Well, FTC offically came to a close for me today... and I think it was the BEST part of my whole FTC experience. Today, we (Beth, Ryan, Petey, Stephanie, Judy, and myself) went over to Longfellow Elementary and delivered the school kits to the kids there. :) It was soooooooo awesome. :) It made up my mind today about becoming a teacher. The kids were so adorable and sweet and it was great being able to talk to him and perhaps touch their lives in some sort of way. I know that they have to mine. So before we passed them out, the school gathered the kids in the library and we (well Pete mainly) talked about CKI and how we werent a convient store (ha.) And then the kids RACED up and formed a line to get their kits. Afterwards, Ryan talked a bit about the service initative, but I don't think the kids understood.. oh well. And then we got asked questions by the kids, such as "what do we do?" and "what do we wanna be when we grow up"... and then they responded with what they wanted to be. Yeah... it was a definite GOOD TIME. :)
Friday, November 30, 2001
HAHAAHHAAHAHAH..Armando has made my day! :)
I'm pathetic... so I cut and pasted it.
Crazymondo's SubProfile
This profile has been viewed 128 times.
Week one poll (10 hottest girls in CKI):
The following is week one rankings based on the the votes of over 10 people (Names to remain confidential). Each week the number of voters will rise and slots will be changing each week. If you see your name on the list and wish not to be on it just tell me and I will remove you. Without furthur delay here is the list:
10) Nicole Conception (Mt. Sac)
9) Stephanie Halgren (USC)
8) Beth Fujiura (CPP)
7) Tracy Ou (UCB)
6) Jo Anne Desengaro (CPP)
5) Christine Lai (OCC)
4) Stephanie Hsu (CSUF)
3) Helen Huynh (Claremont)
2) Julie Tanoue (UCLA)
1) Ellie Kung (UCB)
Others in consideration: Megan Burnham, Jenny Jones, Reina Ligeralde, Laura Appledorn, Kathy Kemp, Carrie Chen, and Jayme Sloan
Note: This is just week one. All people are very close for now. I am 100% they will change as each week passes.
Isnt that HILARIOUS!?!?! I HAVE NOOOO idea how the hell my name got on there. NOOOO idea... I'm HOT?? OH PLEASE!! hhahahah..pshaw.. I know everyone else is laughing along with me. Yeah.. so I guess I'm like hella flattered by this Beth and I were just chillin here watching JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS and then Joe calls. He asks... "Have you seen Amando's profile?" where I repsonded "Nope". And then he proceeded to tell me about this "list".
ARMANDO LOVES ME!! You don't have to hide your secret crush...I think you'e pretty cute too! *wink wink*
hahaha. just kidding..
I think its kinda creepy how there's actually a POLL out there? Is this scienific? And it will change? So now I'm sorta sad cause being number 10, that means that I have more of a chance to get bumped off. HAHAA.. Its ok.. I'm flattered to be on it in the first place. Yeah.. but Beth and I were all giggly and happy when we found out.. and then we were puzzled. Whatever I guess... :) Its all good. Probably gonna get kicked off anyways..
Oh well. at the moment. I'm a happy camper. Weird...
Posted by
2:05 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2001
Things are "weird". Good weird though.. so dont you fret your pretty little mind. I think this is where I'll regress back to my high school days and blame the lack of the opposite sex in those crucial years as the cause of my "weirdness" at the moment. So.. yeah. I think I'm in "like." And I'm hoping that he is too... but I dont know... or maybe I do know but I'm trying not to get my hopes up just in case I'm wrong and I'll get extremely hurt. BLEH.. yeah. so Nicole likes a boy... and thanks to Mike ;) , I was talking to him the other night. Its a step and I assume that if something is going to happen.. its going to take a hella bunch of babysteps... or one giant leap that may happen this saturday at this "auction". *ACCCK* Yeah.. so I'm really really nervous... REALLY. Nervous and excited.. but mostly nervous. If anyone out there has a book or has the answers...or who has connections to Miss Cleo.. let me know. :) thanks.
Posted by
6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
:) just a quickie.. my computer has reverted back to its retarded ways because someone cursed me. im not going to mention any names but it sounds like Armando. :P evil evil...
anyhoo.. so i was talking with beth and she came up with a cute little story that corresponds with my oh so dorky pictures on the side here... :) so enjoy.
