ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!! yay!! =D well.. i've been happily enjoying my first week of VACATION!! =D mostly.. ive been spending the night at my dads and finishing my christmas shopping!! (Manny!! you are going to LOVE your gift.. just take care of it and it won't die!) soo.. yes! very excited for christmas!! with all the presents under the light magic structure... it almost looks like a real tree!! =D
yesterday i went to the mall and movies with melissa...first we got some BOBA!! =D and then we saw MISS CONGENIALITY which was cute... *you think im GORGEOUS!! you want to KISS ME!* heheheh... so... yes.. id reccomend it... Benjamin Bratt is a HOTTIE! after that we went over to my sister's lil shindig at my dads... kicked it for a bit.. felt incredbily old and NORMAL.. =) (hehehe.. her friends are pretty hyper... yes.. i know i can be hyper at times.. but they are ALL like that... and in a giant groups.. so it was LOUD.) so then we went to walmart around 11ish. ok.. you think that around 11pm.. walmart would be pretty empty.. but NOOOOOO.. it was freakin crowded!! seriously!! we were LOOKING for a parking space cause it was sooo crowded! insane! we looked at yarn and got all excited cause they had free patterns and went through a whole... "I CAN MAKE THIS" phrase. =) really i can!! so yes... i conquered crocheting.. and now im going to learn how to KNIT! hehehe.. my vacation hobby.
well.. my mom has offically started moving. kinda crazy considering that we dont have to move till the 10th of january. but i guess its better now rather than procrastinating till the last minute. mom is getting excited cause she saw the perfect doghouse for fred! hehehheheh... she said something about windows... good to know that the dog will be well off while i'll be cramped in my TINY room!! ugh.. i dont know how im going to fit everything in there.. my room right now is small and the new one is going to me SMALLER?? eek! well.. we'll see. im working on trying to get a twin bed cause my full bed right now is probably going to take up the WHOLE space. plus with a twin bed... theres a lot of cute sheets i can get! =D
hmmmm.. what are my plans for christmas? well.. usually my family celebrates christmas eve together.. we go to mass... and then at midnight.. we open our presents. =) back when i was young... it was all about the nintendo and playing CONTRA, TETRIS, and SUPER MARIO BROTHERS until it was time to open the gifts. *sigh* memories.... this year i think its just going to be my mom, my dad, carlene and i... cause my other cousins are going up north... and my aunt and uncle are in the philippines. still.. i think its going to be a great christmas. =)
it seems like im going to be repeating GRATEFUL things... but hey its christmas!! and these are the things that are important to me during the holidays.. so LAY OFF! =)
1) im grateful for Christmas.... I love everything about it.
2) im grateful for my family and friends.... even the ones i havent seen or talked to in a while... its good to know that you guys are there and that i can always turn to you for support.
3) im grateful for the "little things." you know.. that person who smiled at you... or the guy who held the door for you... or the dude in the car in front of you who actually puts on his signal when he's switching into your lane... small things like that make life worthwile.
Saturday, December 23, 2000
Posted by
4:22 PM
Monday, December 18, 2000
so on friday, I got my paycheck and did some more christmas shopping, and then it tooke me almost 2 hours to get to UCLA to hang out with joe, carrie, and beth! but it was OODLES of fun! We went to 3rd street for dinner @ this really nice italian restaurant and everyone got a bit tipsy on the tiramasu! (sooo good but DAMN it was strong!) There we conversed about out past extracurricular activites and figured that we'd make a very interesting band! Then we went SHOPPING! it was more like WINDOW SHOPPING and BROWSING since a lot of the shops were closing and since we couldn't spend $ on ourselves since our goal was CHRISTMAS GIFTS. after all the excitment of santa monica (um joe... CHANGE THE NAME OF YOUR FUTURE KID!! you can't CALL it.. and we both can't have the same name... I WONT ALLOW IT! =p) we went back to carries for a mini slumber party... joe conked out and beth, carrie and i went to the grocery for SMORES supplies and strawberry quick! had some kick ass chats about relationships and what we want in men... and weddings... and... all that fun girl stuff!
ooooooOO... i got my first christmas gift from carrie on friday too.. guess what it was!?!? it was a LANCE puppet doll!! its sooo cute and i took it out of the box and i can make it dance! (somewhat... more like jump up and down and make it walk like a retard!) its soo wickedly cool.. but last night it kinda scared me cause my light was making some weird noise.... and i thought that my puppet came to life and was making the noise... i dunno.. i couldnt sleep for a while. curse my freakish imagination!
on saturday, my mom and sister PULLED a guilt trip on me and make me go shopping and watch a movie with them... they said.. "nicole.. we dont see you anymore... oh.. you cant come out? well guess we are going to have fun together without you AGAIN" so yeah.. i felt bad and all.... cause then that meant i couldnt go see the christmas lights with keri, marissa, and tina. =( but they came over and we had our gift exchange. =) But its all good... my sister and i took my mom to get her first BOBA and she liked it!! and then we went to go see THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE which was REALLY REALLY CUTE!! unlike any other Disney movie.. very contemporary... HILARIOUS! =) GO SEE! GO SEE!! OH! and then saturday night.. i was watching IRON CHEF and there was a TIE!!! so they are going to go into OVERTIME next week i think.. HOW EXCITING!
and on SUNDAY... joe actually called me and WOKE ME UP! CRAZY!!! so then he came over and then we went to whittier for a DCM and we did the WHITTIER CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR SHOW!! =D that was soooo much fun!! we had to learn a mini dance and decorate a tree and i got to sing... it was AWESOME!!! and to think.. we learned it all at 11am and went on stage at 2:30 with not a lot of practice! COOL! =) after that... i went over to Narleens and we had a christmas/cast party.. it was DOPE! =) she got to see her wicked new studio that she built for us and had a really really fun gift exchange game! we also watched the video of the concert and yay!! i was such a DORK but oh well... =) what can i do... when i think im cool... i really am not... and when i think i am being a dork... im right on the money. GREAT. =) its all bueno.
***I know you're reading this KERI KLOCK!! =) HEY THERE MY FILIPINO HOMEGIRL!***
=) here's my grateful list!
1) im grateful for tina, marissa, and keri for being sooo understanding about saturday night.. =) sorry guys!! i really wanted to goooo!! but yes.... family first. =) we will do it again soon!! I PROMISE! we have till jan 29th!
2) im grateful for joe cause he soooooo nicely wrote CLEAN ME on my back window of my car.. so NOW i really really REALLY have to wash it now. =P BRAT!
3) im grateful im "taking a break" from work... so now i can go FIND A NEW JOB!!! CURSE MY SUPERVISOR!! she's evil.
Posted by
12:50 AM
Friday, December 15, 2000
Alrighty boys and girls... where are the parties cause NICOLE IS DONE WITH FINALS!!! =D BOOYA!! its very exciting... now i can just rest.. look for a new job.. work.. CKI... start packing for the move... clean... did i mention rest? yeah... so those are my plans for my 6 WEEK VACATION! yipee!!
well it was kinda sad today cause it was my last day for my music class and i really really really liked that class. my professor was constantly happy.. (i swear.. he's on prozac).. i made some really cool friends in that class... and most of all.. i got to sing with the accompanist!! =D it was awesome!! it was funny cause today for the final.. there was like 3 girls that sang REFLECTIONS from MULAN and they all were kinda fobby so they all pronounced it as "RE-FRES-ION".. but they all sang pretty good.. actually everyone was pretty good. *sigh* gosh.. im gonna miss that class. now i think my goal is to try to learn how to play the guitar... it would be AWESOME!!
hmmmm... so anything interesting since i last blogged? hmmmmm.... got somemore BOBA! (ULTIMATE STRESS RELIEF!!) i tried studying on tuesday but i got caugh up with this really cool movie on TMC... it was SUN VALLEY EXPRESS and it had Ester Williams and Van Johnson and it was REALLY REALLY good! =) gotta love those old time romances...
oOooO.. get this.. nicole is going to have to find a new job. my job now is cool but my supervisor is TOTALLY screwing me over!! ok.. so i gave her my availability for finals week and the week after and what did i get?? a total of 8 HOURS.. for the 2 weeks!!! insane!! and the thing is.. i was the SECOND person to give her my schedule... im 4th on the list of seniority... and the new *family friend of the supervisor* girl got 16 hours.. in ONE WEEK! completely unfair. so.. yes.. im going to quit that job ASAP and go scouting for a new one. =) sooo if anyone is hiring.. contact me ASAP! =D
anything else?? hehehhe.. oOOoO.. carrie sent me this REALLY REALLY cool picture of lance! check it out. =D all i gotta say... I LOVE LANCE!! grrrrrrrrrr.. =) yes...i am going to marry him... well... hopefully.. first i gotta meet him and we have to fall madly in love with each other.. *sigh* its going to be beautiful... and our shotgun vegas wedding... so if any of my friends get a call and its me asking them to be in vegas in 4 hours.. you know what its for. =D
ok.. its been a while since ive done it.. but here are my grateful 3!
1) im grateful for my tita maria... she's the realtor who helped us find an apartment and shes been super helpful!! she totally made my mom cry yesterday cause she bought my mom a washer for the new apartment and shes been completely awesome when it came to finding the perfect place for us AND fred. =D yay!! she even took me to the apartment to make sure that i liked it and that i was happy with it.. so.. YAY TITA MARIA! THANK YOU!! =)
2) im grateful for carrie cause she sent me that picture of lance. hahahaha. i swear. its HYPNOTIZING!! as carrie would say.. *GOOD GOSHNESS!*
3) im grateful for target and their cute christmas cards!! i swear.. i was searching and searching for the perfect christmas cards and VO'LIA..they were there!
