Thursday, February 08, 2007

Webster’s dictionary defines ‘wedding’ as “the fusing of two metals with a hot torch”.

Tonight's OFFICE was difficult to watch. I was cringing everytime Michael opened his mouth. Eh. But let me say that watching GREY'S ANATOMY was a lot more cringe worthy. SERIOUSLY! The situations they get into become more and more intense... from bombs in patients, to patients with toxic blood that makes everyone passout to FERRY BOMBS AND BODIES ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! What's next GREY'S!?! TELL ME NOW BECAUSE I DON'T THINK I CAN HANDLE IT!! (Seriously, I don't think I can. I watched a good portion of this episode on mute. MUTE!! That's not normal. I can't take the tension.)

What a coinidink! Phillis got married in THE OFFICE and Carlene was going through wedding magazines at the same time! And then there's Britney who doesn't seem to notice or care.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.