Monday, February 11, 2002

Oops... I forgot. :)

The other day while at BJs... after the Magic Auction... I ran into an old friend... Carolyn Erdman... back from the Holy Name days. Well, it turned out that she's just recently engaged! :) Yeah... she had that whole "I'm so happy and in love" glow about her not to mention the RING!. So that makes 2 girls from my kindergarten class now who have found their "mate" and have made it offical. I'm jealous as hell... but genuinely happy for her... we lost touch during high school but then we had the same Poli Sci class at CSUF when we were freshmen... and she had told me about her relationship with Nick back then. So YAY for her. I think I may have stolen her thunder somewhat by telling her that Nicki had already gotten married in July... therefore making her the 2nd girl from the class that we know of... She was suprised when she heard that, I'm sure she wanted to be the first. (who wouldn't!)... but HEY.. at least she's engaged! Lucky lucky girl...

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