1. once upon a time there was a little girl. and she was very happy.
2. because she had a little pet horse named bob.
3. she and bob liked to hang out together, and get boba together, and stuff.
4. but one day, bob ran away, and she was very sad.
5. she looked everywhere for bob... under things and behind things...
6. and then she saw bob behind a tree. he was playing hide and go seek.... and she was like, dude, bob, you're a dumbass.
7. and she was like, ha ha, get it, dumbass, dumb ass?
8. and bob was like, eww, i'm leaving you, and she was like, i'm gonna get you! and she did. the end.
isnt Beth the cutest! :) yay!
Posted by
4:05 AM
Monday, November 26, 2001
I guess the summary of this weeknd is mostly SLEEP. I seem to be taking a lot of naps lately... I guess it's the food coma kicking in after every meal...
Last night was movie night! :) My sister and mom hadn't seen SHREK before, so we rented it... yeah... my mom loved it, as did my sister. But it was hilarious cause Carlene found the oddest things to laugh at... and she kept on laughing at it throughout the whole movie. Silly girl.
Anyhoo, so after another nap on Sunday, went over to Tina's to meet up with Keri and Marissa... kris kringle draw... and then off to BJ's for JP's birthday dinner. :) First of all.. HAPPY 21st JP! :) Yay... he was the baby... and now he's finally a legal drunkard WHOOO! :) Saw a lot of new faces and sadly some who I was hoping on seeing werent there. :( Still had a gosh darn good time... Joey was being obnoxious as ever (and SUPRISE! was wearing pants for once)... and JP had is usual belligerent glow. :)
Came home and went with Carlene to the gas station. :) she's very happy and has her own sort of glow, now that shes "with" michael. We had a good conversation on guys, and love, and I think she summarizes it best: "My ideal guy doesn't have to be utterly gorgeous, he just needs to be able to see me for who I am and say that I'm beautiful." *sigh* Now its all just a quest to find that person... or have that person find me.
Posted by
1:48 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2001
:) i love it when it rains. Its oh so cold and you can just snuggle underneath 10 layers of blankets and pillows... sooo comfortable and you don't want anyone to interrupt you from your little bubble of warmth... its just wonderful. And then someone has to come in and ruin it... its usually a family member... perhaps a sister screaming out your name and pouncing on your back... and then calling her boyfriend over and then it turns into a massive dogpile to get you up. EVIL!! But up until then... those moments of warm and lazy slumber were perfect.
Posted by
12:49 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2001
Written at 3:28am yesterday, but posterd at whatever time it says on the bottom....
Thanksgiving was good...your usual congregation of family for the sole purpose of absolute and accepted gluttony. :) Had lunch over here with Mom and Carlene.. and then more food over at dad’s and Tita Lagring’s. What madness! Then it was gather around the TV with the cousins for “Friends” with Brad Pitt! (So dreamy!) After “Will and Grace” and talk about possible spending Christmas in Vegas as a family, everyone pretty much took off. On the way home, Carlene persuaded myself, Melissa and Nick that rather than stay home and do nothing, we should work off our dinners… so it was off to the “Bizeee” for some good music and dancing… *thanks guys for ditching me with that one homie! :P*
Madness at the mall the next day because mom got called into work, so I had to drive to Brea to pick up Carlene. Then it was off to West Covina so that she could complete her ensemble. (Actually, the mall over there wasn’t too bad and at least we did get some good parking. ;)YAY!) Met up with Carlene’s friend, Michael and then it was off to Target for gifts and curling irons.
Dinner and then off to Tammy’s for dessert. ;) YAY! Happy Birthday Tam! Girls night IN with Tam, Lisa, Mel and myself… got to catch up with each others lives… the boys and the mini dramas…over cake and ice cream!
Tammy: Its “better than Sex” cake!
Lisa: Whats Sex cake?!??
