Saturday, April 19, 2003

The world may end if we don't fix the problem with THE CORE. But, there's still a chance...
Man #1: I would need...5 billion dollars...!
Man #2: Do you take a check?
Man #3: Oh, use your credit card, you get miles that way.

Man #1: "Can't" isn't in my vocabulary.
Man #2: Well, you should get one of those words of the day calenders.

I'm rolling my eyes.

What can I say? THE CORE did not disappoint. It sucked so hard... it should be in PORN. :)


I highly reccommend it. Its a comedy... without the intention of being one. So if you have 2 hours to kills, 9 dollars to spend (THANKS ALOT RYAN! :P), and want to see probably one of the worst movies of all time... go watch it. You won't be disappointed. It truly is a crappy flick.

And if you're kinky like that, there are A LOT of phallic-like objects in the movie for your pervy mind to go bonkers with.

Its so bad... its good. :)

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