Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brrrr its cold in here...

Luc: what's new
Me: nothing much... im sick
Luc: AGAIN????

Story of my life. I try and I try but this damn virus always seems to get me.

Eh. To make matters worse...

The water heater busted the other night so we are all enduring "vigorous" and "oh so refreshing" cold showers that are nowhere near glorious. Its rather torturous and I can literally feel my fingers become frostbitten when I condition my hair. Eek! No fun at all.

water 004

We decided to turn off the water completely until we get the pipe fixed, so we have our stock of water and for the moment I'm feeling very "Little House on the Prarie." I'm sorta scared to make tea because of the limited water supply but it's only for one more day. Also I have another location to take a shower so all isn't too too wretched.

Also on the bright side, its my weekend so at least I'm not miserable and ill at work. Hurrah!


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Jurassic Park. Your @$$ is about to be excinct too.

This is my first time watching "Parental Control" on MTV where parents who hate the person their kid is dating set them up with new dates. Apparently in this episode, the girlfriend is a controling gold digger who's talking smack about the new girls AND the guy's parents. Oh my gosh, she's SO rude to her parents!! That's soooo bad and I'm uncomfortable. Talk about trainwreck... and total guilty pleasure. Teehee.

Anyways, last night Bombie and I had this conversation on the need to learn what our Nanang cooked in order to keep that recipe alive as well as a her legacy. My new goal is to learn how to make her lumpia (eggroll). Actually the lumpia is what sparked the talk seeing that at the party last night the lumpia was there and I proclaimed it as my favorite because of the taste and nostalgia associated with it.

Nicole: Your mom made the lumpia right?
Bombie: No. Nanang did.
Nicole: *pause* Really?
Bombie: NO!! MY MOM DID... did you think we froze it for this long?

For a moment, I thought they had been freezing it for 3 years...

There was also this awkward conversation

Bombie: They had that drink that was soo good. Michelle, what was that drink? I think it was called "WET PUSSY"
Michelle: The "Red apple?"
Bombie: NO... I think it was "WET PUSSY"
Michelle: It's also called the "Red apple"
Bombie: No... the free one. It's called the "WET PUSSY"
Michelle: That right... you had to go up to them and say "WET P..."
Bombie: See.. "WET PUSSY"
Nicole: Can we just stop saying it already!?!?!

When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. Windows are pretty awesome. :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I love it when we're crusin together...

As I was driving to work, the check engine light went off in my car. Seeing that I have had many bad experiences with check engine lights going off in my car (Boo to you Volkswagon!! Boo to you!!) paranoia settled into my mind and I promptly called out of work and took my worried self along with the disco blinking light to the shop thinking that my day was going to be spent in a waiting room.

Turns out that the last time I had my oil changed, they forgot to reset the system. So while I still have 1000 miles to go before the next change... the computer was screaming "Feed me slacker!! Give me oil!!!"

Stupid computer.

Luckily I didn't have to pay for them to tell me this and the folks at the shop were extremely nice during my somewhat useless girl moment.


In other news, there's a budding romance on the street. How do I know this? Because the kids keep chanting it outside my window. "Carrie and Jamie sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

While I don't know either of them, I do wish them the best of luck.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

May your hats fly as high as your dreams...

I hate you Grey's Anatomy. I hate you with all of my being.

Ok. Not all.

But you made me ansy. You made me queasy. YOU, Grey's Anatomy, made me watch you in mute.

Whats the deal with the drill!? You think I'd like that? Then you made Izzy tell George what she felt about his marriage. Seriously?! AND THEN YOU PULLED THAT DEAD THING...

Lame lame lame.

But you did make my heart flutter a bit for showing Kyle Chandler and Jeffery Dean Morgan at the end.

You may have redeemed yourself there because seeing them made me swoon.


Oh by the way, Happy February 15th.

You're still loved.

Sorta. ;)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

L is for the way you look at me

3 things come into mind whenever this time of the year comes along.

