I know I always joke about calling up MISS CLEO and finding out my future.. but I just got this freaky email that I thought you entertain ya'll.
Nicole I'm so very happy I am able to contact you.
My name is Cleo, and I am a Master Tarot Psychic. I had an exciting dream last night that could affect the rest of your life!
I was so moved by the dream, that I shared this with my psychic associates. With this knowledge our prediction powers have been heightened. I am asking you to call immediately and, if I am not available, you must speak to one of my gifted Tarot readers who will know how to use this knowledge to immediately change your future. It could be that exciting.
Nicole, please call right now: 1-800-340-7202. This call is absolutely FREE. THERE IS NO RISK AND NO OBLIGATION AT ALL.
I can't tell you too much here, but I will say that the experience will amaze you as much as it did me. There may be many wonderful things coming into your life very soon, in fact maybe in the next 10-14 days. You could be one very lucky person Nicole.
It's not often that I get overwhelmed, especially through a dream, at the prospects of good fortune for people. So you can see why I am overjoyed about what the future holds for you.
Nicole, your life may drastically change for the better. Please call 1-800-340-7202 right now so I can share this joy with you.
BECAUSE I WANT THE BEST FOR YOU, I HAVE GONE AHEAD AND SET UP A FREE TRIAL READING WHEN YOU CALL. Remember, this call is free and so is your free trial reading.
With Love and Hope,
Miss Cleo
Isn't it cool that if this all were true, Miss Cleo had the psychic abilities to know my NAME and EMAIL!?!? Interesting stuff huh... to think she had a dream about me and just had to email me about it. I dont think I'll call her though cause... ITS ALL JUST TOO WEIRD. Plus I should find out about it soon enough cause.. you know... its my life.
I didn't have my interview afterall cause the girl who was supposed to interview me was sick. =( But hopefully I should get a call tomorrow or something... but at least I got to drop off some more applications. =)
1) I'm grateful for my brita water filter. I swear, if i were stranded on a desert island, that is the ONE item I can't be without.
2) I'm grateful for love. I was listening to this song earlier today and the lyrics were "I don't want to be saved... I just want to be loved and to love always." I guess everyone is on this quest of finding their "person" out there.. and like I've been told many of times... it takes time.
3) I'm grateful for YOU!! =) I guess that by you reading this... you somewhat care for whats going on in my life. I just hope that you aren't some crazed psychopath stalker...
Thursday, June 28, 2001
Posted by
12:07 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
Nicole freaked out today. Don't know why exactly... it just happened and I was suddenly crying on the phone to Carrie. Carrie and Beth came over after our movie and we had a comfort food feast. :) I'm good now, just enjoying a SEX IN THE CITY marathon and getting ready for my interview tomorrow. YES interview.. before freaking out, went to the mall and filled out as many applications as possible. I got an interview with Cathy Jean and hopefully if its all sucessful I'll be getting a discount off of some really cute shoes. *yay*
I met up with the girls over in Cerritos where we watched DR DOLITTLE 2. The movie was cute... um yeah. It really had its moments, but most of those good moments were shown during the previews. Its a WAIT TILL VIDEO movie.. but we really didn't have much of a selection since Beth already saw Atlantis.. and we didn't feel like watching the ultra macho THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS so DR2 it was.
It looks like we may be moving again in August... that is if mom finds a house. We'll see.. if we do move, then maybe Joe and Jasper will be moving in here. HAHAH.. Joe is too funny, the other night when he was over, he was telling me how when he moves in, the plants would "have to go" and didn't realize that if he were to move in, everthing would be going. Knowing him, he would still get lost. =)
1) I'm grateful that the airconditioning is working. YAY!! I guess the super came over and let himself in while I was sleeping last thusday morning and fixed it. I woke up to find the apartment cold and a painting moved... good to know that I have Fred to warn me against intruders. =P
2) I'm grateful for sanrio bubblegum. The taste doesn't last very long but its the bestest thing in the world.
3) I'm grateful for Beth and Carrie for handing me tissues. =) *muah* thanks guys!
Posted by
3:44 AM
Monday, June 25, 2001
LOONG weekend. IT was lots of fun despite being sleep deprived. I'm feeling the effects of it now with these sad bin hog bags underneath my eyes and the constant yawning that plagues me. EEK!! Oh well... I rested enough today... that should take care of it
Oakland was a blast. I arrived Friday morning where I met up with Carrie and we were picked up by MJ. We met up with Beth at the Bart station and since the last time I was in the area I was 7, I bascially just followed them around. We ended up in San Francisco for some GREAT shopping and exploring. We later lost Beth (who went to see RENT with Ryan) and found Ivy where we had dinner (at this one place where they said BUCK way too many times in their menu than I cared for) and more shopping! Back to MJs to get settled in and tried to take a nap, but instead went over to Jimmy's to play the loudest game of CRANIUM ever.