4) im grateful for book buyback.. yes... it completey JIPS you cause you can spend $50 on a book and you get only $10 back.. but hey.. its $10 for christmas gifts or gas!!
5) im grateful that FINALS ARE OVER!!! DONE WITH!!! FINISHED!!! soooo... wheres the party again!?!?!
Posted by
12:14 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2000
so.. the "tree" isnt as bad anymore. my mom added some garlands and decorations and now it just looks like a barren tree with very strong green lights. =) yay! anyhoo.. while my mom was doing that.. i was off studying... =) thats pretty much all i can do since finals are this week! CRAP! I even missed the COSCA christmas party! =( sorry guys!! I really wanted to go and see the family but UGH.. school.
ok.. i just wanted to say HI to all for now and i'll update later once hell week is over. =)
1) im grateful the "tree" isnt as ugly as before.
2) im grateful for my computer or else i would have to write out all those crappy study guides.
3) im grateful for the holiday season.. yay christmas and yay break from school!
Posted by
9:59 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2000
ok... whoever came up with the whole concept of ICE SKATING should be crucified. so yesterday, i went to the foothill DCM at the pasadena skating center. it was my VERY FIRST TIME on ice skates and it was awful.. just plain awful. like... who came up with the concept of putting metal rods on your shoes and going on ICE. isnt walking on ice easier?? i understand the concept on putting wheels on your feel hence the SKATES.. but ICE SKATES?!?! hellooo?? i swear.. it must have been some really bored MOUNTAIN PEOPLE who came up with such an idea. but at least i didnt fall on my ass. yay!! i just kinda looked like a DORK clinging to the sides of the wall screaming for help with my frizzy hair (damn that cold weather). and it didnt really help much with carrie threatening about not being about to get home and telling me that lance is on the other side of the rink and i in all my dorky ice glory must go get him, or beth suddenly becoming the ice coach from HELL... (she got evil.. AHAHAHAHA) or lan coming up next to me as i pitifully waddled on ice and SCREAMING at me.. i dunno.. never again... unless LANCE really really was there.. or i was getting a good amount of money to get on the ice... but yeah.. what an experience.
my mom just got home with our christmas tree. well. its not exactly a TREE. its more of a modern interpretation of a tree. its green lights in an upward spiral.. ok. so i was dissapointed. it doesnt have that christmasy pine smell or i can't get all pissed cause theres dried pine needles on the ground... but... ITS NOT A REAL CHRISTMAS TREE!! *sigh*... but i understand where she is coming from though... it was $2 cheaper than a real tree... and we can reuse it. *UGH* great. i have that green spiral for LIFE. yay... maybe i can pass that electric monstrocity to my grandchildren so they can say "what the hell!??!lets get a real tree!! why does she hate us so?" hehehe.. actually.. its not too bad. =)
lesson of the day.. stay away from INTERNET PYRAMID SCHEMES!!!
and heres the LIST!
1) im grateful cause we ARE moving so we get to KEEP fred!! =D yay!!!! soooooooo happy!!! can't wait.. he needs a bath first but its do-able!
2) im grateful that i was able to say i went skating (somewhat) and i really dont have to do it ever again cause i can say that ive done it already and i know what HELL it is.
3) im grateful for free parking at old town pasadena.. cause afterwards when we went to the ice rink.. we had to pay $7 for parking!!! get this... $7 parking for the first 16 hours?!?! like i was planning to stay there for 16 hours!! insane!!
Posted by
2:02 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2000
yesterday started off good... i went to work.. got there in time.. YAY... had some apple cider.. had my last meeting for the semester... =) happy cause joe came and visited and then we went to go get some boba. it was good to spend some time with joe considering that he's just too damn popular... =P got back to school and went to class. then i came home.. got a very ICKY PHONE CALL.. and then i was pretty much STRESSED and UPSET from 6-8. But luckily chrissy and carrie were able to make me feel better. =) THANKS GUYS!!! *muah*
well.. it looks like im going to be moving again.. so if anyone would like to come and help.. CALL ME! =) actually... i dont know if its happening FOR SURE yet.... but i would like it to happen. the new apartment is in pomona (heheheh.. its kinda across the street from KG!) and it has a bigger kichen, bigger living room... but i'd have a smaller bedroom. but you know what.. its all bueno cause then we get to keep fred with us.. and REALLY REALLY miss him.. so yay for FRED! but if it does happen... we would be moving during christmas and new years and im going to have to dissemble my desk and bed and go through that whole moving hassle again. but at least we get fred, its a bit closer to school.. (a very small bit but its better than living in chino!), and cheaper. so... come on over and lets have a MOVE PARTY!! *cross fingers* that it all works out. =)
yay.. next week is finals!! and then WHOOO!! BREAK! cant wait.. gotta love the cal state 6 week vacation. sorry CPP... hehehe.. damn those quarter systems. so i guess i can count that as one of my grateful things for the day...
hmmmm... ok.. so for the rest....
2) im grateful my mom... i know i always am grateful for her..but she works soo hard for my sister and i... i dunno how she does it sometimes. she really is my hero... and shes way too hip!! (she loves lance too!)
3) im grateful for those computer labs at school... =) Plus there are some cute guys who work in the lab... *ahem* prince charming.
Posted by
10:59 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2000
hehehe.. today... i discovered that sexy voice guy is like the FLIPINO LANCE!! hahaha.. ok.. so this is how the whole story begins. last week in class, tina and i were just being ourselves when i overheard this chick talk about the NSYNC concert. so then of course.. i had to turn around and talk to her about it.. and then SEXY VOICE GUY (this dude in our class who has this really really deep voice... he's cool and friendly) started doing the ITS GONNA BE ME DANCE.. and well. everyone was laughing cause he was good. =D ok.. so then after class, tina and i finally got to know sexy voice guy's name cause we were all waiting for the elevator. its patrick. OK.. so then off we went on our seperate ways. so then today.. i got to school early.. (FOR ONCE) and i was waiting for the elevator when sexy voice guy comes and so i tell him to watch the billboard awards cause NSYNC was going to be hosting... and then hes telling me how he knows the dance cold cause of how he was auditioning for this filipino wannabe boyband thingie.. and so.. since he has a low sexy voice...tina and i now call him the SEXY VOICE GUY A.K.A. THE FILIPINO LANCE. yes.. i know it probably would be easier if we call him patrick... but isnt the other name much more interesting??
ok.. cant write too long.. need to go study and this is my BREAK. =) yay. i hear its best to study in 20 min intervals while taking 5 min breaks. so im writing like LIGHTNING! =) so lets just go straight into my grateful things:
1) im grateful for all those leave that are on the ground at school along that titan walk.. its sooo cool to walk through them. reminds me of when i was a kid and would pile them up and jump into them.. but would get hurt cause the piles weren't high enough and underneath was concrete... but still.. its absolutely beautiful. if we can't have snow in southern california... falling leaves will do.
2) im greatful for staplers and safety pins... my pants felt like they were falling off today.. so i had to pin and staple them or else i would have put on a REAL show in my music class.
3) im grateful that i haven't gotten sick yet..KNOCK ON WOOD!!! but if i were to get sick sometime this week or next week.. EEK!! more stress i DONT need..and how irritating is it when you are taking a test and you have those darn sniffles!!!
Posted by
11:43 PM
Monday, December 04, 2000
wowie.. very tired. lloooong and busy weekend.
Friday:i watched the teletubbies make tubby custard while sitting for ONE HOUR at the hospital while waiting to take some tests. good gracious.. they must have said the phraise TUBBY CUSTARD over a thousand times!! and it was the ONLY thing they said! when i got home.. my mom thought it would be funny if she stood behind the door and scare me to death. HA. after that.. i cleaned. =) yay... very proud cause i got creative with my photographs and made use of the ribbons and paperclips that i had.
Saturday: convention meeting (its going to be GOOD!! get your flapper costumes ready!), christmas shopped (yay.. but still have a lot more to do. eek there was sooo many people at the mall.. i was in line just for ONE gift for my sister..GRACIOUS!), manny cooked dinner (suprisingly it was good... makes carrie and i wonder if he actually cooked it... or was it pic?? or did they just buy it and stuck it in a pot and pretended to serve it to us... hmmmm... do i smell a CONSPIRACY!?!), baked brownies at mannys (but there was no measuring cup cause mannys mom is bionic) , went to ucla, went to bellflower to pick up my car, went to 24 hour walmart had some applepie and french fries with carrie (as well as got to play with the toys and look at some weird bunny slippers), watched NSYNC tapes (grrrrr.. dear santa. ive been a very good girl. all i want for christmas is LANCE!!).. went to sleep. 4am.
