One day down... now how many until summer vacation?? Gosh, I must be insane to take 5 classes... but I really want to graduate already! Let me give you guys an idea of my schedule so that if anyone needs to find me... you know where I am.. *AHEM* Tina, Marissa, Keri... and anyone else who wants to kick it at the "table" with me studying!
COMM 350:1-2:15
COMM 351: 5:30-6:45
COMM 300: 7-9:45
WORK: 11-4:30
BIO: 10-10:50
COMM 350: 1-2:15
COMM 351: 5:30-6:45
WORK: 11-4:30??
MATH: 9-9:50
BIO: 10-10:50
WORK: 11-4
Yup... theres my schedule. So far my classes are ok and the only sucky sucky day would be monday since I have to be there for the whole freakin day!! I went to go get an estimate of how much my books were going to cost and the total is almost $400!! Isn't that outrageous!?!? And to think, at the end of the semester, I'll be lucky if I get at least $150 back!! So unfair!
But look on the brightside, today I got really good parking cause I parked over yonder at the RGC since thats where my last class lets out and I didn't even have to babysit a lane! OH! Also, in my comm classes, there were a lot of cute guys in them!! =D yay!! Or is that a nay considering that I may lose some concentration by the pack of hotties in my ad classes, thus failing and never being able to graduate. OH TERRIFF! Well, I guess I'll just make the best of it. =D
I guess right now I'm freaked out that I may get overwhelmed by the classes, work, cki, friends, family issues, moving, cute guys, studying, writing, deciding what I'm going to wear in the morning, lack of sleep, cleaning my room, helping my mom out at home, wanting to go out and party, people who dissapprove of me, those who need my help, car maintainance, taking Fred out for walks, figuring out WHICH key goes to the right locks on my door, updating my blogger, making sure that I'm taking the right classes, etc... you know the usual worries of a groovy chick like myself. I guess all I can do now is PRAY... and TIME MANAGEMENT! =D
OH!! One thing really IRKED me today... the lack of desks for leftys!!! I swear.. its a conspiracy!! It sucks that in a gianlt lecture hall, there is no seat with a LEFT HANDED desk!! So, now my notes are sloppy and I have to recopy them cause 1) it helps me study and 2) I get all obsessive compulsive with my notes and they HAVE to be neat (handwriting slanted perfectly to the right AND color coordinated!) and organized... and I can't achieve that without the right desk!! *Some right hand desk are alright for me, but its those darn seats in lecture halls with those tiny tables that piss me off!)
da 3:
1) I'm grateful that I got the classes I needed... and I didn't have to sign away my first born just to get them!!
2) I'm grateful for colored pens,,, they help me remember things.. and they make my notes look pretty!
3) I'm grateful I found my parking permit. I was worried that I had lost it... cause the last time I had seen it was before the move from Chino to Pomona... when I picked it up at my dads. And I really didn't want to go buy a new one for $50!! So.. YAY!
Tuesday, January 30, 2001
Posted by
1:59 AM
Monday, January 29, 2001
*sigh* Last moments of stress free bliss. Tomorrow... I go back to school and "I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA!!" Ugh... nothing else to do but break down, cry and shapen the pencils.
Well, I spent my last day of actual happiness it with my mom and sister where we first went to mass. The one thing I realized while at church is that having went to Catholic school for 13 years, you know EVERY song in that missalette. My sister and I were very smug about the fact that we KNEW the words and tune to the closing hymn WITHOUT even looking at them. hehehehe... Its reminds me of the days while in the choir at Holy Name.. and Mrs. G screaming at us to SMILE and SING at the same time while some of the lucky girls got to ring the bells. GOSH.. I thought I was so cool back then. hahaha OH AND ANOTHER THING... one thing that REALLY gets on my nerve is when theres a EHHH choir singing and the choir leader is overdoing it with the baton swaying... its kinda like.. SORRY DUDE.. YOU CAN SWING THAT THING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT BUT NOTHING CAN SAVE THEM. Yeah... that was bugging me today.. other than that.. mass was really nice and there were soooo many cute lil kids!! =D gotta love them!
So after mass, we went out for lunch and had a very interesting conversation. OK.. this has some history so bare with me. Last week, like around 1am, I was reading in bed when my mom comes into my room and says she's going out. Like any responsible child, I asked her where she was going and she replied... I'm going out with Lori... We are going to pull a prank on someone... so I very nicely answered.. "Well don't get arrested". With that.. she left and wasn't back home by the time I fell asleep.. When I woke up the next morning, I checked her bedroom and was very relieved to see her sleeping soundly. BUT.. I had to go off to work.. so I could't ask her what of her doings that night. OK.. SoOOO. at lunch today, I asked her. And you'd never guess where she went. SHE WENT OUT TEEPEEing! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH.. WHAT A DORK HUH! Well.. her gal pal Lori called and she needed help so my mom went off and was "FORCED" to throw the toliet paper at the house of some person who Lori worked with. DORKS!! hahahahaha... This was my mom's first time TPing and now she considers herself an expert... she even said that if Carlene and I wanted to go.. she'd come help out. ?????? hahahahah.. DORK! I am the spawn of the biggest geek in all dork-dom!
