell my hair.. "hey!! quit falling.. you know its pissing mom off!" cause if I could, I so would cause it freaks me out to see what should be on my head on the ground. And hey, on the weekends, I'm not the only one with a full head of hair occuping that bathroom... but no... I still get the blame. *note to self... when I grow up and become a mother... I will try to refrain from having mom's psychotic tendencies.*
Posted by
2:34 AM
Sunday, March 03, 2002
Yesterday, went over to Long Beach for the Metro banquet... it was really really nice. :) Delicious dinner, gorgeous view, great company, and just really a terriffic time. Congrats Mondo!! :)
Afterwards, my dinner companions for the night... Beth, Ryan B, Petey, Mikie, and Lan (whom I might add are some of the HOTTEST guys in CKI... yep. They'd make MY list! *wink*) went over to Huntington Beach just to kick it. 4 Bars later, we found ourselves on playing in the sand. Anyways, Denny's, food, and oh so interesting conversations till 4am. :) Got home really late/early... and since Beth was still a bit freaked because of thursday night's antics... she spent the night and kinda went crazy with the webcam.
Slept... and but awaked by Carlene body slamming herself onto my bed (Poor Beth... I don't think she was expecting that.) and my sweet precious sister WOULD NOT let me go back to sleep, especially since she got online right after and busting up the winamps as loud as it could, typing HARD and loudly on my janky keyboard, and every so often pointing that cursed webcam in my direction so all her internet buddies saw my oh holy hell crap look in the morning. (HI MIKEE! ;P)
I spent the rest of the day with Carlene playing photographer and tourist in LA. First stop, Olvera Street where we met this really cool artist who made these beautiful pictures using a woodburning tool... And then it was off to Union Station (yay 1920's art deco!) and a ride on the subway to Hollywood and Highland to see the new Kodak Theater (new home of the Academy Awards) and Grauman's Chinese Theater. While we were at the Kodak Theater, they had this whole red carpet set-up... and limos were driving up and dropping off these *not famous* people... and the *fake press and fans* started screaming and mobbing them... Apparently there was a press screening for a movie there and the fake press was there to make the real press know how it feels to be on the otherside or something cheesy like that... some dude next to me kept on remarking on how LAME the whole thing was and if he were ever apart of something like that, asking to be shoved off the balcony we were standing off of... Cheesy yes... but hey.. thats Hollywood for you. :)
More walking around.... saw that one dude who play Xander on Buffy at a restaurant... dinner... and then back on the subway to the station... drive home. :) Such a awesome couple of days... Not to mention that Carlene brought back the Xbox and we got Dead or Alive 3 finally, so it was a night of some good ass kicking. :D
Posted by
2:12 AM
Saturday, March 02, 2002
just got home and I'm soo tired... but I just wanted to say that I had a FANTASTIC time tonight/last night/whatever. :) I'm happy where I want to blog, but just really sleepy... so more on this later.... *nightynight!*
Posted by
4:47 AM
Friday, March 01, 2002
I told myself I wasn't scared. But I was wrong. I was scared SHITLESS on my way home from Beth, Mike and Lorraine's last night. Our midnight drive into Bonelli park... the darkness, curvy mountains, and "in-car" ghost stories really did something to our imaginations... poor Beth was screaming every 5 minutes cause crazy Mike had to go and "Boo" us whenever the mood was right. By the time we got back to the apartment, I was more than happy to have them walk me to my car... but once I was inside and driving home... I had to turn up the radio as loud as I could stand it and listen to happy upbeat songs. "ES-CA-PADE.. we'll have a good time! ES-CA-PADE... leave your worries behind..." hoping that if there were any *spirits* in my car, they wouldn't DARE attack me while listening to Janet Jackson's Design of a Decade. But it all good fun... thank god we didn't go searching for the portal of hell in Glendora or hike to the cemetary behind Cal Poly.... *whew* I would have peed in my pants. OH... and lets not forget the link that Mike sent me the other night that gave me the heebee-geebies... *shudder*
Hmmm.. anything of major importance happen in my life recently? Nope... not really. OH wait... I learned how to play Chinese Checkers... yup. Got kicked out of a boba joint for it too. Yup. Wild stuff there...
Posted by
3:41 AM