Sunday, September 01, 2002

BLEH.. I'm feeling bleh. I don't know why... its not an emotional bleh... more of a "gosh I ache" kind of bleh. Its pretty weird.

The other night, I was having this great dream. It wasn't all weird like the Ben Afflect/Mel Gibson/Patrick Swaze/Xena dreams I've had before... but it was a nice, down to earth dream that involved all the people I know and love... and while I think it was in its absolute peak of pleasantry... Mom wakes me up! And it was one of those dreams that just seemed soooo real... were you wish to God that it was true because if it was, then you wouldn't have to worry in real life about what's going to happen... :) And it all ended... yeah I wasn't very happy afterwards... and when I went back to sleep like 15 minutes later, I tried to get into the same mindframe of the dream... but nope. It didn't come back. :( oh wells...

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