For the last 2 years, Carlene and I have been having a blast celebrating our cousins' graduation from H.S. When it was JR, we ambushed him with a grass skirt, a coconut shell bra, and tiki torch. Last year, for Jen, we busted out the pots and pans and made her take all her pics with the wok in hand. This year, its gonna be HUGE since Angel, our baby cousin, is gonna be the last to graduate... tonight Carlene designed this little ditty....
*bunsoy is "little one" in illocano... and Angel's nickname from her dad.
ckicarrie: hahahahaha, that's the invitation?
ckicarrie: that carlene's designing?
ckicarrie: or...?
spaznik: the TSHIRT....
spaznik: that the entire family is gonna be sporting.
ckicarrie: are you serious?
ckicarrie: ohmigod.
spaznik: SERIOUS
spaznik: isnt that GREAT!!
ckicarrie: how embarrassing!
spaznik: aren't we EVIL!!
spaznik: muhahahahah
ckicarrie: that's soooooooooooooooooooo your family!
ckicarrie: hahahahaa.
ckicarrie: it something i would expect from you guys.
Uh oh Angel... and its only the begining... *dum dum dum* ;)
Monday, March 31, 2003
Posted by
12:53 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2003
Dear Lance,
I finally watched "ON THE LINE."
Its over.
P.S. Do you think its possible to hook me up with Justin? Thanks.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2003
The last couple of days have been pretty good. :) Sweet, sunny, and happy days.
Friday morning, ran some errands with Carlene since she needed to get her oil changed. We ended up at the fob corner of West Covina and went buck wild at Seafood City getting fobby candies of our youth... our coolest purchase though was an authentic filipino sunka board (also known as mancala)!! Exciting stuff... although mom is throuoghly kicking our butts in it.
Anyways, afterwards, met up with Jean and Sakura over at California Disney Adventure. :) It was fun... just really really windy. I didn't have a hair-tie, so my hair was super tangled... and when I did comb it, my little portable brush broke. Ouch.
*for the rollercoaster*
jean: who wants to sit by themselves?
sakura: you guys can sit together... I'll sit by myself...
nicole: noo.. its ok. i can sit by myself... I dont want to sit next to Jean.
sakura: i dont want to sit next to her either...
nicole and sakura: WE CAN SIT TOGETHER!!
:) Of course, we were joking. We love Jean. (we still did sit together for that ride though.) She knows that if I were a lesbian, I'd so rock her world... but I'm not. (But if you're a guy who's nice, cute and NOT creepy... then I can rock YOUR world... eww... did I just write that down?! argh.)
Anyways, since the wind was strong, they cancelled the fireworks... but at least we got to see the Electrical Parade, where Dumbo winked at ME!! ;) Afterwards, we went over to the otherside and Jean had a fiasco with her melting ice cream, Sakura was on the hunt for a Tigger pin, and I got my eye candy's worth at Adventureland. We all went home HAPPY. :)
Today, I had dinner with Tam, Lisa, and Melissa... good gossip... good dinner... good friends... good times. :) We wondered how we survived our college years after the 4 years on the hill... Like, when we didn't wear uniforms, why did we wear the clothes that we wore? Lime green and purple plaid pants?!! Bright blue dresses with oranges on it?? Can we burn those pictures please?!? Ok.. so my goal now is to get up to Berkeley for Mel's P-grad. Alright, it isn't goal.. it's GONNA happen. :) Just gotta organize... but yeah... I'm excited. I really want us to go up there, sport the Lucy's uniform (complete with knee high socks and blazer), shake my pink pom pom, and hold up an obnoxious pink sign that says LIVE THE 4TH on it. And then...we CELEBRATE. (drinkie drinkie with Hamburger helper buffet and corned beef. ;)) But we shall see what happens... maybe we'll nix the uniforms, wear pink, and have our very own rose and candle ceremony? Hmmmm?? ;)
Posted by
11:54 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2003
:) Look Jean!! See that phone... thats YOU!!! OoOooooOooOooOo... you're looking at YOU! OoOoOooooOoOoooooOo.... Ok. I'm gonna stop now. ;)
Melissa is down for spring break (YAY!)... and so we met up with Lisa (YAY!) and had a TERRIFFIC dinner at the "restaurant." (YAAAY!!) I love my *good time* girls! They are my sunshines. On Saturday... WE DANCE! Or something.. we'll see. ;) After dinner, we went to Walmart where they had this really disturbing Little Mermaid teapot... you took off her head and shoulders to put the water in. Talk about freaky.
