Happy New Years eve!! :) Tonight I plan on ringing in the New Year either 1) driving in my car on the way home from work or 2) at work with my brand new co-workers seeing that I get off at 11:30pm. All I know is that during some part of the day, I'm going to get me a candy apple and go BUCK WILD. (I'm going to get it sliced too... ANIMAL!)
Ok. I'm just having some random blog at the moment because... I WANT TO. ;)
-Christmas was deliciously wonderful. We opened our gifts on Christmas morning (all of which I absolutely LOVED!!), went to church, had lunch at Downtown Disney (since we knew it was open for sure), then it was off to Moreno Valley for the annual Barkada Christmas party. Unfortunantly my oh so "brilliant" gift of a $50 karaoke machine didn't recieve much of a warm reception from Adrian... so I felt bad and gave him the cash and took back the karaoke and returned it. :) Ok.. next year its BEST BUY GIFT CARDS ALL THE WAY!
-I'm breathing through one nostril. But luckily my voice is still in tack and I'm just in that "COLD" stage. NO need for "FLU" medicines. Rock on!
-I really don't want to blog about work... but in a way, its the only thing thats really "major" in my life right now. But yeah, I love it despite the fact that I'm super nervous about my final performance test on Saturday. I feel like a newly adopted kid. If I do something wrong, they might send me back to the orphanage... or just back to MONSTER.com.
-I got a new digi cam. My old one "broke" and so I was able to replace it with a spiffy canon. :) Thank you warranty!
-The Cruz family is here. Actually, they're not here HERE, they're in Vegas at the moment probably going blind and having seizures from all the lights and SIN. But yesterday, we went to Disneyland and I nearly laughed my ass off (as if that's actually possible... laughing an ass off. I wish.) sitting next to Mom on Tower of Terror. I think its been more than 10 years since I've seen her on some kind of "thriller" ride and boy did she scream like a banchee. Even AFTER the ride was over. Anyways, lucky for us that despite the weather forecast, it didn't rain hard in Anaheim. It was actually quite pleasant like there was a bubble of protection over the happiest place on earth. :)
-I have yet been able to send out my Christmas/New Years postcards. CURSES!!
Anyways, so hope everyone's New Year is AWESOME!! Be good. Stay safe. And avoid making out with random strangers... you just might end up with LIP HERPES. Eww.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Posted by
1:49 AM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Why am I still awake? Santa isn't going to come anymore... or is he!?!
Well its been a pretty eventful couple of days. I've been working my tail off in this interesting "grown up world" and actually wearing sensible shoes to work everyday. And when I mean "sensible", I mean DOWN RIGHT UGLY. I really need to find a pair of "cute and yet so comfy I can sleep standing up" shoes because what I have now isn't happening.
Oh... speaking of work, on the way the other day, the car in front of me had a license plate frame that stated:
If there was ever a license plate frame that gave you too much information, that was the winner.
Anyways, Jean came back from Taiwan on Wednesday and since she was all jet-lagged and I needed to tell her about all the gorgeous hot men in my life (none... or are there!?), we met up at Disneyland to dish and cry over the holiday fireworks and snow. Oh Disney, I pay you to toy with my emotions... and you do it so well. ;) Since Jean and I chatted late about trips, hello kitty, feeble suicide attempts and gorgeous hot men (no... really!), when we met up at Ryan and Beth's 8th annual Christmas Party (but actually my 1st.... and possibly last if they decide that they don't want me next year for the 9th or my 2nd annual Christmas party), we really didn't have anything to talk about. But luckily there was some great action in the white elephant game as well as some good joking (jean's heart is breaking), good gossip, good food, good booze (or so I smelled)... and of course GORGEOUS HOT MEN. (yeah yeah.. let the joke die.)
This week, Sonny (the Canadian's) family is visiting and we're all spending the holidays together. YAY! Carlene, Sonny, and I went over to my Dad's side earlier this evening and had intentions of driving back home to open the rest of the gifts with Mom and the Cruz's... but when we walked through the door, the house was quiet (not even a mouse ha ha) and everyone was sleeping. Awww... but JUST WAIT MORNING! Those gifts will be conquered. ;)
Oh yeah... I wasn't able to send out my Christmas postcards. So just stay tuned for Happy New Year's postcards. ;) Thats the goal for now.