1. CHOCOLATE! Chocolate is everywhere. My theory with Valentines in the timeline of the year is that Valentines is the day where all diets stop. Christmas, you gorge because you're celebrating life, family, etc and typically you celebrate over food. New Years, you realize what you've done (specifically what you've eaten) and therefore you start this brand new year right and healthy. Then Valentines comes along and whether you're single or coupled up, you're eating chocolate because its all over the place and any thoughts of being "right and healthy" gets all f*cked up because you're surrounded by all the deliciously sinful temptation. I don't complain though, cause chocolate is delish. Now from this day you can decide to either 1) "Screw this diet! I ef-ed it up already... might as well go down in glory!" or 2) "Today was bad... but tomorrow I'll be better. Pinky swear and celery sticks!"

That is till Easter comes along and those gosh darn cadbury eggs start hatching...

2) GIRLS NIGHT! Generally you want to spend the evening with those that you love and care about. Sure it's a Wednesday night and you have an interview the next day, but you know what, I really just want to relax and be happy. Not that today makes people sad (though I do know some who seem to bury themselves in chocolate (see above) and tend to go overboard about the holiday, but it really is a matter of taking things into perspective.) Since a good majority of my dearest friends are girls its a night to get together and celebrate the fact that no matter what happens in life, we will be there for each other. As will the bars.

3) My dad. Growing up there were certain days I knew I was going to get gifts from my dad. My birthday (of course), Christmas (once again, of course), days when I was sick, and Valentines. Nothing big, just little thing to let my sister and I know that he cared. From fuzzy giant pink and purple plush spiders to even just a simple heart pencil to a goodie bag of chocolate (see #1) there was always something on the kitchen table on Valentines morning. Now seeing that we're grown up and living in different places, I can always expect a call from my dad (today it was at 10:23 am this morning). My day will be complete.

When you think about it, Valentines day is about love. Who you love. What you do for love. (In the name of love?) What you love doing. I have many loves in the form of family and friends and in general everything and anything that makes me smile. So in the end, I'm feeling very blessed today.

Have a lovely Valentines Day Sweet Babboos. ;)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Webster’s dictionary defines ‘wedding’ as “the fusing of two metals with a hot torch”.

Tonight's OFFICE was difficult to watch. I was cringing everytime Michael opened his mouth. Eh. But let me say that watching GREY'S ANATOMY was a lot more cringe worthy. SERIOUSLY! The situations they get into become more and more intense... from bombs in patients, to patients with toxic blood that makes everyone passout to FERRY BOMBS AND BODIES ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! What's next GREY'S!?! TELL ME NOW BECAUSE I DON'T THINK I CAN HANDLE IT!! (Seriously, I don't think I can. I watched a good portion of this episode on mute. MUTE!! That's not normal. I can't take the tension.)

What a coinidink! Phillis got married in THE OFFICE and Carlene was going through wedding magazines at the same time! And then there's Britney who doesn't seem to notice or care.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Oh no lets go!

Prince is totally rocking it out in the superbowl. TOTALLY. I'm getting goosepimples and I'm seriously wowed. Its raining and he's going insane over there in Superbowl land. My mom on the other had is looking very disgusted... basically because when we were younger she hated his songs because of his "ow" or his singing high pitch moans (ie: "I just want your extra time and your 'KIIIIIISSSSSSSS'" The "kiiiiiisssss" voice annoys her.) She thought he was overtly sexy/whiny and...



I wonder if they had this planned.

Him and God.

... and the New Power Generation.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ben Franklin, do you wear boxers, briefs, or pantaloons?

I was at the 24 hour walmart earlier today and while in the check out line (shampoo and mouthwash if you were terribly interested), there was a guy wearing a shirt that said "I <3 Latinas". The punk in me really wanted to go up to him, pout, and say "Are you telling me I don't have a chance!?!" but instead I did it mentally and giggled incessantly to Carlene.

It was just one of those days... ;)