Sunday: 7am woke up (actually.. woke up at 7:15... but the alarm went off at 7), went to school, almost died in car with bryan cause hes a maniac (he doesnt seem to realize that when you get to the curves while climbing a mountain.. you have to SLOW DOWN), picked mistletoe (tackled one bushel all by myself with the saw!), carrie and stepenie were poking me with branched while saying IM NOT TOUCHING YOU (just evil), came back to school (alive... once again.. bryan's driving), ate at taco bell, and then went to target. ok.. then MADNESS ensued. we had our mistletoe packing and UGH... yeah.. it was very stressing. especially when i had my advisor on my case and my boards case about EVERYTHING. it was pretty harsh. i mean.. theres only so much that we can do. i personally think we had things organized... but once we started getting barked at... it went psycho. *ugh*.. nooooo. no.. i wont get into this or else im going to be pounding hard on my keys and im going to be frustrated again... so then we finished the packaging and it was cool cause then all the other CKIers just all sat around and reminisced about old cheesy 80's movies afterwards, had to go pick up my mom at huntington beach but by then i was DEAD tired and my mom insisted that she drive back.
ok... so yeah.. that was my weekend.. i think it all began last night... but yeah.. im STRESSED. last night took a lot out of me... and next week is going to drain even more. great. get ready... im going to be looking my absolute CRAPPIEST until the 15th.
well.. in all this *UGH*-ness... i think its best i come up with my grateful list so that i be a bit more cheerful. actually.. im not as ICKY as i was before. after class.. i went to get some strawberry boba and when i got home... started to put up the christmas lights. =) yay christmas!
1) im grateful for my great friends. =) you guys are the bestest! thanks to carrie and tina for going out and buying all the baggies and helping with EVERYTHING!!! also.. thanks for my lance sticker.. =D i love him so and i know you guys pretty much GABLED to get him =) thanks to bryan and stephanie... you guys are so awesome!! =) thanks to fat for falling out of the tree to get that misletoe! thanks to kathy and kyle for helping pick and for helping when all that mad counting counfusion was happening. thanks to tina ming for coming out of the blue.. shes alive! =) thanks to laura and CSULB for helping salavage the salvage misletoe thus everyone got what they needed. thanks to justin for helping out at the tsu and not slapping me for all the extra requests we had. thanks to chrissy for all her help with the registration and all her support. what would i have done without you guys!! what would i have done without everyone who helped yesterday night??? THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! It really means a lot.. even those who were just nice to me or told me good job.. it all means soo much. *HUGS*
2) im grateful that i didnt have to drive much this weekend.. poor baby... needs a rest too.. needs a BATH very badly as well... he's going to reach 50,000 sometime this month... good gracious!!
3) im grateful that theres only ONE week left! need a break. need a break. need a break.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Thursday, November 30, 2000
yay! its thursday.. that means no school tomorrow! =) i love having my fridays off.. well tomorrow is going to be EH though cause i have to go to the hospital to get some tests done. nothing serious folks.. so no worries. but still its a visit to the hospital... at least i have the comforting thought knowing my mom is there with me.. somewhere else in the hospital working.. but in the same vicinity nevertheless.
yesterday was a cool day... went to work ( LATE cause i woke up at 8am... i guess i was just dreaming of LANCE.. *sigh*), had my CKI meeting (go lamar!! he had a cool ice breaker where we each had a name on our back and we had to go mingle around and play 20 questions with everyone else in order to guess our identity. but lamar messed up big time on mine... i was supposed to be marilyn manson... but on my back was the name CHARLES manson... ugh.. so for a while i kept on thinking that the identity was of a somewhat short somewhat old white man in jail. ooooooo.. options galore.), class.. (GO ADVERTISING!) and then came home. ohhhh.. so sad.. i missed NSYNC on leno. =( no one reminded me... *sigh* how heartbreaking. now i have to watch it next wednesday when they replay it at 2am.
OH BY THE WAY... miss lisa.. you said you were going to the UCLA meeting yesterday.. but my sources said you didnt go.. *sigh* hehehe.. its ok... next time i'll go WITH you. =) *** gotta love the 6 week winter break!***
today i went to go look at a possible apartment with my mom. it was ok... except that the place that was to be my room didnt have a door. hahahahah... it had this wanna be sliding wall... and there was one bathroom.. it was kinda like the brady bunch's kids bathroom. yeah.. so my mom and i decided that we would stick it out in chino hills for another 6 months and hopefully by then the house will be sold and we can move to another house. *cross fingers* chino hills is way too boonie for me. live... near... CIVILIZATION!!
and if you were SICK of me talking about NSYNC yesterday.. here is more. tonight was like NSYNC NIGHT part II. they showed the NSYNC holiday special on channel 11 ( i taped it of course..) AND the christmas special on disney channel (yup.. taped that too). it was kinda hard to miss since like everyone and their mother CALLED me to make sure that i was watching and had my VCR all ready.... gotta love my friends. gotta love NSYNC! =D
ok... for my 3...
1) im grateful for the people i work with.. they are soooo funny and my job would be sooooo boring without them. plus... there has GOT to be a reason why im still working there since they only give me 5 hours a WEEK!! its sooooo the people. damn stephenie and her highlighters.. she connected them all together and started poking me with them while she chanted *im not touching you... * hahahaha.. gotta love her and her DORKINESS. =) hahahhaha.. good thing i got her and raquel to join CKI. rock on!
2) im grateful for my tito sonny up in seattle. he is my FAVORITE uncle in the world.. or so he seems to think he is. =) but he's super duper cool. yesterday... my mom got a package from him and it was some filipino food that he cooked for us, froze it and mailed it down. he's always doing the coolest things for my mom, sister and i. =) when we were younger though.. he would terrorize us whenever he came to visit cause he would be tap dancing down the halls and always doing something stupid. i think its because of my mom and my tito sonny that my sister and i are sooo quick with our comebacks, sarcasm and our wittyness. (though it can be seen as being a smartass.. oh well.)
3) im grateful for conan obrian.... he too funny. =) if only i can meet a guy who is like him. hey.. i think conan is very sexy in that goofball way! =D and also.. im grateful for his writers... if i cant be an ad excutivie... i would LOVE to become a writer for a tv show as funny as that.
Posted by
2:35 PM
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
I LOVE NSYNC... I LOVE LANCE... I love justin, jc, joey, and chris too of course... but i LOVE LANCE most of all. =) I LOVE NSYNC. they are soooo wicked.... I just LOVE them! ok.. so you may have guessed by my gushing... i went to the NSYNC concert today with carrie, chrissy and mary. (it was mary's first concert!! shes been having a GOOD week... first that guy she was eyeing at FTC emailed her back... i had a picture of him for her.. AND the NSYNC concert. go mary!) =D I LOVE NSYNC! i am soooo on cloud nine right now... i think carrie may have some marks on her arm from me grabbing it whenever our boys did anything KICK ASS... **ahem** grinding the floor or any form of pelvic thrusts... ;) but boy.. it was pretty awesome. the concert was basically the same thing as the HBO concert... same as the one as the rose bowl concert.. just i had somewhat better seats this time... OH and instead of singing I THOUGHT SHE KNEW.. they sang OH HOLY NIGHT for the holiday season. **sigh** it was awesome. I LOVE NSYNC!! i have said it once and i'll say it again.. NSYNC is not a BOY BAND.. they are a MAN BAND!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I LOVE LANCE!! =D I LOVE NSYNC... ok.. thats enough.. =D
they had that one group DREAM.. (missed them... was stuck in on the 405...), LIL BOW WOW.. (missed him.. in the parking lot and shopping for you know what memorabilia) and the BAJA MEN (got to see them.. it was interesting... they sang WHO LET THE DOGS OUT and then they went "WHO LET THE CATS OUT?".. and the audience went "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW"... it was cute.) as the opening acts. i think by the time the boys came out.. i was partially deaf cause there was this one 12 year old.. and she was screaming on the top of her lungs those HIGH PITCH BLOOODY DEATH screams every 5 seconds. UGH... oh well.. kids will be kids.. and teenyboppers will be teenyboppers. =D
alrighty... the grateful things..
1) im grateful for NSYNC.. =D *duh* sooo talented.. soooo cute... soooooo... just SOOOOOOO great! just one more time ok?? I LOVE THEM!! I LOVE LANCE!! I LOVE NSYNC!! GRRRRRRRR! ok.. thats the last of it. really.. it was. =P
2) im grateful that i reserved the rooms for the mistletoe project a year ago... =) not too stressful this year...
3) im grateful for my history professor. he always manages to entertain me every tuesday and thursday with his HIGH ENERGY lectures. =) and.. he doesnt give homework... and he allows us to have a "cheat sheet" for our HARD tests. really they are hard.. they have those a....b...c... ab&c.... ab but no c.... questions on his tests. but still.. hes a good professor. =) if only i remembered what his name was.
Posted by
1:33 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2000
i don't want to go back to school tomorrow. but alas the day has come and thanksgiving is over. CRAP. oh well... look on the bright side.. only 3 more weeks left of school and then its CHRISTMAS vacation!! =D
more and more i am loving NAPSTER... it never ceases to amaze me. the other day, i was searching for "rockin around the christmas tree" and one of the files that came up was the KARAOKE version. so.. on a whim... i put KARAOKE on the search.. and out came a plethora of karaoke files and backround tracks!! i was on cloud nine. =) they even have all the britney songs on karaoke!! (so all you britney fans can dance AND sing to it... get a pipecleaner and attach it to your ear.. and there you go.. a microphone!! =D)
yesterday i went to a wedding anniversary for my tito mon and tita ellen.. they've been married for 25 years. the ceremony was really nice... my aunt kept on laughing and crying... =D i can't wait till i get married and hopefully it will last as long as that. not planning on getting married in the NEAR future though.. EEK!!... its kinda weird cause my best friend from kindergarten is planning to get married in july... and gosh... i feel sooo young that i can't imagine myself gettting married and settling down just yet. its crazy.. ive never had a serious relationship and here she is with a fiancee!! im not jealous or anything... but the fact that she's GLOWING whenever i see her kina makes me long for that special someone. but then again.. i rarely see my family.. how can i throw a relationship into my life. *sigh* i dont want to get into this now cause then i would be rambling all night long and you would think to yourself.. DAMMIT NICOLE.. QUIT YOUR BITCHING!!! YOU'RE SINGLE.. YOU'LL SURVIVE. THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE FOR YOU... ITS JUST A MATTER OF TIME.... i know this cause this is what comes to mind when im talking to my fellow single friends. =D oh well....
i bought the christina aguilera christmas cd.. its REALLY REALLY good. =D i think i'll start decorating the apartment... today they were showing WHITE CHRISTMAS on tv. i cant wait when they show the 24 hours of a CHRISTMAS STORY on TNT.. i can watch that movie over and over again. OH RALPHIE!! =D
ok.. the 3.