Ok lovlies... I hope you all get what you asked for. :) Merry Christmas!
Posted by
12:12 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Thank you to Keri for calling me while standing in front of the last copy of "WHITE CHRISTMAS" on DVD at Office Depot. :) Its nice to know that they actually do exist. Luckily for me, the night before, I got to watch it on TV... with lots of commericals. But hey, beggers can't be choosy and that should take care of my Bing fix for the rest of the holidays. Horray!
Today was my off day... and unfortunantly, it was spent in a very foul mood that was set off last night. At least the day is done, the feeling of "foul-ness" is gone and I'm left just depressed. I shouldn't let things get to me sometimes, but its hard when you feel like have no one on your side. I came to the realiziation the other night that I'm just lonely. Not lonely in the "oh woe is me, I don't have a boyfriend" type... just lonely. In a house full of people, its hard to imagine that I can even feel this way, but in the end, I exist and that's pretty much about it. I really hate feeling this way and I'm angry at myself for doing so because its pathetic and everyone hates those "I'm so sad" bullshit because shit, just get over it already. There are worse things out there that you being sad... and I know that. I only write this down because Lord knows I'd never be able to talk to someone this "deep" in real life. I'm much to chickenshit to show that I'm vulernable and too freakin sensitive sometimes... and goodness knows I don't want to be a downer to anyone. So here goes this nonsense into the mass void and with that, I'm done with it.
On a brighter note...
After a week of classes and the stress of needing to get a 100% on my computer knowledge test for work on my shoulders, I passed and I'm moving forward to my "on the job" training this week. Actually, I missed one question and competely freaked out once the test was over. After the test, I went to the break room with some of the girls and started talking about how easy it was. Then one remarked on how the question with the F14 was tricky for her... to which I replied... "oh... I had F3!". Then everyone nodded in agreement that it was actually f14 and I was screwed. Then I started tearing up, walked back to the classroom, and babbled in front of my trainers for a bit...
My trainers: Go sit down Nicole...
Then we went to lunch and with my emotions running rampant, I really wanted to eat everything in sight... but I didn't. One of the older ladies kept on saying the sweetest things to me and my desk homie Dennis kept me sane by stating that "STUPID PEOPLE GET JOBS EVERYDAY." That made me feel better... sorta. :) In the end, like I said earlier, I "passed" although I need to retake the test tomorrow and get 100% (F14 BITCH!!), but at least I keep the job. So yay for that. Actually, yesterday afternoon I got to meet and shadow my "on the job trainer", who was very friendly and took me on a tour of the hotel's swanky suites... Cribs style. Oh to be rich... Everyone in the department is super sweet, and even when I'm just walking around the grounds, EVERYONE IS FRIENDLY AND SMILING. It's like they're all on crack or something... but it's a lovely atmosphere to work at and I think I'll really love it there.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004
K. Can anyone help?
This Christmas I have a family party to go to and the "kids" (who are all now between the ages of 16-27) are going to participate in the usual white elephant christmas gift madness.
The minimum is $50.
I need ideas folks. I don't want to end up throwing a gift certificate in the mix because where's the fun and creativity in that? Last year, the bummy gift was a garage door sensor... and it went to one of the two kids who actually couldn't drive. Now, I don't want to contribute anything so sucky that you feel bad when somebody actually gets it... rather something that people will fight over. Something that will make people go "wow... that's cool! forget the pile of wrapped gifts... I WANT THAT!!" But I just can't think of anything...
I may just buy $50 worth of porn. Kids like porn right?
Posted by
8:01 PM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I'm running out of creative juice when it comes to my Christmas shopping! But luckily I'm like 60% done... unless I forgot someone, then in that case I'm screwed.
Anyways, yesterday as I was driving back home, I passed by a store to see a little boy around the age of 6 years old licking the doors to the shop. It was the cutest and most disgusting thing... but then it reminded me of the day when I was younger and enjoyed the taste of the stone fireplace. I used to lick that wall like it was ice cream and the thought of it is making my mouth water. Eww.. what the hell...
