Monday, July 12, 2004


The weekend was GREAT! We went up to the American River to do some white water rafting with the hospital. :) Unlike last year, we were PREPARED. We had lamps, food, games, and the knowledge of how to paddle properly. WE WERE PROS!

how does this camera work again??

getting ready for the rapids...

the offical "before" picture

melissa, sonny and adrien... it's not so "rapid" yet

melissa's starshot during lunch

skimming rocks. its great fun. really. :)

sandwiches with some REALLY GOOD BREAD!

carlene is stoned. ha ha ha.

its the "we're too cool for Charlie's Angels" pose

they're preparing to stand up during a rapid... I opt to sit down and take this picture.

boat shot!

Some highlights and stuff that I wish I had on camera include:

-Carlene and Sonny's shadow puppet show: They had a superduperuber megawatt flashlight and were extremely bored. My favorite was the shadow duck that attacked shadow Sonny.

-Mom upstaging them with her own mini shadow gogo-strip show: Always remember not to have your flashlight behind you when you change in the tent.

-Welcome to paradise!

-I hear he has a small "dingie": One of the campers got really really drunk and while playing poker, left the table and went to pee... right outside my mom's tent. She had her revenge though when she revealed that his manhood wasn't as manly as he thought.

-T-GRIP!! Sorry Adrian!

-karaoke with the country boys

-Why do it normal... lets go down Troublemaker... BACKWARDS!

-He's splashing me and he's DOING IT ON PURPOSE!!!

-Um... why take a shower when there's a hose.

-Why does my ass hurt?? This plagued everyone on our boat. Anytime we sat down, we did it gingerly because our butts were so sore. We figure its because last year's boat had a gentle hissing sound that probably meant it was loosing air... this year's boat was hard and we had to bounce on it A LOT since bouncing was the only means ot getting us off of rocks we got stuck on. We got stuck many-a-time.

-I DIDN'T FALL OUT OF THE BOAT!! I mastered the technique of falling "into" the boat whenever we got bumped as well as the whole "keep my toes tucked" because those puppies sure were tucked. My toes are now bruised.

-It was cold at night. COLD!

-Folks were loud at night. LOUD!

-Thank you busdriver Abel for the HOMIES!!! At one of our first stops, our bus driver Abel saw Carlene, Melissa and I eyeing a "HOMIES" vending machine and so on our way home at dinner, he bought us some. :) Awwwww!

-Where are the AMERICAN PIE GUYS!?!

-WE WANT ZACH! ZACH IS DREAMY! Zach was our oh so dreamy riverguide last year who looked like Prince William. This year, we had Chrystal, who was nice enough, but didn't seem to care that Adrien nearly broke his finger when he fell out. Zach would have cared... he was dreamy. :)

-Excuse me, I flopped out of my flip flop. Walking up a dirt hill with wet feet and slipperly flip flops can be hazardous. It also can be embarassing when you have the cute riverguide behind you hand over your shoe, laughing.

-Too much information!! While in the cold cold water, an old river guide complained that he was nipply and feeling some "shrinkage." Also on our trip was a very loud, obnoxious, large woman with HUUUUGE thighs who constantly complained that she was going to die (on the rapids). After "surviving" her ride, she later proclaimed that she wanted to go home and have some SEX. We all puked a little "inside."

-You cheat! You cheat Dr jones! I played poker with the boys and fellow campers... and won almost $30. Apparently I know what I'm doing. :) YAY FOR CELEBRITY POKER SHOWDOWN!

So there you have it. BEST SUMMER EVER!! Um... how about we go somewhere else next year? :)