Saturday, September 14, 2002

When I was about 13, I started to wonder what kind of music I would listen to when I got older. Would I be clinging to my youth and trying to be *hip* and trendy with the newest music.. or would I stick to the music of my youth? Bumping along in my soccer van while my kids are complaining that I'm "lame" because I dance to Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" or even Nsync's "Bye Bye Bye" I think that as I get older, I'm gonna find a lot of things annoying just like how my mom can't stand Prince because "he sounds like a girl." I already can't stand lot of the rap thats out there... *wikki wikki wikki whooo hooo* But whats cool is that although she thinks some songs are wack (she thinks that house music is the music of the homosexuals after going to AIDS walk one year) shes still *hip* because she listens to everything and likes almost everything I listen to... including to "Bye Bye Bye." I hope to be cool like that with my own kids... even if I'm the only one who knows how to properly dance to it.

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