1) im grateful for BOBA!! that stuff is GOOD! yesterday i tried the strawberry one... new favorite flavor!!
2) im grateful that my sister has DSL, NAPSTER and a burner... ohhhhh... am i going to have fun when i go over there with blank cds!!
3) im grateful that this week i was able to just chill and relax. the next 3 weeks are going to be HELL and i think i've been able to rest up for it a bit.
Posted by
7:23 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2000
OH GOSH!!.. still full. sad thing is.. my mom, sister and i have been picking at the leftovers all day. UGH! guess it probably cause we never have food here in the apartment...
yay!! I LOVE LUCY marathon!! "hello friends... im your vitameatavegamin girl. are you tired... run down.. listess?? do you poop out at parties... are you unpopular? well all of you answers are in this little bottle. vitameatavegamin. yes with vitameatavegimin.. you can spoon your way to health. all you have to do is take one teaspoon after dinner. its so tasty too. tastes just like candy! soo join the hundreds happy pappy people and get a bottle of vitameatavegamin tomorrow. thats vita-meata-vegamin." *wink* hehehehe... couldnt help it.. its one of my favorites...
today... i'll incoporate my grateful things with my daily summary. =) save time and space.. kinda like online recycling?
1) im grateful for my mom and dad...
today, i was supposed to meet my dad at the tire rotation place at 8am. i woke up at 9:30am... EEK!! so i raced over there and my dad was there waiting patiently. he wasnt too angry... in fact.. i dont recall him being angry at all. =D and then afterwards, we went to the autobody place to get an estimate on how much it would cost to repair that BIG ass scratch in the front of my car from that chick that backed up into me at the gas station. seems its going to be about $400+ to fix cause they have to take apart the whole front bumper. good gracious.
my mom yesterday noticed that the scarf i was crocheting was getting all crooked.. so shes helping me fix it by so it won't do that fuinky twisty thing anymore and its looking pretty spiffy. next.. shes going to teach me how to make a matching hat! =) go me!
i guess its really the little things that count.
2) im grateful for leftovers...
yay!! didnt have to cook today... yeah yeah.. we just picked at everything... but hey.. it works. actually.. my mom did a lil cooking when she converted the leftover meat into some yummy-licious fried rice. with all the food that we have... we won't have to cook for the next week!
3) im grateful for the holidays...
i was just watching OPRAH.. and she gave her whole studio audience everything PLUS a bag of chips... she was showing awesome christmas gifts.. and giving them away as well!! so her audience got a cd player, 2 of those new pagers with wireless emals, cameras, lotions, candles, etc.. it was pretty awesome. (if anyone can get me into the Oprah audience when next christmas rolls around.. CALL ME!) i love this time of the year cause it brings the best out of everyone. i was thinking that if i were that rich... i probably go crazy and go grant everyones wishes... if it were possible. like.. i would totally get NSYNC to give my friends and i a private concert... carrie, tina, mariss, and tina would probably go crazy... and i can already imagine joe asking them to teach them their dance steps so that he can teach it to his club so that they can perform it at convention or something... =)
next week at work.. we get to start saying "HAPPY HOLIDAYS, CAL STATE FULLERTON" and people are usually caught off guard and we don't have as much irate callers. they are much more cordial.
plus also.. during this time.. you get to actually SPEND time with the family... and see the friends with whom you havent seen in a while. =) even if it does mean that you are just sitting around watching tv or doing nothing... its doing nothing with your family and spending that quality time together. i dunno.. im cheesy like that. =)
Posted by
2:45 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2000
I AM SOOOOOO FULL!!! its not even funny. ok.. so for lunch.. my mom decided to cook the prime rib with the potatoes, stuffing, greens, it was DELICIOUS. i made the gravy!! =) it was pretty kick ass gravy.. i saw them make it on LIVE WITH REGIS. =) GO ME GO ME!
ok.. so after that.. we got ready and went to have DINNER at my aunts.. and she COOKED A LOT!! there was lobster,shrimp, potatoes, filet minon, pancit, soup, apple pie, chocolate cake, baklava, and even a TURKEY.. which i was very suprised to see cause that side of the family isnt very traditional when it comes to thanksgiving. oh well.. we had some interesting conversation.. it was really cool cause they had all my cousins and i at the KIDS table, even though we arent kids anymore. the youngest is 15 and my oldest cousin is 26 and married. but still.. we all got to bond and talk... then we watched WILL AND GRACE. =) love that show.
well SINCE it is thanksgiving.. i should say what im thankful for...
1) family
2) friends
3) my creativity
4) my brita water filter (OH HELL YEAH!!)
5) my tiny apartment
6) CKI... everyone associated with CKI is pretty kick ass.. and i'd have no life without it.
7) my car
8) my computer
9) school... although i HATE it.... i love it at the same time. freaky huh.
10) NSYNC... enough said. =)
Posted by
11:55 PM
i love vacations... =) its so wicked yesterday i got to just chill.. wait... i took carrie to LAX and we were checking out this adorable baby with her pretty hot daddy. HE WAS!!! =) kinda pierce bronsen-ish. the night before we had a late snack at DENNYS (dressed in my pajamas... EEK!) since there is no other place here in BOONIE chino hills that is open 24 hours.
so today at work... i crocheted. i crocheted for 5 hours straight while answering my calls. my fingers are soo sore and stiff.. but i was DETERMINED to get something done. its sad.. all that crocheting and i only have 3 rows done.. keep in mind though its like 4 feet long... but only 3 rows wide. EH. anyhoo.. today was the first day for me to work in the new office. before we used to have this tiny CRAMPED office in the dungeon of the library.. now we have this office OFFICE that we share with the web guys... it kinda sucks cause we cant be as loud or have as much fun or else we might be bothering the web guys. =( also.. we cant put pictures of your MEN up... we used to have our walls decorated with 98*, NSYNC, Matt Damon, David Duchovny.. etc.. but we have new desks and theres no places to put up the pics. how tragic is that!!
after work, i pretty much did some PRE-pre christmas shopping at the mall. i didnt buy anything, but i got some ideas of what im going to get for my friends and family. at least thats what i think im going to get so far.. unless i find something better...
then off to BJ's for dinner with tina, keri, marissa, crystal, jp, jr, and 2 other people i dont remember what their names where.. they were jp's friends. fun and interesting dinner... seems that jp doesnt know how to operate a cell phone.. and has a hearing problem/short attention span.. whatever... we celebrated his birthday with some pazookie..( did i spell that right?... if not.. mariss may kill me.. oh well..) and then drove to the block for more window shopping. once keri and i parked, we noticed the people in the car in front of us were sucking face.. on a whim... i set off my car alarm. HEY i tried high-beaming them first.. but they were so enamored with each other that they didnt notice the flashing lights. anyhoo... saw some REALLY CUTE shoes at TILLY... but alas.. no money.. so maybe next time.. =). also keri and i stared at the tv at virgin for a wihile cause they were showing the NSYNC concert. i listened to the christina christmas cd for a while and now im in the process of downloading some of the mp3s off of napster. =) YAY NAPSTER.
ok.. so then afterwards, went over to tinas were i learned how to play memory on mariss's phone and watched tina and mariss go crazy with keri's hair. took some interesting pictures... had some juice... listen to the fire crackle... for some reason... tina's parents dont utilize the bedrooms upstairs and were downstairs sleeping. so we were all extra quiet. =)
okies... its TIME!
1) im grateful im still get to kick it with my *denny's crew... now known as the BJ's crew*.... you guys kick ass!!! =) its good to know we are all thinking the same things and when we need some good gossip... we can always go to keri. =)
2) im grateful i know how to crochet.. or else i would have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored during work. good gracious!! at least we have those new spiffy chairs that dont hurt my back anymore. =)
3) im grateful its winter.. i love bundling up and listening to christmas carols.. i love the season... =) it makes me feel all warm and happy inside. =) its begining to look a lot like christmas....