Saturday, spent at least 8 hours at KDO doing some goal planning. I think we accomplished a lot that day and the year is going to be AWESOME!! Attempted to cram 16 people into 3 cars and off to the hotel for some rest... and another meeting. :) But that went off without a hitch and things were pretty organized for the board meeting. I finished some last minute changes to my proposal and workplan over in Carrie's and Amanda's room while listening to Carrie whine *I WANNNNNNNTTTTT A DAAAAATTTTTTEEEEEEE* My own roomies Beth and Jean kept me up all through the night with our interesting conversations not to mention our attempt at getting Manny to come out and play.. *HEY MANNY.. WATCHA WEARING??*
The board meeting went off without a hitch and WE HAVE A FTC THEME... but I'm not going to say anything just yet. :) Afterwards, learned how to play the cup game with Jean, Beth, and Ellie as we waited for whatever it was we were waiting for. Once again, tried to cram oh so many people and our luggages into cars but found out we finally were defeated. But luckily Andy and Phuoc came and saved the day. We all went over to Peters for get some rest and then it was off for a early dinner/late lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. The dinner was hilarious since the guys on my side of the table were enthralled with the certain happenings at the other side. *AHEM CARRIE*
Finally we all caravaned over to the airport where Beth only slightly freaked:
Beth: What are your last words going to be?
But she eventually fell asleep right along with Ryan. But it was just fine since I sat with Peter a row in front of them so I didn't have to deal with Beth's nails digging into my hand. But we are alive and well... and NOT living in the airport since Joe was waiting for us when we got to Ontario. YAY!
Today I have decided that my computer is the spawn of the devil. I have tried blogging like 3 times but this freaking geekbox kept on freezing on me. *ARGH* My first blog was really good and full of detail... but after writing over and over again... I decided to just put the basics just incase this crappy thing should cause me to beat it senseless. If I have to write this again, its going to look like this...
1) I'm grateful that we were able to accomplish all that we did this weekend. :) Seriously I'm so excited for the things that are coming up!
2) I'm grateful that everyone was able to get back and forth safely.
3) I'm so grateful for everyone who entertained and were perfect hosts and drivers to us dorky so cal folks this weekend. MJ, Ivy, Phuoc, Jimmy, Andy, and Peter (even though he was one of us dorks.. but he let us kick it at his place)... if ever in the LA area don't hesitate to call.. I have car and a really great futon!
Posted by
11:32 PM
Monday, June 18, 2001
"What corner are you girls going to be standing on tonight"
-my mom on Carlene and I getting ready for dinner... gee thanks!
Happy Father's day to all the dads out there (though I highly doubt there are fathers reading this) My sister and I had dinner with Dad over at this really GREAT restaurant in old town Pasadena called Mi Piace. Carlene was going crazy for the bread and even had the left overs boxed up so she can take it home. By the time we were done with dinner, all the stores were closed so we just window shopped and gawked at the things that we'd never buy. It was fun and really nice just sitting and chatting with my dad and sister. Since dad may be going to Hawaii for a wedding, we got him this really spiffy hawaiian shirt that he could sport around. =) Dad is doing pretty damn good and is always kicking it with his buddies. He even goes Salsa clubbing once and a while!
Earlier today.. MASSIVE CLEANING. My closet and bedroom has literally blown up since I'm seperating the crap I need from the crap I don't need. It felt like HELL over here since it was freaking hot and the air conditioning really doesn't serve any purpose since it just blows the hot air around. The kids outside were happily splashing around in the pool and playing Marco Polo ("Zamora" as Carlene would chant). *sigh* to be young and have no responsibilites or guilt over a messy room.
1) I'm grateful for the my tiny fan ... its only about 10 inches wide and really weak... but at least its something. Its the only fan we have here since the bigger osciliating one is in the storage and we don't want to go through the whole process of searching through all the furniture and boxes to find it. So its just us and the small fan. Poor Fred just layed in by bed, directly infront of the fan as I cleaned today.
2) I'm grateful that I came up with the idea of nailing string across one of the walls for a makeshift clothes hanger... its helping minimize this crazy mess in my room.
