Carlene: I spent all day on craigslist looking at personal ads for you. Check your email...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Home from errands...
Posted by
8:52 PM
Two posts... two post in one day!
Or maybe not really. I really thought I was going to have something good to write about.
Damn you lack of creativity. Why must you be so cruel.
Posted by
12:28 PM
Look out weekend cause here I come
... because weekends are made for fun.
I've been working 7 days straight... and finally... FINALLY... its my weekend. Talk about a sweet sweet day. Yesterday was absolute hell and although today wasn't bad at all, yesterday had already taken it's toll on everyone's spirits and well, we were all just managing to survive in our own little ways. However, today, Cuba Gooding Jr came to the hotel, and although I didn't get to talk to him, a part of me wanted to go up to him and say "show me... your photo ID" or "help me help you... get a room." How great would that have been!?!
Its funny because when I do see celebrities at the hotel, a part of me gets excited... and another part of my prays that I don't interact with them because they'll totally leave when I throw up on them. Damn you excitment, why can't you contain yourself!!
As to what I'm going to DO on my weekend? Hmmm.. I don't know. But I see a lot of sleep and stuff to pick up at Target. Mmmm, Target. I spend every weekend there. How great would it be if Target at night turned into a bar/club ala Peach Pit After Dark. That would be kick ass huh.
Well I interviewed for the promotion that I probably won't be getting. I think I did alright and possibly, right at that moment I might of had a chance. But still, I don't think I'll get it considering the competition... not that I'm a downer or anything, but I would rather be pleasantly suprised than bitterly dissapointed. So I shall leave it up to the upper management gods and hope that they'll say "Nicole, she isnt THAT bad. What have we got to loose."
SO the other night, I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that I had just had a baby (it was a girl and I have no idea who the father was) and I go to work where someone says to me "Oh you lost weight!" To which I reply, "yeah... apparently I've been pregnant all this time."
I really don't know what to think about that dream. Where's the dream dictionary when you need it.
Posted by
2:06 AM
Monday, August 22, 2005
Has anyone seen the BATTLE OF THE REALITY TV ALL-STARS on Bravo!? Its the greatest thing EVER! Seriously!! Some of the constestants include...
Chip and Kim from the Amazing Race (Yay! I Love them!)
The Miz, Melissa, Theo, and Coral from MTV RR/RW challenges (Yay! Mike is HOTT!)
Charla from the Amazing Race (Yay for Midgets!)
Nikki McKibbin from American Idol (Um... right.)
Ryan Starr from American Idol (weren't you in the Surreal Life?)
Adam from Average Joe (Moron!)
Evan from Joe Millionaire (Greasy)
Wendy Pepper from Project Runway (The crazy bitch!)
Jonathan and Victoria from the Amazing Race (HATE THEM!)
See, with such a diverse group of reality stars, its DRAMA just waiting to happen. :) Fun fun fun!!
Lets see what's been going on?
-Just recently applied for another promotion... this one I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get, but hell, its an experience just to interview right? Riiiight. Bottom line, I'm setting myself up for heartbreak. Moron!!
-Last Thursday night, it was a impromptu girls night with my friends from work... so drinkie here, hot bartenders there, and weird guy names everywhere!! For example:
Guy: SO what's your name?
Me: Nicole. What's yours?
Guy: Alfredo.
Me: oh wow. Do you go by "Al" for short?
Guy: Nope. "Fredo."
Random. And yet much more "normal" than the guy named Elvis. Seriously.
All in all it was a terrific night, highlight of course, right next to being locked into a bathroom stall, was seeing a Mighty Duck who was sooooo gosh darn gorgeous that I completely forgot what I was going to order and just started drooling right then and there. Quack baby... quack.
Will definitely have to do that again! Good times. :) Really. GOOD TIMES.
Posted by
5:19 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Tap-a Tap-a Tap-a
I really had the intention of doing something worthwhile today...
But TMC had a FULL DAY's worth of Fred Astire and Ginger Rodgers movies on...
So on my day off, it was me, the dogs, good ole Fred and Ginger, and the couch. Talk about a deliciously lazy afternoon.
And when I think about it, I can thank my dear cousin Kristine for the Fred and Ginger love, because without her buying THE GAY DIVORCEE while on a trip over here a LOOONG TIME AGO, I would have never known the awesomeness of them. So thanks Kristine!!
Speaking of thinking of someone:
Luck Doo 79: NICOLE
spaznik: LUC
Luck Doo 79: guess what made me think of u tonight
spaznik: what!?!