OK.. as if you though things couldn't get stranger... after dinner as we were cleaning, Fred was getting pretty hyper. So my sister decided to give him a doggie biscut in hopes that he'll calm down. My sister then takes a biscut out of the box and stares at it and says.. "I WONDER WHAT THIS TASTES LIKE?" and I... of course... say.. "I DARE YOU" and then... she took a bite. I was dying of laughter of the whole stupid situation and my sister continues chewing.. then replies... "IT HAS NO TASTE"... chew chew chew.. and then she proceeds to spit it out of her mouth. I ask her.. why the hell has she been chewing all this time.. and she says.. CAUSE YOU WERE LAUGHING SO MUCH THAT I COULDN'T TASTE IT" WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA... she then gave the rest of the cookie to Fred. hahahahhahahahahahah............ its too much. I swear... it must be something in the genes!!
my grateful things:
1) I just recently checked and some of the classes that I need to add are still open!! =D yay!! So tomorrow morning I'll be up bright and early and adding them online!! HOORRAY!
2) I'm grateful for my freaky family... and I think you should be too.. or else this blogger would be REALLY boring!
3) I'm grateful that I didn't spend any money today... (give into the temptation of shopping) I really should start saving if I plan to go to New York for the summer. *UGH*
Posted by
2:26 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2001
Well.. just got home from watching THE WEDDING PLANNER with Carrie and Beth... and it was cute and SUPER CHEESY. But I think the highlight of the night was when some dude who was walking into our aisle, FELL ON HIS ASS!!! It was HILARIOUS!!! And all of his homies were busting up laughing.. so I kinda felt bad for him right? So I asked if he was alright... and he was laughing YES.. so then Carrie, Beth and I started giggling like crazy!!! HAHAHAAHHAHAAHAH!! OH! And then during the movie.. they were showing J-LO's profile.. BOOTY and all.. and our crazy new homies next to us kept on going "DAMN" or "OH YEAH" every time they would have it.. or some kind of butt shot.. and so of course the three of us couldn't stop laughing... Sooo... basically although the movie wasn't all the great... everyone got a good laugh. =D
Soooo... the original plan was to go to DOWNTOWN DISNEY after the convention meeting and watch the flick... but nope.. that didn't happen.. we were hypnotized by the CERRITOS MALL. HEHEHEE.. its all good though cause they had a movie theater in the mall itself and while we were waiting... we went over to the HUGE ASS TARGET that was accross the street from the mall and got some junk food to sneak into our purses. (yes.. I know.. VERY GHETTO.. but admit it.. you've done it before. Prices for food at the movie theater are just INSANE!)..
The convention meeting went pretty well.. =) Beth was going crazy cause she though Ryan had died in a car accident since he was late in meeting us. HEHEHEHEH.. she's a DORK. Actually.. we are all dorks... guess thats why we all click so well. GREAT! =D At least we can be comfortable with each other in all our dork-dom. Hehehehe..
That was pretty much my day. Before I left the apartment... I had to pack some snacks for my mom cause she was going to go out with my sister DOWNTOWN.. and knowing my mom..she was going to get HUNGRY. Convention Meeting.... Mall... Target.. Movies... Home. I'm just waiting for my sister to come home since she doesn't have the key and will be ringing the doorbell anytime soon.
I'm really not looking forward to starting school on Monday.. If only we had vacation ALL THE TIME! *sigh* but then again.. I'd probably go insane from the bordom. And school is better then a lifetime of WORKING 8 hour days and the freakish responsibilities of adulthood. So.. yay I guess?
=D Cool part:
1) I'm grateful for this NEUTROGENA face cream thingie! I swear!! It works!! Blemishes are going away and it doesn't dry my face out like soap! =) hehhehe... YAY MOM and her NEUTROGENA craze!! If anyone of you were to come over and see my mom's cabinet.. you'd feel like you were in the facewash section of the grocery cause its just ALL LINED UP. *My mom enjoys shopping WHOLESALE... and she has 5 different washes by the DOZENS. Not to mention moisturizers, body washes, toners, eye creams, oils, shapoos, conditioners, etc... ALL NEUTROGENA! But.. they all work fabulously!!
2) I'm grateful for REESE STICKS.. those things are GOOD!! =)
3) I'm grateful for SUPERBOWL SUNDAY.. cause my BOYS NSYNC is gonna perform HALF-TIME! =D GRRRRR.. GO LANCE!
Posted by
1:47 AM
Saturday, January 27, 2001
Second day... its all good! =) More practice.. more reading... and I should be ready for next week's onslaught of TICKET SALES! WHOOOOOO!! Its very cool cause at my old job.. I was paid MONTHY. You can only imagine what a bitch that was... but now... I get my happy pay checks every other week like the normal work force. =D HOORAY!