3) I'm grateful for my dad. =D
Posted by
2:41 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2001
Today, I went to Nicki's bridal shower and I still can't get over the fact that shes getting married! =) I went shopping for her gift this morning and it was REALLY REALLY weird looking for the glassware and linens that she was registered for... very weird. LIke one of the other girls at the party said, it has opened my eyes to a completely new world of finding the perfect china patterns and matching bathroom sets. This is the first time I have seen someone my age get excited for her coordinating table settings!! =) I got to see Mrs. Durkan and Alexis, who is engaged too! Mrs. Durkan is still as happy and friendly as ever, as is everyone. Her and mom were having a ball just reminicing about how Mrs Durkan used to teach our preschool sunday school and how my mom would drive us kids to class... . To think... 5 more weeks!! She has 5 more weeks of being a singleton. Its really strange cause though I'm feeling old, I'm feeling left behind in this crazy world of relationships. I know.. patience is virtue. And though I really am not in any rush to get married or even a boyfriend, its times like this when I see others happy, that I wish I had someone to get all gushy with too. It was so cute, Nicki got a lotion set from Victoria's Secret and was all giddy cause the scent was called "ENDLESS LOVE." Somethings will never change... =)
1) I'm grateful that Nicki and I have been able to keep the friendship through out the years... as with my other friends from my childhood. I've known Keri since 1st grade... 15 years!! Melissa since we were 6 years old I swear (we were tap dancing together... I HAVE PICTURES!) I truly hope that our friendships will last as well as the ones I have made at this stage of my life. We'll all be attending each other's weddings *gasp* and *double gasp* kids birthday parties! ooOOo.. getting old.
2) I'm grateful that we finally made a decision on where to go tonight... *ahem* Carrie and Beth. =)
3) I'm grateful for that karaoke machine. Carlene and I were playing with it all afternoon. *OOOPS I DID IT AGAIN....*
Posted by
4:01 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2001
Just one thing before I go to sleep...
(imagine this in the biggest font for dramatic's sake.)
:) nighty night folks!
Posted by
2:09 AM
Friday, June 15, 2001
I had to go to Puente Hills yesterday to get my oil changed and while I was there they discovered that my rear break pads were at 5% and the front ones were at 15%. (I dont know what that means EXACTLY... but I assumed it was bad by the expression on the guys face) so I was stuck there for a good 2 hours reading AAA auto magazines. Did you know that VW has its own barbecue sauce?? Yeah... that was boggling my mind. Like the VW folks were like.. "GOSH... WE MAKE GREAT CARS...WE SHOULD MAKE SOME BBQ SAUCE!!" Weird.
Anyhoo.. Carrie was in the area so she picked me up and we went to TARGET to kill some time. Finally got my car back and we went to the ghetto Walmart to drop off film and back to my apartment to wait for Beth. HAHAH.. Beth came with these scary Pokemon popsicles that looked all mutated!!! Anyhoo... we all just rested and watched this Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn flick on TV with my mom. Finally 8pm rolls around (its actually 7:30 cause my clock is 30 mins fast) and we leave to go to LA.
I really don't like the city. Its crowded... theres traffic..and things are WAY more expensive over there. For example, Beth, Sukhyung and I were going to get boba...hmmm.. it only takes about 10 mins to get it...but theres VALET PARKING?? Do you really need to get a parking stub to go to the grocery?? Its all insane over there... oh well... we finally get to Carrie's new place and are put to work haulling boxes, 4 bags of food, a desk and a partrige in a peartree. It wasn't too bad.. THANK GOD for elevators and dollys. OH my gosh.. I was looking around in Carrie's new room and looking at her roomies pictures on the wall... and who do I see... ITS LISA!! hahahahha... small world once again. So now I'll definitely see Lisa and Tam when I go over to LA more often. *well at least I hope so*
So finished moving things around 1am... we drove Sukhyung home and then got a late dinner at dennys where they HAD gravy but no mashed potatoes. Um..yeah. Crazy LA!