Posted by
1:47 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2000
What a KICK ASS weekend!! =D FTC was a BLAST!! I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE my club!! they are soooo dope. =D ok.. so on friday, we got off to a slow start up to sonora cause there was a giant van mix-up. insead of 2 mini-vans, we got one HUGE 15 passenger van which was good so then we all got to ride together. 8 hours later after singing tv show theme songs,telling bad jokes and MANY winding CURVES up the mountain, we were at the camp and we were all super delighted that there was SNOW on the ground!! =D ok.. so off we went to register and the opening session (where my new members looked a bit confused and overwhelmed... i kinda got worried for them.. but they got into it)... and then afterwards, my happy lil club had a HUGE snowball fight in the field! it was soooo much fun!! crystal and tina even laid in the snow and made some snow angels... sooo cute!
so then that night, we all seperated... caroline, stephenie and raquel got a REALLY NICE cabin on the TOP of the hill... whereas mary, crystal, tina and i got this shack on the bottom of the hill... the guys all got to stay in the same ARMY STYLE cabin. =D but the only thing that really mattered was that there was central heating.. and there SURE was.. it was freaking HOT in our cabin.
saturday morning, we woke up early, had some breakfast, and off to our workshops and so on. hmmm.. some highlights at my presidents workshop we had to craw underneath other people's legs.. (dont ask any questions)... got to make some cute cards for kids in hospitals with my club... listening at the convenion meeting despite the RUMBLE up above at the swing dancing workshop. after dinner, we had the new member installation and i was JUMPING up and down for my new members.. I LOVE THEM!! they all are soooo cool!! =D they rock!! and then as MAGIC KINGDOM we had the bestest SKIT!! =) we had our boys dress up in tutus and run across the stage and chrissy proved her love to the division by dressing up as a scary LEPRECHAUN. what a sight that was. after all that madness, we had a dope dance and CSUF went about and gave anyone we can SNEAKY FREAKS! =) oh by the way.....hey UC DAVIS GUYS!! hehehe.. some of my members think your boys are cuties!! LETS INTERCLUB!!
this morning, we had closing ceremonies and watch CARRIE get pied.. hahahaha...***carrie shoutout*** sooo sorry carrie, but it was HILARIOUS!! at least you didnt get it flying into your face like ryan had it. plus you got a semi revenge when you hugged minh back! you go girl!!! pie never looked better. =) then we packed up and drove back down... but the ride was sooooo much fun!! everyone was more social after the weekend... and we were dancing to NSYNC's I DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY (yes.. it is a slow song.. but we made it very INTERESTING by our dramatical interepration) as well as COLOR ME BAD's I WANNA SEX YOU UP... hahahaha.. that got everyone awake and alert. the ride pretty much consisted of "picking up the opposite sex 101" by lamar... DAMN MARY, YOU GOT BALLS FOR TALKING TO THAT GUY" .... and other relationship talk. it was lots of fun and i am sooo happy that we all bonded this weekend.. GO TUFFY TITANS!! =) i think this was my bestest FTC all because of my memebers.. they really made my weekend! i really hope they had fun.. it seemed like it.
ok so now i get to rest cause I HAVE NO SCHOOL THIS WEEK!! yay... im loving cal state fullerton more and more! so... i get to wash my car... do laundry.. and just veg out. WICKED!!
ok.. my grateful 3... bet you can't guess what they are!!
1) im supergrateful for my club.. *duh* =) i love you guys soo much... my job as president would suck hard if i didnt have such COOL ass memebrs to keep me motivated.. you guys are the bestest!! plus they can really make me laugh...
2) im grateful that we got to and from FTC saftely... it was a really trecherous journey... some got car sick.. but im grateul no one puked. that would have been GROSS!
3) im grateful that CSUF always gives a THANKSGIVING VACATION! YAY!!!
Posted by
10:46 PM
Monday, November 13, 2000
wowie.. was that the saddest episode of 7th HEAVEN ever?!!? i was in tears screaming at mary... WHY IS SHE SUCH A LOSER! and HOW CAN YOU BE SOOO COLD YOU EVIL BITCH!! yeah.. but im over it now.. =) but that was a really really good episode... its not like watch 7th HEAVEN all the time.. just on occasion. whatever..
oh how ironic is this! today i was talking with stephenie and lamar about falling in public.. cause while we were out for the bakesale.. some chick fell and lamar started laughing. soooo.. while i was walking to my car.. i decided to cut and walk in the bushes.... but hello.. nicole is SUPER CLUMSY.. and i fell.. i fell into the BUSHES.. when i got up.. i had leaves and twigs all over my hair. it was a sad site.. and luckily.. NO ONE SAW ME!! YAY!!! that was comforting to know that no one actually witnessed me in all my dorkdom.
im now in my room since the living room is FILLED with fumes from the markers and rubber cement... my eyes are slowly focusing now and the room is spinning not as fast anymore. what i do for CKI and friends... good gracious.
today, i was in the library happily chatting with carrie, when all of a sudden the fire alarm went off and people started panicing. the funny thing was that while they were panicing.. they were busy saving their files on the computer and fidgeting for disks and stuff. it was rather interesting. after that i chatted with lisa!! =D love that girl.. shes super cool.. SLGirls are foxy.. especially the ones from 98! i really miss my gals... tam, lisa, mel, maria, di... ahhh what memories we had... i remember in sophomore year when mel and i named ourselves 2 PIE SQUARE dressed up in our old CROSS COLORS gear and rapped about PIES in front of the whole school.. that was dope. or when we all went to metro to go "clubbing" and there was that one COWBOY guy and he gave maria her first lapdance!?! memories... in the corner of my mind... =)
so i offically started my holiday season by putting the NSYNC CHRISTMAS cd into my car. yupyup...i had the chills as i was driving down carbon *backroad* canyon. YAY!! cant wait!! i love this time of year!! its sooo exciting!!
JR demands another SHOUT OUT.. good gosh... ok.. *gee thanks JR for the rest of the lyrics* hehehe.. =D silly JR.
the DUM DUM DUM... 3.
1) im grateful that we did well with our bakesale today!!! even though my treasurer didnt show up and we didnt have a cash box.. =( but luckliy crystal came by and suggested that we just accept donations.. boy that was a GREAT idea cause people were being really generious. YAY!!
2) im grateful i got our of class early... so i didnt have to walk in the dark to my boonie parking spot... its freaking creepy.
3) im grateful we only have 3 more weeks. cant wait!! WHOOOOOO!!! counting down the days!!!
Posted by
11:41 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2000
what a weekend! =) lots and lots of fun! on friday night, i went to CPP's installation banquet... damn.. they had a WHOLE bunch of new members.. good job pomona!! it was pretty cool... got to dance... eat.... take pictures... suprisingly enought the CPP guys DIDN'T do an NSYNC routine!! pigs are flying... hell is freezing...
yesterday night carrie, pic, manny, lamar and i drove down to san diego for UCSD's Masquerade Ball. It was pretty awesome.. 2 floors of dancing and KAROKE on top! but there were many highlights of the night.. first of all.. going out to dinner at ANTHONY'S FISH GROTTO. for some crazy reason everyone was flocking to the table next to us and giving them hommage or something. it was pretty insane. I SWEAR.. more than 10 people came by.. and they were just random people. but i believe that lamar got the MVP for the night... he was HILIARIOUS... we were all dying of laughter because of him and his remarks... and his *SNEAKY FREAKS* hahahaha also watching manny, ryan, and jimmy rap "the real slim shady" on karaoke was pretty cool... overall the night was KICK ASS. we all drove home after that... i kept manny company cause EVERYONE was out cold and everyone crashed here....get this... we got back at 5am...and SLEPT SLEPT SLEPT... and woke up at 4pm. then off to dinner/lunch/breakfast at applebees... and off into the sunset searching for the 71 south. sorry guys.. but i really dont know my directions very well. i need my YAHOO MAP. =)
ok.. my 3.
1) im grateful i had a fun weekend.. i really needed the break.
2) im grateful i didnt have to drive down to SD or to the CPP banauet... my mom and dad has really been on me about my mileage... yay! so baby got a break too! =)
3) im grateful for heaters.. DAMN!! its FREEZING!!! good gracious.. FTC is going to be hella cold!!! EEK!! MUST LAYER UP!! CANNOT GET SICK!!
Posted by
8:48 PM
Friday, November 10, 2000
just got back from my sister's talent show at long beach... it went really well... she is a DIVA, di ba? hehehehe... carlene was hilarious with her cheesy fobby accent and jill was such a dork with her fake turntables and her "magic tricks" hahaha.. GOOD JOB GUYS!! =D laura and i were brainstorming for ideas for talent show and FTC.. hahahaha... how about an interpretative dance with scarves?? It was funny cause i was sitting next to emily (who was sitting under the light... it seemed like she was getting her "calling") and she managed to crack myself and my mom up... gotta love that girl!! well everyone seemed smartass-ish tonight... mom was pretty cool and playing with the guys in front of us... they were screaming SHES MY SISTER after carlene cause i was screaming that.. and my mom told them.. YOU ARE MY SON?? and she starting going off on how they are her kids.. it was dope. our whole row was cracking up. GO MOM! =)
good news.. i got a B in my advertising midterm!! YAY!! i was on the verge of dancing when i got it back... but it was way too cold for me to do that and my main goal was to get to my car alive.
it was FREEZING today... need to start layering up so i dont get sick...
i finished our PT PIGGY BANKS!! they are sooooo adorable!! =) very proud of them.. sure my hands and clothes are painted PINK.. but hey, its my favorite color so all the better!
and my grateful things...
1) im grateful that my mom got a new car... so i dont have to drive my car as much anymore and she doesnt have to drive that old, vibrating, loud jalopy. mom loves her new xterra... too bad its stickshift. shes getting a hang of it now... but its funny cause one time we saw my dad and she was trying to act all cool cause she got her *dream* car... and while shes talking about how my dad is pissed because she bought it.. she stalls and the car automatically shuts off. chelle and i were laughing so hard... gotta love my mom. =) no one is as cool as her!
