Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Father's day to all ya'll Babies' Daddies out there!!

Carlene and I celebrated the day with Dad down at Rose Hills visiting my Nanang. Although the thought of picnicking at the graveyard doesn't sound appealing... it actually was quite nice. There were a lot of people there visiting their loved ones, flowers and balloons littering the grounds, and the feeling there wasn't creepy or eerie at all.

Well, not entirely... I had a moment while in the elevator for the mausoleum where I wanted OUT... but it went away.

Anyways, I really have to say that I had a nice time just sitting there with Carlene and Dad. Dad just recently lost one of our really good family friends this past week... as well as attended an atrocious wedding... so he had lots to talk about. Life, Death, Friendship... and damn ugly wedding dresses.

"You can't go up to your friend and say 'I went to Caskets-R-Us and found a REALLY good deal... do you mind if I can keep this in your garage in the meantime?'"
-Dad on "morbid talk"

Carlene and I have come to the understanding that Dad... is a really GREAT friend to his friends. He really is. One time, he had 3 different pies in his car because he wanted to bring them to his friends... or he'll ship pomade to Canada because they don't have that certain brand over there... or he'll just drop by to see his friends just to see how they're doing... And when there's someone in need, he'll be the first to be at their side just to be supportive.

Actually, people who have him in their lives are lucky... and even with all the ups and downs... I guess that makes us even luckier for having him as a father.

Happy Father's Day Dad! :) Love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »