Thursday, June 09, 2005

I'm 25 and 2 hours years old...

Although I though I'd be celebrating Friday night, I had a delightful birthday today despite working... but even work wasn't all too bad. The best part, of course, when when I was done at 10, I just thought "I'm going to go home, pop in a dvd and watch a movie until I fall asleep"... but luckily that didn't happen.

I had just finished changing when I returned to the office to grab my purse when Louis came to me and said that I had a guest who was asking for me because apparenly I had checked him in or something. I, of course, had NO recollection of having a guest who was having problems or would have anything to complain about so I was sort of getting nervous about it. So, Louis took me to the side door so I can see this guy who was looking for me, said, "Oh he went into the line" and when I went to look, he pushed back the door and there was Carlene and Sonny with a camera! I wasn't going "go home!" YAAAAY!!!

Anyways, so when I did clock out, I went to the bar to meet them and later Jean where we gorged on nachoes and talked. It really was a lovely night and I am oh so grateful for them because they made my night extremely special.

OH!! And you can't forget the birthday cake...

Is that an Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich a top of a napkin with 12 crazy candles on it?

Happy Birthday to me.... oh my gosh, I think Happy Birthday to me... is this thing is on fire?

Nothing like spending the last few hours of your birthday with some of the folks you love...

:) Thank you for a wonderful night!!


Jean said...

my.. those candles are crazy!!! glad you had a great night! :)

*can you send me the pictures pretty please. thanks!


Anonymous said...

WE ROCK, glad u had a great b-day night! I like the new set up too nicole.