The original plan was for Carrie to drive me over to Beverly Hills at 4am so that I can wait for the popstar audtions... so we drove over to the hotel just to check it out and OH MY GOSH... people were camped out all along LA CIENIGA!! There was probably abour 200+ people there. Its 3am, I didn't have anything with me and it freezing cold. Hmmmm... first let me clarify why I'm at the hotel in the first place. I don't want to be the next Eden's Crush... but Ive been taking voice lessons for what... 6 years now? Its my hobby that I love doing... I dont intend to persue the industry, but I thought of this as a chance to experience something and to see what I'm actually capable of. But the thing is... I would be willing to stay out 4 hours on the street to persue this "personal" goal of mine where there might be someone out there who's actual dream is to be the a huge SUPERSTAR... I'd be taking their place? Also, what if I do stay and audtion, and I sing. What if what I thought was good, would be slammed by the judges not only to ME but also captured on the camera. That would be completely heartbreaking !! But I know that I'm good... (not all DIVA though but its pretty) but there are people out there who are WAAAAAAAYYYYY better than me and that have the "LOOK" that the producers want...chances of me getting in it are super slim... and I wouldnt even sign if picked...
WIth all these thoughts in insanely running around in my head... I decided to stay in the car. It was hard and I was definitely nervous as we circled the hotel... but I think its the best thing for me right now. Like Carlene said, I need more confidence. HAHAHAHAH... I was talking to Narleen yesteday before I went and she told me to go..and when asked who taught me, I would happily boast NARLEEN!! But what if I freaked and messed up horribly... someone would ask me.. GOSH WHO TAUGHT YOU?? I'd happily boast NARLEEN!?!? *sigh* I know... I'm crazy... probably not making any sense right now... but it know its right for me. Poor Beth... I think I shattered her dream of being accidently discovered while waiting with me. =) "I DONT CARE IF YOU CAN'T SING OR DANCE... I JUST WANT YOU!!" =) Maybe next time??
Lets cross some fingers for the Lakers! *LAKERS BABEEEEEE*
1) I'm grateful for Carrie and Beth for being absolutely awesome last night with the whole audtion ordeal. I'm SURE.
2) I'm grateful that we remembered to bring the dolly from my apartment to Carries.. that made things 10 times easier.. just imagine if we didn't have it. *shudder*
3) I'm grateful that Carrie moved out and away from her EVIL WITCH ROOMIE.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2001
I love my family. =) I really really do... Today went over to Bonita HS for JRs (the pimp) graduation and had this HUGE mix up on where/what/who had the tickets. OH WELL.. nevertheless Carlene and I got to hear JR's name announced (couldnt see cause I was too far away...) and cheered as loud as we could and poped our sad lil poppers. After the ceremony, found Bombie and Michelle and we made our way to the field where we FINALLY found JR. Carlene, JR and I started screaming loud and crazy for a good 15 minutes as we proceeded to lei him with 15 cheapo plastic leis in Bonita colors, dress him in a grass skirt and fight to tie the coconut shell bra on him. (but he wore with it with pride afterwards!) OH!! Also I decorated this really cute tiki torch in green, white, and gold just for him so his graduation ensamble was complete. More screaming and yelling as Tito Nanding, Tita Jane, Angel and Jen found us and LOTS of pictures taken. John came down from Oakland and even brought a hawaiian shirt to that he would match Jay. (but he didnt wear it... oh well its the thought that counts.) Now we have to start planning for Jennifer's graduation next year. Carlene wants to get a bullhorn that has the musical options on it. We'll see.
Drove over to Sam Woo for dinner with John who took my CSUF parking decal just for fun. So if anyone see's a green CSUF parking decal on a car in San Jose... its probably my cousin's cousin John. =P Dinner was great and I'm sure everyone is STUFFED... well maybe except CRABSUCKING Angel... =) SOOOO much fun... now I'm feeling incredibly old though... but really happy for my cousin. He'll be going to Cal Poly Pomona in the fall and is going to be a bad ass BRONCO! It seems like it was only yesterday he was promoting from 8th grade to high school. =) Actually.. its like I graduated from good ole Lucy's yesterday...The sight of the white cap and gowns. *sigh* Has anyone hear or seen the video by EVE 6.. Here's to the Night? Thats such a graduation song... *sniff* It brings back memories of all the *fun and yet dorky times* in HS... Melissa and I dressing up as rappers and rapping about PIE to the whole school... the DJ pizza lunches... the rallies and trying not to gag while watching girls play chubby bunny.... the time when there was a tug-a-war and the rope broke in half... dancing on/at every available door, chair, table, pole, etc.... Life seems easier then... probably because we had uniforms and didn't have to wear makeup or anything... but still. =) EEK!! I'm reminicing... let me stop now or else this will be SEVERAL pages long.
Same old.. same old..
1) I'm grateful for my family... as kookie as they all are. We always seem to have *good times* when we get together... When is the next affair??