*on generic Dr. Pepper*
nicole: Why is it called Dr. Thunder? Why couldn't they come up with something thats somewhat like the original...
melissa: like Medical Practitioner Paprika??
I'd write more, but I gotta finish an interview tonight and then wake up early for a hot date with the mouse. ;) Ohhh yeeeaaah.
Posted by
1:02 AM
Monday, March 24, 2003
According to Sonny... they're showing the Miss USA pagent in Canada.
Okaaay... :)
Posted by
11:06 PM
I just realized that I came home from convention with my voice still intact. :) YAY! However though, I am a bit sick. I'm having these headaches and I'm coughing like no other and my ears are constantly getting plugged... bleh. So lots of fluids and rest for me...
I just can't go downstairs very much.
Well, my poor baby sister has taken over the couch and the living room.. and she's sick. Yeah.. I'm sick too... but she is offically "doctors note" sick with SHINGLES. Whats shingles? Well, its like a form of a chicken pox that attacks some part of your body giving you rashes and affecting the nerves. Unfortunantly, she has it on her head, so her eye is all puffy, she has these bad rashes on the side of her face, and she has these horribe headaches. Poor Carlene. And since I'm somewhat ill, I can't go down much because its contageous... or so she says. She looks pretty bad though... but just as long as she doesn't scratch, she won't have any scars and she'll be better in a week. :)
I actually brought her to the doctors last thursday... this was when the rashes started coming out. We thought it was hives, but Carlene was feeling freaked because she felt this lump behind her ear and her headaches were just not going away. So you can imagine our relief to find out it was only shingles and not something worse. :) She just has to dress up like Michael Jackson's babies when she goes out... :P
Anyways, so she was telling me how she had answered the phone this weekend and it was a guy asking for mom. She gave the phone to mom and I guess the guy asked her something to the extent of "I wanna suck your *expleted deleted*." Mom's response? "Why don't you go suck your mom's *expleted deleted*!!! Oh my... too bad I wasn't here for that one. :)
Posted by
7:27 PM
:) Convention came... and convention has gone. How sad!! In fact, convention ended around 12:30ish today (sunday)... but I just got home now from Woodland Hills because we were just having a lot of fun and we never want convention to end. Nah... just kidding. We were just chilling and lost track of the time... really REALLY lost track of time, but still... it was nice to be stuck in that bubble of cki-goodness for a little longer. :)
I'm getting tired and my mind is wandering.. so I'm not sure if this blog is gonna make any sence. So I apoligize now for the many grammar and punctuation errors your eyes will be coming across. Sorry.
Thursday night.. it was HARDCORE practicing for the talent skit at Janelles. :) Kristin brought her video camera and we fixed a lot of weird movements that were looking a bit *eh*. I was still a bit worried though since the Joe(s) weren't able to make it and we wouldn't be able see the entire picture of everyone particpating until Friday night... but after a few run-throughs.. those worries shrank... just a bit.
Friday... Finished my packing bright and early, then it was off to the oh-so-ghetto-but-somewhat-quaint Burbank Airport to pick up Phuoc and then it was off to the Valley. *like... for sure. (sorry... couldn't help but insert lame joke.) Since it was still early, we went to the mall so that Phuoc can get some weightlighting gloves from a tall guy named "Anthony" who worked in the sports equipment section of Chicks Sporting Goods Store. Afterwards, it was off to the hotel to help out with anything that needed some helping...
... and that was the BACKDROP. :) Let me say that this year's convention backdrop was massive and incredible. :) After putting up the pipes and draps (Yes!! I knew my work-skills would come in handy!)... I was on my hand and knees sticking tissue to a wall of chicken wire and tape. It was HUGE... and oh so sticky! I would get stuck every so often to the tape and I think I know now how mice feel when they get trapped in those sticky mice traps. It wasn't very comfortable. But it didn't matter since the end result was awesome.