I swear, everytime I hang out with them, I realize how much I miss them and how much I miss those good times. Its so hard to believe that we were 16 five years ago and dancing around like we were the Spice Girls... :)
Yesterday, I realized that this was going to be my first holiday not in San Dimas... I guess before we sold the house, it wasnt too bad because dd was still living there and there was still the opportunity to going back and celebrating over there. Thats how it was for the last 2 years... I dunno, so its a weird feeling. So as I drove Mel back home, I passed by the old house just to see it I guess. Very weird... different cars in the driveway, giant American flag hanging from the gate, and icicle lights hanging from the roof! The icicle lights pissd me off cause I knew all the neighbors used them from Christmases in the past and I was always proud that our lil house stoodout wth its single strand of old school white lights. SO now I guess all the houses on Maverick will have those damn icicle lights.. Something so menial and yet, it was a reality slap in the face that what was once my home... isnt anymore. So many memories.. good mostly... and still I'm a little sad by all of it. But like they say, home is where the heart is right?
SO in that case,
1) I'm grateful for my mom and dad... I mean even though I don't live with my dad, they are my home.
2) I'm grateful for wonderful and happy relationships... I think its ony like my SL friends and my family who can properly humiliate me and have these hardcore remarks that leave me speechless. :) *muah* guys!
3) I'm grateful that the people in my life are happy and healthy. :)
Posted by
12:00 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2001
Ain't Stuffing grand!?!
Well, its thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for God, my family, friends, people who are in my life at the moment in time (even the sucky ones cause they add drama and excitment) good health for all that i know, shelter, the essentials that keep me alive, happy memories and craziness that the future holds for me, AIM, Brita Water fliters, the Downey Ball, DVD special features, fire, sponges with rough edges so that you can take the grime of dirty pots and pans, warm blankets and food on my table, having the chance to prove those wrong, being able to accomplish goals, the gift of common sense and wicked sarcasm, late night chats with my sister and friends, the ability to be able to talk to my mom about guys as if she were a "sista", a better relationship with my dad, being able to really get to know people, miss cleo, TLC channel, Michael Jackson (the early non-freaky years... perferebly his disco era), people who make me laugh, crayola markers, seatbelts, kazaa, refridgerators, mom's baklava recipie, sunshine, lollipops, really rough loofas that make the skin soft, hot water, books that change my way of thinking, blogger, 24 hour walmart, being able to dance and jam in the car with no inhibitations, my friendly mail man who's always super sweet, the ability to put air in my tires when they are flat, people who care and who are willing to make a difference, and then some. :) You know my mind is racing at the moment huh. :)
*muah* take cares and have a good holiday!!
Posted by
3:15 PM
Monday, November 19, 2001
as one would say... "stick a fork in me cause I'm finished!" :)
Lets start from the very begining...
Thursday: Woke up after scary dream of bears attacking camp while UC Berkeleky were cheering *GO BEARS.* Drove to airport and circled it several times until I finally found Pic. Came back home and finished packing and last minute *mind* run throughs of the weekend. Went to Beth's to meet up with rest of the Board for a night of discussion, fun, planning, talking, and cheers. :)
Sleep time: Approx. 30 minutes.
Friday: Woke up and raced to the camp, only to discover that my 2 hour estimate to get up the mountain actually was only 45 minutes due to the fact that there was no traffic. Played in the parking lot with Pic, Carrie, and Pete Holiday for a good hour waiting for Bruce and Jane to arrive with the van. Board meeting. :) *i love them so much...* lunch, and ftc meeting. SHOWER, scout camp meeting rooms, rehearsal, dinner, rehearsal, OPENING SESSION!! :)
Thats basically when it all hit me. Seeing the members flood the room with their enthusiasm and excitment. the signs, the cheers, the screaming... IT WAS REAL! So then I cried. :) But it was happy crying. :) The Skit went off without a hitch.. :) YAY... the last minute practices really paid off. Ran around when I could and met a lot of new members. :)
Sleep time: Probably about 3 hours... this stuffy nose and uncomfortable bunk bed gave me a hard time.