2) im grateful for wal-mart and their cheap art supplies!!
3) im grateful that i got really good parking today, the moment i turned into the lane.. some dude was getting out! i was very excited that i didn't have to go on a scavenger hunt for a space nor that i was going to be super duper late to my history class. =)
Posted by
12:27 AM
Wednesday, November 08, 2000
pet peeve of the day: i have a class in McCarthy Hall on the 6th floor and i really hate taking the stairs... thus i take the elevator. But when i am in a hurry, i take the escalators up to the 4th floor and climb the rest of the way. but the thing that really IRKS me is when you are in the elevator and some dumbass uses it to get to the 2nd or 3rd floor.. its just stupid. i really wish i can yell out.. GET OUT AND TAKE THE ESCLATORS. or at least they should post a sign inside the elevator saying IF YOU ARE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED OR GOING UP TO THE 5th OR 6TH FLOOR WHERE THERE IS NO ESCALAOR ACCESS... YOU MAY PRESS A BUTTON... IF NOT.. GET OUT. its ridiculous to get in and then it STOPS on the second floor!!! and i know everyone else in the elevator is thinking.. why didnt you just walk you lazy ass... oh well...
SHOUT OUT TO JR AGAIN! (he gets his jollies seeing his name mentioned. =D...he likes the RICKY MARTIN *SHE BANGS* song too... so i not the only one!! YAY!)
Got really arts and crafty today. i started making a piggy bank for FTC... ITS SOOOO CUTE!! and i finished making my skirt. yay!! My room looks pretty bad... tomorrow is my day for cleaning.. or so i tell myself that. but i really cant take my moms nagging anymore... and i'm starting to trip over the books and sewing kits and construction paper and fabrics all over here.
I got some really cute mittens at Wal-mart for only $2 for FTC... its going to be COLD there... eek!! But im super excited for it... got lots and lots of things to do to prepare... EEK!! not enough time!
the goods:
1) im grateful that i realized what i want to do in life.... it used to be a fear of mine that i wouldnt know what exactly i'd do and i'll just settle for anything that comes my way... and by the time i'm 30ish... i'll have a midlife crisis and start to question my whole existence and then do something really stupid like get a bad haircut or involve myself in an intense internet romance with a 60 year old male prostitute who used to be a trapeeze artist but lost his arm in a tragic magic accident. I just want to grow up, graduate, become a copywriter for a powerful advertising company, maybe become a backup singer, marry my Gilbert, have oodles and oodles of children and live happily ever after in the cutest lil house in the foothills were we will battle garden snakes and the possibility of wild fires. *sigh* picture perfect.
2) im grateful that i inherited my parents creative genes... it really helps out when im in that BORED daze...
3) im grateful that my nothing awful has happened to my car this past 2 weeks. *KNOCK ON WOOD!* but baby is sure in dire need of a car wash... thanks for keri and johnny for leaving me a lil lovenote on my car today... it made my day. =D I DIDNT PARK FUNKY.. I WAS WITHIN THE LINES... or at least one of them.=P
Posted by
11:35 PM
what a race!! wow...that was close! well... i hope everyone went out and got their pretty I VOTED stickers. =D
today in my music class.. this one girl sang and it was absolutely beautiful... it almost made me cry. she managed to get a lot of people in class teary eyed and had the professor speechless. i really wanted to go up to her afterwards and give her a big hug because it was just awesome... you know when you witness someone do something great and you can't help but feel sooo proud of that person... thats how i felt.
i really enjoyed my history class today. the professor is really cool and the way he lectures is interesting cause he is really passionate about what he is talking about. its funny cause theres this one dude in class who is ALWAYS sleeping. yes, i admit that once and awhile i will dose off in class.. but i dont dose to the point where im breathing HARD and the rest of the class can hear you. that wouldn't happen anyways because i have tina sitting next to me and she would hit me or something before i start snoring or moaning in my sleep. you know what i hate is when you are dosing off in class and all of a sudden you FLINCH awake!?! its even worse if you are sitting near the front of the class and you flinch so hard that you freak out the people around you. thats soooo embarassing.
and what you've all been wating for.. my grateful 3.
1) im grateful for christmas lists. we are having a kris kringle at work and i had NO idea what to get for my person. (hahah you think im going to say here?? NO WAY!) well some girls came up with an awesome idea of christmas wish lists so it won't be too difficult to get our person something. so yay for easy christmas shopping!!
2) im grateful for extended ed. if not.. i would probably be stuck in school for another 5 years!! that would SUCK... i really wish i can graduate already and create some kick ass commericals. im really really trying for may 2003... (yes bombie.. i know.. im going to be made fun of by YOU for taking 5 years to graduate and i know that if it took 6 years... you would have a field day at every family gathering... its ok.. i wont invite you to the graduation... you can watch it on VIDEO. =P BRAT!)
3) i love cold weather!!! its sooo much fun and romantic. =D getting bundled up... wearing coordinating scarf/mitens/hat sets... having naturally rosy cheeks...wind blowing and hair sticking to your lips because of the chapstick... it all screams CHRISTMAS is on its way!!! i was singing christmas carols in my car today.. walking in a winter wonderland...
Posted by
12:57 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2000
you know what i love.. when my mom cooks for me. it happens only once in a blue moon.. but when she does.. i feel sooo loved. =) today she made this really really kick ass pancit and i'll have it for lunch again tomorrow. YAY!! its weird.. when she gets in her cooking mood.. she'll go CRAZY!! like cook the WHOLE DAY.. a big ass breakfast... a big ass lunch... a big ass dinner and then maybe some other experimentive snack shes working on. what she does do is BAKE. she doesnt back cakes and cookies... she LOVES making SCONES and BISCOTTI... there is always one or the other here... so if you are in the mood for scones or biscotti.. come on by. they are delicious.
the weirdest thing happened to me today. i was in the elevator of the library with tina, this one old sweet janitor and this EVIL BITCH. the elevator was pretty wack and the evil bitch was screaming DONT TOUCH THE BUTTON! I WANT TO GO ON THE FIRST FLOOR!! and the janitor was trying the be nice and help her out and she slapped his hand away. people can be so rude these days...
oooooo.. for those who havent visited GO!!! its lots and lots of fun!! get in touch with your innerself!!
ok.. my 3 gratful things for the day...
1) im grateful i start school at 11 on mondays... it would really suck waking up EARLY in the mornings and fighting the demon traffic on the 57.
2) im grateful for my cousin JR. =D ***my cousin jr demanded that i give him a shout out. HEY JR! dont get him confused with the OTHER cousin JR that i have.. (the baller, king of FLIRTS who is only 18 and will probably the first one in the family who will have children).. this JR is way cooler.. he always says *NITES YO* to me everynight. =D i feel special when he does it.***
3) im grateful for my blogger... this thing is soooo cool!! i feel like doogie howser!! everyone should have one.. it makes you reflect on your day... and people will get to know me a lil bit more. i know!! im such a DORK!! =D
Posted by
12:28 AM
Sunday, November 05, 2000
its been a busy weekend... yesterday... i went to my sister's PIE-A-PLEDGE fundraiser for her sorority. i promised her a while ago that i would go... and it was really really a lot of fun!! hehehehe... when you usually think of pieing someone.. the usual thought that comes to mind is something with whipped cream. but noooo.. this took pieing to another level... they added chocolate, peanut butter, jelly, cottage cheese, eggs, nacho cheese, corned beef, potato paste, beans, and apple sauce to their "pies." it was just NASTY and it was pretty interesting how they pied the girls. my mom and dad, along with my sister's sorority big sister, myself and chelle, all chipped in and bought $200 of pies with ALL of the ingredients above... muhahahah it was dope. we got her good.. she had crap ALL OVER HER.. hair, face, legs... and to think they wanted to add DOG FOOD to their pie concoctions!! how gross would that have been! the bathroom was pretty dirty after they were done... *hmmmmm... thinking of possible fundraiser for the club... they made almost $1200 or even more i bet!! thats so insane!
afterwards... i was REALLY REALLY tired... so i wasnt planning on going out.. but some cool friends from up north came down for the weekend.. so i just had to go see them!! chelle came with me and we all went to kick it at santa monica.. it was funny cause when we got there.. there was this one kid who was playing his trumpet on the street.. and he was really good! and then when we were walking back to our cars 3 hours later, the kid was STILL THERE!!! i was thinking.. dude.. go home!! can you believe that his parents were making him stay out on the street that poor kid!!!
today... i had a park clean up with stephanie and then we went and got some 39 cent cheeseburgers at mcdonalds. hehehe.. we both realized that christmas is coming up and we NEED to start saving for christmas gifts!! so it was 39 cent burgers and water *supersized* for us!! HEY!! did you know that they now have 99 cent happy meals on saturday!?! how cool is that!! somewhere to go to before Masquerade Ball next saturday! =D stephie and i went to csulb for an interesting tri-dcm later. now i am super pumped up for FTC!! its going to be wicked fun!
quote of the day *never argue with an idiot- folks might not be able to tell the difference*
ok.. my grateful things.. =D
1) im grateful for the morons that surround me. if there were no such thing as them.. i wouldnt have the comic relief i get everyday. they are constants lessons... as well as self-esteem boosters cause you know that you arent as dorky or as stupid as them... but of course you dont say that and let them think their own cocky thoughts...cause when they do come crashing down.. its going to be more entertaining watching them fall without a parachute... Yes.. they do frustrate me... but then again... frustration and irritation is unescapable. might as well laugh at the humor of the situation.