Convention... yay! It was actually starting!
The "front table" (aka Pic, Carrie, Helen, Lani, Gina, and myself) had this "wonderful" idea during rehearsal that when Petey says "get your groove on" during his benidiction, we would stand up and boogie down for a good second or 2 so that everyone would know what "getting your groove on" actually is. ;) So while waiting to get introduced for opening session, we came up with this idea and made sure that everyone in our front table knew what we were gonna do. Dustin heard "somewhat" of our plan and makes us do our "boogie down" part too early... the result... a usual clumsy Carrie falling off of her chair in front of the audience :( Poor thing... but it was darn funny.
How many people in the audience were wearing Afros, you ask? 18.
Later that night, assembled the club one final time to do some hardcore practicing... with EVERYONE! :) Talk about a *YAY* moment, we were complete! Cleaned up a lot of stuff and worked on the formation... and definitely felt more confidence... despite Joe's horrible attempts to mess me up. :P
Slept. In my own bed. Carrie and I decided that since this was gonna be our last convention, we were gonna get a double instead of a quad with our homeclubs. It was very nice... but I do feel bad for not staying with my club. But then again... I was coughing quite a lot, so had I shared a bed, I'm sure my bedmate wouldn't have been too happy with me anyways.
Saturday: Caucus and then the Talent Auditions. :) I flubbed the lyrics during the auditions and said the ill dreaded and unprofessional "sorry" after doing so. But other than that... we rocked. :) The other talent skits were pretty awesome as well and honestly, I was really nervous if we were able to make it in the programe or not... but we did. "YAY."
OH! I got to see oh so dreamy Joe *he's soooo cute* there. :) Hiiiiii Joe Bussiere.....
I knew who won the election results outside in the hallway from Carrie's shrieks. Good gracious.
At 4pm, it was my workshop. What was I teaching? DISCO. Do I know how to disco? NO. How did I get stuck teaching a disco workshop? I BLAME JOE REGALA. :P But actually, it wasn't the train wreck that I thought it was going to be. Thursday night, I rented "Saturday Night Fever" and Mom and I taught ourselves the disco linedance from the movie. The thing however, was that though I was teaching this at a snail's pace, they got the moves down pretty fast and we were line dancing away within 15 minutes into my 60 minute workshop. Sooo what to do?? Well, I got nervous and decided to just play the music... put the girls in a line on one side of the room, the guys on another... and we had a 70's disco SOUL TRAIN LINE. :) Yeah... that totally rocked!. After the line, we went over the linedance again and we were done. *Whew!* I didn't suck! At least I don't think I did and I think that everyone had fun. I hope at least. Well.. no one ran out, so I guess thats a good thing.
We performed our talent skit at the awards dinner... and we got a standing ovation which was pretty great. :) Actually, all the acts that performed were good... but oh my goodness, Solano College's was IN-FREAKING-SANE. :) This one guy danced like Michael Jackson and he seriously was GOOD. Not like.. "Darrin's Dance Grooves" good... but like... way better. WAY BETTER. They totally deserved first place. And we were very happy getting 2nd... :)
Dance dance dance... fire alarm goes off... everyone gets evacuated from the conference part of the hotel... a fire truck comes... and we're allowed to go back in. Same ole same ole. :) I actually didn't know what to make of the situation... there was a bit of seriousness in the air, but since there were 300 college students going buckwild outside the center it was crazy. So I didn't know if I should have laughed when I saw kids standing in front of the firetrucks and taking pictures... or cringe. Luckily nothing bad happened... so I laugh now. :)
A tired slumber party upstairs with Petey, Jean, and a sleeping Sakura. We had Denny's take out and watched informercials for whorish makeup. *Yes... I wanna look like a pornstar! Kids.. please ask your parents to call!*
Sunday... The Longest Farewell Session... EVER. :) Mondo had a really really really really really long speech... but its all good. :) We also learned that we raised over 20,000 for PTP. Isn't that AWESOME!!! Like I said earlier... Convention ended around 12:30ish... Left the hotel around 2ish to have lunch with Beth, Ryan, Halgren, Billings, Mondo, Carrie, Jean, Joe, and Scott... had a good time just talking and chillin in the restaurant till 4ish. Had a goodtime talking and chilling outside the restaurant until 7ish. Then went and had a *warm* goodtime talking and chilling inside denny's till 10pm. Oh my. What dorks. :) Oh.. I also lost my keys... I found them in the fountain outside the TGIFs. :O
