Sunday, June 06, 2004

What a weekend. :)

First of all... Friday was HAPPY POTTER!! *ALL MY DREAMS!* After eagerly plotting a "game plan" of showtime, ticket procedures, and chick-fil-a with Beth and Jean, we finally got to see book 3 come to life. We must have been quite the sight talking like fanatics in our matching Harry Potter gryffindor scarves. (Mine was a awesome Christmas gift that Jean crocheted for me!) Carlene started calling us GEEKS in the parking lot.


Anyways, the movie was AWESOME!! Well, with the exception of some key things that they forgot from the book... but oh wells. That's why its better to read the book people!! READ IT!!


"to the window... to the walls"

Saturday was "bring friends to work with you" day. :) Since we had a short set up time and Carlene and Sonny couldn't come and help out, I brought Janelle and Melissa to come play with the chaircovers. Actually, the highlight of the day came when the DJ had finished setting up and asked us if we had any special requests. Anyways, for the past few weeks, my mind has been having a love affair with Lil Jon's "GET LOW" and so I had to ask. And surprisingly enough, the DJ blasted it at a "we be clubbin" volume.

standing real fine
move it to you sing it to me one mo time

Within those first opening beats, Janelle and Melissa pretty much jumped up from where they were, pumped up their arms, started yelling "OOH YEAAAAH", and booty danced at the tables... while I grabbed sashes and popped and locked (sorta) to the beat... :)



Sunday... today! :) One of my family friends, Melissa (different from above), graduated from CSUN and so we went over to her house for lunch and BEST BUY!

Why Best Buy you ask?

Well, Adrian has this KICK ASS employee's discount which he'll be relinquishing tomorrow when he quits. SO we had to take advantage of it...

Anyways, once telling my mom that we were going and asking her if she wanted anything... she turned to me and said "I WANT A DIGITAL CAMERA!"

Oh gee... really?

So off Adrian, Melissa, Joseph, Mark and I were to Best Buy for a Digital Camera, video games, DVDs and more! I got mom a Fuji Fine Pix (which actually has more megapixels as mine... boo!) along with a charger, extra memory, and warranty for $260... which whould have been over $300 without Adrian.

Adrian rocks!

And he's single ladies!!

Adrian is the HOT one in the middle.
Sorry Adrian... this is the only picture I can find of you. :)

And although it doesn't show in the picture, Adrian is also a bad-ass rafter who has SCARS from the trip.


So apparently J-Lo got married this weekend.

When I told my mom this, she responded with a disgusted "What a ho!"

I guess thats the feeling all around, becaus when I told Sonny just now, he said "What a hooker!"


Anyways, so here I am... standing at the beginning of a brand new week.

Its hot.


How exciting!!

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