Luck Doo 79: i read an article on the internet about fred durst's porn was released all over the internet
Luck Doo 79: HAHAHHA
Luck Doo 79: i dunno just made me think of u
Luck Doo 79haHAA
spaznik: oh gee...
spaznik: thanks.
Can we say tickled to death!?! :) Just kidding Luc. You know I love you.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
How YOU doin?
So to anyone who has tried to call within the last 2 days (all 2 of you.... Jean and hopefully that secret admirer who finally mustered up the guts to confess his feelings) I "lost" my phone!! During a break, I used it to call Joey and when I was finished, I could have sworn I had put it in my purse inside the closet. Well turned out that I didn't and in fact, slipped it into the purse of one of my co-worker's. But before I found out that it was still alive and safe, I was freaking out because goodness knows that I don't want to purchase a new phone just yet and IF I had to do so, it would be a total bitch just getting everyone's numbers again. Apparently I depend on my phone A LOT and not having it near me has made me feel very vulernable. My mind was connstantly playing "WHAT IF" with me. Anyways, so its at work and tomorrow we shall be reunited and I will find voicemails from my DAD. Exciting stuff.
Anyways, so despite feeling naked and incredibly poor cause the thought of getting a new phone was bitting into my mental wallet, my weekend was good. Saturday consisted of work, actually getting off early, and going to Victoria Gardens with Carlene and Sonny for shopping and dinner. We ate at this japanese restaurant there, and we obviously ate with our eyes rather than our stomachs. They had a "deal" where if you order 3 rolls of sushi PER PERSON, you'll be getting them at 1/2 price. So there we were with 9 rolls (technically 7 since 2 of them only had 2 pieces) 3 appetitzers AND tempura ice cream. Goodness gracious, we had to roll around the center afterwards because that was just a bit too much. Delicious, but too much. Too freaking much. It makes me full just thinking about it right now.
Oh by the way, the other day, I had a guest ask me for a pair of scissors because her daughter had gum in her hair. So I gave it to her thinking that it was going to be just a little bit, but unfortunantly for her daughter it wasn't. I guess they had just finished watching CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY and had put the gum behind her ear just like Violet. Poor thing had a huge clump of hair behind her ear taken off... awwww.
Posted by
12:14 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Hellooo August! How YOU doing?
Its been pretty chaotic at the house, mostly because we just installed new windows, french doors, some lights, and a ceiling fan here in the office. It's still a work in process considering that there's little stuff here and there that needs some loving and its all somewhat irritating because Ty and his homies can churn out a house in ONE WEEK, whereas we just need some windows and its already surpassed an extreme makeover time limit. Arrg. And all the dust has been aggravating my throat so I'm coughing like a mother. (Does this analogy even make sense? How can it be a "mother"? Anyhoo...)
Speaking of mothers, (but not in THAT sense), my own mom is off at her nursing college reunion weekend-o-fun! I believe they started the festivities early this week with a pre-fun BBQ at one of the auntie's house in the Valley, now they're off on a bus enjoying VEGAS (Baby!), and Saturday night it will be the actual gala.
Me: So how's everyone doing?
Mom: They're all fat.
Niiice. Its funny because now that we're older, Carlene and I aren't being dragged to every function that my parents have. 13 years ago when mom and her Barkada had their last L.A. college reunion, they forced us kids to go up on stage and sing a melody of songs dedicated to their life in 72' which included hits such as "Rose in Spanish Harlem" and some song about getting a "red rose for a blue lady". I believe there was a theme about roses in the song medley, I could be wrong though. What I DO remember though was what I was wearing, and believe me, it was ugly. And you don't forget the ugly.
If you look closely, you'll notice little flecks of glitter on me. THANKS A LOT LIBBY LU! :P
Miss Laura is in town and we were able to get together at... well you guessed it! DISNEYLAND! I swear its like I live there... ;P Anyways, you'd think it would be rides rides rides galore, but it turned out to be Nicole and Laura's day O' gluttony. Eat eat eat, that's all we pretty much did and really how can you resist eating when you're surrounded by delicious temptation! Funnel cakes, corn dogs, oh my! We did ride Space Mountain though, although the wait was over an hour. That line is insane and we were convinced that an overhead view had us spelling out the word LOSER with all the turns and loops that line went through.... and really who stands in line for an hour for 4 minutes of fun in the cold darkness. Apparently a LOT of people or else that line wouldn't be so long huh. Yep. Totally makes sense.
Posted by
11:09 AM