Monday, July 26, 2004

Amazingly enough, I survived yesterday's PROJECT BLOG, wedding set up and teardown. Needless to say that I was DEAD TIRED at 5am this morning and when I woke up around 1 in the afternoon today, I was still feeling the ache.

Later, when I was feeling a bit more "alive" I took a shower and got ready to go out... but in a completely airhead moment, I grabbed the hot end of the curling iron and felt a sting that blossomed into INTENSE, THROBBING, MINDNUMBING PAIN. Oh my goodness, it was horrible and the water in the sink just didn't seem cold enough to make it feel better. I only hope that the next time that I cry this hard over phyical pain is when I go through CHILD BIRTH. Until then, this had better be the last time.

Anyways, after the swelling went down and the newest episode of "6 FEET UNDER" (Claire's high dinner scene was HILARIOUS!), I went over to Tina's to say "see ya!"


Tina is one of my dearest friends who's going to Hawaii for Nursing school and although we haven't seen each other as much as before, I'm going to miss the fact that she isn't down the freeway and up the street anymore.

It was funny, I was sitting in her room and surrounding us was 10 years of memories. High school yearbooks, pictures of us in college, even old Christmas and Birthday gifts that we had given to each other. There we were, 10 years older than those innocent freshmen in the pictures and it dawned on me...

No matter what age you are... guys are gonna suck.

Whether you're 14... 18... 24... its still the same.

As it is with a lot of my girlfriends, we all had the same guy problems. But with my fabulous Tina, we pretty much went through it together as we went from "All-girls" to "BOYS BOYS EVERYWHERE!" at CSUF. And even now, we're both at the same place of "EH.. DON'T CARE." And yet, our parting words to each other tonight had to do with encouraging the other to "find cute boys" in our future destinations. :)

So with that, "ALOHA BABES" and may your finds be as dreamy as our real true loves...

They're not a 'boy' band... they're a MAN band!

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