Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I've been walking around with this "sound" in my head... I think its some kind of anime creature, but I don't know which one. I know its not "Hamataro," which I got to see for my very first time the otherday. That was cute. No, but this sounds like its pronouncing "quo-cue" and I can hear it in different ranges... like a "happy" and "sad" version of it. Am I going crazy? Perhaps. Bleh. ;P

Had a midterm today... I think I did alright. I don't like to be overly confident and say "yeah... I raped that sucka" because then sometimes fate will turn around and say "HAHA LOSER. " so I'll just say "it was ok." But I shall wink in a manner that says "Uh huh... ITS MINE."

Oh... if you're from up UP north or just a crazy mountie named Sonny... You should check out CANADIAN IDOL!! Whats that all aboot, eh?! Okok.. no bagging on Canada. They gave us Alan Thicke. :)

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