Anyways, in the end, Covnvention was supder uber cool and Joe did a great job organizing it. :) Congrats Joe! You're done and you rocked! :)
Posted by
12:20 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
So the war started "offically" today... Honestly, I'm scared about the whole thing. Watching the news makes me nervous... I think maybe I should go and start stocking up on "stuff." I just don't know what kind of stuff I should get. I know that duck tape is on that list... but what am I supposed to do with it? Today, they showed that the firefighters in LA have special suits that encase their bodies just incase they have to come in contact with anything that has some weird biological substance in it. Where's MY special suit!?! Yesterday, they opened the brand-spankin new LA emergency center thats supposedly the "safest place in the city" since its 4 feet underneath city hall... so.. can it fit EVERYONE in it? Whats the point of it being the safest place in the city if everyone doesn't have a key? Actually, right now I think that maybe the safest place is Disneyland. Its the happiest place AND the airspace above it is restricted. Not to mention they have security there up the wazoo. Yeah. I'm gonna go to Disneyland if something happens. Thats my plan. Yep. Now everyone I know and love has to get a pass to so that we can all hide out there and ride "Its A Small World" together.
Then I think... if I'm scared... then EVERYONE involved must be TERRIFIED. And so I figure the only thing I can do right now is to pray. Actually, its the best thing I can do.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Monday, March 17, 2003
My voice is going... I will soon have *sexy voice* status if I don't take care of myself. So I need to suck it up and down the foul thera-flu. *gag*.
It was one of those happy but busy weekends. It rained... we were on STORM WATCH and FLOOD ALERT. OoOooOoooO
Harry Potter Uno rocks. :)
Serious. Because of 2 special cards that were made especially for it, the GAME NEVER ENDS. NEVER EVER EVER ENDS. Just when you think your close... oh no. It isn't. Someone has to go and cockblock your chances of winning. Then they screw you over even more by stacking the draw cards and you're drawing 12... or you're looking for the a green or matching 2 of Hagrid that they know you don't have. I think on Friday, we played about 4 hours worth of uno and there was an offical "winner" twice! And those wins were during the first 30 minutes! :)
I kept on hearing Kathy go "Draw four b*tch!" over and over again in my head.
It was insane... but in a good "padded walls are FUN" kind of insane. ;)
Posted by
11:21 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2003
:( Thera-flu has to be one of the most ill-tasting medicines out there. And its not like a 2 tablespoon shot you can take quickly... nooo its a hot mug-full that you have to down. Although, lemon not as disgusting as honey-lemon... both are damn horrid. Bleh.
Posted by
3:33 AM
Friday, March 14, 2003

This is a "boy band" from Japan named HAPPATAI and they sing this very happy go lucky song called "YATTA." OH.. and if you haven't noticed, they dance half-naked wearing flesh colored underware with giant fig leaves over the crotch area. ITS SO ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! Go to kazaa dl their video and song. (*note that the audience is dancing along!) They're so cute... not like "hotness.. take me.... grrrrr" cute... but like "awww... fobby candy" cute.
some of their lyrics translated:
I drink water that's tasty! (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty! (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right! All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute! (All right!)
How adorable is that!!
Check them out!! They'll either traumatize you... or make you incredibly happy. :)
Posted by
1:21 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2003
We got some fresh flowers today at work which meant I had to get water for them. At the old building, this really isn't much of a task since the water spout is right outside the back, 2 feet away from our backdoor. At this new location though, water isn't as close. The spout is about 8 shops down and the hose we have is about 50 feet too short. Anyways, so while I was fetching my water, I was totally reminded of how my nanang would tell me your typical grandparent stories of how she would have to ride a caribou for 5 miles just to get water.
Then, while having my "Nanang moment" flashback, I remembered this one incident when I was younger that made me almost drop my bucket of water and throw up.
