Saturday, May 01, 2004

Mom and I had 2 options for tonight:

A) Go watch "Mean Girls". My mom has been WAITING for this to come out. Every time we'd see a commercial for it, she'd go "I want to see this." Seriously... EVERY TIME. I know. I get it. You want to see it!

B) Go see Jane Monheit. I was browsing around Thursday night and found that she was performing at the Catalina Bar and Grill on Sunset. Last time I went to see her, Mom wasn't feeling well, so my Tita Ne came with me instead.

Actually, I lie. We had 3 options.

C) Stay home. Watch John Stossel's "Give me a Break" segment on 20/20. I love that guy.

Mom decided that the movie option would probably the best since it was cheaper than B... not to mention, she really really wanted to see it. So 10 minutes before the scheduled time, we went over to the theater, only to find that not only was it completely sold out but that the theater itself had been overrun by obnoxious hootchified teenieboppers who were probably more eager to see the movie than my mom. We didn't want to see any of the other movies that was showing and I could see the annoyance in my mom's eyes grow as we got in line to get tickets for the 9:45 show.... I figured that the movie would be out for a while, whereas this would be the last time to see Jane Monheit until September or so... Mom looked around at the kids, and agreed. IT WAS ON TO PLAN B!

Since the bar was small and we got there early, we had a terrific table that was 6 feet from the stage.

I didn't have my camera with me, but this is my little stick figure rendering of where we were.
Nice huh.

We could see the lace on her dress, the mole on her cheek, the hair frizzies around her face... and probably the most adorable pair of metallic blue/silver shoes on her feet. (CUTE!!)

I don't want to bore you with overly dramatic descriptions about how Jane Monheit was so completely awesome and that she sang some new songs on her soon to be released new album or how my entire being was being immersed with the music... because blah blah blah.. you get it already. :)

Oh... but yeah... it was so great. I had so much fun and my cheeks are hurting a bit from smiling the entire time we were there. Mom loved it and we popped in her CD on the way home, as if the show never ended. It was complete ear candy heaven.

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