Before I went to work today, I went to think mini-interview of the sort with this perspective service project for CKI with Raquel and this lady... HAHAHAHAHAH... boy is she a PSYCHOPATH. First of all... when we got to ths place we heard the receptionist talk to psycholady on the phone and we heard this gritty voice on the other side of the line... so.. the impression I got was that we were going to meet with some wrinkly old chick with a FREAKING whole in her neck.. but she wasn't THAT old and she didn't have the hole. Just a CANCEROUS voice. (*UGH*.... soooo the main lesson is DON'T SMOKE!!!) Ok.. so then this lady is very happy to see us and she's glad that we are going to be helping out.. and blah blah blah.. and shes telling us how shes working with COLIN POWELL, GOV GRAY DAVIS, MICHAEL JACKSON, CELINE DION.. and so shes name dopping like CRAZY!!! And here's the kicker.. she's telling us how one of the patients at the hospital told her that he was talking to Jesus... and Jesus told him that he knows Nancy (psychocancerlady) and how he's happy with her. SHE FREAKING NAME DROPPED GOD. That pretty much takes name droppipng to another level huh... being homies with God and all.... I dunno.. she's a nice lady..just a bit... hmmmm.. weird?
OH.. another interesting fact... do you remember the SUPERBOWL when Michael Jackson performed at half time... and he sang BLACK OR WHITE and HEAL THE WORLD.. yeah... seems that Raquel was in the halftime show!! =D isnt that cool how you learn things about people.... thats like how joe plays the cello or how carrie was supposed to be a concert pianist. Thats pretty wicked! SECRET LIFE!
1) I'm grateful for POST IT NOTES. Whoever came up the idea of it is SMART!! A lot of things make you wonder "HOW THE HELL DID THEY THINK UP OF THIS!" Like.. this filipino desert called "HALO HALO." Its crushed ice, BEANS, some fruit, ice cream, and condensed milk. HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH THIS? Was there some freaky pregnant filipino woman who just HAD craving for this crazy plethora of food? Insane. Or even like the concept for the song lyrics of LFO.. Who writes that crap!?!
2) I'm grateful for rain. Its fun to drive in.. (SAFELY) and its refreshing. I have to admit.. as I walking out of work.. I was humming SINGING IN THE RAIN. =D Gosh.. I love that movie.
3) I'm grateful for Manny cause he's getting the Drew Carey Improve special on Pay per view.. and he's gonna tape it for me cause I can't come over cause DREW IS HIS and Manny is a selfish bastard like that. =P Just kidding manny-licious!
Posted by
12:25 AM
Friday, January 26, 2001
Today was my first day at my new job and I'm thinking.. WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO!?! It just seems like a lot of things I need to remember and do. Its all overwhelming I guess... but thats how it was when I first started Telephone Services... so hopefully, it will all become second nature. *cross fingers* I started off by filling out a WHOLE bunch of paperwork... name, address, telephone, have you been convicted of a felony, blah blah blah. So then they send me off to the Foundation which is in COLLEGE PARK!! (For those who don't go to CSUF.. College Park is across the street from the actual campus.... it didn't seem as long a walk that I'd thought it would be.... actually I hear that they may be moving the WHOLE COMMUNICATIONS department across the street so I guess its good that I know now that the walk isn't as bad as it seems. Right? I'm not making sense am I am? Ehhh.. oh well!) So.. then after the excitement of going over to the foundation, I go back to the box office for TRAINING. And from that moment till I'm done... I'm looking bewildered and overwhelmed. SO I guess I'm looking pretty freaked out to Pam, my new supervisor, so then she makes me feel better by saying.. "Just think... we CHOSE you cause we think you can do the job.. you should feel pretty good about it... =) You had an uphill battle and you got there! (Uphill battle refers to the fact that I have never had any cashiering experience... but I think that dealing with some really retarded people when I was an telephone operator helped me get the job. It seems that I probably will be dealing with STUPID people once again... *sigh* I can never escape them!) Overall.. it was pretty cool and everyone is very nice. =)
I just got back from a LATE dinner with my SL gals.. Keri, Marissa, and Tina... where they filled me in with the newest GOSSIP! It seems like EVERYONE from my high school is either getting married or has gotten married.. or pregnant... or HAD A BABY already.... and it makes me wonder... WHERE THE HELL IS MY FREAKING MR. RIGHT?? OK.... I know I say I'm not looking or anything cause frankly.. I don't have time... But dammit.. its making me pretty impatient since its like everyone else has already found their LOBSTER! *argh* ehhhh.. what to dooooo?? I don't know... but Mr. Right.. if you are out there... will you PLEASE make your MOVE anytime soon?? Like say... before I go crazy and end up living off of ENSURE and soft foods!!!! GRACIOUS!! hehehe.. I'm even on the verge of calling CLEO.. you know.. that wierd psychic lady who has that thick Jamaican accent..."you give your man money huh... OH you laugh now... But he walks around looking GQ while you walk around looking like a PAUPER!" . But nah.. I won't I will cause I'm terrified if she predicts.. YOU WERE NEVER DESTINED TO FALL IN LOVE.. AND YOU WILL GROW OLD AND BE VERY LONLEY... AND YOUR ONLY PURPOSE FOR LIFE IS TO FEED YOUR 50 DOGS!!! eek!!! NOO!! That would be HORRIBLE!!