2) I'm grateful for www.kazaa.com its the coolest thing since napster! check it out!
3) I'm grateful that the Lakers won today... soo I guess the million dollar question is *Will they win the next game or bring it home and win it here??* I wonder... oh well... *LAKERS BABEEEEEE*
Posted by
11:32 PM
Poor Marissa...I hope shes ok today although I know shes going to be feeling crap-tacular. Yesterday we celebrated her 21st birthday over at BJs and Marissa was having FUN. Well up until that 45 minutes in the bathroom where Keri, Tina, and I were helping Mariss stand up and puke. :( Poor thing... we had to get one of the guys to go inside the bathroom to carry her outside to the car but it was HILARIOUS cause once she came out, the WHOLE BAR started cheering. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARISS!! *MUAH*
Pet peeve of the day... guys looking for some internet love.
I was checking my email today when I got an IM from some complete stranger.
OREO2727: 22m csuf
OREO2727: hawaiin
spaznik: oh yay... want a sticker?
OREO2727: a # would do
OREO2727: =)
spaznik: sorry...good try though.
OREO2727: damn
-um ok. Come on, your chances of me giving away my number is VERY SLIM considering that 1.) FREAK.. this is the internet. 2.) just because you go to CSUF doesnt mean that I'll automatically swoon.. there are a lot of FREAKS on campus. 3.) Hello.. you're a complete stranger! I'm sure hes a nice guy... but wait a freaking minute, why is he picking up chicks over the internet?? Hmm... lets think about that shall we?
the *dum dum dum* grateful list:
1) I'm grateful for JR (the pimp one) cause hes graduating today. CONGRATS COUSIN!! :)
2) SO that my other cousins don't get jealous, Im grateful for Jennifer and Angel too.
3) I'm grateful for the great friends I have! EEK!! We're all getting old!
Posted by
3:12 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
:) Yesterday, I went to the West Covina's Filipino Cultural Heritage day festival to see Carlene and Melissa sing the National Anthems and Chelle sing her tagalog songs. It was really cool cause I got to see the whole Reyes clan since Tina, Anna, and Joanne are back from NY There was a fashion show at the event that featured Tita Francis AND Joanne's designs... and her's were sooo awesome! That girl is going to be a big time designer.. mark my words. =) The whole festival was great though. Got to see some cultural dancing (show me a guy who can balance a candle on his head and i automatically swoon!) and took some pictures. They had a mass there that was entirely in tagalog... althought I was kinda, sorta lost, it was different and good.
Afterwards, I went over to Tina's for her 21st birthday party and saw the whole CSUF/SL gang again and we just bascially chilled poolside and waited for the Laker game...(LAKERS BABEEEEEE!) I got to catch up with Danielle since I haven't seen her since my days at telephone services...poor thing, she missed her graduation because she was sooo sick. But she's all well now and is all bad ass since she has a job lined up and getting her own apartment near the beach. Lucky duck. OH and I also found out that Erin knew some of the dudes that I got to perform with for Narleen's concert. it really is a small world after all... cause when I took out my cast pictures, she was freaking out cause her hunch on the guys she and I may have in common was true. weeiiirrd... I'll see everyone again tomorrow at Marissa's 21st birthday shindig! WHOOOOOOOOO!! Another one.. Go GEMINIs!! =) Poor Keri.. she'll be turing 21 in September...but you know when she does, its going to be HUGE and we'll all probably go to Vegas.
Later that evening, I went with my mom and sister to the Universal Hilton to meet up with dad, Tito Nanding, Tita Lagring, Tito Romy, JR (other cousin JR..this one is the pimp not saying that the other JR isnt... this one is a MAJOR PIMP), Jennifer and Angel for another Birthday dinner. It was too funny because when we arrived, it was the last quarter of the Laker game and everyone was slipping out of the restaurant to watch it at the bar... Every other minute you'll hear massive cheering that would echo into the room and cause everyone else to cheer. (LAKERS BABEEEEEE!) Carlene, Jen, and Angel has this oh so wicked plan of embarassment for when JR graduates on Wednesday... it first involved getting a foghorn... but it has evolved into this elaborate theme that's going to be soooo kick ass. =) *shhhh* its a secret!
same old stuff:
1) I'm grateful because Fred is getting better! When Carlene came home this past weekend she remarked on how he gained weight so I'm assuming that he's getting healthier. OH also he isnt weak and as gassy!! :) come on.. thats such a YAY especially for those who have had to endure the rapture of his "problem."