So while growing up, my mom worked during the day and my dad worked the nightshift so that there would be at least one parent taking care of us... but every other week/month/whenver my Nanang would live with us and also take care of us. She'd cook dinner sometimes and everything would be dandy. But this one time, she cooked sutanhon (a noodle soup) and it was the sickest thing ever. Oh, it tasted just fine at first, but during the course of dinner, mom found some weird brown thing in her meal. We all looked at it and just figured.. its probably some weird bit of chicken. But then, while stirring the pot, we found this white clothy thing in the soup. Then we all screamed, gagged, and figured what it was. It was discovered that the brown thing was the sticky part of a bandaid. The white thing... well, that was the gauze. Who's bandaid did it belong to? Nanang just looked at her hand and started laughing... it was hers!! Oh funny ha ha... dinner was over and everyone, with the exception of Nanang, stopped eating and just wanted to throw up. Ewww....
There was also the time when a bee landed on me in the car, and while trying to take it of me (since I was allergic to bees), Nanang pinched it between her index finger and thumb and accidently PUSHED the stinger into my arm. I had to get a shot in my butt because of that.
But I love my nanang. I have so many fun, quirky stories about her in my head that I really want to write them all down so that I when I become old and forgetful, I can give them to my kids so that they'll know about her. Playing bingo (complete with the bingo ball cage), conning her to buy my snoopy paper after dance lessons, going to parties and she'd be the lady on the dance floor... dancing with another old lady, nanang chasing us around the house with a knife threating to kill us... ahhhhh good times I tell ya. :) Good times.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
I've been walking around with this "sound" in my head... I think its some kind of anime creature, but I don't know which one. I know its not "Hamataro," which I got to see for my very first time the otherday. That was cute. No, but this sounds like its pronouncing "quo-cue" and I can hear it in different ranges... like a "happy" and "sad" version of it. Am I going crazy? Perhaps. Bleh. ;P
Had a midterm today... I think I did alright. I don't like to be overly confident and say "yeah... I raped that sucka" because then sometimes fate will turn around and say "HAHA LOSER. " so I'll just say "it was ok." But I shall wink in a manner that says "Uh huh... ITS MINE."
Oh... if you're from up UP north or just a crazy mountie named Sonny... You should check out CANADIAN IDOL!! Whats that all aboot, eh?! Okok.. no bagging on Canada. They gave us Alan Thicke. :)
Posted by
11:32 PM
Monday, March 10, 2003
While I was supposed to be reading, I was actually downstairs babysitting Kat for my Tita Maria while she and my mom had a "conference." I was trying to get her to watch my disney dvds and videos, but she wouldn't have it. She wanted to watch CHARLIES ANGELS and ZOOLANDER, which I really didn't have a problem with, I just thought that she'd prefer to watch A BUGS LIFE or LADY AND THE TRAMP being the 5 year old that she is. I guess I was just in the mood to watch some cutsey animation and was bitterly dissapointed when she shot that down.
Posted by
11:54 PM
morning hijinks with Carlene...
"la la la..."
Posted by
10:57 AM
Sunday, March 09, 2003
"Nicole... take this down for your blog. 'Mom got free scapled tickets from a couple of lesbians and flirted with security guards to get in while on her date.'"
-Carlene on mom's adventure to the Laker game with her "man-friend."
Oh my...
Yesterday, I spent 13 hours on my butt and knees cutting and pasting construction paper for the convention backdrop. As "boring" as it sounds though, I actually had a lot of fun meeting and being creative with the UCLA folks and a lifesize cutout of Michael Jordan. And its looking pretty gosh darn "funky" good... so when convention comes I can go "hey.. see those rainbow panels?? That's me!! See that mark on that red!? That's a grease stain there because Joe dropped his pizza on it!" I just couldn't kneel at mass today because my knees were aching... :(
So last night, after being stuck on the 60 because of an accident, I finally got home around 4am. I crashed only to be awaken some hours later by my dear dear sister jumping into my bed, snuggling, and wanting to talk. Then, in comes my mom... oh happy big ole party in my bed. Bleh. I would rather have had that extra 2 hours of peaceful sleep, but it was nice in a cheesy lovey dovey family kind of way. I really need to figure out the lock in the room.. Anyways, today, even more convention stuff with the very last meeting until the big weekend. :) Now offically in "excited for convention" mode... whoohoo! I've already started going through the closet...
