Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Today, I tried to sell the 2 big shopping bags filled with books (we're not talking about grocery shopping bags... this was hardcore "I went christmas bargain shopping at the mall" bags) only to find that the used bookstore I was hoping to sell them to wasn't accepting fiction. Grrr... and here I was thinking that I can take the book loot and buy 2 adorable Franco Sarto pumps at Nordstrom.

Oh wells. I guess I'll have to forego getting my car fixed this month.

Anyways, if anyone wants some books, I gots em. They range from some classics, fiction, romance... well mostly romance and chick-lit. I also have one "MEN ARE FROM MARS/WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS" in a bag. It didn't work much for me... but hey... it might for you!

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