So its been a over a week and I still have this horrid chest congestion going on. My nose isn't stuffy, nor am I feeling crappy (anymore), but I'm coughing and my chest just feel "full" for "ickiness." The scary thing is that the other day (and earlier today and in fact just right now) I'll start coughing... and the minute I'm done coughing, I can't breathe. Like my lungs won't allow air in... so it freaked me out and I made my first appointment using my medical benifits with Kaiser.
Let me say, within those first few minutes of just talking to them, I was really impressed. I had an appointment for tomorrow, assigned a primary physician, AND had routine check in appointment made all within 15 minutes. I'm feeling very grown up at the moment.
Grown up and coughy. :P I hope there's effective antibotics in my future.
Speaking of... next month, I'll start my 401k. Only some X more years until I can retire and write that muscial I've always wanted to... ;P
Not to be all gross, but I really can't stop staring at this biore strip. Its sick and utterly fascinating everytime I use it. It makes me wonder if everyone's pores are this dirty? Can someone use it and take a picture of it for me? Put it as your myspace pic... give it a caption like "SNOWY FOREST".
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Posted by
11:52 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I know I know...
I've been sucking at updating. I don't know if its a "lack of interest" thing or if its a "I'm just lazy" sort. But I do wish I had the blogging stamina that I had oh so many years ago... because even as I sit here, I don't even remember what my past "excitments" have been this past week, let alone the month I haven't written, and I KNOW that old crazy blogging spazzie me would have had that shit done the moment I had gotten home from anything somewhat interesting.
Anyways, life in general is good. Several days ago, it was my dad's birthday, and tonight we're going to celebrate it over at Benihana because I think he has been harboring this secret need to be sung "Happy Birthday" tn the tune of "If you're happy and you know it" in japanese. Seriously. Almost everytime we go out to dinner, he'll bring up the fact that they did it to me on my 21st birthday, and he'll ask how the song went... and well you know me and my japanese... I'll just look at him like he's crazy. So fast forward to today, and I call him...
Me: Hi dad! Where do you want to go to dinner?
Dad: Oh... I don't know. You pick!
Me: Hmmmm... Cheesecake Factory? Mi Piace??
Dad: That's too far. How about Benihana's?
And while I am down for Benihanas and they're mission statement of "Let me grill hot teriyaki meat and then THROW it at you with my sharp knife for a pretty penny", I'd like to point out that he said "you pick" and given the choices, his heart cried out for what its been holding in for 4 years now.
And with that I'm going to Benihanas tonight. Pictures and fun-filled text to follow... hopefully.
I drove out to LAX the other night to pick up my Mom, who had spent the last week and a half in Germany visiting family and seeing the sights. The best is that she came home with a WHOLE LOT OF CHOCOLATE... and while I'm always down for chocolate, I didn't know that german chocoate is sooooooo gosh darn good! Oh wait... I just wrote "german chocoate" and it makes sense now as to why it's so good because my mind just finished that statement and added "cake". German Chocolate Cake.... yeah they have good chocolate. Lets just leave it at that.
What was cool about mom's trip was that she was able to text us on her cellie and we were able to keep in touch almost on a daily basis. So when she told us she was going to Belgum, I told her to eat some belgian waffles because when in Belgum, you do as the Belgians do and you eat their waffles. Apparently it was "just ok." Hmmm...
I sure am writing a lot about food today. The other night at work, we were all lamenting about how unhealthy our eating habits had become and my manager had this idea of everyone going on a 6 week diet and the winner and their significant other would have dinner treated by the rest of participants. While it is a motivatingly good idea, the first thing that came into my head was that 1) I have no significant other and 2) so if I lose, I'll be fat AND lonely. Damn you negative thoughts... but hey if you're going down, might as well go down in glory... and there is a whole lot of chocolate downstairs that's cheering me on.
Just kidding... not really.
Last saturday night was KNOTTS SCARY FARM and while I wasn't as skittish as I have been in recent years, I did have my moments of scream/laughing and telling monsters they they won in successfully scaring me. I'd also like to point out that Jean and I had us some DELICIOUS funnel cake. I'm telling you. Going down in glory.
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11:45 AM