Borders didn't have "White Christmas" either. Is this a conspiracy!?!
I forgot to mention, but in my training class, I was talking to the guy next to me and it turned out that he lives in my old town, went to my high school's brother school, and he's family friends with my second grade teacher. What are the odds huh? Yes Jean, he's cute... but totally not my type. That is if you like those white, blond, handsome, nice dressing metrosexual types. Um.. yeah. What was my type again?
I need some help.
Posted by
11:55 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Curse you Target! Curse you for not having "WHITE CHRISTMAS" on DVD!!
Anyways, despite not having my dosage of HOT CHRISTMAS PORN ("Nicole... don't write that. Auntie Nene reads your blog!"- Carlene) life is pretty... good. :) I started the new job this week and although its just training at the moment, everyone so far is super duper nice and they aren't psychotic... nor do they want to kill me. So everyone's happy! :) Hurrah! But yeah, I'm really loving everyone and everything. Really, I'm just a big ball of lovin. Just watch though, in a couple of months I'll be very jaded and be very "anti-job" but we'll take it one step at a time. :)
Posted by
11:55 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
Oh boogers...
Last night, I had it all planned out. I was going write out my Christmas postcards while watching "White Christmas". It was going to be a perfectly cozy afternoon. Maybe have some cocoa... light the fire... and just feast my eyes and ears on Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney while working on perfecting my penmanship. But!!
My "White Christmas" video had gone missing!
Ok. So then I thought... I can still do this. I already had planned to go out and get the DVD for $14.99 at Target so at least NOW I had good reason to do it later on... so now I was just going to write out my postcards, watch some TV, and be merry. But!!
I couldn't find my address book!
Crap. My adorable pink address book had gone missing. And without it, I couldn't write postcards because if I didn't have an adress, there would be no point in putting on a stamp! And that SUCKS!
I know I know... tragic huh. Anyways, I'm currently in works of collecting addresses (email me your addresses pretty pretty please!)... so hopefully soon I will be able to send out the CUTEST Christmas postcards that Sonny (the Canadian) and Carlene made of Sonny (the dog) and Penelope. :) Really... its adorable.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Ahhhh... mini vacation. Too bad its too damn cold, not to mention that I don't have much money, to do anything really worthwhile before I venture off into the real world, but having quality time with Oprah, Bob Barker, Baba Wawa and the other girls of The View the is good enough.
"I'm on the View... I'm totally nude... I'm on the View... this is my birthday suit."
Sorry. Random crap coming out of my head I tell you.
Posted by
11:43 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Nicole and Carlene: (singing) You say po-tay-to... I say po-tay-to...
Mom: No. You guys are singing it all wrong. You're supposed to say "po-tat-to."
Nicole and Carlene: Ok! (singing) You say po-tat-to, I say po-tat-to... You say to-may-to, I say to-may-to...
Mom: No! You're supposed to say it different. To-mat-to.
Nicole and Carlene: Alright. (singing) To-mat-to, to-mat-to, po-tat-to po-tat-to... let's call the whole thing off.
Mom: You guys are stupid.
Sometimes life imitates art... or just a SNL opening with Christopher Walken and Jimmy Fallon. :) Carlene and I love this skit and we were in giggles over the fact that Mom wasn't getting it. Hilarious.
Anyways, if I were to stay up for another 2 hours, I'd be up for 24 hours. My bosses weren't lying when they said that they'd be working me to the VERY END. Good gracious...
Nicole's last day rundown:
3:00 am: Alarm goes off.
3:30 am: Alarm goes off.
3:45 am: Alarm goes off.
3:50 am: Get out of bed to find that breaker had gone off and there is no electricty in room. Grope around for clothes.
4:15 am: Pick up Sarah and start drive to Pechanga... its dark.
5:00 am: Get gas and coffee...
5:15 am: Arrive at Pechanga. Its still dark and its COLD.
5:15-11:30 am: Work work work. It's a HUGE company Christmas party,,, ho ho ho!
11:40 am: Sarah and I leave Pechanga
12:15 pm: See sign for Tom's Farm and decide to go to the deli. Also see WINE TASTING... so had a few samples of almond champange. Yum!
