How funny, Kate and Leopold is showing on TNT right now... and I think it was exactly 5 years ago when I saw it in the theater. 5 years?! Oh my gosh... But it was GO WEST. I was watching it with Kathy just to kill time before going back and spending the night at the Glendale YMCA. Oh my gosh, it WAS exactly years ago to this day because the next day we were off to Pasadena where we made puppets with Beth at the community center, spent a freezing night with the rest of CKI (I think this is the 2nd year where Joe and I swore we would NEVER camp out again) and then it was NEW YEARS!! If I recall correctly, later New Year's day, that night, a bunch of us drove to Vegas and spent the night in Mondo's van at the Caesar's Palace parking structure.
This was also the New Years with yellow pants guy and the flowers which as awkward as it was, still ranks high on my "Most Romantic Moments". I don't know if that's really sad or really cute. Its funny because I remember thinking after I watched the movie "Why doesn't anything romantic like that happen to me!" and then it happened and I was mortified. Silly silly girl. :)
Ahhh memories. Those were some good times.
Thanks TNT for giving me the warm fuzzies!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
You've made an impression on me...
Posted by
11:30 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
How do you face your problem when your problem is yo face?
Has anyone seen that commerical? I think its for like Proactive or some other skin care treatment, but Sonny and I were watching TV the other day and we heard that line and thought "OUCH!" That would totally suck if that was a problem...
Which in a way is sorta because I'm breaking out skin-wise. I also have a slight abdominal pain on my left side (not my right which is good because according to WebMD, that would be an appendicitis! Thank you WebMD and your ability to quell my fears of sudden death) which I'm attributing to stress. Stupid stress. I think its because of work... but I'm not loosing hair just yet so I'm saying my level is at a 4 which is completley do-able.
On the bright side, today is my weekend. This single, lonely, day. One, uno, day. And since I haven't slept a lot, I did sleep in this morning and now this single day isn't as long because I didn't claim it throughly. Boo. It could be worse though. I could have a chain saw murderer right outside my door waiting to hack me up. That's TOTALLY worse.
Anyways, 2 am on Wednesday night, I was at the gas station and had the following conversation with a random trucker. Ok. Before you scold me on 1) getting gas by myself at 2 am 2) talking to random strangers 3) talking to random strangers at a gas station at 2am... wait a second. I'm sorry. That really was stupid of me to do. For all we know, he COULD be a chain saw murderer and have to admit, just a little creepy.
Creepy Possible Chainsaw Murdering Trucker: Hi there.
Me: Hi
CPCMT: How are you doing tonight?
Me: I'm ok.
CPCMT: That's good. As for me I'm really tired. Its been a long day and I'm eager to get home...
Me: Me too....
*gas is done pumping*
CPCMT: You're done huh.
Me: Yeep. Have a good night!
CPCMT: You too! Nice seeing you...
*Gasp!* What? Huh? Nice seeing me? Scary.
Perhaps I just need to get get over myself . :)
Posted by
1:06 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Love me love me... Say that you love me.
It was a long day today and once again... the bed is beckoning. But I'm defying it and staying up a little bit more and enjoying some cider. Sweet delicious cider... you're just like apple juice. Just warmer.
When I got home just now, I found a Christmas card on the table addressed to me. Oooey gooey goodness filled my heart and I teared into the envelope. It was from Philly. Phil is probaby one of those people whom I can honesty say is kindred spirit and whom I completely love. :) But seeing the card made me miss him even more so than ever... its funny because when someone is out of your life you don't really think about them except for the occasional few moments where you think "Oh... ____ would really enjoy that" or "I totally remember that one time and we just laughed and laughed" but when you hear from them, you realize how much you DO miss them and how perhaps you took those everyday encounters for granted. Or you miss the fact that that person used to be just a phone call away. Or an IM. Or down the hill, down the street, and up the hill. Easy stuff like that.
Then you grow up. Possibly grow apart. The phrase "grow apart" depresses me because it sounds cold. In a way it is. Somtimes you stop making the effort to stay together. To keep that friendship going. And no matter what the cause of it is... sometimes its just meant to be and it's a little bit more than sad. Its pretty heartbreaking.
I do consider myself blessed because while I have "grown up" and in some cases "grown apart" from people, I have aquired a good group of friends throughout the years. And while we're all "adults" now, somehow we all make time for each other, and when we do see each other, it's like time never passed. And funny enough, minus the school and worries of grades... its all the same issues and dramas. You think that when you get older, things will be better. That's so cute.
Anyways, where am I going with this? Nowhere really. Just that I am super grateful for everyone in my life. We're nearing the end of the year usually its a time of reflection. 2006 has had its ups and downs and I can honestly say that I'm a bit stronger than I was last year. And I couldn't have gotten by without my friends and my family.
On completely unrelated topic, I've had a lot of sugar today. Holiday time in the office means everyone brings candy and cookies and cakes and fudge... which makes everyone just a bit more hyper and spazzier. And we still have a lot of stuff here at home. Baklava, cheesecake and pie (oh my!). So if you want some (sweets... perve.) Come on over. Its all a bit obscene.
