Monday, June 07, 2004

I just put down my deposit and I'm offically booked!! :)

A presto Italy!

Anyways, so I came accross some "basic" important Italian phrases...

"Che cosa faresti se ti baciassi?"
What would you do if I kissed you right now?

"Se ti dò il mio numero di telefono, lo usi o lo getti via?"
If I gave you my phone number, would you keep it or throw it away?

"Hai delle narici molto grosse per essere un piccolo gentiluomo."
You have very large nostrils for such a small gentleman.

"Il drago insiste che noi sacrifichiamo una vergine, altrimenti brucerà il villaggio."
The dragon insists we sacrifice a maiden otherwise he will burn the village to the ground.

Ahhhh, now I can blend in nicely with the locals... well except for the fact that when I try to speak, I have this weird spanish accent going on. :)

Good thing they speak English in London.

I'm so excited! I just might pee in my pants.

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