2) im grateful for the arco station on chapman ave... they have $1.55 gas!! i was able to buy MORE than 5 gallons!! yay cheap gas!
3) im grateful that i already knew the way to long beach... or else i would have been screwed today.
Posted by
11:41 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2000
WHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! take that as a good sign!! the concert was a COMPLETE SUCCESS!!! and get this... God up above was listening to me and watching over me... and i DIDNT FREAK!! weird thing was.. i wasnt too nervous at all... i had lil butterflies before i had to sing.. but nothing really uncontrolable that was hyperventalating or anything of that sort. and then when i went on stage... i started singing... and i can feel my lip quivering cause i was getting a bit scared on stage. i sang SO INTO YOU first... and i think i did pretty good on it except i think i messed up a bit on my runs... hopefully no one noticed... after that i sang L-O-V-E and i got into it cause the audience was clapping along with the music. dude.. that spotlight was HOT!! i can feel myself sweating bullets. nevertheless.. i cracked a bit during that song.. but overall i did well. im just really really happy that i DIDNT FREAK! afterwards... i was shaking soo uncontrollably that i had to have someone pour me a drink cause my hand just wasnt steady. but yes! im done!! and now i cant wait till the next time i get to do it... maybe at convention.. =D we'll see. that was such a rush!!! i felt soo energized and GOSH!! i cant explain it... it was just awesome!!
as for my grateful things:
1) im grateful for my friends who came out and saw me sing today...THANKS Joe, Carrie, Chrissy, Marissa, and Tina for coming.. it really REALLY means a lot!! =D i hope you guys were entertained for that good 2 hours... =D wheren't the kids just ADORABLE!?! also.. my mom, dad and my aunt who came to see my sister and i... they are constantly supporting us... evem back in the days when we were tap dancing... thank you soo much!! i love you guys!!
2) im really grateful that i DIDNT FREAK!! thats soo kick ass.. im happy i didnt fall off the stage like i did at convention last year... im happy i didnt trip on my heel... or forget my words... or mess up on a dance move... wait... i think i did mess up somewhere.. but at least it was nothing too obvious where i would be COMPLETEY EMBARASSED... so YAY! mission accomplished.
3) im REALLY REALLY grateful i had the oppurtunity to do this concert... i really do believe that i have grown throughout this whole experience.. becoming more confident as a performer but also as a person. right now.. i feel that i can do just about anything.. =D heheheh... its sooo amazing.
Posted by
1:55 AM
Friday, November 03, 2000
YAY!! today is the day!! in 8 hours... i get to be a SUPERSTAR!!! AHHHHHHH!! im excited and yet im a bit freaked. well im happy about certain things.. first of all.. dress rehersal went well last night and the theater is really really COOL!! and we have our dressing rooms with very DIVA-like vanity mirrors in them!! there really isnt much of a stage to fall off of so that eliminates one fear... when i walked into the theater yesterday night.. it was all settling in. the whole experience has been completly awesome... i really think i'll do well and hopefully i wont stress out too much. but YES!! im sooo excited!!
OH.. more good news... i have 11 people going to FTC for my club!! WHOOOOOOO!! thats soooo awesome! and get this... 7 of them are NEW MEMBERS!! im really really excited for them cause FTC is going to be soo wicked fun!! we even have some pretty cool cheers ready!! i really really love my members.. they are sooo enthusiastic and open to everything. they even do lamar's icebreakers!! and my board has been working sooo hard... i really do appreciate them. THANKS GUYS!
i guess you can count that one my "grateful things" so now i have to come up with 2 more...
2) my sister bought this really cool tea that makes your throat feel all nice... its really soothing too. so im grateful for that she bought it or else i might be all dehyrated and highly anxious for tonight. =)
3) im grateful that this concert experience is almost OVER cause now i can have a life on friday and sunday nights but im also sad about it too becase the cast is really dope and im going to miss seeing them and hearing them sing. those kids are sooooo cute!! they will totally melt your hearts!! OH!! i'm also grateful that tonight is the last night i have to sing my songs again!! whoooooo!!!
Posted by
12:17 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2000
TRICK OR TREAT!! Happy Halloween everyone!! today was such an awesome day.. =D first of all.. i think i did well on my history test!! WHOOOOO!! and i didnt even have to use the cheat sheet! after that... i sang in front of my music class... and get this... I DIDNT FREAK!! yes.. i was really nervous... but i didnt freak! =D that was pretty cool.
i saw something interesting in the school newspaper.. on the police blotter it said that on *Wednesday Oct. 25, 11am: First floor women's restroom at the titan student union, the stall door fell off its hinge and fell on the foot of victim. medics were summoned.* HAHAHAHAHAHA.. thats soo sad!! i would so hate to be that chick sitting on the toliet and all of the suddent BOOM the door falls off and lands on your FOOT! and to make matters worse... they call the medics for you... i wonder if there was other girls in the bathroom at that time... and did they just bust up laughing when it happened? just imagine looking into the mirror putting on your lipstick or fixing your hair and all of a sudden the door behind you falls and reveals some chick on the toliet... and shes groaning in pain cause that 50 pound door is on her foot! hahahaha.. its too hilarious!
today i got to wear my flapper costume! =D yay.. it looked really cute except i had to walk around in those damn heels. went to a very interesting practice. its funny what anxiety and lots of sugar can do.. everyone was pretty hyper. i got my *shoo-be-do-wop my baby* down... OH and while i was at narleen's we were greeting trick or treaters.. and there was this group of teens guys who were just wearing regular clothes. so i asked them.. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS.. and they said WE ARE THE BESTIE BOYS.. and one dude had a wanna-be turntable around his neck. it was sooo creative.. we gave him 2 pieces of candy.
ok... my 3 things im grateful for:
1) my voice teacher.. narleen.. cause shes so dope and shes doing all that she can to make the concert possible. poor thing.. shes barely getting any sleep just for our one night of stardom! =D its sometimes hard to believe that shes my voice teacher cause shes way too much a friend! so if you want to take some voice lessons.. i highly reccommend narleen. shes pretty spiffy.
2) the titan shuttle. without it... i would have had to walk forever and a day to campus. and the fact that it has airconditioning and the driver likes to play KBIG... so sometimes they do play NSYNC gives it points. but i really dont like it when i see the shuttle and im walking towards it.. and then the doors close and its about to leave.. so i start jumping up and down like a maniac while waving my arms.. and i KNOW the driver sees me.. but he decides to ignore my pleas for help and drives off into the sunset. that really sucks. but other than that... titan shuttle rocks if you are on it.
3) halloween.. what a great holiday. get to dress up like you never would and you get candy!! couldnt ask for anything more!
Posted by
12:26 AM
Monday, October 30, 2000
i shopped!! yay!! i found this really cute flapper costume that i may wear tomorrow AND for convention since it is a 20's theme! and the cool thing is that it doesnt have fringe and its black... so i can maybe even pull it off as a regular black dress with just a lot of ruffles on the skirt... or then maybe not.
you know what.. kids these days are sooo lucky. especially when it comes to halloween costumes. when i was young... all i remember was plastic aprons and masks. those were sooo ugly that my grandma gave in and made me into a carebear. years after that... my sister and i were things that were easy to put together. a hippie. a gypsy. a bloody surgeon (mom got scrubs at the hosiptal for my sister). a housewife. one year, my sister and i were so desperate for costumes that my sister put on an old angel costume... tied it at the waist and proceeded to put socks for the whole big boob effect and wore a gold mask. the result... an opera singer. unfortunately at the halloween party we went to.. they had one of those jumpy bounce rooms and her socks fell out. the other kids were really nice to give them back to her. ahh memories.
anything else of major importance happen to me today? i found really good parking at school. had a short and sweet board meeting. went to pick up my purse that i left at my cousins. (sorry to chrissy and carrie who called my cell... i know... i really should chain that phone to me.)
as for my 3 things im grateful for...
1) im grateful for my friend tina.. cause we have a history test tomorrow and she lent me her notes. thank you tina!!! lets hope that the studying works. i know the industrial revolution by heart now. thomas Malthus and his malthusian theory was WRONG!! hahahah.
2) im grateful for my dog.. fred. dammit.. he stinks!! but he's always so loving and hyper when i see him... i really miss having him around...even when he terrorizes my room, pees all over the place and butchers my stuff animals. he's soooo ugly. hahahah... but so lovable. he has a face only a mother can love. the kids yesterday at practice were all scared of him cause of his bulging blue and brown eyes. hehehe.. plus the fact that he STUNK can be a factor.
3) im grateful for my sister. *AWWWWWWW* althought she can be mean to me... (my usual phrase around her is *why are you so mean to me* and sad thing is her friends all can imitate me saying it) she really is the bestest. the other day we had some good conversations on the phone about school and her life and mine. it was dope. its sometimes weird to think that she isnt down the hall anymore and perhaps to have a good talk, we have to call each other... but it works. i do love her.. shes soooo cool. if only i were as cool as her... =D
Posted by
9:19 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2000
i tried chocolate soy milk. it has this funky aftertaste, but overall it was suprisingly good. its not something i'll be drinking all the time... but if i were desperately thirsty, chocolate soy milk could be a possibility.