2) I'm grateful that gas prices have gone down...sorta. *knock on wood* for fear that if i mention someting, it will SOAR once again and everyone will HATE me because I cursed the gas industry somehow...
3) I'm grateful for an AWESOME 21 years!!
Posted by
12:00 AM
Saturday, June 09, 2001
Fun birthday! :) tooo much fun!
Kathy and Manny took me to the mall to go shopping and then watch SHREK! After the movie... out comes the blindfold and I'm sitting in the back of Manny's car singing LADY MARMALADE and swaying my head like Stevie Wonder. After an hour of hearing Kathy scream "laker flag" so that I can respond "LAKERS BABEEEEE!" and their frantic search for an Washingtin Mutual (which was NOT fun in the back since Manny was making it difficult with his U TURNS!) we finally made it to our destination. Still blindfolded, I'm clutching to Manny and Kathy for dear life as we went down some steps and into the restaurant. I can hear voices and then hands tickling me. Then the scarf comes off and YAYYYY!! We're at Rainforest Cafe and EVERYONE IS THERE! :)
....................................................................... and it was sooo much fun! (My memory to the events at the restaurant is limited.)
After dinner, took a plethora of STICKER PICTURES and watched EVOLUTION. Then we went back to my apartment to just chill. ..................................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................... ...........................
............................. =)
the list:
1) I'm grateful for everyone who came and helped celebrated with me. *MUAH* Thank you SOOOO much!
2) I'm grateful for Jean for taking care of Manny, Kathy and me last night. She held my hair back... =)
3) I'm super duper grateful for Beth, Carrie, and my mom for planning and doing all that they did. *MUAH MUAH MUAH*
Posted by
8:10 PM
Friday, June 08, 2001
Thursday, June 07, 2001
Poor Fred is sick. :( Yesterday, he was throwing up and was just really weak when I came home. So this morning I brought him to the vet and he didn't like it. He pretty much attacked the nurses and went ballastic when they took his temperature and cut his nails. My poor baby... they had to put a towel over his head and hold him down anytime they had to do at tests. OHH and I was about to cry when they had to give him is vaccination. He was such a baby... =(. When we got home, he was completely ignoring me. Whenever he would look at me, he would have his... YOU TOOK ME THERE YOU EVIL BITCH look on his face. *MY DOG HATES ME!!* =( I was a wreck on the way home though... I guess seeing him all in pain took a toll on me... and to think that I brought him there... but he needed to go there! *sigh* Its alright now.. somewhat... he'll come to me when I call his name... but just isnt as affectionate. =(
Last night I went to UCLA really quick to visit their meeting.. and then Beth, Carrie, and I spontaneously went over to Mel's on Sunset for dinner and fun drawing on our placemats. =) Then off to the Hustler store to play, (its the classiest adult store EVER!) where Beth had a field day with the complimentary postcards near the bathroom. We met up with Manny, Ryan, and Sukhyung for boba in Westwood where we tried to think of T-shirt ideas. Came back home to Pomona with Beth. I like driving with Beth, its an adventure. I don't know whether I'm going to survive or not! =) *WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
If I had a penny for every LAKER FLAG I've seen on cars... I swear I'd have $10. I'm just waiting to see a car with all 4 windows decorated with the flag! Sooo much for a sweep! =( You could hear all my neighbors screaming simultaneously during the 4th quarter and overtime. AACCCK!! My mom and I were going crazy over here during the final minutes of the game changed the channel cause the tension was killing us. GOSH.. what a sucky day... the Lakers lost AND Fred hates me. *sniff* OH.. lets not forget my computer crashing just as I finished my FTC proposal. The poor keyboard certainly took a beating when that happened. But luckily when I rebooted, it will still here. *whew*
the usual:
1) I'm grateful that there's nothing seriously wrong with Fred. The vet said that he probably has an infection and it can be taken care of with medicine. OH!! And Fred's been really good about taking the meds... he hasn't attacked me or anything. =)
2) I'm grateful I didn't lose the proposal when the geekbox crashed. I would have written it out again, but it wouldn't be as good though.
3) I'm grateful for yahoomaps! =)
Posted by
12:02 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2001
YAY!! I survived my first FTC meeting yesterday! I think it went well, yeah... was just a bit freaked cause it was PLANNED for 5pm... and at 4:58... NO ONE WAS HERE!!! But luckily people came and we got some work done!! =D (even though folks were somewhat distracted by Fred's gassy attendance... I'm SOOOO SOOORRRYY!! My mom got him some new dog food and he's just not used to it!!)