Other than all that... dinner was pretty cool! I don't remember how exactly the subject came up.. but for some reason I was saying ORGY pretty loud over and over at Chilis.. and I think Marissa thought I was a freak or something.=) hehehhehehe... "GOOD TIMES" guys.. it was cool! =D Except I don't think I'll be taking them to METRO any time soon.. yeah.. it IS a bit ghetto over there. Just a bit. =D
Oh.. a funny something that Danielle from work told me.. =) She was telling me that she was going through her fraternity's letters that they send out to businesses asking for monetary donations. Well.. she noticed that the word that was supposed to be PUBLIC.. the L was missing.... hence making the fraternity help the PUBIC!! And no one has noticed this mistake in all the 3 semesters they have been using this letter!! HAHAHAHA.. isn't that insane!?! It sounds like something I'd do for CKI.. gracious!!
OH!! another thing.. I was thinking... is it me or is there something wrong with the song THIS OLD MAN. You know.. the one that goes "THIS OLD MAN.. HE PLAYED ONE.. HE PLAYED NICK NACK ON MY THUMB"... the whole song DOESN'T make sense!??! What the freak is NICK NACK?? I dunno.. maybe THIS OLD MAN is a freaky perv or something... then again.. I think I'm thinking too hard again.
=D *duh* Here it is!
1) I'm grateful I found the manual for my phone! I swear.. for the last 2 weeks, the dial has been on PULSE dialing and it was driving me INSANE!! I couldn't get into my voice mail or anything cause I guess the phone did't register a pulse dial... but YAY.. I found it!! So now its all fixed and I even got to change the phone ring!! It isn't anything cool but its different!
2) I'm grateful I have my friends... cause IF I don't have my Mr Right... I have the pefect friends who will make sure I won't be lonely. AWWWWW!!
3) I'm grateful for my cell phone headset... it was a christmas gift from my mom.. and it makes driving easier!! Yes yes.. I know.. you should't drive and talk at the same time... but the head set is VERY easy and safer!! =D PLUS.. you can get fined now if you are driving with your cellie... so yeah.. EVERYONE GET A HEADSET!!
Posted by
12:09 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2001
My mom is HILARIOUS. Today was one of those BLAH days... so I will write about my mom and her insatiable hunger. Since she's been sick... she's been eating and eating and EATING. she has this thyroid problem so she can eat all she wants but won't be gaining any weight. So.. she's been EATING. Like every 10 mins, she'll groan to me to get her some chips... or get her some ice cream... or bake her a cake... or heat up some food.... and goes on!! I get scared when she’s watching TV for fear that she’ll see something on TV, have her craving, and send me out to Taco Bell for a Chalupa or the GHETTO Wal-Mart where I must search the store for one candy bar that she saw in a commerical and stand in a ghetto line where the cashier is lethargic and takes FOREVER to scan that one item! Its alright though… anything to make her happy. hehehehe... poor mom.. she feels awful that all she's doing is pigging out on junk food but its all she can do since she her medication makes her feel ultra crappy. =( But soon she’ll get use to it and the side affects won’t be so bad. =D At the moment.. shes complaining about TEMPTATION ISLAND and how stupid it is… and yet.. she continues to watch it. Hahaha.. shes a dork. =)
OH… by request: SHOUT OUT TO JR again.. =) Yes girls… he’s single and super duper DOPE… and this mom can cook some KICK ASS PANCIT! (Happy now Jr?? Did that float your boat? Tickle your pickle? Hehehhehee… no prob!) If there is anyone else who would like a shout out… email me… =)
I went to go pick up my car from the body shop and its doesn’t have the ugly scratch on it anymore! YAY! It was weird cause there was a guy at the shop who looked like the dude who broke up Kelly and Zach on SAVE BY THE BELL?? Yup… this guy looked like JEFF 10 years later. It was pretty neat. ( well not really… but at least its something for me to blog about since my day was just blah.)
I was watching MY DOG SKIP the other day and it made me cry. IT was really REALLY good! =) seriously! Ok… most of you are probably going.. “Nicole.. you are such a dork…. What the hell is this movie MY DOG SKIP about??” Well, the movie is about a dog named SKIP. =P and it has that one kid who’s in MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE and its just soooooo good. If you have a dog.. I suggest that you rent the video and watch it with your favorite canine pal. GO ALREADY!!
Ok…here’s the LIST:
1) I’m grateful for these cool candles I got at Wal-Mart. (yes.. Wal-Mart AGAIN!! I should probably just change the title of my blogger to MY ADVENTURES IN WAL-MART or CHRONICALS OF A WAL-MART ADDICT!!) But these candles smell really nice and the scent is strong so it makes the apartment “melon-y” when lit.