1:00 pm: Leave for La Mirada
1:42pm: Arrive at La Mirada
1:42pm: Sleep in the car.
1:55pm: Alarm goes off.
2:00pm: Wake up and get out of car.
2:00-6:00pm: Work work work!
7:00 pm: Arrive home
7:30-9:00pm: Dinner with family
9:00pm: Try to nap... but wait they're showing FOOTLOOSE on tv! What a town with no dancing?? Have you see them dance... totally makes sense now huh.
10:00pm: Nap time!
10:45pm: Alarm goes off.
10:55pm: Alarm goes off.
11:00pm: Alarm goes off.
11:15pm: Sarah picks me up and go to back to La Mirada for teardown.
12:25am: Done! :)
1am: I'm home. I'm sleepy. But hyper... talking to Jean now and blogging at the moment.
So I'm done and I'm a little sad. All during the day, everyone was making jokes such as "Nicole, if you drop that bouquet, you're fired." or "I don't know about this... I QUIT!" When I was saying my goodbyes, I waved at Doug and said "Oh no! I might never see you again!" to which Sarah replied, "Whatever. She'll come to you when she gets married..."
I might never see them again!
Nah. I'm gonna work events if I have the time on the side. You can't separate a girl from her twinkle lights and flowers. :)
Argh! My fingers are cold and I'm getting dizzy! Bed time! :)
Posted by
1:22 AM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
If you want to bump it... BUMP IT WITH A TRUMPET!!
Can it BE any colder!? Good gracious... this morning there was frost on the grass. If this were a farm, the crop would be GONE and we would starve this winter!! I gave in and I'm typing with my mittens on. And it's still nippy. Eek!
Yesterday had to be the worse though. To make a long story short... Sonny's car got broken into the day after Thanksgiving so the driver's side window is all smashed in... Carlene's radiator blew up... so Sonny took my mom's car while Carlene took mine since Corona is much closer for me to take Sonny's windowless car. So it was me, in my ski jacket and gloves, driving down the 91. But since it was going to be freezing, my mom had taped up the window with a piece of blue plastic tarp... so although it wasn't AS cold and windy as it could be, I just had one giant eye monstrosity blocking my vision... so as you can imagine, making righthand turns were DANGEROUS. I made it to work, but on the way back, I got ansy (see: annoyed at f*ck) and took down whatever pieces of the tarp that I can. Unfortunantly not all of it came down and so driving home was windy, cold, and LOUD seeing that the leftover plastic was flapping madly in the breeze, slapping me every chance it had.
Brr. I get chills just thinking about it.
Anyways, so this week is my last week at the wedding place. I think that by Friday, I'll be tearing up quite a bit seeing that I've been pretty emotional so far the last 2 days. Today, I made my last buttonieres and corsages... yesterday was my last flower shipment... tomorrow, my last centerpieces... but as much as I'm going to miss the work (CHAIRCOVERS CAN GO TO HELL!! BURN BITCHES BURN!), I'm going to miss my bosses and coworkers a whole lot more. I'm scared, what if my new bosses and coworkers at D aren't plesant to work with? What if they're mean and horrid and secretly want to kill me? I dunno... but I really am going to miss Doug, Brandy and sarah. Where else will I be able hear weekly recaps on reality tv and talk smack about the crazies on THE AMAZING RACE and who we love in the SURREAL LIFE? Who will I get to learn the newest country music fact from? Who's going to make fun of random people and come up (and act out) bizarre situations with me? No one is going to quiz me on classic rock anymore. Who's going to rap the "REVENGE OF THE NERDS" rap whenever the electronic Christmas music comes on? Who's going to get creeped out with me whenever we hear Rod Stewart and Dolly Parton's version of "Baby its cold outside" because it sounds like Rod Stewart is a sexual predator and he wants to rape Dolly Parton (You know!) Who's going to huff paint/toxins while working and then burst into giggles when I think about waffles with me? Awww... but then again... NO MORE CHAIRCOVERS!! GOODBYE LARGE WHITE IVORY LIGHT GOLD SASHES!!
Exciting stuff. :)
Posted by
11:54 PM