Sunday, October 26, 2003


That pretty much sums it up.

I don't think I've ever done an event where I was SO STRESSED OUT. It seemed like there were all these factors against us just to finish... Oh my goodness, Sonny and I found ourselves over at Magic Mountain at 7am this morning, with no SAN FERNANADO MISSION BLVD exit in sight. Yeah... apparently we took the wrong 5 freeway! Making those centerpieces was HELL. Since these suckers were SOO big, we couldn't make them in the shop before time, so we had to make 28 HUUUUGGEEE pieces outside, this morning, IN THE WIND. As you can imagine, many obsenities were groaned in frustration as these things toppled over... over and over again. At one point, it came down on my head... which made a loud "THUD" and I became lightheaded and dizzy for a good 10 minutes afterwards. But whatever... kept on working...

I think I have a bump on my forehead because of this centerpiece...


In the end though, it came out really pretty. (as expected) Technically, this wasn't our biggest wedding peoplewise... that one would have been the 700 guest Indian wedding last December, but this was our BIGGEST PRODUCTION-wise considering that everything was fresh and it took us a week just to prep for this thing. I guess there was a sorority function in the ballroom next door, and so these girls kept on coming in the room and "ooh-ing and ahh-ing" over all the decorations. One girl even said "This is what I want when I get married." Haha. We all sort of cringed when she said that.

"Ok everyone! The company has gone bankrupt so you won't get your paychecks... but we REALLY do appreciate your hard work."


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