Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Wow... I think the next 1 and a half weeks are going to be the closest that I'll ever get to experience "TRADING SPACES." Like I had blogged before, my "crazy" Uncle Sonny is here and he brought a whole bunch of stuff to fiddle with. He's this really awesome antique shopper and likes to restore furniture and other nickknacks... and he drove down with a SUV-full of projects for us to do. Today's "project" was refurbishing a trunk that will be sitting at the foot of my mom's bed in the near future. We stripped that baby and tomorrow will be the crackle and paint stage. :) Doesn't that sound like fun? (no sarcasm... I really think its going to be fun! Just like "TRADING SPACES" except without an interior decorator or Ty Pennington. *sigh* Oh wells... )

Ewwww... Carlene is brushing her teeth on my bed. OK. Not ON my bed... but brushing while on my bed. "How do people wash her teeth without foaming at the mouth," she says with a mouth full of foamy toothpaste and spit.


And she just sneezed on me.

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