2) I’m grateful for triple A… cause my sister got a dead battery today and Triple A saved the day for her. =)
3) I’m grateful for blankets and layering… cause its been FREAKING cold over here.. and the heating system hasn’t been exactly stable. (one day it’ll be warm… the other day.. its just blowing air.) So blankets and layering up has been beneficial. Even Freddy has a sweater on! (even though he’s been rubbing himself all over the carpet ever since we bought it for him… )
Posted by
9:42 PM
I just want to say that I love Conan O'Brian! He's such a cutie! haha...Carrie and Beth are probably groaning at the moment.. but I swear... he has this appeal that soooo... sexy!! I think its cause he'e sooooo funny!... hahah... I really don't know whats prompting me to blog my love for Conan O'Brian but he's just awesome! He's such a GEEK.. its sooo cute! Yup... he definiftely would go on my list of HOT GUYS... not like I would actually make a list... but if I were to.. Conan would be up there... along with LANCE. =)
Well.. good news. I got a NEW JOB! =) Isn't that deliciously awesome! Yupyup... I am now working for the Performing Arts department in the box office. Its just what I need... It was pretty kick ass cause I only interviewed yesterday and I got a message when I got home that I should call today... so my mom, this morning, woke me up and MADE me call... and it was the WICKED NEWS!! Sure its minimum wage... but thats better than nothing! PLUS I'm more hours than I was getting at Telephone Services...I'll be getting more than 6 hours a week FOR SURE! =D YAY!
Oh.. I ran into JP yesterday and HOMIE IS BLOND!!! It looks pretty tight!! =) It wasn't ORAGNE like how sometimes when Asains try to bleach their hair... it was BLOND!!! Kick ass JP! =)
For some odd reason.. but if people try to talk to me and I'm sleeping... I will not remember the conversation at all. I mean.. *duh* of course when I'm sleeping I can't HAVE a conversation... BUT take yesterday for example, Carrie called and my mom woke me up from my nap and handed me the phone. So supposedly I was having this long conversation about my interview and her driving and talking in her car... and then I hung up and went back to sleep. But when I woke up again... I couldn't remember for the life of me what we were talking about!! So I had to call her again and ask her why. Interesting huh. OH and then I remembered today that I had to go pick up my car.. and I was telling my mom that "OOPS!! I NEED TO GO PICK UP THE CAR" and my mom gave me this look and said "I TOLD YOU YOUR DAD CALLED AND YOU HAVE TO PICK IT UP TOMORROW". and i don't remember her telling me anything!! Crazy.. maybe this is a sign that I'm getting old. Or maybe its a sign that I'm losing my hearing or memory retention. Or maybe I'm just getting stupid. Lets hope its not THAT!!! Gracious.... what was I talking about again???
My grateful things:
1) Im grateful I got the job!! I"m really excited for my training on Thursday... everyone seems to be really friendly and I'm glad to know that I'll be working face to face with people rather than rolling my eyes at the computer consul at the irate and retarded callers. YAY!
2) im grateful I was able to find my Cabbage Pach Doll and this wanna-be Cabbage pach doll that my mom made me.. I was afraid that I'd lose it when we pack up the house in San Dimas and that I would never see them again cause they may get thrown away or stuffed in a Balikbayan box and shipped to the Phillippines... It's happened before. =(
3) im grateful I figured out this song that I had stuck in my head. You know when you hear something but you just can't put your finger on where you heard it? I was at Borders the other day and I couldn't for the life of me remember where I heard this TUNE. It wasn't even a SONG! IT was just the freakin TUNE!! So... I was pondering and thinking.. and driving myself crazy until I finally remembered it as the tune to the song from the WEDDING SINGER. You know.. the part when Adam Sandler is singing at the boy's birthday party or something.. and Drew Barrymore dances with the boy and then he grabs her ass??... yup.. its the song that he sings.. its a song called THATS ALL. its soo cute!! =) Thank God for Napster or else I would have gone crazy!!!
Posted by
1:18 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2001
wowie.... it feels like a sunday night when really... its EARLY SATURDAY MORNING! crazy. well... these last few days have been pretty hectic... well not really, just enjoying the vacation to the fullest. i'm not even keeping track of days... guess thats why it feels like a sunday.
well.. thursday night had a kick ass time at the very much awaited "LADIES NIGHT OUT"... it was TRULY WICKED... VERY WICKED.. hahahahah... i wont let any JUICY details out except carrie met some FBI agent named "STEPHAN" and i was molested by some freak on the stage. (it was gross.. he kept on touching my hair!! EWWW!) but it was fun hanging out with beth. laura, emily, felisha... and got to meet some new people from long beach... after i lost the ability to recognize songs and turning down those NUMEROUS guys for dances (oh yeah RIGHT!)... beth, carrie and i went to the 24 hour walmart... (yes again) where carrie got herself an $8 toaster. i swear... 24 hour walmart is the bomb!! =)
back at the ranch... =) we came home...blah blah blah... had some rather fascinating conversations...possibly go into a calender business... (HELLO MR. NOVEMBER!! grrrrrrrrrr.... hahahahahah... we'll have him wearing SPEEDOS and a lil pilgrim costume!!) and we eventually fell asleep around 5am-ish. woke up around 1ish.. had lunch at SAM WOO... chat chat chat... got some boba... chat chat chat... and then we came back home cause beth had to leave. =( checked the mail and discovered my paycheck... so carrie and i went to the mall. *UGH* that was sad cause i really couldnt say NO to anything and came home with an empty wallet but with lots of things that i hope to actually use. oh well... im happy... =) really i am!! =) its cool!! =)
okies... 3 things i am grateful for!