Saturday: Rise and shine.. BREAKFAST! Workshops workshops workshops, lunch, project, workshop workshop. :) Sukhyung and I had a blast harassing Holiday in his workshop (DANCE!!) and got to help Kathy and Jean out with their Ice breaker one since poor kathy was feeling ill. Previewed the campfire skits with laura and pic, new member rehearsal, dinner (YUM) and then madness for the evening session since we decided that it was WAY too cold for the campfire, so had to adjust everything for the indoors. :) The session was great... even though Pic's, Laura's, and my own improv stand-up routine wasn't all THAT funny and we were sometimes shocked to hear the chirping of crickets in the backroun...but Laura saved the day because of a joke that went wrong and she couldn't contain her laughter... for like 5 MINUTES! :) The Dj got to the camp early, so hence the dance started an hour early!
*weirdness at the dance.. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED!*
Afterwards, walked the camp while getting to watch the meteor shower... :) Sooooo pretty. Definitely something I will never forget.
Sleep time: 4 hours... thats was REALLY GOOD cause I pretty much conked out.
Sunday: Shit.. its 7:15am! Took fast shower and off to headquarters to finish workshop game and closing session stuff. :) No breakfast, but got to take some pictures with DBoard. Closing session: After humiliation of bad jokes for campfire skits, I like to think that Pic and I saved ourselves and perserved some "coolness" with Delicious Dish GO WEST promo that went well with the audience. YAY! Everyone loved Beth's Convention Promo commerical. YAY! Slide show and special thanks to KICK ASS commitee! Everyone goes off for PTP pieing where Carrie, Peter, Sukhyung, Joe, Scott, Pic, and Holiday get it HARD. :) Whipped cream never looked SOOOOO good.
So the the whole shebang is over and it loks like everyone had fun. :) BUT then.. as Nicole packs her car to leave.. she LOCKS HER KEYS IN HER TRUNK. I guess all the emotions of the weekend FLOOD and I'm crying over this senseless and stupid thing. But thanks to hugging friends and dancing sukhyung, I'm a happy camper once again. AAA guy comes within the hour and using his manual.. he opens my car! YAY!! Finish packing, finish cleaning, clear the camp... and we're off the mountain! :) Back to Beth's.. Over to Denny's... Take Pic to the Airport.. Back to Beth's... Home. :)
TOTAL SLEEP TIME OVER FTC WEEKEND: 7 hours and 30 minutes! WHOOOOOO!! Thats more than I expected!
*good times*
1) YYAAAYYYY!! it was a success! :) I'm grateful that I was able to do this and prove those who didn't think I could do it WRONG!! So here's a great big =P to you SATAN!
2) I'm grateful to have been blessed with such a kick ass committee. :) Stephanie, Rashmi, Ellie, Kat, Laura, Mike, Petey, Beth... you guys ROCK! :) You so get a cookie!
3) I love everyone right now.. I'm so on cloud nine! :) Thanks to everyone who came and made this weekend possible! :) *MUAH MUAH MUAH*
Posted by
12:34 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
YAY! its fixed. Carlene fixed it and then there was something going on with the colors.. so I figured out how to change them! YAY! I'm somewhat computer savvy! =) I'm happy! Jean says its a sign that my day will be good... but we'll if that really happens. Right after she said that.. good faithful computer froze on me. SHE JINXED me. Evil evil Jean....=P OH well.. happy happy me... =)
Posted by
2:54 AM
Monday, November 12, 2001
Sunday, November 11, 2001
ok... im lying.. shes going to fix it later..but for a good 6 hours it was lookin pretty nifty. :)
Posted by
2:49 PM
yay!! lookie!! new look! =) Yup... my kick ass sister saved my blogger! =) So after the wedding yesterday, came back and played and chatted. cept for the gay ass picture of myself on the bottom... it all looks pretty nifty i think.
anyhoo.. 5 more days... =) I'm excited now.
On Friday night went over to USC's banquet over in Westwood, got some boba, and then off to afterparty at USC. =) I've said it once and i'll say it again. I know CKI is for service and for helping out the community, but I seriously love the organization for the people. =) Yeaahh... there are some members out there who are like... EHHHH... but then there are others out there who totally make my day. But we'll hold out on the LOVING CKI blog... most likely you'll read that on Nov. 19... if I survive.