EEK!! i downloaded the SHE BANGS song!! i dunno... i think i was going through some withdrawal and i was craving for the sound of ricky martin groaning on key. i know!! its embarassing... but that song is soo catchy! it makes me smile and i really can't help it.
today i decided that im going to start writing down 3 things each day that i am grateful for. i got the idea from oprah and her *get in touch with your inner-self* segments. but i think its really therapeutic and when im feeling down in the dumps i can look back and say... life isnt too bad as it seems. =D
1) im grateful for my mom. even though she NAGS like hell... i do love her. yesterday... i cooked and i think it came out fine. my mom said she was impressed that i can cook... but when my sister came home.. she said it tasted weird. so this means either, 1) my sister is lying and is just jealous of me... or 2) my mom lied but said it was good and ate it to make me feel better. i like to think that i made really bad soup and she lied about it because she loves me. it is much more dramatic. but she really is an awesome mom... she's my homegirl.
2) im grateful for my friends. without them i'd be really lonely and i'd resort to talking to my teddybear puppet named Bimbo. (of course my mom's hand would be in the back of Bimbo and she'd be making her Bimbo voice to amuse my forlorn self). but seriously, my friends are soo kick ass and i really do love them all. i cant list them all though cause i know someone is going to go..NICOLE YOU DIDNT PUT ME DOWN AS YOUR FRIEND.. WHATS UP WITH THAT BITCH? and then nicole might end up really talking to the puppet. but just know that i cherish each and everyone of you. *muah*
3) im grateful for my computer. it is my lifeline. too bad it doesnt have DSL.. but a 56K is better than nothing and thus i can get my ricky martin song in about 30 mins or less.
Posted by
9:27 PM
Friday, October 27, 2000
it rained over night. normally i would be all YAY! I LOVE RAIN! ITS SOO ROMANTIC AND FUN!.. but considering the fact that i washed my car on wednesday and may have gotten the sniffles because of the twilight, soap, and uncontrolable nozzle on the hose... im not all that happy with it.
i would like to say that NAPSTER is the greatest invention since the corndog! wouldnt you agree with me? there is this one dude on napster who has EVERY filipino song and artist... regine velasquez, donna cruz, lea salonga, ariel rivera, sharon cuneta... you ask for it and he has it!! its insane. poor carrie's computer... hehehehe... last night she discovered old Mickey Mouse Club performances with JC and justin. lucky her with DSL. actually.. lucky everyone that has DSL!! i think i may have to start a GET NICOLE DSL FUND... a few pennies each day can help get nicole DSL for a good hour or two... and within thost hours i can download to my lil hearts content... but knowing me, if i had the opportunity... i'd have a mental block and chaos would ensue cause i couldnt decide on what i wanted to dl.
i was watching some filipino soap opera with my mom today... theres a dude there who looks like a filipino russel crowe... but he's wearing a really ugly hairpiece. i don't know about that show... the actors look into the camera and just give overly dramatic poses of "frustration", "confusion" or "anger." its super cheesy... but hahaha.. there was this commerical... i was doing my laundry and not paying attention to the tv when i hear some guy with a REALLY thick accent say his name was TOM CRUISE. my head snapped up cause i was thinking.. WHAT THE HELL? but the dudes name was actually TOM CRUZ! too funny.
just got home from practice and i had lots of fun. i swear, when this thing is over.. im going to go through withdrawal from the cast since ive seen them sooo much this past month... i got to practice my songs in front of the cast tonight and i couldnt sing it straignt cause carlene and chelle kept on making me laugh... damn them. other than that... i think i'll do fine. i think that if i tell myself this EVERY NIGHT for the next week... i WILL do fine. the kids that are singing are sooo adorable... they constantly suprise me and make me laugh... overall everyone is super talented and anyone who is coming to the concert will be throughly entertained. i have one more ticket left since manny isnt sure if he can go... *guilt-tripping sniff* perhaps i will put it up on EBAY and see how much $$ i can get for it... hmmmm....
Posted by
11:34 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2000
this morning i woke up an hour early and just laid in bed...all snug with my pillows and blankets.. listening to oldies on my alarm clock. it felt really good... its been a while since i've been able to just chill in bed like that in the morning.
today i came to terms with the fact that i like the new ricky martin song... you know the one that goes.. *she bang she bangs* i know!! how can i?? but the thing is.. the beat is so catchy and the lyrics are so cheesy that you love to hate them. but i heard the song while on the freeway and instead of changing the station... i pumped up the volume and danced in my car!! scary!
after my music class today, i got to practice singing with the accompanist for my class assigned song and whoever was left in my class and the accompanist were all impressed. im not saying that DAMN I SING LIKE A DIVA... i mean i think im good, but not like christina aguliera good. but still it was still a big confidence boost... especially since the concert is next week already. EEK! i think im prepared. actually.. i know im prepared. after this concert is done.. i never want to hear tamia's so into you or nat king cole's l-o-v-e for a loooooong time. thoughts of me falling off the stage are slowly going away!
david duchovny has been filiming a movie on campus.. and today... i was in the SAME building as him! sure.. he was filming on the 2nd floor and i was on the 6th... but still!! too bad i didnt see him though. tina said that she saw him... but shes not sure. in fact.. a lot of people have said that they saw him... but they werent sure if it was him. is he that hard to recognize? its david duchovny!! he's a hottie! too bad he isnt doing a lot of x files anymore... what a shame.
joe made me laugh out loud today. i was in the computer lab today chatting between my classes and he IMed me saying.. YOURE IN THE COMPUTER LAB CHECKING OUT THAT GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE THE PRINCE IN CINDERELLA... and i totally was!! so i was cracking up in the lab and the people who were in the cubicles around me thought i was a psychopath or something to that extent. that guy is sooo cute...but if i were ever to talk to him.. id probably get this confused look on my face and start to babble. *sigh* so i guess i can only admire from afar.
today i got an email from ECRUSH. supposedly someone has a crush on me. great. i really want someone who cant tell me to my face that he thinks im a pretty foxy chick and has to resort to an anonymous email to let his feelings be known. and what if this is some sicko who just is sending e-mails to everyone and their mother... toying with their affections and making them jump to conclusions. the idea is cute... but eh. so if my prince charming is out there... just IM me.. okies? how hard can that be.
pet peeve of the day... people who think they know everything. don't you hate it!! like today in my music class, theres this chick who constantly interrupts with facts she knows. and the thing is.. a lot of us either a) we know it already or b) we dont give a damn. i know sooo many people like that... do they get their jollies thinking that they are supposedly mentally superior that everyone else? but i get real satisfaction when pointing out that they are WRONG. thats kick ass wicked.
Posted by
7:32 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2000
today was interesting. i had a big midterm in my ad class.. and i was prepared. i was soooooo prepared that i decided to take a lil nap in the library an hour before the test. hahahaha... can you guess what happened? i woke up at 4:05pm. my class started at 4pm. so like a bat out of hell, i raced down 4 stories of the library... across the quad and into mccarthy hall looking like CRAP; my clothes were all disheveled, my eyes were dry from my contacts, so i looked like i either had a mad twitch or just being a obvious bad flirt, and my hair was such a mess that even a clip couldnt save it. but nevetheless, the test was cake. its a miracle what colored ink and study guides can do.
i had a really good, short but sweet cki meeting today. i really love my board. if i didnt have them, i would literally shrivel up and die. really, i would. but not only are they an awesome board.. they are really kick ass friends. hahahaha.. bryan and lamar... if they werent there to drive me batty, i would probably go insane. they are totally the big brothers i never really wanted... bryan and i came to an understanding at lunch today, we respect each other because of our witty comebacks. actually, he respects me beacause of my comebacks... but not necessarily because of my intellect. what a brat. =D
life is busy. i feel as if i dont have enough time for anything, just like jesse in saved by the bell when she had the cafffeine pills and was singing *im so excited.... im sooo scared zack* i rarely see my family and i havent gotten to ride in my mom's new car that she got like 2 weeks ago!! i just had a "de-stressing" conversation with carrie that made me feel a lot better about things... but overall i just really cant wait till this month is over. i wonder if my family looks the same...
Posted by
10:04 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
its times like this when i wish i were filled with infinite wisdom, so that i can wow people with my mind. but then again, people might be intimidated by my superior mind. so i guess being average minded me is just fine.
wouldnt life be easier if men were smarter? i wish they had the ability to read women's minds so then they know exactly what we want and thus we wouldn't to take the initiative.
i read a while in jane magazine about a museum in iceland that stapled penises on a wall. i wonder if they have a gift shop...and if they had snow globes with lil penises floating around in it. would that sell? and how did they go about getting the penises? scary.
school is getting stressful... i think im doing way too much work for my one unit music class.
if all the world were a stage... where is the audience sitting?
i get to be a DIVA next week, and im terribly scared that im going to freak out and fall off the stage in my attempt of a dance move... my parents will deny that i am their daugher, and my friends in the back will cringe in disgrace... kinda like the dude who was on tv a while ago and said EXACT-A-MUNDO. tell me you can say that and look cool at the same time. i didnt think so.
i really really dislike people who arent assertive. i sometimes want to shake them senseless and scream MAKE UP YOUR MIND DAMMIT!
have you seen that new taco bell commerical with the guys sitting around the table and then the beats for MY SHARONA play.. and they guys sing MY CHALUPA instead? thats hilarious. i want to be that ad executive one day....
what ever happened to buddy lembeck?
nsync rocks. enough said.
Posted by
11:57 PM