1) im grateful for great friends... and im grateful that everyone had fun last night... even if things were pretty WICKED. =) hahahahah... and im grateful that carrie didnt kick my ass for "introducing" her to that secret agent. =)
2) im grateful that it didnt rain. i thought it did... but it was only the sprinklers.
3) im grateful for GOOD BUYS AT THE MALL.. even though it took $$ out of my wallet.. but it was FUN!!!!! hahahah.. yay make overs!!! seriously.. they make you feel all beautiful and DIVA-ish. =)
Posted by
2:15 AM
Wednesday, January 17, 2001
ahhhh... good day. =) today i had a board meeting and it was good to see the ole gang again. =) we have stephenie now as our treasurer and she has some kick ass ideas for fundraising. =) go stephenie!! lamar and bryan were crazy harassing as ever... but yet..i missed them. =) haha.. it was like our usual wednesday lunches... except it wasnt wednesday and i didnt eat lunch with them. but i am very very happy cause we have a lot of ideas and plans for the remainder of the year.... and bryan is going to help me out for the convention backround... since he IS the art major and all. yay!!
ok... so then i went over to this teacher supply/toy store and i found a bunch of things i needed for the decorations SUPER CHEAP!! ultra wicked... yes... i was very excited at the store and proceeded to jump up and down like a fool when i saw the hats i needed for only $.58 cents rather than the $1.99 at party city. YEAH... that is a deal huh. afterwards.... feeling good that i will be saving money... i went shopping and got some cute tops. =)
got home and freaked out cause i thought i lost my class ring. see... i thought i lost it about a year and 4 months ago when we first moved from san dimas to chino hills... but when my mom was going through her jewerly box last week.. she found it!!! so i was very happy and swore to myself that i would never take it off again. but i did.. and i thought i placed it somewhere on the counter of my closet.... then today.... i was looking for it and i couldnt find it!! i got scared cause i thought that maybe it fell somewhere behind the dresser in my closet and thus would never get to wear it again cause that dresser is sooooo big and impossible to move... BUT i looked in my jewerly box and there it was!! =) so yes.. i was very happy and my mom was glad too cause when i asked her if she saw it... she started lecturing me on how she just found it.. blah blah blah.. how it cost so much.. blah blah blah.. how im always missplacing my things.... you know the usual parent "you lost something" talk. so now im wearing my ring... lets hope i dont lose it again!!
helped my mom make my favorite lumpia with the bamboo heart and chicken.. (she made the fillling and rolled where i fried) and then watched the MAKING THE VIDEO of ricky martin and christina aguliera... it was cool.. =) fred is following me around the apartment... and where ever i stop.. thats where he will nap... until i move again. crazy dog... it would be nice to have a life of a dog.. so then all you do is eat and nap. but then again i guess it would all depend on what kind of owner you have... and if your owner will give you food, walk you, and perhaps buy you a spiffy pink argile doggie sweater. just some food for thought. =)
when life hands you a lemon... make lemonade... then add some strawberries and make it more flavorful.
the 3:
1) im grateful for this vacation. for a while i was feeling burnt out from CKI.. and this is just want i needed. now i feel all energentic and ready for my last 2 months of presidency. i dont know what im going to do next year.... but we'll see. hahahaha...
2) im grateful for my board... they are sooo wicked and they all work so hard. =) its a good feeling to know that they suppport me... and will always be there for me... CKI and life-wise.
3) im grateful that i found my class ring... again. when i first lost it a year and five months ago.. i was really heartbrokened... but now i have it back!! the first time i lost it... i thought it had gotten into the garbage somewhere and was thrown away... like my retainers when i wrapped it in tissue sophomore year. but yay!! i found it!
Posted by
2:02 AM
Monday, January 15, 2001
interesting fact i just learned.... seems like the person who bought the house used to play on some major league baseball team... i think Angels or Dogers... i dunno.. but thats rather tripppy.
yay! figured out how to work the VCR and the CABLE BOX!! =D taping RETURN TO ME as i type!! WICKED!!!