I need to do is to start taking some medicine... my throat is getting icky on me and I REFUSE to be sick at convention. REFUSE!! Bring on the OJ and Vitamin C! *cough cough* ACCK!!
Posted by
9:10 PM
Friday, March 07, 2003
*phone rings*
me: hello?
mom: nicole? it's your mom.. where are you?
me: I'm here at home... in my room...
mom: oh? you are? well my car is at El Torritos... I got drunk...
me: WHAT!??! WHERE ARE YOU!???
mom: I'm at home... Cora drove me home.
Oh my gosh... I was scared that she was going to answer with something much worse... like a dazed "I don't know..." Whew! :)
Posted by
11:41 PM
OoOoO... once again a new template. This time though, I didn't make it. :) No Pink!! (Although I did make a new bio page.... theres no pink there either.) Thanks so much Carlene!! I love it I love it I love it I love it. :)
Well, except the girl's legs in the picture are white... and I think she may have cankles. Oh wells.
The picture actually reminds me of when I was younger and living in San Dimas... I was roller skating in the backyard while flying a kite at the same time. I thought I was a GENIUS!! But, the wind was blowing strong and I really wasn't the greatest skater.... and so I lost control and fell...
...into the deep end of swiming pool
Thankfully my Lolo was outside and he just got onto his knees, shoved his hand into the water, and pulled my retarded roller-skating-kite-flying butt to the surface.
After that incident... my skates had a weird funk to them and I never attempted to do any "stunt" skating nearby pools, powerlines, and streets with hills. Lesson learned.
Posted by
1:00 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Hey Nicole... you need to change the size of your chatter box so that you have more room on your Blog Body. Change the colors of that box too... you could also change the other colors of this page too... i dont care.... just have fun... bye!
btw... To all Nicks Fans.... Arent you glad i cleaned this puppy up!!
Posted by
8:52 PM
I found a couple ants in the kitchen... but I don't know where they're coming from or how they're getting inside the house. Now I'm just scared that they might bring ALL of their posse and it will be "ANTS GONE WILD" on the counter. Bleh.
Anyways, while I was at Borders after class today, there was a little boy running around the store screaming for his mommy. The lady next to me in the fiction section looked at me and asked "Is that child looking for you?"
A pleathora of smart quirps were building in my head...
-"no... my kids are angels.."
-"no... I usually have a leash on them so that they can't get away from me"
-"no... mine are with their daddies right now."
-say "yes" then grab some erotica and proceed to ignore my surroundings...
...and so on
But I just smiled and politely said "Oh no... I don't have any children.. I'm too young! I'm still in school! Plus...(giggles) I'm single! But I'd like to have kids some day..."
Now that I think about it, a simple "NO" would have easily sufficed.
Posted by
12:11 AM
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Boy oh boy... I don't understand how getting a new battery could be such an adventure...
So Chris... Triple A bachelor #1 comes. He looks like a wrestler. He's about to tow my car over to Covina when I tell him that I think the battery is dead. He says "ok... let's check it out," in his rough man-voice. I could almost imagine him saying "Come see me rumble in the ring... SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!" Anyways, he gets into the car, turns the key, and lo and behold... ITS DEAD. Offically.. its dead. This is a good thing for me to know because really, I couldn't have prevented this. If there was something else like "you haven't chagned your oil" or "the twigs and dead bird in the engine should have been cleaned out a long time ago" then car failure definitely would have been pitted on me and I would be labeled as "irresponsible" by all. And we don't want that. Chris says that I can either A) have it towed to my nearby volkswagon dealership and have them change it or B) use new Triple A service where they come to my house and install a brand new battery all for the price for that brand new battery. B sounded pretty good and cheap.. so I went with that.
