Thursday, November 29, 2001

Things are "weird". Good weird though.. so dont you fret your pretty little mind. I think this is where I'll regress back to my high school days and blame the lack of the opposite sex in those crucial years as the cause of my "weirdness" at the moment. So.. yeah. I think I'm in "like." And I'm hoping that he is too... but I dont know... or maybe I do know but I'm trying not to get my hopes up just in case I'm wrong and I'll get extremely hurt. BLEH.. yeah. so Nicole likes a boy... and thanks to Mike ;) , I was talking to him the other night. Its a step and I assume that if something is going to happen.. its going to take a hella bunch of babysteps... or one giant leap that may happen this saturday at this "auction". *ACCCK* Yeah.. so I'm really really nervous... REALLY. Nervous and excited.. but mostly nervous. If anyone out there has a book or has the answers...or who has connections to Miss Cleo.. let me know. :) thanks.

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