Posted by
1:48 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Baby... you sure did treat me nice.
Great thing about the holidays... Music on the radio. I'm not talking about the Christmas songs, I'm talking about the mixes. Currently Power 106 is having their Merry Mix-mas and let me tell you, everytime I get into my car its like a club. I'm dancing, I'm thrashing my hair around, I'm happy and I'm really REALLY enjoying the Ying Yang Twins and loud obnoxious booty gansta music. And it's for the next couple of days! Merry Christmas indeed!
*Bend over girl show me what you're working with*
Nothing has been this good since the Cali-caliente mix of '99.
You know you remember it.
Anyways, hope everyone's Christmas has been lovely. Sure I'm slightly sleep deprived, but in the end, its been worth it. ;)
Posted by
11:24 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
In your face FLAY!!! IN YOUR FACE!!
I recorded the Iron Chef America tonight because 1) The battle is between Rachel Ray and Giada De Laurentiis 2) Assisting them is Bobby Flay and Mr Shants, Mario Batali 3) Hilarity will ensue. I'm not a big fan of Rachel Ray... but I'm cheering her on because she has Mr. Shants Batali on her side and lets face it, Flay is still an asshat. The secret ingredient tonight is cranberry... and can I tell you that my heart fluttered a bit when the judge looked at his cranberry tamale and called it "stuffing".
Little things make me happy.
OoOoo Ewan McGregor is on Conan. Now I'm SUPER happy because he's deliciously dreamy.
Posted by
11:52 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
And then…and then suddenly she’s not your ho no mo’
Its offical. I am running out of time to Christmas shop. I don't know if its just that I'm busy with work... or nevermind. It's work. It's always work. :) I'm not complaining, but when I try to get away from it, it seems to suck me back in.
It could be worse. I could be a crack whore. Then work would REALLY REALLY suck because really, what does a crack whore do? I don't want to know. It's probably bad and/or involve needles.
But I'd bet crack whores would get Christmas off. Crack whores would get to go to midnight mass with their crack whore families and open crack whore gifts and sing some crack whore christmas carols...
Anyways, life hasn't been all work. I've been sick too! HA! But seriously folks (seriously), it's been a good past couple of days and I predict a good holiday despite that whole *work* thing. This past weekend a couple of my coworkers and myself had good reason to get dolled up because our darling Diana had gotten married. :) She was gorgeous and though it rained a little, everything was perfect. Comedic highlight of the night was when she threw her bouquet into the chandelier... in all the weddings I have gone to, that was definitely a first. :) Also I was lucky to have Mondo with me who didn't ditch me on the dancefloor to watch Fantasmic. :) THANKS MONDO! (BTW. We went clubbing in Florida too if you don't remember. Told you. You're a liar.)
Not to mention, I got to enjoy the tailend of a little holiday party here at the house (extremely tailend... everyone was leaving!) and had a little shopping night with Carlene and Sonny before the wedding where to be honest, I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done. (Yay for discounts!) And really, who can beat a morning where you get to have the most delicious cheese apple danish AND play hide and go seek with an adorable cutie inside a Target like I did this morning.
What more can a girl ask for!?!
Other than crack whore working hours and world peace of course...
Posted by
12:58 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
"Brett Brett... Brett Brett..."
Once again, I ought to be sleeping... but I'm not. Addiction or sheer madness? Don't answer that... more than likely I won't like the outcome.
I was shopping today and at one point I got extremely frustrated because 1) I was in line 2) I had 8 dozen roses in my car needing to get in water 3) I needed extra floral tape and ribbon and figured Michael's would be the best place to go... but they didn't have a lot of things I needed 4) the woman in front of me was EXTREMELY slow. I kid you not. She proceeded to show the clerk every item she was getting and explained to him what she was going to do with it.. as well as pondered if the icing she was getting would have a tip small enough to be perfect for Rudolph's nose, but in the end it was too big. She also inquired how much the gift wrapping paper cutter was... and as I mentally rolled my eyes at that question, I looked to my left and noticed that it sitting right in the aisle corner and was $1. AAACCCKKK! AND SHE PAID WITH A CHECK!! Who pays with a check!?! They still make checks?
:) Happy place. I truly am in my happy place.
Actually there was one moment while in the Michael's that made me smile... a little girl as tall as my thigh screaming into a toy cellphone "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING!?!" If that isn't adorable and terrifying at the same time... I don't know what is.
I then went to Sephora and got makeup advice from a straight man who worked there. A straight man who was awfully attractive... I couldn't concentrate and when he said that he liked my lips... I blushed a little. I hate it when the hot straight men make me nervous.
Story of my life...
Posted by
2:30 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I need an old priest and a young priest...
"If you were a chip... you'd be sour cream and onion... I'd be cool ranch."
"Aw, I don't want to be sour cream and onion!"
"Its one of my favorites... that's why its you."
Did you hear that? That was the sound of my heart "thump-thumping..." And since I'm already asking you questions... do you ever feel that when you have a cold it's like the endless task of trying to expell demons out of your chest? Because goodness knows that's how I'm feeling right now...