So enter Triple A bachelors #2 and #3... Hank and Bob. (Whats with the stereotypical car repairman monosyllabic names!??!) Both are nice... extremely old... but nice. They open the hood and the first thing I hear them say is "Um.. I think the battery is either underneath the engine... or its in the back." Even I know where the battery is, granted, its a VW and its from a completely different planet, but I know that anything that looks like a BOX with 2 knobs coming out of it is the battery. Well, after pointing it out to them, they finally jump started it. I guess they were doing some tests with this one machine thingie to see how much power was left in the battery to see if I actually needed a new one... but I guess their machine malfunctioned or something because they were calling the makers of it to see what was wrong. I thought this was really ironic because I called them to help.. and in order to help me.. the called someone else. Weird. So while they're talking to the "makers".. I hear them go on and on about how they can't figure out how to reset it. I had to go inside right then because the whole thing made me nervous.
I went back outside 15 minutes later because I had this vision of my car in pieces scattered all over the street and Bob holding the steering wheel, flahing me a toothy grin, and saying brightly "We figured it out!! Your tire is flat!" Luckily, they were still there, and my car was in tact. They figured out the machine and it my car was very much in need of a new battery. Offically. Then Bob said.. "you know what... you might as well just take it to the dealership. In order to put the battery in, I need to move all this (points to engine) and I don't want to be responsible if something goes wrong."
I'm not going to question it... I'm just gonna take my (now running) car and find me some VW professionals. Unfortunantly... ARGH... Volkswagon dealer #1 in Puente is no longer taking in cars at their service center. What kind of crap is that?? It was 4pm!! I cried and tried to look sad, pitiful, and gosh darn cute so that they'd have to be cold bastards to turn me away... but they did. BASTARDS.
So it was off to the VW Covina. I had called them while on the road and they said that they ALSO were not accepting new defunt cars to repair... but I could leave it overnight, they'd take me home and I could pick it up in the morning... which wasn't too bad. I could deal with that. But.. when I got there, Jesse came out with one of his car-repair homeboys and they grabbed my keys and said they'd have it done in 45 minutes. MY HEROS!!
Now my baby has a brand new battery and I learned that those AAA bo-hunk hotties in the commericals are probably actors. Yep. Definitely actors.
Posted by
9:59 PM
So here I am waiting for my knight in shining armor to come and jump start my car. Hopefully the Triple A (AAA) guy is one of those young handsome bo-hunk types that they have in the commericals so that I can act dorky and come out sounding incredibly girly when I explain theres something wrong with "hee hee.. i think it might be... um.. what is it again? OH the battery."
Oh my... lets hope it doesn't actually happen.
Posted by
3:11 PM
Monday, March 03, 2003
Just as I was going to find out how the university was gonna operate their "personal bookbag delivery service" on rainy days and cash in on my free "lisa frank" pencil box... Phuoc called so that I can WAKE UP. :) He had found my away message requesting someone to wake me up around 8ish... and so now he is my newest bestest friend and shall recieve cookies and shoutouts. Thank you!! Although, I was really curious to see how the bookbag thing was gonna work. Why a delivery service? Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of bookbags? They also said that they would have it to me during A block, right after Channel One. Hmmm... weird dream.
Anyways, I was ready to go when the worse thing happened... MY CAR WOULDN'T START!! I'd put the key in the ignition, and I'd see the little lights on the dashboard light up and when I try to turn it over... the check engine light started to flicker like crazy and my car just kept on making this sad "RrRRrRrrRrrR' noise. Oh my goodness, so what was I to do? I took the old school YELLOW benz... the car thats older than the invention of CUPHOLDERS, where only spanish and oldies radio stations are clear, and that it only takes about a minute or so to get it going to 30 mph after taking a complete stop. Don't even ask me how it survives going uphill and I won't go into the MASSIVE noise and vibrations it makes. :) But you gotta love that car... This was the car that I was trained to drive on... so it brings back warm fuzzies of my dad yelling at me not to play with the radio, getting flicked off by the first driver that I cut off, and sneaking off to Pasadena and non-boonie areas when I was supposed to be at the "library." Ahhh memories of hot burning leather seats under the sun, that when I complained about it, my mom would tell me it was God punishing me for being naughty during mass. Yeah... I love that car.
And it got me around today... unlike another car. Oomph. I'll be taking care of that problem tomorrow.