Big wedding for Elaine yesterday. :) During the reception, I figured that the director of "THE DEBUT" should make a sequel called "THE WEDDING" because filipino weddings are pretty damn interesting and fun. Rowdy family in formal wear and barongs.... key to getting party started: play some latin music and all the aunties and uncles are out on the dancefloor showing off the newest line dance! Plus also, I found out that the money dance is a filipino thing? Is it really? I thought everyone did the money dance...
I think i overran my "frustrations" on thursday... *ouch*
ta da!
1) I love my sister!! I'm so lucky to have a great sister... =) She inspires me...
2) I'm grateful I don't have cankels... EWWWWWWWWW.. at least i dont think so... but have been told from my mom and sister that size of ankles are ok...just been paranoid about "cankles". Ewwwwwwwww...
3) I'm grateful for the family on my dad's side so still ask about my mom... about how she is and "tell her I say hi!! we miss her!"...
Posted by
2:31 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2001
Monday, November 05, 2001
ok.. perhaps my last blog was slighty scary.. ok.. it was REALLY scary.. i read that and I get more freaked out and think... WHAT A PSYCHOPATH! CALM DOWN! sooo.. I'm calm. Went to class today. (YAY!) Watched Wedding Story (People in love and happy... YAY!) Sent out some emails... (YAY?) and now in the process of working on some FTC stuff in a calm, happy spirited manner. (YAAY!)
hmmm.. happy thoughts.. happy thoughts.. happy thoughs... I had this dream the other night where I had guts and very casually said to guy I think is cute a the moment.."hey.. wanna go kick it some time" to which he said "yes" and we went to go watch some crazy movie with patrick swayze and zena. yeah... woke up feeling very revitalized and happy... and then realized.. DAMMIT. It was only a dream. Oh curses. But we shall see... I'm a dumbass when it comes to the opposite sex... I can talk, flirt, and be a dork with my guy friends.. but someone cute comes and its BA BA BOO BOO HUH? Its a sad thing.
got to catch up with erin today... shes doing good and not working in old horrid home where children used to beat her and break her car windows. We remininced about the old "crew" and the table... and how we used work under evil president who made us do her evil bidding and how at first FTC in big bear, crazy shennigans that involved earmuffs and glow in the dark paint... *sigh* memories. I miss those days...
anyhoo... life is good.. really it is. just gotta count my blessings. :) have my friends and family.. yay. :) I have a home. yay! I have people who believe in me.. YAY! And isn't that all i can really wish for? I think so. :)
OH!! I love my sister!! she fixed my computer!! whoooo!! so my computer is not being as "difficult" as before. In fact.. I don't think I slapped it silly and scream... YOU FREAKING GAY COMPUTER!! WHY ARE YOU SO PISSING ME OFF SO MUCH" at all today. :) YAY!
Posted by
11:48 PM
.ok.. i feel like i'm going to puke. 11 more days.. 11 freaking more days! where did summer go? what happened? ack! 11 days... and then it will be 10 days... and then 9... and then 8.. and then all of a sudden.. BOOM! FTC is here and I have NO idea whats going to happen. I hear that I'll be on my toes... real busy... getting no sleep... ACK! ACK! double ACK! I should be ready... I have my lil bath and body works "stress relief" pulse points oil... and the support of my friends.. im sane and i have the ability to act calm in stressful situations so yeah. it should be ok. yeah.
im a dumbass. dumbass who is clutching my teddybear as i type. im a wimp. ack. im... FREAKING OUT.
halloween was good. :) worked at Pomona's Safe Passageways and went trick or treating for cans. :)
went to masquerade ball.. that was cool. was incredibly tired afterwards and pretty much passed out at denny.. Had dinner before hand with stephanie, beth, ryan, mike and some USC peeps.. that was fun. thought we saw ludicrist... but i dont think that was him.
had my last FTCmeeting today. ACK! ACK! ACK! it went really well.. just gotta tie up some last minute details.. now offically in "freaked" mode... i seriouslly feel like puking as i type this. ack ack ack ack ack.
hmmm.. what else is going on? been going to the gym... working out there with carlene... yay. got bridget jones on DVD... YAY deleted scenes (although none with colin firth but hugh grant in wet tshirt will suffice at the moment)...
11 days.
oh fuck.
Posted by
1:12 AM