Afterwards, everyone kicked it and we had our SEX IN THE CITY SEASON PREMIERE PARTY! =) Ok... so it wasn't much of a party... but it was lots of fun just chilling, munching on pizza and other junk food, and watching the show! It was too cute, although at times pretty vulgar, its hilarious! I love the writing.. .the dialogue in the show is GREAT! I really want to go to New York City now and see all the cool places were they tape the show... :) that would be really cool huh! (all the girls who love the show are probably agreeing with me.. while men who don't know what I'm talking about are rolling their eyes... then again... a lot of people probably roll their eyes when they read this.. OH WELL..=P )
This afternoon, I worked on some CKI stuff and then went out to dinner with Carrie where we had the most interesting conversation about guys. (of course) She sees me with some chef/teacher husband... waiting with an apron and flour on my face in my laced curtain kitchen. The epitome of household domestication. EEEK!! I guess that can happen.. considering that I'm not at all business savvy or the powerlunch type. Just as long as I have my VEGAS wedding.. I'll be happy. Joe and I have this deal where that if we aren't married by the time we're 31, then we'll marry each other. But I've been realizing that since I'm turning 21 really soon... that means I'll have 10 years to find a husband! I know that 10 years is a long time, but hellooooo time flies and as much as I love Joe, it would be like marrying my brother. AAACCCCKK!! So yeah... I guess I'm freaked out by the whole aspect of growing old and finding your lobster thing... what to doooo!?!?
Speaking of turning 21... I have no idea what is going on. Carrie and Beth have something planned, but they aren't telling me. SOOO... if they kill me, this would be EVIDENCE since I am stating that CARRIE CHEN AND BETH FUJIURA are taking me out on JUNE 8, 2001. Nah... I dont think they will kill me.. *cross fingers and knock on wood*... but if they do, Manny can have my Lance puppet. =P
my grateful things:
1) I'm grateful for everyone who came yesterday... Ryan, Beth, Carrie, Armando, Chrissy, Julianne... without you guys there I probably would have gone crazy and freaked. And I'm sooo sorry about Fred! :)
2) I'm grateful that I was able to change my flight from Buffalo to Reno to Buffalo to LA instead. I was trying to be all organized and ready so I booked my flight to Reno after ICON because thats where the other August board meeting was suppsed to be... but then they changed it. SOOO YAY I got to fix it all today AND save $35! They didn't charge me extra! YAY!
3) I'm grateful for other music downloading programs... poor poor napster... it just isnt the same anymore. its just SUCKS!!
Posted by
2:58 AM
Sunday, June 03, 2001
Since Carrie is always over in my vicinity, Friday's plan was to go over yonder for dinner and some sort of activity. One change though, I would be terribly late because of a phone call I recieved early in the morning and my forgetting the cellie on the kitchen counter. SOooo... here I am, driving to Carrie's around 5pm on friday when I'm getting nearer to my dad's exit on the 60 in Pico Rivera. My dad had called me earlier that day to invite me over for Tito Nanding's 50th birthday dinner. SO I get there and no one is there yet... I didn't want to be rude and just leave, so I figured I'll stay for an hour or 2 and just meet Carrie, Manny, and the gang laters on... It was really good thought because I haven't seen that side of the family for the longest time! :) Everyone is doing well and happy... had the cutest conversation with my Tito Romy.
Tito Romy: Sooo, how is your social life anak?
Me: Its very good uncle...
Tito Romy: I LIKE the sound of that... just don't get married just yet ok?
*darn... guess I better cancel the wedding for next week huh. :) * He's always giving crazy advice such as that. :) gotta love him.
Well, 7:15 rolls around and finally the rest of the family arrives (Filipino time! *ARGH!*). But I really have to leave and my cousin Bombie is giving me the hardest time about leaving. :P DORK! I would have just stayed there, but being the ditz that I am, I have left my cellie at home and everyone is expecting me over in Torrance.
