Monday, November 05, 2001

.ok.. i feel like i'm going to puke. 11 more days.. 11 freaking more days! where did summer go? what happened? ack! 11 days... and then it will be 10 days... and then 9... and then 8.. and then all of a sudden.. BOOM! FTC is here and I have NO idea whats going to happen. I hear that I'll be on my toes... real busy... getting no sleep... ACK! ACK! double ACK! I should be ready... I have my lil bath and body works "stress relief" pulse points oil... and the support of my friends.. im sane and i have the ability to act calm in stressful situations so yeah. it should be ok. yeah.

im a dumbass. dumbass who is clutching my teddybear as i type. im a wimp. ack. im... FREAKING OUT.


halloween was good. :) worked at Pomona's Safe Passageways and went trick or treating for cans. :)

went to masquerade ball.. that was cool. was incredibly tired afterwards and pretty much passed out at denny.. Had dinner before hand with stephanie, beth, ryan, mike and some USC peeps.. that was fun. thought we saw ludicrist... but i dont think that was him.

had my last FTCmeeting today. ACK! ACK! ACK! it went really well.. just gotta tie up some last minute details.. now offically in "freaked" mode... i seriouslly feel like puking as i type this. ack ack ack ack ack.

hmmm.. what else is going on? been going to the gym... working out there with carlene... yay. got bridget jones on DVD... YAY deleted scenes (although none with colin firth but hugh grant in wet tshirt will suffice at the moment)...


11 days.

oh fuck.

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