Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Hmmmm... one day... 3 divisions. :) Do we get an award or something?

Yesterday, (technically earlier today but you know how blog works) Beth and I met up to do some CONVENTION PROMOTION! (Psst. GO TO CONVENTION!) So we started with my home club... and then it was off to UCI where we were late... but then luckily Mikie was there... and he was doing some promotion for his Magic auction so he offered to drive us to UCLA to do some more promoting! The drive over there and back was sooo awesome... MIKIE YOU ARE TOO COOL! :) I haven't laughed like that in such a long time. Who knew we can go so far on a tassell tangent. ;) Finally after our long day, it was off to dinner at In&Out and a little gawking at the Pepperdine baseball team.

I'm definitely feeling better... had a GREAT day and a kick ass night. :) Its amazing what pentel markers and pokemon stickers can do for the soul.

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