See. Demons.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Africa ain't just a place that gave us Bob Marley
Let me tell you there's nothing better than driving at night, in the rain, with some good music accompanying you. The car's all cozy and warm, the lights just reflects off the ground and the whole world is shiny... and there you are with Getz and everything just seems perfect. Actually, there's a lot of things better than that... but when you're in the moment, nothing beats that...
Like nothing beats fireworks...
There's nothing better than dancing provocatively in a doorway with your best girlfriends...
Nothing better than chocolate fondue.
Ok... I lie... There's seriously nothing better than chocolate fondue. I cry when I think about it.... I also salivate a little...
A lot of things make me happy I guess... :)
Posted by
9:26 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
One day we'll find it, the ainbow-ray onnection-cay.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Today since I was feeling a whole lot better, I was able to get out of bed and into the courthouse so that I can turn in my traffic school papers. But while at the window, there was a man next to me who I assume was having problem with whatever his felony was and started getting more and more agitated by the minute. Let me tell you, people getting yell-y and piss-y makes me nervous. I get nervous at work whenever I have to talk to an angry guest because I always imagine that they'll get really violent and hit me. Or bust out with a gun and kill me. Or just yell really really loud and some of their spit will get on me. Ew. I don't like yellers.
Anyways, so the guy was yelling and punching counters and I sure didn't want to be a victim of being in the "wrong place at the wrong time" so I shoved the certificate under the window and screamed "DISSMISS IT ALREADY!!" and ran. Then I went shopping. Nothing like shoes to make me forget the trauma almost getting shot (if it got to that point). Yay!!
Hold up a sec. I'm watching last friday's Battlestar and can we say that their form of dancing isn't futuristic at all? Really. But it does seem that in most Sci-fi shows, dancing in the future always seems like some sort of square dance or dancing in circles with skipping and a country folk itune. You'd think that with the trend of how dancing is now, it would be 10 times more raunchy and fracky. Just a thought.
Oh crap. I didn't see that happening. Poor Apollo.
You can do better buddy. You can totally do better. Cept I'm not feeling that Dee chick very much.
Oh what.... this is confusing...
And now I'm coughing. Look at what all this excitment has done to me.
Tama na. :)
Posted by
8:19 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Could you coo... could you care?
"Hi! How are you doing today?"
"I'm spiffy... thanks!"
"Oh wow... 'spiffy'. I haven't heard that in a long time..."
"Oh yeah? I'm bringing it back...""You're bringing 'spiffy' back?"
I'm in love I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! :) Actually I'm not, though my heart does quicken to clever word play.
Its funny, but for the first time in a while I'm "crushless." Granted I'm 26 years old and crushes seem to be synonymous with schoolgirls, but what can you do. I guess you can say I'm always learning. A part of me really thinks "Good for you." It's the proactive feminist shoulder angel that cheers when I open my own doors and constantly reminds me that I have a lot on my plate at the moment and that I certainly don't need any more complications. But the girly, romantic, abudantly silly shoulder angel makes me miss the ecstasy and the agony of the "crush". The eagerness you have to see someone if only for 2 minutes... and later replaying the entire encounter in your mind and hoping you didn't reveal too much or even too little. Calling your girlfriends and giggling because he said "hi" and wondering if that "hi" meant "hi" or "hi... take me."
See. Silly. The thing I miss is the optimism you have when you have a crush. One interaction can chage your day and sometimes, you really can't help but smile from that simple "hi".
I guess deep down inside I miss being "lame." :)
Last night was the holiday party and can I tell you that the best part of the night was Joe and I reveling in the fact that we had cheap churros?
"$2 churros? Oh my gosh!"
"I can eat BOTH ends!"
If that isn't sheer happiness....
Who needs crushes when you can have cheap churros. :)
Posted by
1:26 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Crazy. Crazy for feeling so lonley....
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I dreamt that I was at my old house in San Dimas and playing Patsy Cline's "Crazy" on the piano... when Willie Nelson comes along and plays and asks me to sing the song. So after each verse he scrambles around the room and accompanies me with a different instrument... first the piano, then the citar (who remembers that thing!!), then the conga drum, then he goes to the guitar case and strums along with the acoustic guitar.
... and all the while I'm completely amazed cause I'm thinking "I can't believe he knows his way around here. He has really GREAT senses for a blind guy..."
... then I realize that its Willie Nelson and he isn't blind.
I really do hate it when I'm stupid in my dreams.
Posted by
11:41 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I hate you so much it makes my heart flutter.
"I'm tired! I was ready to go an hour and a half ago but you didn't want to go! You wanted to watch your DVD..."
"But now we're going. Just come!"
"UGH! You're so irritating! I'm sleepy!"
"Just come on already! We're going now."
"Go already!""Come on. Come!"
I don't know how I lost this fight... I relive it in my mind, but somehow it doesn't make sense.
But in the end, it isn't such a bad thing to lose.
Posted by
11:30 PM