Tuesday, April 23, 2002

awwwww.. I love joe!
EclipseJMR: hey
EclipseJMR: i've missed you
EclipseJMR: where've you been
EclipseJMR: it's been like 3 whole days
EclipseJMR: how come you didn't tell me where you were goin
EclipseJMR: what...we don't tell each other where we are
EclipseJMR: what if something happened
EclipseJMR: what if you got eaten by a wolf....or a tiger that escaped from the zoo
EclipseJMR: what then
EclipseJMR: you shold have been more considerate with my feelings and tell me where you are
EclipseJMR: booo!

I'm sorry Joe... :) I ran as fast as I could when I saw the escaped tiger if that makes you feel better...

OH.. and Manny wanted in...
Who Da Manny: yer so hot spazzie
Who Da Manny: i wanna ride u
spaznik: get in line...
Who Da Manny: i hope that made it in yer blogger
spaznik: hahahaha..
spaznik: are we TRYING to make it in the blogger?
Who Da Manny: yes ho

Note that he didn't say pretty please with a cherry on top... ;P He was saying I was hot just to get on the blogger.. *tsk* typical. hehehe.. Manny's a silly bastard... but you gotta love him in that non-sex way.

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