Thursday, June 27, 2002

And so... today it happened. Brandi finally gave me a key to the shop. At first... I was all YAY!! I GET ANOTHER SHINY KEY FOR MY KEYCHAIN... but then it hit me. I'm going to be alone at the shop more because she trusts me... and although knowing that I'm trusted, it really makes me happy... BUT... I drive myself insane when I'm at the shop all by myself, not to mention I'm incredibly lonely. Its me and the ants... and the flowers. Today, I was there... and I was scaring myself to death. I kept on imagining some crazy kidnapper coming and getting me... and since I'm the only one there, no one would hear my screams of terror. I kept on thinking that someone was behind me or sneaking into the office... And in my mind, I kept on seeing those MISSING signs at Walmart when you walk in and thinking.. OH MY GOSH.. THAT MIGHT BE ME. Yes... its very lonely at work... and Nicole is very crazy.

How tragic... the plant that I bought a month ago is dying. I must soak it in water to make up for the love that I haven't been giving it lately.

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