Anyhoo, I finally meet up with everyone and we had dinner at the Macaroni Grill. The coolest thing about that place is that the table covering is just a giant sheet of butcher paper. They supply you with crayons and let you go wild! So since Manny, Sukhyung, Carrie and I were late (they were waiting for me at the original meeting place since i was cell-less), Beth's side of the table was extremely colorful and included very graphic stick drawings. :) After dinner, we saw MOULIN ROUGE which was sooo much fun! The music references are hilarious and the visuals are awesome. Ewan McGregor is my new boyfriend... (next to Lance and Conan of course) He was sooo adorbale and suprisingly enough, both him and Nicole Kidman CAN sing!! After the movie, Beth, Carrie and I couldn't stop singing in the parking lot "COMMMEEEEE WHATTTTT MAAYYYYYYY!!" So yes... I loved this movie. :) Gosh.. if only I can find my own penniless sitar player... *sigh* :)
After the movie, we went over to The Kettle over in Manhattan Beach for dessert and then a walk on the pier, (even though it was chilly) and then ryan gave me the wrong directions back to the 405... so I was driving through some scary neighborhood before I turned around and finally found it. *whew* :) I got home and found my mom and sister just chattin in the living room. I love it when we get to sit around and just talk about "stuff" until 5am. :)
Woke up later this morning and the suddenly hounded by my mom to get ready cause she got an appointment to get all of our eyebrows threaded. This was a painful!! I heard it wasn't supposed to be and its supposed to be quick and easier than waxing. Its NOT quick I can tell you that... maybe about 10 minutes of agonyizing torchure... but it is easier than waxing cause no hot sicky wax and residue. So I was done and still stinging... just waiting for my mom and sister to finish... and then I hear my mom say... "you need more shape" soo AACCCKK I'm back in that chair with my eyes tearing up. *the things we do for beauty.*
Went shopping with Carlene and Mom after lunch and by the time we got home, all of us were dead tired!! Don't know why, but somehow spending money took a toll on us energy wise. Weird. Came home and then went out to Gameworks with Manny, Carrie, Sukhyung (and later Ryan without Beth *gasp!*) where we once again squandered our money on skeeball and DDR. We're dorks. Then we went to see "THE ANIMAL" which was funny... but I would have rather waited for it to come out on video.
So that was my weekend so far... I still have Sunday! :)
Oh by the way... does anyone know if they use real food on SUPERMARKET SWEEP!?! Its killing me.
the list:
1) I'm grateful that I went to my uncle's party, because like I said earlier... I haven't seen that side of the family for the longest time... and I do miss them. :)
2) I'm grateful that I found my way out of Inglewood safely and sane.
3) I'm grateful for my mom and sister... just because.
Posted by
3:37 AM
Friday, June 01, 2001
Since im blogging and its 12:55 am... its now offically 7 days till I turn
21!! EEEEKKKK!! I have been constantly reminded today how long it will be by
Tina since today was her 21st birthday. :) The old denny's crew (myself,
Keri, Mariss, and Crystal) and then some took her out to BJs and it was great
since a lot of us haven't seen each other for the longest time! Poor Tina,
everyone kept on giving her drinks and she was WAY OVER tipsy by the time I
took her home. Got to see Mai, Erin and JP (who exclaimed
"NIIIICCOOOOOOOLLLLLLLEEEEE" whenever I made fun of him... just like old
times huh. *sigh* and have some Pizookie! Remind me to call Tina in the
morning to see if shes alright... she wasn't entirely gone but she may feel
crap-tacular later on. I had hospital lining on her in the car just in case
she should felt like huriling... but she didn't and just rambled. :) HAPPY
BIRTHDAY TINA!!!! *muah*
Vacation has been so far so good... :) Beth, Carrie and Joe have been over
numerous time this week just to kick it... talking about life, love and but
of course.. CKI... :) Been sleeping and cleaning mostly... OH and we can't
forget being online and chatting away... ahhh what a life. OK.. now i'm
getting bored. Need to go out and get a job. I was driving with my mom
today and we were passing by DE-JEA-VU which is giant ugly pink strip join in
ontario/montclair and I saw a CASHIERS WANTED sign on the marquee. So i got
to thinking... wouldn't it be AWESOME if i were to get the cashiering job
over there and then if anyone asked me what I did for the summer, I can
say... "I worked in a strip joint!" EWWWWWWWWWWW!! hahahaha... hilarious but
ILL! But according to Keri, you can make bank as a CASHIER over there...
hmmm we'll see. NAH!! I don't want to become some pro at porn and kinky
toys... GROSSSSS!!
the 3:
1) I'm grateful for Joe... because he says so. :) Like he says.. "what
would you do without me, Nicole..." I dunno. J?K... who else can I go
absolutely crazy for the A-TEENS with!?!?
2) I'm grateful for the new NSYNC video!! Come on.. even those who hate them
must admit that the video is sooo dope! :) Isn't Lance the cutest!?!
3) I'm grateful for everyone's willingness to help out.
Posted by
1:54 AM