Posted by
10:51 PM
HEY KERI.. just for you!
the new place is pretty cool... first of all... it doesnt have that COW smell at all. the area we live in is really really quiet and so far my neighbors seem friendly. also we have a high wall for our front/back yard so its a lil more privacy then the other place. dude at chino hillls the walls were low... there was always the guy who had no curtains in his apartment, that was walking around without a shirt on... talk about DISTURBING.
another one of the perks to the new place is the cable. we have one month free premiums... (HBO.. CINEMAX...etc...) and all that my mom and i have been doing is watching movies. SERIOUSLY!! the otherday.. they were showing AMERICAN BEAUTY.. (which was a totally awesome DEMENTED movie), SLEEPY HALLOW.... COMING TO AMERICA... and soooo much more! its been absolutely awesome!! theres only 2 setbacks though... i dont know when the good movies are going to be on. so i cant tape them... and... i dont get the food network HENCE no IRON CHEF!!! *GASP* i know.. its horrible... im going through a whole morimoto withdrawal... sooo.. if theres anyone out there with foodtv.. can you please please PLEASE tape Iron Chef for me?? its every friday night at 10pm. =) thanks!
oh.. to anyone who plans on visiting.... (oh yeah.. im talking to the whole 3 people who are reading this i bet... ) park in the visitors parking.... and you can only park there for 3 consecutive days. (oh yeah... and the whole 3 people who are reading this and who may visit me will stay for more than 3 days....) i know this now cause my moms car got towed... and we had to drive to upland to get it back from this ugly dude who's head had this really scary resembalance to a penis. it was quite tragic and shes hella pissed that she had to pay $200+ just to get her baby back. so yeah... watch were you park.
ok.. so the walmart thats next to me... its HELLA GHETTO... manny was sad cause we werent able to get him his ice cream cause the mc donalds at the hella ghetto walmart doesnt have soft serve. i dunno.. i guess i really miss the glendora walmart.. with the old dude with the basketball tie who welcomes you... this walmart doesnt have much of a welcomer.. just a big guy who looks more like a bouncer of the sort. this is how bored i am... i end up talking and comparing walmarts!!! AAAACCCCKK!!! this is scary. last night... melissa, carrie, and i went to walmart (non ghetto) at 12 midnight and left around 2. why? i dunno... the mission was to get some yarn and pads.. then we started looking at dress patterns and wondering if we can learn how to sew and then we can make our own pajama pants... got sidetracked by hair products.. and then we started looking at books and magazines... and yeah... interesting huh.
well.. im still sick... but not as bad as beofore.. just a bunch of sniffling and coughing now. my mom got me this medicine that completely knocks me and makes it easier for me to breath. yay!
carlene says my Lance puppet is fat and the strings will soon break cause he is so fat. i told her that joey is unpopular... and thats why you can only find a bunch of joey and chris stuff. next thing you know they are going to have "buy one JC, JUSTIN, LANCE product,.. get CHRIS OR JOEY for FREE" sales. she got mad at me for that... but hey... she said lance was fat so she had it coming.
alrighty... here is my grateful list.. =)
1) im grateful that my mom's heart is ok. last week we had a health scare cause she was having some chest pains and her heart was beating really fast and strong... but after several tests and trips to the doctors... and we know that its not her heart.. but rather something else. shes all good now... just resting and taking her medication. =) hence the emotion life loving blogger last week.
2) im grateful that we have Fred here! I love fred.. he's the best doggie ever. I really missed him when we were at chino hills... but now he's here sleeping at my feet and always scratching the door cause constantly thirsty at night! =) he's sooo incredibly spoiled and we all just love him to death. we even got him a new doggie sweater. =) he's looking rather foxy.
3) im grateful for online shopping bargains. yes.. it is the ultimate laziness... but its easy! ( have really cool clearance there that you can't get in the catalog) but i will NEVER stoop to buying at i dunno.. it just seems EH. other than that...once and a while buying things online is cool. =) and you feel oh so special when you get that package.
Posted by
6:33 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
its raining...its pouring... the old man is snoring....
well... 10 days later... i am now MOVED IN. YAY! =) pretty much everything is in its place... and the place looks pretty kick ass. =) we even have fred here already! =) YAY!! yup... he's sleeping on my bed right now snoring and farting like CRAZY. Its hard to summarize what my daily happenings have been for the past week... cause it all pretty much consists of me packing... loading... unloading... aching... frustrated cause i couldnt find what i thought i had put into a box... attempting to put the washing maching in the lil washing machine closet but it didnt fit.. breaking part of the door so that it would fit.... discovering that washing machine was HELLA old and shaking like it was possessed by the devil and since it was in the tiny closet it was 10 times louder... taking out the supposedly broken washing machine... calling the webrent people to rent a maching... rent-a-machine arrives but its too big to fit into the WM closet... web rent guy (whom my mom got really chummy with) goes out and fixes the old machine with the rickets and puts it back into the closet... go to IKEA and get a shelf for only $29... take 2 hours assembling the shelf and when im done relize that i messed up and theres nothing i can do about it cause every nail is in its place... getting sick and hacking my lungs... visiting walmart daily for things that i cant seem to find anymore... playing with my wannabe palm pilot... yeah.. OH SO EXCITING. OH yeah.. also.. i went to the AMERICAN MUSIC AWARDS... TYRESE AND BBMAK are very cool. =) thats all i have to say.
hmmmm... yeah.... my life is as exciting as a piece of cheese.
anyhoo... let me tell you what im grateful for. =)
1) im grateful for my mom's SUV... THANK GOD she bought it cause it fits oh so many things....
