I got home early tonight to find that its impromptu KARAOKE night here at the house.
It may sound painful, but in the end, its downright funny and fun. Funny and fun! Pretty much the same things huh.
I appled and interviewed this past week for basically "more responsibility" at work. Hope I get it... or do I? Actually I do. It should be fun and well... funny too. Plus, MORE PAY! Horray!
Goodness, I need some sleep.
But the karaoke is calling to me...
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Oh help me please...
Posted by
8:17 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Who's your daddy? Um... Charlie.
So on Father's day, we took Dad back to Catal because he has raving on and on about their compressed salad, so why deny him of his Manchego cheese, arugula, red apples, dates, walnuts, and pistachio vinaigrette? Exactly...
What did you get?
A shirt!?
Wait... another shirt and goes with the first one!?!
Happy Father's Day... Dad!
Posted by
12:52 PM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Friday night: The plan was to meet up, have some drinks, and enjoy. I think it was pretty successful seeing that I a) met up with some friends and family b) had some drinks and c) enjoyed the night. Yep. I'd say mission accomplished.
At Daphne's before 10:30
With Dielle
With Sonny (the Canadian!)
Yay for Luc!!
Carlene and Pheleah
Beth and Sakura
Sakura and Jean... both with some lovely hair action going on. :)
I don't know what's going on here...
Joey and Albert
Dielle and her friend Eric who looks a bit like JR.
Saturday: Spent the day with Mom, Carlene, and Sonny over at Victoria Gardens where we shopped and watched MR AND MRS SMITH. Brad Pitt is a delicious man. When I think about him, I start to drool. Oh look, I'm salivating.
Mom says "Where's the rent... bitch!"
Oh by the way, one of Sonny's clients gave him a token of appreciation for making his gun catalog.
Um.. don't fret. It shoots BBs.
Riiiiighhht... get a room!
Sunday: More family time... specifically lunch with my dad.
Quality family time!
Don't you love paper tablecloths that you can write on with Crayons?
Oh whats this?
Let's get together... yah yah yah...
Yeah right. My parent's aren't going to be getting back together any time soon... but I did feel very Haley Mills and Parent Trap-ish at that moment.
Carlene REALLY enjoyed the Sangria. Really really enjoyed it.
At one point during lunch:
Dad (talking about how he was at my Uncle's house watching a movie with his nephews and their friends): "Then someone said "let's watch the Paris Hilton porn!"
Carlene: OH... isn't it dark and you can't see anything?
Dad: No... you can see everything! She's very bad.
Carlene: Its all nightvision right?
Dad: Only in the begining. Its all hardcore. It's was ONE NIGHT IN PARIS.
It was a GREAT weekend!! :)
Posted by
1:25 AM
Friday, June 10, 2005
25 and a day...
Can I say that yesterday was a terriffic day?
So far so good... :)
Posted by
11:20 AM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I'm 25 and 2 hours years old...
Although I though I'd be celebrating Friday night, I had a delightful birthday today despite working... but even work wasn't all too bad. The best part, of course, when when I was done at 10, I just thought "I'm going to go home, pop in a dvd and watch a movie until I fall asleep"... but luckily that didn't happen.
I had just finished changing when I returned to the office to grab my purse when Louis came to me and said that I had a guest who was asking for me because apparenly I had checked him in or something. I, of course, had NO recollection of having a guest who was having problems or would have anything to complain about so I was sort of getting nervous about it. So, Louis took me to the side door so I can see this guy who was looking for me, said, "Oh he went into the line" and when I went to look, he pushed back the door and there was Carlene and Sonny with a camera! I wasn't going "go home!" YAAAAY!!!
Anyways, so when I did clock out, I went to the bar to meet them and later Jean where we gorged on nachoes and talked. It really was a lovely night and I am oh so grateful for them because they made my night extremely special.
OH!! And you can't forget the birthday cake...
Is that an Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich a top of a napkin with 12 crazy candles on it?
Happy Birthday to me.... oh my gosh, I think Happy Birthday to me... is this thing is on fire?
Nothing like spending the last few hours of your birthday with some of the folks you love...
:) Thank you for a wonderful night!!
Posted by
2:41 AM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I'm feeling very pretty at the moment. I'm wearing a skirt, my hair is all soft and shiny and although my toes really aren't up to parr right now, it doesn't matter. I need some chapstick and well... I'll be set. No where to go really. I'm having a "early birthday dinner" with my family in a couple of minutes since I'll be working tomorrow night.
Yep. In a couple of hours, I'll be 25.
Goodness. I remember thinking when I was 22, "in 3 more years, I can rent a car without the young person's fee."
Oh my gosh, I can rent a car without the young person's fee!
In a couple of hours that is...
Exciting I tell you! I'm not nervous or scared about it, I'm happy. 24 was a terriffic year, so goodness knows how 25 will be. Maybe it will be even better!!
We'll see what's written in the stars...
Posted by
8:29 PM
Where did all the pink go?
I was feeling lazy and picked this nifty template. I can't add links until I figure out what that header font over to the side is so that everything will be in uniform. Matching makes me happy.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Oh the pain...
Little girl at the front desk: Does your face hurt?
Nicole: No... (thinking that the rash has covered my face and left me looking beastly)
Little girl: Oh.. cause you smile a LOT!
Thanks kid... I think.
Posted by
7:10 PM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Scratch scratch scratch
Currently at the moment, I am SLATHERED in Calamine lotion. It was werid thing, today for lunch, I went to Henry's to pick up a Panini and some cookies... and a short while later at work, I broke into HIVES!! At first, I thought it was a bug bite because I did have one on my left shoulder... and perhaps it was my clothes, so I changed, but then the itchiness that felt like it was only on my shoulder and arms began creeping out of my blouse and and attacking my neck!! So off I went to the medical center, and got some of the "good stuff" (aka Benadryl) and was told that it was some allergic reaction. Weirdness. Anyways, so the sweet magical drug did work its wonders for some time and I did manage to knock out for 15 minutes in the break room due to its "magical side effects" but abrupty woke up only to find myself DROOLING on the the table. Drooling girl with weird red bumps all over is definitely not a pretty site.
Luckily, I got through my day, stopped at a Save On for more drugs and lotion, and got home to find out that its ALL FREAKIN OVER MY BODY. On my chest, legs, back... everywhere. I am an itchy, sticky, mediciny, miserable girl right now... now if only I can figure out what the hell I'm allergic too so this can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
Curse you Henry's and your organic foods!!
Just kidding. You really ought to try their sandwiches... they put alfalfa sprouts in them! YUM!
Before work and the arrival of the hives, I went to Joe's P-grad! HORRAY FOR JOE! I am very very proud of him and goodness knows he had a very active cheering section. Now hopefully we can hang out because seriously, it has been too long!
At the graduation, I saw a guy I thought I knew... but it turned out that it wasn't the guy. Don't you hate it when that happens, you're thinking "yeah! I know that person... yeah thats the one!!" but then you start talking to them and and calling them by the name that you think they were given and they're looking at you like "um... what do you want dumbass?" Yeah... it sucks. It sucks even more when Mondo is next to you, witnessing your folly, and giving you the "L" hand signal. Bastard.
I did see and talk to a guy who crashed my 16th birthday party almost 9 years ago. I knew he looked familiar!
Eww.. did I just say "16th birthday" and "almost 9 years ago" in the same sentence? Nasty!
Ok. Even my ears are itchy. Time to call it a night!
Posted by
12:01 AM