Wednesday, August 13, 2003

YAY!! We got our rafting pictures in the mail today! Look!


Here we are about to hit "Satan's Sespool". Doesn't it sound deliciously sinister!?! By the way, if you couldn't tell, Adrian found the camera. ;P

Apparently Joseph found it did too.

Wheee! Right after this, we hit a rock on the left (your right) and Matt (the white dude gripping his paddle rather fiercely in the front) fell out. Funny thing is that the water was pretty still and I guess the seat was slippery after the "sespool" Poor guy... but we saved him. :)


This is us about to hit the "Troublemaker". The name of the rapid itself isn't as exciting as "Satan's Sespool" but it was a bit wilder than expected.

"Oh damn" is right.

More pics from the disposal camera. YAY for waterproof!

Tent sweet insect infested tent.

This is Zack our riverguide with Carlene and Sonny.
Isn't he the cutest!? *my hero*

Here's Adrian after his fall into the river. How bad-ass is that! :)

No Comment. But I'm guessing this was the face I had as I was floating down the river when I went overboard. Of course there were more rocks and rapids... and my face was probably a bit more pathetic and puppydog-ish underneath the hat and glasses.

They told us that there would be cameras along the river... so the guys decided to practice. Uh huh.

Yep. The waterproof camera works.

... and that was my summer vacation. :)

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