Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Since we both had the day off, Mom and I went to our local Chik-fil-a for lunch. Inside, there was a what I call "a future family" for NANNY 911... or SUPERNANNY... whatever "naughty" parenting show you watch. Anyways, watching the mom scream at her 2 young boys who were running amok and allowing her baby to wander around the restrauant BAREFOOT, prompted my mom to say...

"If I had a kid today... I'd put them on a leash."

Good thing I'm not 4 years old or else I'd be tethered to the woman.

It was a pretty chaotic scene and we opted to sit as far away from the kids as we could... and yet there was little barefoot baby wandering by with her mom remarking that she "lost her good child" and laughing about it.

All while George Michael's "I WANT YOUR SEX" was playing the backround.

Weird weird weird.