And so, when I got to the hospital, dad was already chillin in outpatient waiting to go in. Carlene said that the dear medical folks there made him magic marker an X on the knee that was to be fixed. We were thinking that he should have wrote "KNEE YOU FIX" on the leg that needed it... and "DONT EVEN TOUCH THIS" on his other leg because really... if I were in the operating room I'd get confused as to what to do with the leg with the X on it. Does X mean "yes.. cut me open?" or "No... this isn't the one..." They probably have some system, but hey everyone has their blank moments.
Mom came in and out of outpatient to give us some info on what was happening "backstage" ... it was weird hearing her call dad her "husband." I mean, she really couldn't say "yes.. this is my soon to be ex" or "former husband" right in front of him lying in the bed... that would be even more awkward that her just saying "husband." But it was nice when folks were saying "look, your whole family is together." It was really really nice....
Anyways, when they took him in, Carlene and I didn't want to sit around in the waiting room just waiting... so we attempted to go back into surgery so that we can harass my mom working. The funny thing is that everyone knows we're her kids, so we just easily slipped into the nurses lounge where all her friends and co-workers were all "HEY!! SHES IN THE BACK!! GO HARASS HER!"... and there we are, clad in jeans while everyone is all safe and clean in the scrubs and we're just.. there. Unfortunantly, there was a crowd of folks around her, so we couldn't really play very much. So we went to the West Covina mall instead... good times. Then, old benz and I rumbled over to school for some good hard core education... or something like that. :)
Posted by
9:51 PM
:) Carlene had left a bag full of old clothes here... she tells me "go through it.. you might find somethings you like"... so I do. And what do I find? Some of MY stuff that I've been looking for!! Ahhhh sisterhood. If I had a brother, the situation would just be too weird.
Anyways, today, my dad is having knee surgery in the morning... its just an outpatient thing, but still. The thoughts that come into mind whenever "surgery" is spoken of aren't exactly sunshine and lollipops. So if you can put him in your thoughts and prayers, I would greatly appreciate it. :) Thanks.
Posted by
2:29 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2003
Last night, I dreamt that I was out on a date with Scott Baio. He was actually really nice in it, but I woke up before I found out if I got lucky or not.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Today I was sitting on my bed, reading, when one of the pictures on the wall fell and slammed into my head. Since wood and glass is just a tad bit heavier then lets say... a feather, I was very much in pain. It was like one of those moments when you see a little kid fall or accidently get hurt... You know, he/she's running... *bam* they fall... then theres this moment of complete silence as the pain sinks in... and then you hear either a slight mewing that grows into a full blown cry, or just straight up screaming-crying. It depends on the child. For me, it was *bam,* frame slams into my head, a quiet moment of shock, and then little whimper of defeat... for the wall has succeeded in getting its revenge for painting it pink. Curse you wall!! :P
OH... Tina sent me this link... thought I should share. :)
Posted by
12:32 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2003
I went bowling tonight and I got a whopping score of.... 62! Actually, the first game, I think I got at least over a 70... I think. Anyhow, I sucked. :) Its all good though because I had a grand ole time having fun and being silly with my club... and we raised money for PT! :) Exciting exciting stuff...
Some highlights of the night...
-Anthony and Chis (both VERY VERY good bowlers) wearing the same black muscle tee with jeans. They were bowling TWINZEES!! It was very cute!
-Meeting Erica's boyfriend Robert... whom I called "Habachi" because he was wearing a shirt with a word similar to that on the back. Anyways, it we kept on shortening the name and so in the end, we were calling him "BACHI" which sounded a lot like a pokemon name which led to a lot of pokemon-like sound effects. But he totally was cool with it and now... we wanna keep him. :)
-After John does a backward granny shot, Lan says "Granny likes it in the behind."
-Kristin and I accidently doing our "talent show" skit of twirling pens and making up our own techno music in front of Chris... who says we'll never make it. :P
-Of course, many suggestive comments about carrying 20 pound balls, sitting on balls, big balls, balls, balls, balls!
-Making everyone dance after throwing the ball. Why we shoved 14 people onto 2 lanes I really don't know why, but it was darn FUN.
-The "YOU SUCK!!" loving support you got from your lane when you'd knock down 9 pins.
-Figuring that we made money and that the project was a success. Whoohooo! :)
Posted by
1:52 AM