2) im grateful for the friends who came to help move and who offered to help move. =) *ahem manny and angela carrying the TV set*. let me remark on manny getting soooooo desperate to watch DREW CARREY at 7 so first he fought the antennas.. then we got picture but NO SOUND... so in all his despreation he thinks that he should call someone up to put their phone up to the TV. HAHAHAHAH.. DORK!!
3) im grateful for life. sometimes i forget that this is a gift and i take it for granted... live each day to the fullest. =) dont think of this as an excuse to do something STUPID... just LIVE and DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE.
they sold the house yesterday... so i kinda have mixed emotions right now.. like im happy cause now both my parents get go move on with their lives, everyone grows from the experience and i hope changes are made for the better. and yet... its painful cause this is the house i lived in for a good 19 years.... i have my memories.... and its hard to think that people are going to be redecorating my room or doing something else with the kitchen... you know? and i always thought that id go back there with my family and show my kids were i grew up... show them how my sister and i used to tap dance for my family in the living room hallway.... how we used to have pool parties... where i fell off the hill... where i rode the bike through the neighborhood...*sigh* what can i do but just remeber.... HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS... and just as long as i have my family.. then i am home.
well... this is my somewhat emotional blogger today. =) just a lot of things that are happening... i dunno.... its insane how time flies by.
Posted by
11:45 PM
Monday, January 01, 2001
wowie... its been a while since i've blogged... i know some of you have been sitting there patiently for the newest updates on my oh so exciting life (oh yeah right...) so here's my "goin ons"
christmas eve was kick ass. =) the family got together at my dads and had dinner... we rented KEEPING THE FAITH.. which was a really cute movie. then we opened gifts.. (yay car wash gift certificate ftrom my mom!!) and off to midnight mass were i saw lots of people from my elementary school. its crazy how old we have gotten!! =D insane!!
christmas day... went to puente hills mall were everyone and their mother was watching a movie... soo... my mom, sister and i watched CAST AWAY which was AWESOME!! seriously... everyone should watch it... very symbolic and i think a lot of people can relate to it... so yeah.. watch it. sad stuff cause the actual stores in the mall were closed and no christmas money was actually spent yet.
ok then.. the rest of the week... went shopping and pretty much VEGed with my sister.. rented MANSFIELD PARK which was a cute movie just very different from the jane austen novel.**notice how my vacation so far mainly consists of watching movies, shopping, and veggin out... i swear.. but there is that CUTE guy who works at blockbuster.... =)**
ok.. so then sat.. went over to pasadena to help decorate rose floats... but there were TOO MANY PEOPLE and they had the floats almost done.. so i didnt really get to decorate much. =( but it was all good cause i got to hang out with carrie...(straight off her plane from taiwan), pic, manny-licious, homie for life k-athy and andy.. as well as all those other kookie CKIers from all over california and got to play a wonderous game of BOOM CHICA BOOM BOOM BOOM. =D
so then yesterday, new years eve... i SPENT THE NIGHT on the streets of PASADENA. it was an experience..first of all.. i had to be dropped off cause the parking situation was aweful... (so basically.. my mom pulled to the curb on orange grove blvd and carrie, joe and andy RAN to the trunk and grabbed my stuff as i jumped out of the MOVING vehicle) Then.. we sat... sat... sat... around 6ish... walked over 4 blocks to colorado to old town.. but sadly all the stores were close and had our last chance at clean bathrooms (the bathrooms near our campsite was a line of PORTO-POTTIES! ewwwww... and we had to go in there in the DARK! ewww!) and grabbed some really good pizza. Then we hiked back to the site and ate.... and then WAITED FOR MIDNIGHT. it was fun... when the clock hit midnight.. it was wicked and wild cause everyone was roaming the streets... looking at the floats... mingling... half naked old man dressed up as a baby... but then, after all the celebrating.. we got sleepy. but noooo.. couldnt go to sleep cause people were still roaming the streets and it was COLD.. not freezing.. just COLD. =) but i did have fun... just chilling there with carrie, pic, joe, andy... and on occasion the PNW Ckiers... and then in the morning... we screamed LOUD for pic and angela cause they got to ride the kiwanis float. =) sooo.. now im back home... chilling... and extremely tired. have to go pack now cause all this week.. we are MOVING. =) yay!!
sooo... what am i grateful for?
1) im grateful that 2000 is over. it was a GOOD year.. and it was a BAD year.... overall it was interesting. but its good to know that we are starting fresh and hopefully 2001 will KICK ASS. =)
2) im grateful for my friends and family... =) yes.. im ALWAYS grateful for my friends and family... but sometimes (like today...) i feel OVERWHEMLING grateful for them... i love them all! its just during the vacation.. i have more time to kick it with them and appreciate them..
3) im grateful that people liked their christmas gifts...or at least pretended to like them... =) I love the holidays... =)
Posted by
11:36 PM