Sunday, August 04, 2002

Carlene and I have this thing whenever we hear a Kylie Minogue song, we'll automatically start doing the robot. Its very dorky but its gosh darn hilarious... to us. We've very much mastered the art of the robot dance all because of this one artist. ;) Funny thing is that one time I was with Joe and when a kylie song came on, we BOTH started doing the robot. Is this just instinct that everyone does the robot to kylie? Or was it a freakish coincidence? HmmMmMm?

Look!! Its Sunday... that means tomorrow is Monday... and then the day after is Tuesday... and THEN its Wednesday! And guess whats happening on Wednesday?? HmmMMmm.... I'M GOING TO ORLANDO! :) Can you sense my excitment? I've been raiding my closet the past week and dorky nerdy me wrote down and coordinated everything that that I needed to pack right down to the perfect matching shoe. yesterday, I considered myself to be 90% packed because I'm still using my shampoo, conditioner, and other tolietries... *note to self: don't forget to put pack the brita pitcher and to place clean socks inside it so that it will be more space efficient. :)

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