Sunday, March 21, 2004

I got new shampoo and conditioner and I'm gosh darn eager to try it out. Maybe its the weather... or maybe it's my car... but my hair, which probably had its peak about a month or so ago, has sadly decimated to "dry, dull and lifeless." All the qualities that make a pretty horrific "before" picture hairwise. So I'm hoping these bottles of Herbal Essence Fruit Fusion with Hawafena work its orgasmic organic magic on my hair, making it worthy of a commercial. I don't plan on "OoO-ing" and "ahh-ing" about in the shower because its just shampoo... but if a pair of burly hands cut through the curtain and start touching my head, I'm gonna scream bloody murder.

It sure does smell good though. :) It must be the fruity Hawafena... whatever it is.

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